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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Durham.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham .
- "pHE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge ol j Durham was held at the Town Hall , Bishop Auckland ! on the September . There was a very large gathering from the several lodges of the province . The Prov . Grand Master , Lord Barnard , P . G . W ., presided , and was supported by Bros , the Rev . Canon Tristram , D . D . ;
I . G . Kirtley , P . P . S . G . W . ; Dr . Hill Drury , P . P . S . G . W . ; Dr . Middlemiss , P . P . J . G . W . ; R . Hudson , P . S . G . W . ; and J . D . Todd , Acting P . j . G . W . The Fund Committee met at the Masonic Hall at noon , Bro . the Rev . Canon Tristram , P . G . Chap ., Dep . Prov . G . M .,
presiding , supported by the Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . Lord Barnard , P . G . W ., and many other brethren . The Treasurer ' s report , showing a balance in hand of X 418 8 s . 1 id ., was received and adopted . It was decided , on the motion of Bro . J . D . Todd , P . P . J . G . W ., that the
following grants be given from the Provincial Grand Lodge funds : —Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , 100 guineas ; Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , 50 guineas ; Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 25 guineas ; the 1906 Festival Fund , 160 guineas ; and the Durham Masonic Charities , 60 guineas .
In the afternoon the brethren , numbering nearly 500 , collected at the Town Hall , Bishop Auckland , and marched in Masonic dress to St . Peter ' s Chapel , Auckland Castle , by kind permission of the Bishop of Durham , where all joined in Divine service , conducted by Bros , the Revs . J . R . Brown and J . E . Wright , P . G . Chaplains . An eloquent
address was delivered by Bro . the Rev . R . E . Parr , vicar of St . James ' , West Hartlepool , P . P . G . Chaplain , from the text , " Fear God , love the Brotherhood , honour the King . " A collection was taken on behalf of the Extension Fund of the Eden Cottage Hospital , Bishop Auckland . Among those
present , in addition to the brethren , were the Rev . J . Foster Carter ( Bishop's chaplain ) , and a number of ladies . On returning to the Town Hall , the annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge was held . The Right Hon . Lord Barnard , P . G . M ., presided .
The Treasurer ' s report was read by Bro . T . Robinson , P . P . S . G . D ., in the absence of Bro . James Lee , P . G . Treasurer , showing a balance of ^" 418 8 s . nd . in hand . This was adopted . The report of the Fund Committee , with grants to
the various Charities , was , after some discussion and the moving of an amendment , carried as originally moved . The report of the Charities Committee was moved by Bro . T . H . Bennett , P . P . G . W ., seconded by Bro . J . Holt , P . P . G . D ., and adopted .
The roll of lodges was then called , and the Master of Lodge Industry , No . 4 8 , Gateshead , gave an invitation on behalf of the Gateshead lodges , Nos . 4 8 , 424 , 2674 , and 3000 , for the Provincial Grand Lodge to meet at Gateshead next year . An invitation was also given by the Master of the St . Bede Lodge to meet at Jarrow next year . Both were
thanked for their invitations . Apologies for absence were read from a large number of brethren , and the Provincial Grand Master also reported a similar letter from Bro . Rigg , M . P . On the motion of Bro . Chas . W . Anderson , P . P . S . G . D ., Bro . H . D . Parsons , P . M . 1418 , was elected as Treasurer , and was subsequently invested to the office .
In the course of the meeting the Provincial Grand Master appointed and invested the following ohieers : —Bros . George Fenwick Boyd , P . S . G . W . ; Robert Whitfield , P . J . G . W . ; the Rev . J . Ridley Barker , P . G . Chaplain ; tlie Rev . W . de M . Pennel ' alher , M . A ., P . G . Chaplain ; D . D . Smith , P . G . Registrar ; J . C . Moor ( re-appointed ) , P . G . Secretary ;
T . R . Jobson , P . S . G . Deacon ; Alexander Guthrie , P . S . G . Deacon * , W . Wallace , P . j . G . Deacon ; T . 1-:. Campbell , P . J . G . Deacon ; R . W . Salkeld , P . G . S . of Works ; C . T . Johnson ( re-appointed ) , P . G . D . of C . ; W . S . Passman 1 P . D . G . D . of C . ; C . Stephenson , P . A . G . D . of C . ; C . V . Howard , P . A . G . D . of C . ; W . H . Telford , P . A . G . D . of C . ; ] . B . Hudson , P . G . Swd . B . ; Philemon Gauden , P . G . Std .
B . ; T . B . Watson , P . G . Std . B . ; S . Barkas , P . G . Organist ; W . J . Moor , P . A . G . Sec . ; W . Chapman , P . G . Pursuivant ; W . Carr Allan , P . G . Pursuivant ; Thos . Grieve ( re-appointed ) , P . G . Tyler ; Joseph Bowman , Ezra Longley , Thos . Welsh , P . Wotherspoon , Win . H . Foster , Win . Paterson , P . M ., Provincial Grand Stewards . Appointment of brethren to Past Prov . Grand rank : —John Joel , P . P . S . G . W . ; E . W . Nightingale , P . P . S . G . D . ; John E .
Nelson , P . P . S . G . D . ; Jonathan Howe , P . P . S . G . D . ; James Page , P . P . G . S . of Works . PKESEXTATIOX TO Bro . R . HUDSON . Bro . Lord Barnard presented to Bro . R . Hudson ,
P . G . S . B . Eng ., his portrait , subscribed for by the lodges and brethren of the province , as a mark of their esteem , on the occasion of his retiring from the oflice of Provincial Grand Secretary , after twenty-one years of service . He hoped he might be spared for many years to advise them when
necessary , as he had done in the past . Bro . Hudson , in responding , expressed his sincere thanks for their kindness . He referred to the time when , thirtyfour years ago , he had been appointed P . G . D . of C . in the Barrington Schools , Bishop Auckland . He pointed out
the great advance Masonry had made in the province since that time , and said he was proud to have been identiJied with the work . He referred to the uniform kindness with which the brethren had always received him , both in the past and on that day . He hoped he might still be of some
use to them to help forward the good of Freemasonry . He sincerely thanked the brethren for their very handsome gift . The portrait was a life-size one , in Masonic dress , and was by Bro . Ralph Hedley , the well-known artist ,
Newcastle . At the conclusion of the proceedings , a banquet was held in the Drill Hall , the Right Hon . Lord Barnard , P . G . M ., presiding over a large gathering .
TO MEMBERS OF THE QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE , No . 2076 . The complete set of 1 ( 1 Volumes ot ( he Ars Quatiior Coronal " , hound in half-calf . The complete set of 9 Volumes of ( he Reprints ( Auliographia ) , in half-calf , with an Extra Volume of St . John Cards from 1 KS 9 , ' 90 , ' 91 , ' 92 , ' 9 . -5 . ( The St . John Cards from 1894 to date are bound in their respective Volumes . ) For Sale—Apply to , ¦ MESSRS . SPENCER 4 . CO ., 15 , GREAT QUEEN ST , LONDON , W . C .
Messrs.A.J.HOWARD&Co., Estate Hgents , Surveyors , Xfcenseo Valuers , JBrcwers agents , anb Xicensefc property Ejperts , 25 , KENNINGTON PARK ROAD , S . E . £ 3 flflfl CASH —1 <" ° ' disposal , Free Lease , very desirable Tavern in < bu , UUU j , () OC | m ; ljM ro : H \ , | sm-ionncij-ci | , | ] 0 ice neighbourhood , gross profits £ 2 / 100 per annum . Excellent Billiard Saloon ( 2 Tables ) and specially buill Masonic Hall ground lloor . Bowling Green . Splendid Home . Gentleman ' s properly . Parties wishing to dispose of or purchase Public Houses , Hotels , Taverns , Beer Houses , and Off Licences , and all kinds of Licensed properties will find this an excellent medium . NO CHARGE FOR ENTERING PROPERTIES ON OUR REGISTER . Cash Advanced to enable Purchasers to Complete , and on all kinds of Security , £ 25 upwards .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Durham.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham .
- "pHE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge ol j Durham was held at the Town Hall , Bishop Auckland ! on the September . There was a very large gathering from the several lodges of the province . The Prov . Grand Master , Lord Barnard , P . G . W ., presided , and was supported by Bros , the Rev . Canon Tristram , D . D . ;
I . G . Kirtley , P . P . S . G . W . ; Dr . Hill Drury , P . P . S . G . W . ; Dr . Middlemiss , P . P . J . G . W . ; R . Hudson , P . S . G . W . ; and J . D . Todd , Acting P . j . G . W . The Fund Committee met at the Masonic Hall at noon , Bro . the Rev . Canon Tristram , P . G . Chap ., Dep . Prov . G . M .,
presiding , supported by the Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . Lord Barnard , P . G . W ., and many other brethren . The Treasurer ' s report , showing a balance in hand of X 418 8 s . 1 id ., was received and adopted . It was decided , on the motion of Bro . J . D . Todd , P . P . J . G . W ., that the
following grants be given from the Provincial Grand Lodge funds : —Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , 100 guineas ; Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , 50 guineas ; Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 25 guineas ; the 1906 Festival Fund , 160 guineas ; and the Durham Masonic Charities , 60 guineas .
In the afternoon the brethren , numbering nearly 500 , collected at the Town Hall , Bishop Auckland , and marched in Masonic dress to St . Peter ' s Chapel , Auckland Castle , by kind permission of the Bishop of Durham , where all joined in Divine service , conducted by Bros , the Revs . J . R . Brown and J . E . Wright , P . G . Chaplains . An eloquent
address was delivered by Bro . the Rev . R . E . Parr , vicar of St . James ' , West Hartlepool , P . P . G . Chaplain , from the text , " Fear God , love the Brotherhood , honour the King . " A collection was taken on behalf of the Extension Fund of the Eden Cottage Hospital , Bishop Auckland . Among those
present , in addition to the brethren , were the Rev . J . Foster Carter ( Bishop's chaplain ) , and a number of ladies . On returning to the Town Hall , the annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge was held . The Right Hon . Lord Barnard , P . G . M ., presided .
The Treasurer ' s report was read by Bro . T . Robinson , P . P . S . G . D ., in the absence of Bro . James Lee , P . G . Treasurer , showing a balance of ^" 418 8 s . nd . in hand . This was adopted . The report of the Fund Committee , with grants to
the various Charities , was , after some discussion and the moving of an amendment , carried as originally moved . The report of the Charities Committee was moved by Bro . T . H . Bennett , P . P . G . W ., seconded by Bro . J . Holt , P . P . G . D ., and adopted .
The roll of lodges was then called , and the Master of Lodge Industry , No . 4 8 , Gateshead , gave an invitation on behalf of the Gateshead lodges , Nos . 4 8 , 424 , 2674 , and 3000 , for the Provincial Grand Lodge to meet at Gateshead next year . An invitation was also given by the Master of the St . Bede Lodge to meet at Jarrow next year . Both were
thanked for their invitations . Apologies for absence were read from a large number of brethren , and the Provincial Grand Master also reported a similar letter from Bro . Rigg , M . P . On the motion of Bro . Chas . W . Anderson , P . P . S . G . D ., Bro . H . D . Parsons , P . M . 1418 , was elected as Treasurer , and was subsequently invested to the office .
In the course of the meeting the Provincial Grand Master appointed and invested the following ohieers : —Bros . George Fenwick Boyd , P . S . G . W . ; Robert Whitfield , P . J . G . W . ; the Rev . J . Ridley Barker , P . G . Chaplain ; tlie Rev . W . de M . Pennel ' alher , M . A ., P . G . Chaplain ; D . D . Smith , P . G . Registrar ; J . C . Moor ( re-appointed ) , P . G . Secretary ;
T . R . Jobson , P . S . G . Deacon ; Alexander Guthrie , P . S . G . Deacon * , W . Wallace , P . j . G . Deacon ; T . 1-:. Campbell , P . J . G . Deacon ; R . W . Salkeld , P . G . S . of Works ; C . T . Johnson ( re-appointed ) , P . G . D . of C . ; W . S . Passman 1 P . D . G . D . of C . ; C . Stephenson , P . A . G . D . of C . ; C . V . Howard , P . A . G . D . of C . ; W . H . Telford , P . A . G . D . of C . ; ] . B . Hudson , P . G . Swd . B . ; Philemon Gauden , P . G . Std .
B . ; T . B . Watson , P . G . Std . B . ; S . Barkas , P . G . Organist ; W . J . Moor , P . A . G . Sec . ; W . Chapman , P . G . Pursuivant ; W . Carr Allan , P . G . Pursuivant ; Thos . Grieve ( re-appointed ) , P . G . Tyler ; Joseph Bowman , Ezra Longley , Thos . Welsh , P . Wotherspoon , Win . H . Foster , Win . Paterson , P . M ., Provincial Grand Stewards . Appointment of brethren to Past Prov . Grand rank : —John Joel , P . P . S . G . W . ; E . W . Nightingale , P . P . S . G . D . ; John E .
Nelson , P . P . S . G . D . ; Jonathan Howe , P . P . S . G . D . ; James Page , P . P . G . S . of Works . PKESEXTATIOX TO Bro . R . HUDSON . Bro . Lord Barnard presented to Bro . R . Hudson ,
P . G . S . B . Eng ., his portrait , subscribed for by the lodges and brethren of the province , as a mark of their esteem , on the occasion of his retiring from the oflice of Provincial Grand Secretary , after twenty-one years of service . He hoped he might be spared for many years to advise them when
necessary , as he had done in the past . Bro . Hudson , in responding , expressed his sincere thanks for their kindness . He referred to the time when , thirtyfour years ago , he had been appointed P . G . D . of C . in the Barrington Schools , Bishop Auckland . He pointed out
the great advance Masonry had made in the province since that time , and said he was proud to have been identiJied with the work . He referred to the uniform kindness with which the brethren had always received him , both in the past and on that day . He hoped he might still be of some
use to them to help forward the good of Freemasonry . He sincerely thanked the brethren for their very handsome gift . The portrait was a life-size one , in Masonic dress , and was by Bro . Ralph Hedley , the well-known artist ,
Newcastle . At the conclusion of the proceedings , a banquet was held in the Drill Hall , the Right Hon . Lord Barnard , P . G . M ., presiding over a large gathering .
TO MEMBERS OF THE QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE , No . 2076 . The complete set of 1 ( 1 Volumes ot ( he Ars Quatiior Coronal " , hound in half-calf . The complete set of 9 Volumes of ( he Reprints ( Auliographia ) , in half-calf , with an Extra Volume of St . John Cards from 1 KS 9 , ' 90 , ' 91 , ' 92 , ' 9 . -5 . ( The St . John Cards from 1894 to date are bound in their respective Volumes . ) For Sale—Apply to , ¦ MESSRS . SPENCER 4 . CO ., 15 , GREAT QUEEN ST , LONDON , W . C .
Messrs.A.J.HOWARD&Co., Estate Hgents , Surveyors , Xfcenseo Valuers , JBrcwers agents , anb Xicensefc property Ejperts , 25 , KENNINGTON PARK ROAD , S . E . £ 3 flflfl CASH —1 <" ° ' disposal , Free Lease , very desirable Tavern in < bu , UUU j , () OC | m ; ljM ro : H \ , | sm-ionncij-ci | , | ] 0 ice neighbourhood , gross profits £ 2 / 100 per annum . Excellent Billiard Saloon ( 2 Tables ) and specially buill Masonic Hall ground lloor . Bowling Green . Splendid Home . Gentleman ' s properly . Parties wishing to dispose of or purchase Public Houses , Hotels , Taverns , Beer Houses , and Off Licences , and all kinds of Licensed properties will find this an excellent medium . NO CHARGE FOR ENTERING PROPERTIES ON OUR REGISTER . Cash Advanced to enable Purchasers to Complete , and on all kinds of Security , £ 25 upwards .