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Aldershot's New Masonic Hall, Opened By The Provincial Grand Master.
The two Worshipful Masters of the lodges , Bros . A . H . Smith , Panmure ; and W . Downes , Aldershot Camji , sat on either side of the Provincial Grand Master and projiosed the toasts alternately . During the course of the evening Sir Augustus Webster was invited to become the first President of the Aldershot Masonic Hall and Club , an invitation which he cordially accejited , and expressed a hope that at no far distant date he
would pay Aldershot another visit . It maybe mentioned that the building has been designed with a view of keejiing the club jiart quite distinct from the Masonic Temjile , which is situated on the ground floor , and its robing room and adjuncts are ajijiroached from the main entrance . The banqueting hall is also on the ground floor , being jiarallel with the temple , and also has a suite of dressing rooms attached to enable it to be let for jiublic functions , sejiarate
entrances being jirovided irom the street . 1 he club jiremises are on the first floor , and comjirise a lofty , well-lighted reading and smoke room , running the full breadth of the building , a bar and lounge , a sujijier room , and a sjiacious billiard and card room , the floor sjiace being
sufficient for three billiard tables . On the second floor are the caretaker's quarters and kitchens , lifts communicating therewith direct with the sujijier room and banqueting hall . The exterior is of white Portland stone and red brick ,
the windows being of stained glass . The Panmure and Aldershot Camji Lodges and the Panmure and Aldershot Camji Chapters have already taken uji their quarters in the new building , and as the existing arrangements
terminate it is exjiected that the Aldershot Military Mark Lodge , No . 54 ; the Army and Navy Lodge , No . 1971 ; the William Stuart Preceptory , No . 76 . A ; the Connaught Precejitory ; and the Royal Military Rose
Croix Chajiter , No . 8 9 ; all held in the district , will also move to the new hall , so that in time the building is likely to jirove an important centre of the Craft .
H.H . The Maharajah Of Cooch -Behar, G.C.J.E., C .B., P.G .W.
H . H . the Maharajah of Cooch-Behar , G . C . J . E ., C . B ., P . G . W .
Not the least distinguished of the many Indian Princes who will be present at the great Delhi Durbar in January next is the subject of our frontispiece , the Maharajah of Cooch-Behar . Born in 1862 , he succeeded to the title in infancy , and bis rule in India has been distinguished for its enlightened methods . He is an Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the
Indian Army . In the jubilee year of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria , the order of Knight Grand Commander of the Indian Emjiire was conferred on our illustrious brother , and it was in the same year , 1887 , that he became a Past Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of England . His jiresence is not an unfamiliar one in London Masonic circles .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
r V H ] i Sejitember quarterly communication of Grand Lodge I was held on the 3 rd Sejitember , and was presided over by the Dejiuty Grand Master , the Earl of Warwick , who was supported by Lieut .-Colonel Daly , District Grand Master of British Guiana , as Dejiuty Grand Master , and , as Past Grand Master , the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton ,
Provincial Grand Master of Cheshire . The Wardens' chairs were filled respectively by the Earl of Donoughmore , Senior Grand Warden , and Bro . Robert Grey , Past Grand Warden . There was an unusually large attendance for the autumn meeting , nmny nttmcted doubtless by ( he jiromi . se of
an interesting discussion on the subjects dealt with in the rejiort of the Board of General Purposes . The first business on the agenda was a motion from the chair offering to His Majesty the King the dutiful and fraternal congratulations of the Craft on His Majesty's restoration to health and
on his Coronation . This motion , it is needless to say , was carried with enthusiasm . Following this was a resolution , also proposed by the Deputy Grand Master , that the sum of £ 500 be voted from the funds of Grand Lodge towards the fund now being raised by the Lord Mayor of London as a Coronation gift to the King for the London Hospitals . This motion was also carried with acclamation .
The list of those brethren connected with India and the Colonies who had been selected by the Most Worshijiful Grand Master for ajipointment to Past Grand rank in commemoration of the Coronation was then read by the Assistant Grand Secretary , and ( he announcement was heartily cheered . Other routine business followed , and on
the motion of the President of the Board of General Purjioses that the report of the Board be received , a discussion of the two questions therein referred to , namely , the qualification of Wardens for the Alaster's chair and the practice of singing in lodges , ensued . In regard to the latter
the Grand Registrar entered into a lengthy statement as to the reasons which had influenced the Board of General purposes in dealing with the question , and pointed out that objection was made only to the jiractice of introducing hymns into the ceremonies and not to lodge music generally .
A motion to the effect tliat the matter should be referred back to the Board for further consideration was withdrawn on its being jiointed out by the President of the Board that it was not a question for Grand Lodge , and that the Board had only reported their decision to Grand Lodge as they considered it was their duty to do . The Grand Registrar then moved the following additions
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Aldershot's New Masonic Hall, Opened By The Provincial Grand Master.
The two Worshipful Masters of the lodges , Bros . A . H . Smith , Panmure ; and W . Downes , Aldershot Camji , sat on either side of the Provincial Grand Master and projiosed the toasts alternately . During the course of the evening Sir Augustus Webster was invited to become the first President of the Aldershot Masonic Hall and Club , an invitation which he cordially accejited , and expressed a hope that at no far distant date he
would pay Aldershot another visit . It maybe mentioned that the building has been designed with a view of keejiing the club jiart quite distinct from the Masonic Temjile , which is situated on the ground floor , and its robing room and adjuncts are ajijiroached from the main entrance . The banqueting hall is also on the ground floor , being jiarallel with the temple , and also has a suite of dressing rooms attached to enable it to be let for jiublic functions , sejiarate
entrances being jirovided irom the street . 1 he club jiremises are on the first floor , and comjirise a lofty , well-lighted reading and smoke room , running the full breadth of the building , a bar and lounge , a sujijier room , and a sjiacious billiard and card room , the floor sjiace being
sufficient for three billiard tables . On the second floor are the caretaker's quarters and kitchens , lifts communicating therewith direct with the sujijier room and banqueting hall . The exterior is of white Portland stone and red brick ,
the windows being of stained glass . The Panmure and Aldershot Camji Lodges and the Panmure and Aldershot Camji Chapters have already taken uji their quarters in the new building , and as the existing arrangements
terminate it is exjiected that the Aldershot Military Mark Lodge , No . 54 ; the Army and Navy Lodge , No . 1971 ; the William Stuart Preceptory , No . 76 . A ; the Connaught Precejitory ; and the Royal Military Rose
Croix Chajiter , No . 8 9 ; all held in the district , will also move to the new hall , so that in time the building is likely to jirove an important centre of the Craft .
H.H . The Maharajah Of Cooch -Behar, G.C.J.E., C .B., P.G .W.
H . H . the Maharajah of Cooch-Behar , G . C . J . E ., C . B ., P . G . W .
Not the least distinguished of the many Indian Princes who will be present at the great Delhi Durbar in January next is the subject of our frontispiece , the Maharajah of Cooch-Behar . Born in 1862 , he succeeded to the title in infancy , and bis rule in India has been distinguished for its enlightened methods . He is an Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the
Indian Army . In the jubilee year of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria , the order of Knight Grand Commander of the Indian Emjiire was conferred on our illustrious brother , and it was in the same year , 1887 , that he became a Past Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of England . His jiresence is not an unfamiliar one in London Masonic circles .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
r V H ] i Sejitember quarterly communication of Grand Lodge I was held on the 3 rd Sejitember , and was presided over by the Dejiuty Grand Master , the Earl of Warwick , who was supported by Lieut .-Colonel Daly , District Grand Master of British Guiana , as Dejiuty Grand Master , and , as Past Grand Master , the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton ,
Provincial Grand Master of Cheshire . The Wardens' chairs were filled respectively by the Earl of Donoughmore , Senior Grand Warden , and Bro . Robert Grey , Past Grand Warden . There was an unusually large attendance for the autumn meeting , nmny nttmcted doubtless by ( he jiromi . se of
an interesting discussion on the subjects dealt with in the rejiort of the Board of General Purposes . The first business on the agenda was a motion from the chair offering to His Majesty the King the dutiful and fraternal congratulations of the Craft on His Majesty's restoration to health and
on his Coronation . This motion , it is needless to say , was carried with enthusiasm . Following this was a resolution , also proposed by the Deputy Grand Master , that the sum of £ 500 be voted from the funds of Grand Lodge towards the fund now being raised by the Lord Mayor of London as a Coronation gift to the King for the London Hospitals . This motion was also carried with acclamation .
The list of those brethren connected with India and the Colonies who had been selected by the Most Worshijiful Grand Master for ajipointment to Past Grand rank in commemoration of the Coronation was then read by the Assistant Grand Secretary , and ( he announcement was heartily cheered . Other routine business followed , and on
the motion of the President of the Board of General Purjioses that the report of the Board be received , a discussion of the two questions therein referred to , namely , the qualification of Wardens for the Alaster's chair and the practice of singing in lodges , ensued . In regard to the latter
the Grand Registrar entered into a lengthy statement as to the reasons which had influenced the Board of General purposes in dealing with the question , and pointed out that objection was made only to the jiractice of introducing hymns into the ceremonies and not to lodge music generally .
A motion to the effect tliat the matter should be referred back to the Board for further consideration was withdrawn on its being jiointed out by the President of the Board that it was not a question for Grand Lodge , and that the Board had only reported their decision to Grand Lodge as they considered it was their duty to do . The Grand Registrar then moved the following additions