Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 3 of 3
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
restoration to health . The meeting was characterised by harmony and enthusiasm , and an address of congratulation was duly transmitted to the Protector of our Order . «> < s > * An interesting feature of the proceedings was the jiresence
¦ of Bro . Sir Henry AI . L . Rundle , P . G . W ., who presided at the meeting and at the banquet which followed . In a quiet but soldierly speech the distinguished General briefly referred to the objects of the meeting and to himself , his utterance being received with the resjiect and applause which was no
less due to bis jiersonality than to the substance of his remarks . © © © Bro . George Ferguson , who occujiies the jiosition of District Grand Registrar of British Guiana , was initiated in 1891 in the Union Lodge , No . 247 , Demerara , and filled the chair of Worshipful Alaster in 18 97 . He is also a P . Z .
BRO . IlKOHOK FKU . lUSON . ( I'hulo Elite Vorlniit Co . ) of the Royal Arch Chapter attached to the lodge , and a member of the Rose Croix Chapter in Demerara , in which he holds the office of Marshal . Bro . Ferguson was appointed the first District Grand Secretary when the District was constituted , and held the office for two years .
Bro . Lord Kitchener received a great ovation at Ipswich on the 22 nd Sejitember , on the occasion of his visit to that town to receive the freedom of the borough and to jiresent war medals to more than a hundred town and country reservists and volunteers who had been with the army in South Africa . The proceedings at the jiublic hall were
followed by a meeting of the British Union Lodge , No . 114 , held in a room of the town hall . Here he accepted honorary membershi p and the gift of a Past Alaster ' s jewel , on the centre of which the Union Jack was beautifully displayed . The Earl of Stradbroke ( Provincial Grand Alaster ) Sir
, Charles Dalrymple , M . P . ( Past Grand Alaster of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ) , and Colonel Lucas , ALP ., were among the Masons present . Lord Kitchener subsequently left the town in a motor-car for Asjiall , his family residence .
The distinction of being the smallest lodge belongs , we Relieve , to the Methuen Lodge , No . 6 31 , at Taplow , in Buckinghamshire . Not many more than a dozen members igure on its roll , and what advantages the small lodge may L-laini to possess must be here felt in their entirety .
" The New Hall belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Freemasons , in Great Queen Street , is decorated in a most elegant manner for a grand assembly which is to be held the next week , to which the ladies will be admitted . " < s > © © We hasten to explain to our readers that the above is not
an announcement culled from the jiages of a contemporary , but an extract from a London daily paper bearing date 1777 , by which it will be seen that the lodge ladies ' night is not altogether a modern innovation . Our Afasonic ancestors were no less hospitable and attentive to the ladies than is the Alason of to-day ; or was it an adroit method of disarming the ojijiosition of the fair sex ?
• j . «* . © The Marienbolen , a German Catholic paper , intended for young ladies , tells a weird story of the doings of Alaster Satan in a certain convent . Wonderful and unaccountable things hajijiened in the sight of the fair eyes which were imprisoned there . Glasses were filled with water by unseen hands ;
flowers which decorated the room were ruthlessly scattered about . The lady sujierior , with eyes full of tears , counted her beads and said her jirayers ; but no helji was given until at length it was discovered that the daughter of a Freemason was among the pupils . The fair Jonah was then expelled , and Satan ceased to trouble .
© © © One is reminded of the well-known print of the procession of the "Miserable Scald Masons , " published in the 18 th century , by the following jiaragrajih which has ajijieared in the jiajiers : —About a dozen young men caused a sensation on the Paris boulevards on the 15 th Sejitember by marching
about carrying banners and wearing ajirons , on which were various symbols sujijiosed by the wearers to be Afasonic . As they refused to disperse , they were taken to the police station , where they exjilained that their only object was to parody the Freemasons , who now , they said , governed the country . They were released with a caution . ' —Renter .
. { : ¦ ¦ Bro . W . H . Woodroffe was initiated in the Union Lodge , No . 247 , Demerara , British Guiana , and was elected to the Alaster ' s chair in 1809 . He was exalted in the chapter attached to the lidge , and has since tilled the chair of First
IlltO . U ' . 11 . WOUUKOKl- 'K .-- (/ . I , i . l , i _•; . ;/ , I'nrUml fii . ) Principal . He is at jiresent District Grand Secretary . He is also a member of the Ancient and Accepted Rite and the Order of Knights Templar . In the former he is AI . W . Sovereign of the Union Precejitorv .
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
restoration to health . The meeting was characterised by harmony and enthusiasm , and an address of congratulation was duly transmitted to the Protector of our Order . «> < s > * An interesting feature of the proceedings was the jiresence
¦ of Bro . Sir Henry AI . L . Rundle , P . G . W ., who presided at the meeting and at the banquet which followed . In a quiet but soldierly speech the distinguished General briefly referred to the objects of the meeting and to himself , his utterance being received with the resjiect and applause which was no
less due to bis jiersonality than to the substance of his remarks . © © © Bro . George Ferguson , who occujiies the jiosition of District Grand Registrar of British Guiana , was initiated in 1891 in the Union Lodge , No . 247 , Demerara , and filled the chair of Worshipful Alaster in 18 97 . He is also a P . Z .
BRO . IlKOHOK FKU . lUSON . ( I'hulo Elite Vorlniit Co . ) of the Royal Arch Chapter attached to the lodge , and a member of the Rose Croix Chapter in Demerara , in which he holds the office of Marshal . Bro . Ferguson was appointed the first District Grand Secretary when the District was constituted , and held the office for two years .
Bro . Lord Kitchener received a great ovation at Ipswich on the 22 nd Sejitember , on the occasion of his visit to that town to receive the freedom of the borough and to jiresent war medals to more than a hundred town and country reservists and volunteers who had been with the army in South Africa . The proceedings at the jiublic hall were
followed by a meeting of the British Union Lodge , No . 114 , held in a room of the town hall . Here he accepted honorary membershi p and the gift of a Past Alaster ' s jewel , on the centre of which the Union Jack was beautifully displayed . The Earl of Stradbroke ( Provincial Grand Alaster ) Sir
, Charles Dalrymple , M . P . ( Past Grand Alaster of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ) , and Colonel Lucas , ALP ., were among the Masons present . Lord Kitchener subsequently left the town in a motor-car for Asjiall , his family residence .
The distinction of being the smallest lodge belongs , we Relieve , to the Methuen Lodge , No . 6 31 , at Taplow , in Buckinghamshire . Not many more than a dozen members igure on its roll , and what advantages the small lodge may L-laini to possess must be here felt in their entirety .
" The New Hall belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Freemasons , in Great Queen Street , is decorated in a most elegant manner for a grand assembly which is to be held the next week , to which the ladies will be admitted . " < s > © © We hasten to explain to our readers that the above is not
an announcement culled from the jiages of a contemporary , but an extract from a London daily paper bearing date 1777 , by which it will be seen that the lodge ladies ' night is not altogether a modern innovation . Our Afasonic ancestors were no less hospitable and attentive to the ladies than is the Alason of to-day ; or was it an adroit method of disarming the ojijiosition of the fair sex ?
• j . «* . © The Marienbolen , a German Catholic paper , intended for young ladies , tells a weird story of the doings of Alaster Satan in a certain convent . Wonderful and unaccountable things hajijiened in the sight of the fair eyes which were imprisoned there . Glasses were filled with water by unseen hands ;
flowers which decorated the room were ruthlessly scattered about . The lady sujierior , with eyes full of tears , counted her beads and said her jirayers ; but no helji was given until at length it was discovered that the daughter of a Freemason was among the pupils . The fair Jonah was then expelled , and Satan ceased to trouble .
© © © One is reminded of the well-known print of the procession of the "Miserable Scald Masons , " published in the 18 th century , by the following jiaragrajih which has ajijieared in the jiajiers : —About a dozen young men caused a sensation on the Paris boulevards on the 15 th Sejitember by marching
about carrying banners and wearing ajirons , on which were various symbols sujijiosed by the wearers to be Afasonic . As they refused to disperse , they were taken to the police station , where they exjilained that their only object was to parody the Freemasons , who now , they said , governed the country . They were released with a caution . ' —Renter .
. { : ¦ ¦ Bro . W . H . Woodroffe was initiated in the Union Lodge , No . 247 , Demerara , British Guiana , and was elected to the Alaster ' s chair in 1809 . He was exalted in the chapter attached to the lidge , and has since tilled the chair of First
IlltO . U ' . 11 . WOUUKOKl- 'K .-- (/ . I , i . l , i _•; . ;/ , I'nrUml fii . ) Principal . He is at jiresent District Grand Secretary . He is also a member of the Ancient and Accepted Rite and the Order of Knights Templar . In the former he is AI . W . Sovereign of the Union Precejitorv .