Article Consecration of the Polytechnic Lodge, No. 2847. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Polytechnic Lodge, No. 2847.
Consecration of the Polytechnic Lodge , No . 2847 .
ON Saturday , September 28 th , about eighty brethren assembled at the Polytechnic Institute , Regent Street , to witness the consecration of the Polytechnic Lodge , No . 28 47 . The founders were all members of the Polytechnic Institute . The Consecrating Master was Y . YY . Bro . E . Letchworth ,
Grand Secretary , assisted by YY . Bro . Clement-Godson , M . D ., P . G . D ., as S . W . ; YY . Bro . J . YV . Dawson , A . G . D . C , as JAY . ; Y . YY . Bro . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , Past Grand Chap ., as Chaplain ; V . YV . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . D . G . Reg ., as D . C . ; and YV . Bro . J . M . McLeod , P . G . Swd . Br ., as I . G . YY ords cannot express the perfect manner in which the Grand Secretary performed this important ceremony .
YyYY . Bro . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg delivered an eloquent oration , in the course of which he exhorted the brethren to work , not for outward show or present glory , but for the good of future generations . At the conclusion of the consecration , Bro . A . G . Lee was installed as YYyM . and invested his officers as follows : —
, Bros . J . Start , P . M . 2492 , Acting I . P . M . ; L . H . Harris , S . YY . ; C . E . " Roberts , M . A ., J . W . ; E . R . Alexander , Treas . ; C . Cronin , Sec ; R . G . Margetson , S . D . ; H . Elliott , J . D . ; R . F . Pierce , I . G . ; G . R . Egerton , Org . ; and N . E . YVrenn and G . F . Pavne , Stewards .
Before closing the lodge the consecrating Officers were all elected lion , members , and each was presented with a small silver vase as a slight recognition of their services . The brethren then adjourned to the Frascati Restaurant , and partook of an excellent banquet .
YV . Bro . Judge Philbrick , in replying to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " said that it was a pure accident which brought him there . He was delighted to be with them . He reminded the brethren that the name Polytechnic
meant " many arts , and suggested that the lodge might be called by some the " Artful Lodge . " Glancing at the number , 2847—which they had got " by accident "—he pointed out the happy fact that , by adding the figures , the total 21 was a multiple of 7—a number peculiar to Masonry—an accident , he thought , which augured well for the prosperity of the
new lodge . He concluded his able reply by wishing , on behalf of his brother Grand Officers and himself , peace and prosperity to the lodge . In proposing the toast of "The Consecrating Officers , " the W . M . said that words failed to express his feelings during
the beautiful ceremony which had been so ably and feelingly rendered by the Grand Secretary , assisted by his officers . Y . W . Bro . Edward Letchworth , who met with a splendid reception on rising to reply , said that of all the duties of the Grand Officers , none gave them such pleasure as the
consecration of a new lodge , more especiall y such a one as the Polytechnic , which would naturally exert a great influence for good . The I . P . M . proposed the toast of "The YY ' orshipful Master , " coupled with "Success to the Polytechnic Lodge , "
which was heartily received . The YY . M ., in replying , said there were about 15 , 000 members of the Polytechnic Institute , so they would have a very fair field from which to pick Masons—in fact , he anticipated initiating some forty during his year of office .
The YYyM . next gave the toast of " The Ylsitors , " coupling with it the name of Bro . H . Martin , who , in replying , said he had never been at a London consecration before , and was very greatly impressed by the manner in which the Grand Officers had conducted the ceremony .
Bro . Riley , who also replied , thanked the Y \ . M ., and said he had never before had such a high appreciation of the Grand Secretary ' s ability and work as he now had . His work that evening had been really splendid . He also wished to congratulate the Polytechnic Lodge in possessing such an excellent YY . M .
The toast of "The Masonic Charities" was brilliantly responded to by YY . Bro . J . M . McLeod , who , in the course of his remarks , said he was glad to find the Masonic Charities were remembered at the commencement of the new lodge . It was a noble thing , when , amidst our rejoicing , we remembered that there were some in distressed circumstances
who needed our assistance . Let those who were happy now think of those who could not enjoy the same blessing and endeavour to assist them . The YY ' . M . next gave the toast of " The I . P . M ., Treasurer , and Secretary , " all of whom suitably replied , expressing their
great wish to do all in their power for the advancement of the Polytechnic Lodge , the two former brethren stating the fact that already each had two sons in Masonry , and a third likely to follow , while the Secretary almost pledged himself ( at some future date ) to follow their example . The S . YY . and J . D . replying for "The Officers , " this very happy evening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
A GROUP OP OPPICP . li . S . During the banquet , selections were played by the I . Zingari Orchestra , and the evening was also enlivened by humorous and sentimental songs , well rendered by both ladies and gentlemen .
Masonic . . . . . Xii ^ as . . . . . Cards . Beautifully Executed Designs NOW READY . Sample Set of 12 Different Sorts , price 4 / 6 . SPENCER . & Co ., 15 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Polytechnic Lodge, No. 2847.
Consecration of the Polytechnic Lodge , No . 2847 .
ON Saturday , September 28 th , about eighty brethren assembled at the Polytechnic Institute , Regent Street , to witness the consecration of the Polytechnic Lodge , No . 28 47 . The founders were all members of the Polytechnic Institute . The Consecrating Master was Y . YY . Bro . E . Letchworth ,
Grand Secretary , assisted by YY . Bro . Clement-Godson , M . D ., P . G . D ., as S . W . ; YY . Bro . J . YV . Dawson , A . G . D . C , as JAY . ; Y . YY . Bro . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , Past Grand Chap ., as Chaplain ; V . YV . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . D . G . Reg ., as D . C . ; and YV . Bro . J . M . McLeod , P . G . Swd . Br ., as I . G . YY ords cannot express the perfect manner in which the Grand Secretary performed this important ceremony .
YyYY . Bro . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg delivered an eloquent oration , in the course of which he exhorted the brethren to work , not for outward show or present glory , but for the good of future generations . At the conclusion of the consecration , Bro . A . G . Lee was installed as YYyM . and invested his officers as follows : —
, Bros . J . Start , P . M . 2492 , Acting I . P . M . ; L . H . Harris , S . YY . ; C . E . " Roberts , M . A ., J . W . ; E . R . Alexander , Treas . ; C . Cronin , Sec ; R . G . Margetson , S . D . ; H . Elliott , J . D . ; R . F . Pierce , I . G . ; G . R . Egerton , Org . ; and N . E . YVrenn and G . F . Pavne , Stewards .
Before closing the lodge the consecrating Officers were all elected lion , members , and each was presented with a small silver vase as a slight recognition of their services . The brethren then adjourned to the Frascati Restaurant , and partook of an excellent banquet .
YV . Bro . Judge Philbrick , in replying to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " said that it was a pure accident which brought him there . He was delighted to be with them . He reminded the brethren that the name Polytechnic
meant " many arts , and suggested that the lodge might be called by some the " Artful Lodge . " Glancing at the number , 2847—which they had got " by accident "—he pointed out the happy fact that , by adding the figures , the total 21 was a multiple of 7—a number peculiar to Masonry—an accident , he thought , which augured well for the prosperity of the
new lodge . He concluded his able reply by wishing , on behalf of his brother Grand Officers and himself , peace and prosperity to the lodge . In proposing the toast of "The Consecrating Officers , " the W . M . said that words failed to express his feelings during
the beautiful ceremony which had been so ably and feelingly rendered by the Grand Secretary , assisted by his officers . Y . W . Bro . Edward Letchworth , who met with a splendid reception on rising to reply , said that of all the duties of the Grand Officers , none gave them such pleasure as the
consecration of a new lodge , more especiall y such a one as the Polytechnic , which would naturally exert a great influence for good . The I . P . M . proposed the toast of "The YY ' orshipful Master , " coupled with "Success to the Polytechnic Lodge , "
which was heartily received . The YY . M ., in replying , said there were about 15 , 000 members of the Polytechnic Institute , so they would have a very fair field from which to pick Masons—in fact , he anticipated initiating some forty during his year of office .
The YYyM . next gave the toast of " The Ylsitors , " coupling with it the name of Bro . H . Martin , who , in replying , said he had never been at a London consecration before , and was very greatly impressed by the manner in which the Grand Officers had conducted the ceremony .
Bro . Riley , who also replied , thanked the Y \ . M ., and said he had never before had such a high appreciation of the Grand Secretary ' s ability and work as he now had . His work that evening had been really splendid . He also wished to congratulate the Polytechnic Lodge in possessing such an excellent YY . M .
The toast of "The Masonic Charities" was brilliantly responded to by YY . Bro . J . M . McLeod , who , in the course of his remarks , said he was glad to find the Masonic Charities were remembered at the commencement of the new lodge . It was a noble thing , when , amidst our rejoicing , we remembered that there were some in distressed circumstances
who needed our assistance . Let those who were happy now think of those who could not enjoy the same blessing and endeavour to assist them . The YY ' . M . next gave the toast of " The I . P . M ., Treasurer , and Secretary , " all of whom suitably replied , expressing their
great wish to do all in their power for the advancement of the Polytechnic Lodge , the two former brethren stating the fact that already each had two sons in Masonry , and a third likely to follow , while the Secretary almost pledged himself ( at some future date ) to follow their example . The S . YY . and J . D . replying for "The Officers , " this very happy evening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
A GROUP OP OPPICP . li . S . During the banquet , selections were played by the I . Zingari Orchestra , and the evening was also enlivened by humorous and sentimental songs , well rendered by both ladies and gentlemen .
Masonic . . . . . Xii ^ as . . . . . Cards . Beautifully Executed Designs NOW READY . Sample Set of 12 Different Sorts , price 4 / 6 . SPENCER . & Co ., 15 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .