Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar Page 1 of 3 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
The half-yearly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire was held on the 8 th October in the Albert Hall , Leeds . An extra feature of interest was imparted to the proceedings by the fact that this was the first meeting held since the Provincial Grand Master had been elevated to
the peerage as Lord Allerton . Another attraction was the presentation of an illuminated address and a service of plate of the value of about 120 guineas to Bro . W . F . Smithson , of Leeds , on the occasion of his relinquishing his connection with the Charity Committee , of whicli he had been a member
for thirty years , and over twenty years a member of the Executive . Bro . Smithson had also been chairman for five years and vice-chairman for a similar period . This combination of interesting circumstances drew together a large attendance of the brethren , only two lodges in the province
being unrepresented . The proceedings were presided over by the Provincial Grand Master ( the Right Hon . Lord Allerton ) , who was supported by Bros . I _ . Wilson , Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; H . Smith , P . P . D . G . M . ; J . C . Malcolm , P . P . D . G . M . ; and a large number of Grand and Provincial Grand Ollicers .
> s » « s » « . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , addressing the Provincial Grand Master , said that on behalf of every lodge and brother of the Province of West Yorkshire he offered Lord Allerton their hearty congratulations on his elevation to the Peerage . Those congratulations were prompted by
the esteem and affection which they entertained for him , by their appreciation of the honour which had been paid to him , and by the knowledge that in his new sphere his experience and abilities would be of great advantage to the nation . As head of the province , Lord Allerton had ruled
them wisely and well . They congratulated him also because they knew him to be worthy of the honour , and the ) - prayed that he might long have health and happiness in the full enjoyment of a well-spent , honourable life .
Lord Allerton , whose rising was the signal for an enthusiastic ovation , said he found it extremely difficult to find words adequately to thank them . He had sometimes wondered why that great honour had been conferred upon him , because so far as justification was concerned it was difficult for him to find any , but amid the very large number
of messages and congratulations which had reached him from friends and neighbours of all classes , there were none he valued so highly as those of the brethren of the Province of West Yorkshire . He was aware of the large number of resolutions which had been passed , and accepted them with the frankness and in the spirit with which they had been forwarded , believing they honestly represented their feelings .
<& <_ « $ > The address presented to Bro . Smithson stated that during Bro . Smithson's connection with the Charity Committee , . £ 81 , 044 l > ad been contributed by the province , and 302 Freemasons , widows , boys , and girls from the province had been elected to the Masonic Institutions in London with 600 , 920 votes . The presentation was made by Lord Allerton .
< 5 > « S <_' Bro . Smithson , in acknowledging the gift , remarked that during his conneetion with the Charity Committee lie had only twice been absent . In ( hat time sixty-four boys had been elected to the Boys' School , fourteen of whom were still in the institution ; fifty-seven girls had been placed in the
Girls' School , and nineteen were still there ; while fifty-six old men and thirty-live widows had become annuitants , having received about i . 20 , 000 .
Bro . Col . Mark Lockwood acquitted himself exceedingly well at the consecration recently of the Westcliffe Lodge , which was ( he first consecration ( hat had fallen to his lot since his appointment as Provincial Grand Master of Essex . The province has made rapid strides during the Grand Mastership of the Earl of Warwick , and its prosperity bids fair to continue under the new regime . This makes the forty-sixth lodge in the province .
lhe traditional association of the Citv with Freemasonry has been continued this year , for both the Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir Marcus Samuel , and Bro . Sheriff Truscott , are well known members of ( he Craft . It is interesting to notice in this connection that Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , has again been appointed one of the Under-SherifiV , the present
occasion being the fourth on which Bro . Langton , who recently received the King's Coronation medal , will serve in that capacity .
Bro . Montague Guest has resigned the office of Provincial Grand Master for Dorsetshire , after a distinguished Masonic career of over thirty years . For a quarter of a century he has discharged with zeal , ability , and dignity , the duties of a provincial chief , and his association with the county will always be remembered for the foundation of the Dorset
Masonic Charity , which has now invested funds amounting to about / . " 4000 . Bro . Guest was the originator of this splendid movement , and did his utmost to foster it .
Not a little satisfaction has been expressed by the Craft at the appointment of the Earl of Shaftesbury to the office of Provincial Grand Master for Dorset in succession to Bro . Montague Guest . His lordship is a grandson of ( he great
Earl . We trust that Masonry in Dorset , which province at the present time numbers fifteen lodges , will go on and prosper under such distinguished rule .
< S > ' }• $ In a recent number of THE MASOXIC ILLUSTRATE !) we duly recorded the services of Bro . Nicholas A . Earle , whose long and faithful record as an East Lancashire Mason had procured for him the distinction of a Grand Officer of the
liliO . XlC'llOHS . _ . K . xiti . i-:. Grand Lodge of England . His appointment , in June last , as Past Grand Deacon , was a deservedly popular one , and we have now the pleasure of presenting our readers with the portrait of our worthy and distinguished brother .
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
The half-yearly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire was held on the 8 th October in the Albert Hall , Leeds . An extra feature of interest was imparted to the proceedings by the fact that this was the first meeting held since the Provincial Grand Master had been elevated to
the peerage as Lord Allerton . Another attraction was the presentation of an illuminated address and a service of plate of the value of about 120 guineas to Bro . W . F . Smithson , of Leeds , on the occasion of his relinquishing his connection with the Charity Committee , of whicli he had been a member
for thirty years , and over twenty years a member of the Executive . Bro . Smithson had also been chairman for five years and vice-chairman for a similar period . This combination of interesting circumstances drew together a large attendance of the brethren , only two lodges in the province
being unrepresented . The proceedings were presided over by the Provincial Grand Master ( the Right Hon . Lord Allerton ) , who was supported by Bros . I _ . Wilson , Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; H . Smith , P . P . D . G . M . ; J . C . Malcolm , P . P . D . G . M . ; and a large number of Grand and Provincial Grand Ollicers .
> s » « s » « . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , addressing the Provincial Grand Master , said that on behalf of every lodge and brother of the Province of West Yorkshire he offered Lord Allerton their hearty congratulations on his elevation to the Peerage . Those congratulations were prompted by
the esteem and affection which they entertained for him , by their appreciation of the honour which had been paid to him , and by the knowledge that in his new sphere his experience and abilities would be of great advantage to the nation . As head of the province , Lord Allerton had ruled
them wisely and well . They congratulated him also because they knew him to be worthy of the honour , and the ) - prayed that he might long have health and happiness in the full enjoyment of a well-spent , honourable life .
Lord Allerton , whose rising was the signal for an enthusiastic ovation , said he found it extremely difficult to find words adequately to thank them . He had sometimes wondered why that great honour had been conferred upon him , because so far as justification was concerned it was difficult for him to find any , but amid the very large number
of messages and congratulations which had reached him from friends and neighbours of all classes , there were none he valued so highly as those of the brethren of the Province of West Yorkshire . He was aware of the large number of resolutions which had been passed , and accepted them with the frankness and in the spirit with which they had been forwarded , believing they honestly represented their feelings .
<& <_ « $ > The address presented to Bro . Smithson stated that during Bro . Smithson's connection with the Charity Committee , . £ 81 , 044 l > ad been contributed by the province , and 302 Freemasons , widows , boys , and girls from the province had been elected to the Masonic Institutions in London with 600 , 920 votes . The presentation was made by Lord Allerton .
< 5 > « S <_' Bro . Smithson , in acknowledging the gift , remarked that during his conneetion with the Charity Committee lie had only twice been absent . In ( hat time sixty-four boys had been elected to the Boys' School , fourteen of whom were still in the institution ; fifty-seven girls had been placed in the
Girls' School , and nineteen were still there ; while fifty-six old men and thirty-live widows had become annuitants , having received about i . 20 , 000 .
Bro . Col . Mark Lockwood acquitted himself exceedingly well at the consecration recently of the Westcliffe Lodge , which was ( he first consecration ( hat had fallen to his lot since his appointment as Provincial Grand Master of Essex . The province has made rapid strides during the Grand Mastership of the Earl of Warwick , and its prosperity bids fair to continue under the new regime . This makes the forty-sixth lodge in the province .
lhe traditional association of the Citv with Freemasonry has been continued this year , for both the Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir Marcus Samuel , and Bro . Sheriff Truscott , are well known members of ( he Craft . It is interesting to notice in this connection that Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , has again been appointed one of the Under-SherifiV , the present
occasion being the fourth on which Bro . Langton , who recently received the King's Coronation medal , will serve in that capacity .
Bro . Montague Guest has resigned the office of Provincial Grand Master for Dorsetshire , after a distinguished Masonic career of over thirty years . For a quarter of a century he has discharged with zeal , ability , and dignity , the duties of a provincial chief , and his association with the county will always be remembered for the foundation of the Dorset
Masonic Charity , which has now invested funds amounting to about / . " 4000 . Bro . Guest was the originator of this splendid movement , and did his utmost to foster it .
Not a little satisfaction has been expressed by the Craft at the appointment of the Earl of Shaftesbury to the office of Provincial Grand Master for Dorset in succession to Bro . Montague Guest . His lordship is a grandson of ( he great
Earl . We trust that Masonry in Dorset , which province at the present time numbers fifteen lodges , will go on and prosper under such distinguished rule .
< S > ' }• $ In a recent number of THE MASOXIC ILLUSTRATE !) we duly recorded the services of Bro . Nicholas A . Earle , whose long and faithful record as an East Lancashire Mason had procured for him the distinction of a Grand Officer of the
liliO . XlC'llOHS . _ . K . xiti . i-:. Grand Lodge of England . His appointment , in June last , as Past Grand Deacon , was a deservedly popular one , and we have now the pleasure of presenting our readers with the portrait of our worthy and distinguished brother .