Article A Short History of the Lod ge of Emulation, No. 21. ← Page 4 of 4 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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A Short History Of The Lod Ge Of Emulation, No. 21.
The United Loclge of Prudence , No . 83 , was the lirst lodge to settle at The Albion , in the year 1822 , followed by
Wgfriijjttiri . THK ALlilON TAVERN , ALDERSGATE STREET . THE MEETING PLACE OF THE LODGE OF EMULATION SINCK 1810 . the Shakespeare Loclge , No . 99 , in 1823 , the Caledonian Loclge , No . 134 , in 18 45 , and the Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 , in 18 4 6 .
A notable feature in this connection , and one that speaks highly for the management of the house and the treatment of its customers , is the evident reluctance of the lodges to change their quarters , having once settled at The Albion . So far as I can learn there have been , since it was first known as a masonic house , twenty-six lodges held on
the premises , not to mention Royal Arch Chapters and other bodies appertaining lo Freemasonry , and in view of the inducements held out bv various new establishments
in the West End , it is , to say the least of it , somewhat remarkable that nineteen lodges still assemble there regularly . A few words here with reference to the loclge from which the Loclge of Emulation derived its present name may not be out of place . This loclge was constituted nth April , 1767 , at ' The Consliliilioii Coffee House , in Bedford
Street , Covent Garden , as No . 390 , hence , during the lirst three years of its career , it was known as the Constitution Lodge . In 1770 it was removed to The Guildhall Coffee House , now known as The Guildhall Tavern , where it adopted the title of The Loclge of Emulation . In 1771
it was removed to its near neighbour , The Paul ' s Head in Cateaton Street , already noticed , and in 1773 to The London Tavern , Bishopsgate Street . In 1780 it was united with the Mourning Bush Loclge , No . 13 , full particulars of which important event will be given at a later stage . The Consliliilioii
Coffee House of 1767 was an old house standing near the gate of St . Paul ' s Church , Covent Garden . It afterwards became known as The Consliliilioii Tavern , noted as the resort of men of letters , for its late hours , and sundry other peculiarities duly chronicled by Timbs in Club Life in London . The
place seems to have subsequently descended to the level of an ordinary public house , and as such was carried on until about twenty years ago when the premises were rebuilt and are now occupied as business offices .
( To be continued . )
CuSTARD WITH FRUIT - \ > ^ H ^ l ^^^^ k . ~ . £ ^ I ^^^ K ^^^^^^^^^ Ktt ~* 2 tfK * ^^ IB ^ 1 JLL , W \ ttt '^^^^ MBjPPyjfl ^ MwnWJ ^^^ KMlB ^ IBiB ^^^ r *^ ^& . TJB ^^ B ^^^ IV B"f „ . 'Nature ? provides the fruit : IOT\ ^ LBIRD 'supplies the custard : 1 i \ \ Jd Tr Ythem together Ci ICLTT AI? OpnwnFi ?
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Short History Of The Lod Ge Of Emulation, No. 21.
The United Loclge of Prudence , No . 83 , was the lirst lodge to settle at The Albion , in the year 1822 , followed by
Wgfriijjttiri . THK ALlilON TAVERN , ALDERSGATE STREET . THE MEETING PLACE OF THE LODGE OF EMULATION SINCK 1810 . the Shakespeare Loclge , No . 99 , in 1823 , the Caledonian Loclge , No . 134 , in 18 45 , and the Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 , in 18 4 6 .
A notable feature in this connection , and one that speaks highly for the management of the house and the treatment of its customers , is the evident reluctance of the lodges to change their quarters , having once settled at The Albion . So far as I can learn there have been , since it was first known as a masonic house , twenty-six lodges held on
the premises , not to mention Royal Arch Chapters and other bodies appertaining lo Freemasonry , and in view of the inducements held out bv various new establishments
in the West End , it is , to say the least of it , somewhat remarkable that nineteen lodges still assemble there regularly . A few words here with reference to the loclge from which the Loclge of Emulation derived its present name may not be out of place . This loclge was constituted nth April , 1767 , at ' The Consliliilioii Coffee House , in Bedford
Street , Covent Garden , as No . 390 , hence , during the lirst three years of its career , it was known as the Constitution Lodge . In 1770 it was removed to The Guildhall Coffee House , now known as The Guildhall Tavern , where it adopted the title of The Loclge of Emulation . In 1771
it was removed to its near neighbour , The Paul ' s Head in Cateaton Street , already noticed , and in 1773 to The London Tavern , Bishopsgate Street . In 1780 it was united with the Mourning Bush Loclge , No . 13 , full particulars of which important event will be given at a later stage . The Consliliilioii
Coffee House of 1767 was an old house standing near the gate of St . Paul ' s Church , Covent Garden . It afterwards became known as The Consliliilioii Tavern , noted as the resort of men of letters , for its late hours , and sundry other peculiarities duly chronicled by Timbs in Club Life in London . The
place seems to have subsequently descended to the level of an ordinary public house , and as such was carried on until about twenty years ago when the premises were rebuilt and are now occupied as business offices .
( To be continued . )
CuSTARD WITH FRUIT - \ > ^ H ^ l ^^^^ k . ~ . £ ^ I ^^^ K ^^^^^^^^^ Ktt ~* 2 tfK * ^^ IB ^ 1 JLL , W \ ttt '^^^^ MBjPPyjfl ^ MwnWJ ^^^ KMlB ^ IBiB ^^^ r *^ ^& . TJB ^^ B ^^^ IV B"f „ . 'Nature ? provides the fruit : IOT\ ^ LBIRD 'supplies the custard : 1 i \ \ Jd Tr Ythem together Ci ICLTT AI? OpnwnFi ?