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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
Andre , and but yesterday The Figaro indicated the ruin of the magistrature from the same cause . ' Trap de jugcs Maeons , ' said The Figaro . That the lodges are hostile to church institutions cannot be doubted . Their ' bulletins' acknowledge the fact with much satisfaction . I heard the other day that a Catholic Freemasonry was being started , the
methods of the rival body being observed to the letter . Some such organisation in the United States suggested the idea , and although it was but in its infancy there was the promise—so , at least , I was told—of an organisation that will have far-reaching consequences . One point , however ,
seems to have been overlooked : Rome ex-communicates Masons not because they are anti-clericals , but because they are members of a secret society . All secret societies are banned , whatever be their appellation , simply because they are secret societies . That is why Roman Catholics in
England are not allowed to be Masons , notwithstanding the general esteem in which British Masonry is held . On the whole , then , I think the 37 , 000 will be able to hold their ground . "
© o > ©> Records of quite ordinary events in the news columns of the papers that were read by our grandfathers often throw some interesting side-lights on the manners and customs of the clay . A correspondent sends us the following cuttings from papers ranging in date from 1772 to 1825 : —
, In the Parish Church of ST . GEORGE the MARTYR , SOUTHWAJIK . The Sermon in the Morning . bv The REV . EDWARD BAKRY , D . n . Rector of St . Mary's , and Si . Leonard ' s , Wallintrford ; and Past Grand Chaplain of the United Grand Lodee of Ancient , Free and
Accented Masons of England . The Sermon in the Afternoon by The REV . JOHN WILCOX , A . M . "Minister of Ely Chapel ; Afternoon Lecturer of St . Goorsc ' s , Sonthwark ; and Chaplain to the Right Hon . the Earl of Kiiifcstoii . SCT- Service lo begin in the morning at a
quarter before eleven , and in the afternoon at three o'clock . , Hymns , written and selected for the occasion , will be sune by the Children of the Charity . Sarurdiy ni ght the proprietors of
Carlille-Houfe anrl Free Mafons Hall were fumrnuned before the magiltrates in Bow-ftreet , in coofequence of an information , for having adveriifed mafquerades at thofe p laces without any licence for fuch kind of entertainment . The magiflrates afted with their ufual candour on this occafion , and recommended to the parties not to porfiie their intended p lan without legal authority for it .
Our 'llieauicul bill of fare for the ensuing week offers a treat rich ,. rare , and exquisite . - On Monday \ v « find the Honey Morn and the Citizen is to be performed , for the "benefit of that accomplished and inimitable , actress , "Mrs . Dayisun , who , in addition , to the performing lief oriirinalcharacter of Juliana , plays Maria in the Citiu ( 'ii , * aml sint : s a variety of Scotch , ano ) Irish songs . And on Thursday , the second Masonic ) thelovers of music and
( at bespeak , . the drama ,. may anticipate t | ieir full share ot * enjoyment , - from the almost unprecedented circumstance of a titir Puree , ' - lie 111- ; produced there for \\\ v first time , written l . y 11 gentleiiianof . this town and on the . subject of FREEMASONRY ; tliip will , -we have . no doubt excjte that correspondent curiosity which we understand the piece is so well calculated to gratify . The overture and music of the incidental whole musical
solids are by Mr . I \ Vennsi , and nearly the talent of the . town both of professors and amateurs has been kindly granted to the request of the Lodge , for that night only . The name of the composer of the original music is sufficient to justify the most sanguine ' expecUtious as In its success , and when displayed by the exquisite " pel 1 lormance of that gentleman , and the masterly and piolound . science of a fiiNFiEl . D , will 110 doubt produce a ileiight -which the admirers of harmony have seldom an opportunity of enjoying .
' Yefterday evening a prodi s ' ious conceurfe of people were aflembled in St . Pancras Churchyard to fee a Free Mafon ' s funeral . Manypeople having goc 6 "n the tiles belonging-10 the Adam and Eve , fome of " the waiters imprudently threw water on them , which . enraged them lo much that they ltripped the whole row of ai-bors
of the tiling , threw them into the gardens , and did much mifchief . The pickpockets took advantage of the confufion and uproar , and caied many ° people of their pocket handkerchiefs , hiutF- "boxes , S : c .
The selection is varied , and embraces such diverse interests as a sermon in aid of " the Freemasons for female children , St . George's Fields , " and the appearance at Bow Street of the proprietors of a Freemasons' Hall " for having advertised a masquerade without any licence for such an entertainment . " In those clays , too , it was not unusual to see a lodge
represented at theatrical performances , both in London and the provinces , by the brethren in their clothing and jewels , and occupying a prominent position in the stalls .
TATTOOING=-( Art Etching on the Human Skin ) by ALFREDSOUTH,TattooArtist, 22 , COCKSPUR STREET , Pall Mall , London , S . W . Pnlroiiisc / I by Royalty , Officers of His Majesty ' s Services , ami lea / lino Mciiihers of Society . Masonic Jewels , Badges , and Emblematic Designs artistically and accurately etched on ( he Skin . Spoiling Pictures , Studies of Animals , Doj , 's' and Horses' Heads reproduced in Tattoo from Sketches or Photographs . Coats of Arms , Crests , Monograms , Initials , and Inscriptions . Illustrated Articles and Press comments on Alfred South ' s work appeared in all the leading Papers at home and abroad . ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS ( OWN PATENT ; . IEKMS MomcKATK . Hocus 10 a . m . to 7 p . m . Telephone : 3037 Central . Telegraphic Aihlress : Tattooing , London .
Freehold Land the safest investment . —Land to suit all classes . " \/ I ' ESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & CO ., beg to announce -L " - * - the following forthcoming important SALES of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND in plots : — MARGATE ( Alexandra Park Estate ) , TUESDAY , OCT . nth , 1904 . STAINES ( Penton Hook Estate ) , THUKSDAY , OCT . 13 th , 1904 . Free of Tithe and Land Tax . Free Conveyances . Easy Payments . For tickets and particulars of these and other sales , apply—MESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & Co , 11 , QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . C .
.. THE .. CHARINGCROSSBANK 119 & 120 , BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN , E . C , and 28 , BEDFORD STREET , CHARING CROSS , LONDON , W . C . ( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , £ 597 , 790 . Liabilities , £ 285 , 680 . Reserve , £ 312 , 110 . Loans of . £ 50 to . £ 5 , 000 made on any class of security . Two mid a-half per cent , interest allowed on Current Accounts . Deposits of , £ 10 and upwards received as under : — 5 per cent , per annum , subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal . 6 - » . » <• 7 1- ' Special terms for longer periods . Interest paid Quarterly . The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly i ) per cent ., mid are a side investment . Write or call for Prospectus . A . WILLIAMS ) , „ , „ + „„„ H . J . TALL S Joint Manaeers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
Andre , and but yesterday The Figaro indicated the ruin of the magistrature from the same cause . ' Trap de jugcs Maeons , ' said The Figaro . That the lodges are hostile to church institutions cannot be doubted . Their ' bulletins' acknowledge the fact with much satisfaction . I heard the other day that a Catholic Freemasonry was being started , the
methods of the rival body being observed to the letter . Some such organisation in the United States suggested the idea , and although it was but in its infancy there was the promise—so , at least , I was told—of an organisation that will have far-reaching consequences . One point , however ,
seems to have been overlooked : Rome ex-communicates Masons not because they are anti-clericals , but because they are members of a secret society . All secret societies are banned , whatever be their appellation , simply because they are secret societies . That is why Roman Catholics in
England are not allowed to be Masons , notwithstanding the general esteem in which British Masonry is held . On the whole , then , I think the 37 , 000 will be able to hold their ground . "
© o > ©> Records of quite ordinary events in the news columns of the papers that were read by our grandfathers often throw some interesting side-lights on the manners and customs of the clay . A correspondent sends us the following cuttings from papers ranging in date from 1772 to 1825 : —
, In the Parish Church of ST . GEORGE the MARTYR , SOUTHWAJIK . The Sermon in the Morning . bv The REV . EDWARD BAKRY , D . n . Rector of St . Mary's , and Si . Leonard ' s , Wallintrford ; and Past Grand Chaplain of the United Grand Lodee of Ancient , Free and
Accented Masons of England . The Sermon in the Afternoon by The REV . JOHN WILCOX , A . M . "Minister of Ely Chapel ; Afternoon Lecturer of St . Goorsc ' s , Sonthwark ; and Chaplain to the Right Hon . the Earl of Kiiifcstoii . SCT- Service lo begin in the morning at a
quarter before eleven , and in the afternoon at three o'clock . , Hymns , written and selected for the occasion , will be sune by the Children of the Charity . Sarurdiy ni ght the proprietors of
Carlille-Houfe anrl Free Mafons Hall were fumrnuned before the magiltrates in Bow-ftreet , in coofequence of an information , for having adveriifed mafquerades at thofe p laces without any licence for fuch kind of entertainment . The magiflrates afted with their ufual candour on this occafion , and recommended to the parties not to porfiie their intended p lan without legal authority for it .
Our 'llieauicul bill of fare for the ensuing week offers a treat rich ,. rare , and exquisite . - On Monday \ v « find the Honey Morn and the Citizen is to be performed , for the "benefit of that accomplished and inimitable , actress , "Mrs . Dayisun , who , in addition , to the performing lief oriirinalcharacter of Juliana , plays Maria in the Citiu ( 'ii , * aml sint : s a variety of Scotch , ano ) Irish songs . And on Thursday , the second Masonic ) thelovers of music and
( at bespeak , . the drama ,. may anticipate t | ieir full share ot * enjoyment , - from the almost unprecedented circumstance of a titir Puree , ' - lie 111- ; produced there for \\\ v first time , written l . y 11 gentleiiianof . this town and on the . subject of FREEMASONRY ; tliip will , -we have . no doubt excjte that correspondent curiosity which we understand the piece is so well calculated to gratify . The overture and music of the incidental whole musical
solids are by Mr . I \ Vennsi , and nearly the talent of the . town both of professors and amateurs has been kindly granted to the request of the Lodge , for that night only . The name of the composer of the original music is sufficient to justify the most sanguine ' expecUtious as In its success , and when displayed by the exquisite " pel 1 lormance of that gentleman , and the masterly and piolound . science of a fiiNFiEl . D , will 110 doubt produce a ileiight -which the admirers of harmony have seldom an opportunity of enjoying .
' Yefterday evening a prodi s ' ious conceurfe of people were aflembled in St . Pancras Churchyard to fee a Free Mafon ' s funeral . Manypeople having goc 6 "n the tiles belonging-10 the Adam and Eve , fome of " the waiters imprudently threw water on them , which . enraged them lo much that they ltripped the whole row of ai-bors
of the tiling , threw them into the gardens , and did much mifchief . The pickpockets took advantage of the confufion and uproar , and caied many ° people of their pocket handkerchiefs , hiutF- "boxes , S : c .
The selection is varied , and embraces such diverse interests as a sermon in aid of " the Freemasons for female children , St . George's Fields , " and the appearance at Bow Street of the proprietors of a Freemasons' Hall " for having advertised a masquerade without any licence for such an entertainment . " In those clays , too , it was not unusual to see a lodge
represented at theatrical performances , both in London and the provinces , by the brethren in their clothing and jewels , and occupying a prominent position in the stalls .
TATTOOING=-( Art Etching on the Human Skin ) by ALFREDSOUTH,TattooArtist, 22 , COCKSPUR STREET , Pall Mall , London , S . W . Pnlroiiisc / I by Royalty , Officers of His Majesty ' s Services , ami lea / lino Mciiihers of Society . Masonic Jewels , Badges , and Emblematic Designs artistically and accurately etched on ( he Skin . Spoiling Pictures , Studies of Animals , Doj , 's' and Horses' Heads reproduced in Tattoo from Sketches or Photographs . Coats of Arms , Crests , Monograms , Initials , and Inscriptions . Illustrated Articles and Press comments on Alfred South ' s work appeared in all the leading Papers at home and abroad . ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS ( OWN PATENT ; . IEKMS MomcKATK . Hocus 10 a . m . to 7 p . m . Telephone : 3037 Central . Telegraphic Aihlress : Tattooing , London .
Freehold Land the safest investment . —Land to suit all classes . " \/ I ' ESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & CO ., beg to announce -L " - * - the following forthcoming important SALES of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND in plots : — MARGATE ( Alexandra Park Estate ) , TUESDAY , OCT . nth , 1904 . STAINES ( Penton Hook Estate ) , THUKSDAY , OCT . 13 th , 1904 . Free of Tithe and Land Tax . Free Conveyances . Easy Payments . For tickets and particulars of these and other sales , apply—MESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & Co , 11 , QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . C .
.. THE .. CHARINGCROSSBANK 119 & 120 , BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN , E . C , and 28 , BEDFORD STREET , CHARING CROSS , LONDON , W . C . ( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , £ 597 , 790 . Liabilities , £ 285 , 680 . Reserve , £ 312 , 110 . Loans of . £ 50 to . £ 5 , 000 made on any class of security . Two mid a-half per cent , interest allowed on Current Accounts . Deposits of , £ 10 and upwards received as under : — 5 per cent , per annum , subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal . 6 - » . » <• 7 1- ' Special terms for longer periods . Interest paid Quarterly . The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly i ) per cent ., mid are a side investment . Write or call for Prospectus . A . WILLIAMS ) , „ , „ + „„„ H . J . TALL S Joint Manaeers .