Article Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire. Page 1 of 1 Article Rostrum Lodge, No. 3037. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cheshire.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire .
' ~ pHE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of J Cheshire was held on the iSth instant at the Town Hall , Stalybridge . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , presided . The position of Deputy Provincial Grand Master—in the absence
through illness of Bro . Sir Horatio Lloyd—was occupied by Bro . F . Broadsmith , P . G . W . Among the officers of the Grand Lodge of England present were Bros . Colonel Dean , P . G . D . ; Lilley Ellis , P . G . S . B . ; R . Newhouse , P . G . D . S . B ., P . G . Secretary ; and C . D . Cheetham , P . G . D .
East Lancashire . There was a large attendance of provincial officers , present and past . The total number of brethren present was between 500 and 600 . The reports of the Committee of Benevolence , in relation to the Provincial Fund of Benevolenee , the Cheshire
Educational Masonic Institution , and the Cheshire Masonic Benevolent Institution , were submitted . It was stated in these documents that there were upon the funds of the London Masonic Institution nine aged Masons and widows of Masons , eight boys and seven girls . The Provincial
Educational Institution had had on its funds during the year seventy-eight children , whose education and progress was satisfactory . A sum of £ 345 had been expended in the payment of annuities , and in this connection increased funds were asked for to meet larger demands upon the committee .
Special mention was made by Bro . Lilley Ellis ( who proposed the adoption of the report ) to the recent Charity Festival held at Chester , when upwards of £ 4 , 000 was raised for the Cheshire Masonic Charities . On behalf of the Festival
Committee he thanked all who had contributed to the success achieved . Upon the motion of Bro . Ellis , seconded by Bro . Stevenson , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . G . Ibeson , who had acted as Secretary to the Festival Committee , and to whose untiring
labours the substantial sum raised was largely attributed . Bro . Ibeson , in reply , said he had succeeded in raising additional funds since the festival , and that , apart from the expenses , the sum raised for the Charities was £ 4 , 087 . The Provincial Grand Master , in a short address ,
mentioned the interesting fact that three lodges in the province were about to celebrate their centenaries . Masonry in the province was , he said , in a very flourishing condition . That fact was evidenced bv the very handsome response that had been made on the occasion of the festival to the
claims of their noble Institutions . As Provincial Grand Master he deeply appreciated what the Cheshire brethren had done in the cause of charity . Bro . R . Leech , P . M . Royal Edward Lodge , Stalybridge , was unanimously elected Provincial Grand Treasurer .
The Provincial Grand Officers for 1906-7 were appointed and invested . Invitations for the holding of the next Provincial Grand Lodge were received from Lymm , Runcorn , and Sale , and the Provincial Grand Master announced that he would take
the matter into consideration . Before the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed a collection was made in aid of the Cheshire Masonic Charities , which realised £ 16 6 s . 4 c ! .
Rostrum Lodge, No. 3037.
Rostrum Lodge , No . 3037 .
THIS Lodge , which has just completed two years of successful working , met for the installation of a new master on Friday , September 7 th , at the Hotel Cecil . Bro . Colin Oliphant presided , and inducted Bro . Herbert Riches—who has already passed the chair in the Eastern
Star Lodge , No . 95—as his successor . The lodge , which was established in the special interests of members of the auctioneering , surveying , and allied professions , was on this occasion favoured by the presence of two grand officersboth honorary members—Bro . Edwin Fox , P . A . G . D . C , and
Bro . Henry Times , P . D . G . D . C . Having been placed in the chair , the Master bestowed the different collars as follows : Bros . W . Thirsk and W . R . Phillips , Wardens ; C D . Levy , P . M ., Treasurer ; Lewis Beale , P . P . S . G . W . Essex , Secretary ; J . C . Scrivener and
H . T . Hill , Deacons ; A . J . Fowkes , I . G . ; H . C . Eardley-Brooke , D . C . ; F . Durrant , R . Cheke and E . K . House , Stewards ; and S . Ellis , Tyler . The annual banquet was subsequently held under the presidency of the new ruler , who submitted the loyal toasts . Bro . Edwin Fox , in
responding for the " Grand Officers , " expressed pleasure at being present , adding that he felt quite at home in the " Rostrum , " and was delighted lo observe the prosperity of the lodge . The Master of the past year proposed the toast of his
successor , to whom he referred as being deeply interested in the work of the lodge—of which he was a founder—and most anxious to see it prosper . In response , after expressing thanks for the reception of the toast , the new Master promised , in all earnestness , that he would do his very best
for the lodge , and assured the members it would not be his fault if it failed to prosper under his rule . The Master proposed the toast of " The Immediate Past Master , " saying that Bro . Oliphant had played a prominent part in bringing the lodge to its present successful state . He then presented
his predecessor with the jewel voted by the members , as a mark of their appreciation of the services rendered by him during the past year , hoping that the recipient would prize it as a sincere mark of gratification from his fellow-workers . The I . P . M . acknowledged the gift and the hearty reception
accorded to him . His regret at relinquishing the position of Master was mingled , he added , with pleasure in the knowledge that he was succeeded by a-worthy and distinguished member , who , he felt sure , would successfully manage the lodge during the coming year . The toast of
" The Visitors " was responded to by Bros . W . A . Barker , H . S . A . Foy , and others . The toast of " The Treasurer , Secretary , and Officers of the Lodge , " was afterwards given .
R . W . Bro . Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck , who has been at the head of the Province ol Cumberland and Westmoreland since 1894 , presided over the annual meeting of his province held this year at Kirkby Lonsdale , under the banner of the Underley Lodge , No . 1074 , which was
established in 1865 . On the motion of the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . Colonel F . R . Sewell , the sum of fifty guineas was voted lo the local Benevolent Fund . At the conclusion of business the members and their wives drove to Underley Hall , where
they were entertained by Lord and Lady Henry Cavendish Bentinck . It was subsequently announced that nearly . £ . " 300 had been locally collected on behalf of the Charities of the Order in answer lo special appeals on their behalf . © © © J
Encased in a massive gold frame of rich design , a life-size portrait in oil colours of the late Bro . Percy Wallis , in full Masonic Provincial regalia , will shortly be presented to the Derby Masonic Hall .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cheshire.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire .
' ~ pHE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of J Cheshire was held on the iSth instant at the Town Hall , Stalybridge . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , presided . The position of Deputy Provincial Grand Master—in the absence
through illness of Bro . Sir Horatio Lloyd—was occupied by Bro . F . Broadsmith , P . G . W . Among the officers of the Grand Lodge of England present were Bros . Colonel Dean , P . G . D . ; Lilley Ellis , P . G . S . B . ; R . Newhouse , P . G . D . S . B ., P . G . Secretary ; and C . D . Cheetham , P . G . D .
East Lancashire . There was a large attendance of provincial officers , present and past . The total number of brethren present was between 500 and 600 . The reports of the Committee of Benevolence , in relation to the Provincial Fund of Benevolenee , the Cheshire
Educational Masonic Institution , and the Cheshire Masonic Benevolent Institution , were submitted . It was stated in these documents that there were upon the funds of the London Masonic Institution nine aged Masons and widows of Masons , eight boys and seven girls . The Provincial
Educational Institution had had on its funds during the year seventy-eight children , whose education and progress was satisfactory . A sum of £ 345 had been expended in the payment of annuities , and in this connection increased funds were asked for to meet larger demands upon the committee .
Special mention was made by Bro . Lilley Ellis ( who proposed the adoption of the report ) to the recent Charity Festival held at Chester , when upwards of £ 4 , 000 was raised for the Cheshire Masonic Charities . On behalf of the Festival
Committee he thanked all who had contributed to the success achieved . Upon the motion of Bro . Ellis , seconded by Bro . Stevenson , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . G . Ibeson , who had acted as Secretary to the Festival Committee , and to whose untiring
labours the substantial sum raised was largely attributed . Bro . Ibeson , in reply , said he had succeeded in raising additional funds since the festival , and that , apart from the expenses , the sum raised for the Charities was £ 4 , 087 . The Provincial Grand Master , in a short address ,
mentioned the interesting fact that three lodges in the province were about to celebrate their centenaries . Masonry in the province was , he said , in a very flourishing condition . That fact was evidenced bv the very handsome response that had been made on the occasion of the festival to the
claims of their noble Institutions . As Provincial Grand Master he deeply appreciated what the Cheshire brethren had done in the cause of charity . Bro . R . Leech , P . M . Royal Edward Lodge , Stalybridge , was unanimously elected Provincial Grand Treasurer .
The Provincial Grand Officers for 1906-7 were appointed and invested . Invitations for the holding of the next Provincial Grand Lodge were received from Lymm , Runcorn , and Sale , and the Provincial Grand Master announced that he would take
the matter into consideration . Before the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed a collection was made in aid of the Cheshire Masonic Charities , which realised £ 16 6 s . 4 c ! .
Rostrum Lodge, No. 3037.
Rostrum Lodge , No . 3037 .
THIS Lodge , which has just completed two years of successful working , met for the installation of a new master on Friday , September 7 th , at the Hotel Cecil . Bro . Colin Oliphant presided , and inducted Bro . Herbert Riches—who has already passed the chair in the Eastern
Star Lodge , No . 95—as his successor . The lodge , which was established in the special interests of members of the auctioneering , surveying , and allied professions , was on this occasion favoured by the presence of two grand officersboth honorary members—Bro . Edwin Fox , P . A . G . D . C , and
Bro . Henry Times , P . D . G . D . C . Having been placed in the chair , the Master bestowed the different collars as follows : Bros . W . Thirsk and W . R . Phillips , Wardens ; C D . Levy , P . M ., Treasurer ; Lewis Beale , P . P . S . G . W . Essex , Secretary ; J . C . Scrivener and
H . T . Hill , Deacons ; A . J . Fowkes , I . G . ; H . C . Eardley-Brooke , D . C . ; F . Durrant , R . Cheke and E . K . House , Stewards ; and S . Ellis , Tyler . The annual banquet was subsequently held under the presidency of the new ruler , who submitted the loyal toasts . Bro . Edwin Fox , in
responding for the " Grand Officers , " expressed pleasure at being present , adding that he felt quite at home in the " Rostrum , " and was delighted lo observe the prosperity of the lodge . The Master of the past year proposed the toast of his
successor , to whom he referred as being deeply interested in the work of the lodge—of which he was a founder—and most anxious to see it prosper . In response , after expressing thanks for the reception of the toast , the new Master promised , in all earnestness , that he would do his very best
for the lodge , and assured the members it would not be his fault if it failed to prosper under his rule . The Master proposed the toast of " The Immediate Past Master , " saying that Bro . Oliphant had played a prominent part in bringing the lodge to its present successful state . He then presented
his predecessor with the jewel voted by the members , as a mark of their appreciation of the services rendered by him during the past year , hoping that the recipient would prize it as a sincere mark of gratification from his fellow-workers . The I . P . M . acknowledged the gift and the hearty reception
accorded to him . His regret at relinquishing the position of Master was mingled , he added , with pleasure in the knowledge that he was succeeded by a-worthy and distinguished member , who , he felt sure , would successfully manage the lodge during the coming year . The toast of
" The Visitors " was responded to by Bros . W . A . Barker , H . S . A . Foy , and others . The toast of " The Treasurer , Secretary , and Officers of the Lodge , " was afterwards given .
R . W . Bro . Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck , who has been at the head of the Province ol Cumberland and Westmoreland since 1894 , presided over the annual meeting of his province held this year at Kirkby Lonsdale , under the banner of the Underley Lodge , No . 1074 , which was
established in 1865 . On the motion of the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . Colonel F . R . Sewell , the sum of fifty guineas was voted lo the local Benevolent Fund . At the conclusion of business the members and their wives drove to Underley Hall , where
they were entertained by Lord and Lady Henry Cavendish Bentinck . It was subsequently announced that nearly . £ . " 300 had been locally collected on behalf of the Charities of the Order in answer lo special appeals on their behalf . © © © J
Encased in a massive gold frame of rich design , a life-size portrait in oil colours of the late Bro . Percy Wallis , in full Masonic Provincial regalia , will shortly be presented to the Derby Masonic Hall .