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Consecration Of The Knightsbridge Lod Ge, No. 2978 .
Consecration of the Knightsbridge Lodge , No . 2978 .
fpHE establishment of a lodge at Knightsbridge has long I been in contemplation , and a few months since a petition for a warrant of constitution was presented to the Grand Master and duly granted . The consecration took place at the Alexandra Hotel , Knightsbridge , on Tuesday , 20 th September , V . Wor . Bro . Sir Edward
Letchworth , F . S . A ., Grand Secretary , being the consecrating officer . He was assisted b y V . Wor . Bro . William H . Bailey , P . G . Treasurer , as S . W . ; Wor . Bro . Surg . Lt .-Col . H . W . Kiallmark , P . G . D ., as J . W . ; V . Wor . Bro . Rev . H . W . Turner , M . A ., P . G . Chaplain , as Chaplain ; V . W . Bro . Frank Richardson ,
P . D . G . Registrar , as D . C . ; Wor . Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C ., as I . G . ; a very large assemblage of visitors took part in the proceedings . In a few words the Consecrating Master congratulated the founders on having obtained their warrant . It gave
Till '* FOCNIIKIIS . it'll ,, / ,, Elite J ' urhni / Co . )
him personal satisfaction to assist them , as he had no doubt it would be for the benefit of the important district of Knightsbridge . The ceremony then proceeded , and was conducted in that perfect manner with which London Masons are now
familiar . In the course of an eloquent oration delivered b y the Chaplain , which we regret space will not permit our recordin full , the Rev . H . W . Turner , P . G . Chaplain , pointed out the happy combination of the name of the lodge and the day on which it was consecrated , the feast of St . Michael
and All Angels . The name of the lodge " Knightsbridge , " carried them back far from the rush and bustle of London to the days of chivalry , when the district they were then in was but a dark and dreary road from London to ( lie ancient village of Kensington , presenting to their minds the days
when every knight constituted himself the champion of the gentler sex . Chivalry of that form does not now exist , but the principles remain with us , and where are they more in evidence than in a Freemasons' lodge ? St . Michael and All Angels , like ourselves , have degrees and orders of succession , and are ever in attendance on the Most High . St . Michael
stands out as a chivalrous champion , over-throwing the dragon , which represents all that is low , sordid , and base . May they be able to say , as the knights of old , " My strength is like the strength of ten , because my heart is purer '
At the close of the ceremony of consecration , the consecrating Master installed W . Bro . Haswell J . Turner , P . M . 1608 , as lirst W . M ., who invested Wor . Bro . Henry Burgess , P . M . 1556 , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey , as I . P . M . and Treasurer ; Wor . Bro . F . A . Sherras , P . M . " 160 S , as S . W . ; Bro . Herbert
Chenery , as J . W . ; and appointed and invested the following : —W . Bro . W . H . Brand , P . M . 2790 , as Secretary ; Bro . H . W . Saward , S . D . ; Wor . Bro . W . F . T . Westwood , J . D . ; Wor . Bro . W . A . Vincent , I . G . ; Wor . Bro . John R . Meyrick , P . M . 2146 , D . C . ; Bros . S . P . Tcttamanti and W . F . Kilner ,
Stewards ; and Wor . Bro . W . Englelield , P . M ., Tyler . A vote of thanks was heartily accorded to the consecrating Master and officers , who were elected honorary members , and V . Wor . Bro . Sir lid ward Letchworth was presented with a founder ' s jewel . The lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned
to a banquet in the large dining hall , which was presided over by the Worshipful Master , who was supported by the Grand Secretary and the other brethren who had assisted him in the ceremony of consecration , as well as the founders and a large number of visitors .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Knightsbridge Lod Ge, No. 2978 .
Consecration of the Knightsbridge Lodge , No . 2978 .
fpHE establishment of a lodge at Knightsbridge has long I been in contemplation , and a few months since a petition for a warrant of constitution was presented to the Grand Master and duly granted . The consecration took place at the Alexandra Hotel , Knightsbridge , on Tuesday , 20 th September , V . Wor . Bro . Sir Edward
Letchworth , F . S . A ., Grand Secretary , being the consecrating officer . He was assisted b y V . Wor . Bro . William H . Bailey , P . G . Treasurer , as S . W . ; Wor . Bro . Surg . Lt .-Col . H . W . Kiallmark , P . G . D ., as J . W . ; V . Wor . Bro . Rev . H . W . Turner , M . A ., P . G . Chaplain , as Chaplain ; V . W . Bro . Frank Richardson ,
P . D . G . Registrar , as D . C . ; Wor . Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C ., as I . G . ; a very large assemblage of visitors took part in the proceedings . In a few words the Consecrating Master congratulated the founders on having obtained their warrant . It gave
Till '* FOCNIIKIIS . it'll ,, / ,, Elite J ' urhni / Co . )
him personal satisfaction to assist them , as he had no doubt it would be for the benefit of the important district of Knightsbridge . The ceremony then proceeded , and was conducted in that perfect manner with which London Masons are now
familiar . In the course of an eloquent oration delivered b y the Chaplain , which we regret space will not permit our recordin full , the Rev . H . W . Turner , P . G . Chaplain , pointed out the happy combination of the name of the lodge and the day on which it was consecrated , the feast of St . Michael
and All Angels . The name of the lodge " Knightsbridge , " carried them back far from the rush and bustle of London to the days of chivalry , when the district they were then in was but a dark and dreary road from London to ( lie ancient village of Kensington , presenting to their minds the days
when every knight constituted himself the champion of the gentler sex . Chivalry of that form does not now exist , but the principles remain with us , and where are they more in evidence than in a Freemasons' lodge ? St . Michael and All Angels , like ourselves , have degrees and orders of succession , and are ever in attendance on the Most High . St . Michael
stands out as a chivalrous champion , over-throwing the dragon , which represents all that is low , sordid , and base . May they be able to say , as the knights of old , " My strength is like the strength of ten , because my heart is purer '
At the close of the ceremony of consecration , the consecrating Master installed W . Bro . Haswell J . Turner , P . M . 1608 , as lirst W . M ., who invested Wor . Bro . Henry Burgess , P . M . 1556 , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey , as I . P . M . and Treasurer ; Wor . Bro . F . A . Sherras , P . M . " 160 S , as S . W . ; Bro . Herbert
Chenery , as J . W . ; and appointed and invested the following : —W . Bro . W . H . Brand , P . M . 2790 , as Secretary ; Bro . H . W . Saward , S . D . ; Wor . Bro . W . F . T . Westwood , J . D . ; Wor . Bro . W . A . Vincent , I . G . ; Wor . Bro . John R . Meyrick , P . M . 2146 , D . C . ; Bros . S . P . Tcttamanti and W . F . Kilner ,
Stewards ; and Wor . Bro . W . Englelield , P . M ., Tyler . A vote of thanks was heartily accorded to the consecrating Master and officers , who were elected honorary members , and V . Wor . Bro . Sir lid ward Letchworth was presented with a founder ' s jewel . The lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned
to a banquet in the large dining hall , which was presided over by the Worshipful Master , who was supported by the Grand Secretary and the other brethren who had assisted him in the ceremony of consecration , as well as the founders and a large number of visitors .