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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cheshire.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire .
r pHE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of I Cheshire took place on Wednesday , September 21 st , at Hyde . The Prov . Grand Master , the R . W . Bro . the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , M . P ., presided over a large gathering , and W . Bro . F . Broadsmith , in the absence of Bro . Sir Horatio Lloyd , acted as Deputy Provincial Grand
Master . With three exceptions , all the lodges in the province were represented . The Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s statement , which showed a gratifying credit balance , having been adopted , W . Bro . Lilly Ellis , P . A . G . D . C , moved the adoption of
the annual report of the Committee of Benevolence relating to the Provincial Fund of Benevolence , the Cheshire Masonic Benevolent Institution , and the Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution . The Fund of Benevolence , he said , had increased by £ 85 , and they had to their credit J ' 216 . Their
two Masonic Charities , the Cheshire Educational and the Cheshire Benevolent Fund , suffered somewhat from the great effort thej- made last year to do honour to their Prov . Grand Master when he presided at the Girls' Festival , but he was sure any shortcoming last year would be more than made up this year , because all the brethren throughout the
province had at heart the benefit of their Provincial Charities . He proposed that twenty-live guineas be voted to each of the two Charities , and he took that opportunity of thanking the Charity Representatives of the province for raising the handsome sum they did for the London Charity , namelv ,
about . £ 3500 . In regard to the Cheshire Educational Institution , its work , like that of similar bodies in other provinces , was increasing year by year . They had now nearly 100 boys and girls to look after , and the energies of all of them must not be relaxed in obtaining aid for that Institution .
W . Bro . James Cookson , P . P . G . W ., seconded the motion , which was agreed to . On the proposition of W . Bro . Broadsmith , and seconded ¦ b y W . Bro . J . F . Ma } -, thanks were accorded to the Prov .
Grand Treasurer , W . Bro . Robt . Grtndv . the Treasurer of the Benevolent Institution , W . Bro . T . H . Annett , the Treasurer of the Educational Institution , W . Bro . J . R . Sims , and the auditors for their services during the past year . W . Bro . Colonel Dean , Birkenhead , moved the approval of certain alterations of the by-laws of the Committee of
Benevolence , the by-laws ot the Benevolent Institution , and the by-laws of the Educational Institution , as recommended by the Committee of Management . W . Bro . Broadsmith seconded and explained that in regard to the Educational Institution the alterations were intended to increase the efficiency of the Institution by
enabling them to add maintenance to the clothing and educational benefits dispensed . The motion was unanimously adopted . The Prov . Grand Master , in the course of his address , said the year that had passed since their last meeting had
not been less productive of good works than those which had preceded it ; they had not only increased the number of lodges , but also the number of members . The great interest that had been taken by the brethren in the
Educational and Benevolenf Institutions to extend the lessons of Fraternity and Brotherly Love was in itself the best evidence of their earnestness of purpose and their sincere desire to do good . Personally , he had to thank them for placing him at the head of the list for the Girls' Festival this year , a list
which had not been exceeded in that province , and which he thought , bearing in mind the sixe , would compare favourably with other provinces . The promise made this time last year that he should have a list of . £ " 3000 was more than amply justified by those who made the estimate , the
amount raised being £ . ' 3500 . It was a matter of very great pleasure to him to be the representative of that province and to preside over so worthy a Charity . In paying a visit to the school he was greatly struck with the high tone prevailing in it and the real economy displayed in its management .
THESURGICALAIDSOCIETY._^ Chief Offices SALISBURY SQUARE , FLEET STREET , E . C . ll > atron—1 bts fl & ajest \? ftbc Ikincj . Presiclent-The Right Hon . THE EARL OF ABERDEEN , G . C . M . G . ^ wn — " J This Society u-. is established in 1 No . ? io supply Spinal Supports , Leg Instruments , Trusses , Elastic Stockings , Artificial Limbs , etc . iin-. l every oilier description ol" nicch . mical support , to the poor , without limit as to locality or disease . Since tlie commencement ot the Society il has supplied 429 , 265 Appliances to the poor . 32 , 264 APPLIANCES GIVEN IN THE YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 , 1903 . Annual Subscription of to 6 , or Life Subscription of £ 5 5 s ., entitles to Two Recommendations per Annum ; the number of Letters increasing * in proportion to the amount of Contributions . Suh ; 1 iplioiis . mil llonnlions Hii- einliestly soli , il , ; l , , \ ml will W lliiiiikliilly iv . eircil by the Hunkers .. . Mu-. iv IS \ uu . AV i ! Co .. I . iiuik-il . I . on , bunt Slur / .- or I ? Ill ,- S , ; rrhny ill l . ' ir Olliu- ol the So , i ,-ly . RICHARD C . TRESIDDER , Secretary . ^^^ BM ^^^^^^ B ^^^ Hii ^ a ^^ l ^ MM ^ M ^^^^ H ^ l ^^ H ^ HHH ^^ H ^^^ i ^^^ MM ^ H ^^^^^^ B ^ I ^^ B ^^^^^^^^ H ^ B ^ H ^ nH ^^ HHi ^ Bl
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cheshire.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire .
r pHE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of I Cheshire took place on Wednesday , September 21 st , at Hyde . The Prov . Grand Master , the R . W . Bro . the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , M . P ., presided over a large gathering , and W . Bro . F . Broadsmith , in the absence of Bro . Sir Horatio Lloyd , acted as Deputy Provincial Grand
Master . With three exceptions , all the lodges in the province were represented . The Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s statement , which showed a gratifying credit balance , having been adopted , W . Bro . Lilly Ellis , P . A . G . D . C , moved the adoption of
the annual report of the Committee of Benevolence relating to the Provincial Fund of Benevolence , the Cheshire Masonic Benevolent Institution , and the Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution . The Fund of Benevolence , he said , had increased by £ 85 , and they had to their credit J ' 216 . Their
two Masonic Charities , the Cheshire Educational and the Cheshire Benevolent Fund , suffered somewhat from the great effort thej- made last year to do honour to their Prov . Grand Master when he presided at the Girls' Festival , but he was sure any shortcoming last year would be more than made up this year , because all the brethren throughout the
province had at heart the benefit of their Provincial Charities . He proposed that twenty-live guineas be voted to each of the two Charities , and he took that opportunity of thanking the Charity Representatives of the province for raising the handsome sum they did for the London Charity , namelv ,
about . £ 3500 . In regard to the Cheshire Educational Institution , its work , like that of similar bodies in other provinces , was increasing year by year . They had now nearly 100 boys and girls to look after , and the energies of all of them must not be relaxed in obtaining aid for that Institution .
W . Bro . James Cookson , P . P . G . W ., seconded the motion , which was agreed to . On the proposition of W . Bro . Broadsmith , and seconded ¦ b y W . Bro . J . F . Ma } -, thanks were accorded to the Prov .
Grand Treasurer , W . Bro . Robt . Grtndv . the Treasurer of the Benevolent Institution , W . Bro . T . H . Annett , the Treasurer of the Educational Institution , W . Bro . J . R . Sims , and the auditors for their services during the past year . W . Bro . Colonel Dean , Birkenhead , moved the approval of certain alterations of the by-laws of the Committee of
Benevolence , the by-laws ot the Benevolent Institution , and the by-laws of the Educational Institution , as recommended by the Committee of Management . W . Bro . Broadsmith seconded and explained that in regard to the Educational Institution the alterations were intended to increase the efficiency of the Institution by
enabling them to add maintenance to the clothing and educational benefits dispensed . The motion was unanimously adopted . The Prov . Grand Master , in the course of his address , said the year that had passed since their last meeting had
not been less productive of good works than those which had preceded it ; they had not only increased the number of lodges , but also the number of members . The great interest that had been taken by the brethren in the
Educational and Benevolenf Institutions to extend the lessons of Fraternity and Brotherly Love was in itself the best evidence of their earnestness of purpose and their sincere desire to do good . Personally , he had to thank them for placing him at the head of the list for the Girls' Festival this year , a list
which had not been exceeded in that province , and which he thought , bearing in mind the sixe , would compare favourably with other provinces . The promise made this time last year that he should have a list of . £ " 3000 was more than amply justified by those who made the estimate , the
amount raised being £ . ' 3500 . It was a matter of very great pleasure to him to be the representative of that province and to preside over so worthy a Charity . In paying a visit to the school he was greatly struck with the high tone prevailing in it and the real economy displayed in its management .
THESURGICALAIDSOCIETY._^ Chief Offices SALISBURY SQUARE , FLEET STREET , E . C . ll > atron—1 bts fl & ajest \? ftbc Ikincj . Presiclent-The Right Hon . THE EARL OF ABERDEEN , G . C . M . G . ^ wn — " J This Society u-. is established in 1 No . ? io supply Spinal Supports , Leg Instruments , Trusses , Elastic Stockings , Artificial Limbs , etc . iin-. l every oilier description ol" nicch . mical support , to the poor , without limit as to locality or disease . Since tlie commencement ot the Society il has supplied 429 , 265 Appliances to the poor . 32 , 264 APPLIANCES GIVEN IN THE YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 , 1903 . Annual Subscription of to 6 , or Life Subscription of £ 5 5 s ., entitles to Two Recommendations per Annum ; the number of Letters increasing * in proportion to the amount of Contributions . Suh ; 1 iplioiis . mil llonnlions Hii- einliestly soli , il , ; l , , \ ml will W lliiiiikliilly iv . eircil by the Hunkers .. . Mu-. iv IS \ uu . AV i ! Co .. I . iiuik-il . I . on , bunt Slur / .- or I ? Ill ,- S , ; rrhny ill l . ' ir Olliu- ol the So , i ,-ly . RICHARD C . TRESIDDER , Secretary . ^^^ BM ^^^^^^ B ^^^ Hii ^ a ^^ l ^ MM ^ M ^^^^ H ^ l ^^ H ^ HHH ^^ H ^^^ i ^^^ MM ^ H ^^^^^^ B ^ I ^^ B ^^^^^^^^ H ^ B ^ H ^ nH ^^ HHi ^ Bl