Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 2 of 3 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The resignation of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach of the cares of official life in the world of politics , as he confessed at Cheltenham recently , will give him a larger opportunity for the cultivation of what may be termed " social interludes . " That Masonry may be counted as an important item in the future social life of the ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer is
pretty obvious from the tone of his remarks at a recent meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire , when he was the recipient of a gratifying testimonial in recognition of the valuable services to the Craft during the twenty years of his Grand Mastership of
the province , services rendered with much zeal and regularity , despite the fact that his term of office has run concurrently with the most strenuous and most important period of his distinguished public career . Not only Gloucestershire Freemasons , but the Craft in general will welcome his
appearance at the gatherings of the Order , and will one and all join in the wish that he may long be spared in the enjoyment of full physical and mental vigour to render good " suit and service " for many years to come .
© © © The Leamington Spa Courier in a recent article very happily institutes a comparison between the careers of the venerable Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master for Warwickshire , and the veteran Sir Michael Hicks-Beach—a parallel and a contrast—the one distinguished in the field of
social reform by efforts steady and persistent , the other universally recognised as a tough lighter , bluff and outspoken , the " Black Michael " of the House of Commons . Yet easy as it would be to detect differences , it would be easier still to discover resemblances .
< S > © ' 9 As landlords they enjoy equal popularity ; in agriculture and the development of their county industries they are both greatly concerned ; and in their personal tastes and habits they have the simplicity which belongs to the old school . But in neither of these points of similitude do we to-day
seek a link wherewith to bind the two men . It is as Freemasons we would connect them . By a singular coincidence marked recognition has , within one week , been made by the Craft of the long and honourable connection of both with the noble and ancient Order .
€ » © © At a time when sectarian bitterness in England has reached an active stage , Sir Michael's tribute to the value of Freemasonry is peculiarly pleasing . " I look , " he said , " on Freemasonry in its social aspects as of great importance to the community . It softens their asperities , it soothes away
differences of opinion , and even at times of political controversy like the present I can conceive a High Church clergyman and a Nonconformist minister meeting in fraternal and friendly intercourse as brothers of the same lodge . Though not a Christian order , it is based on those principles of brotherly love and charity which are , perhaps , the main foundation of the Christian religion . "
<© «_> < a > At the Provincial Grand Lodge of Berkshire , held recently at Newbury , Bro . Charles E . Keyser , P . G . D ., Treasurer of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Boys , said that next year he hoped to serve his fiftieth Stewardship for the three great Masonic Charitable Institutions . He had had the privilege
of defraying the cost of erecting the chapel at the new Masonic School for Boys , and he was desirous , in the name of the Province of Berkshire , of giving 500 guineas , which would be sufficient to keep the chapel in proper repair in perpetuity . The announcement was received with applause , and Bro . Ke \ -ser was warmly thanked for his generous gift .
The Kimberley correspondent of the Daily AVics can hardly be considered up-to-date when he reports to that journal , in its issue of the 23 rd September , that " The Prince of Wales as Grand Master of English Freemasons has signified his intention of appointing Bro . D . J . Haarhoff , of the Diamond City District , Grand Master of Central South
Africa . " Such an appointment has certainly been made , but the fount of honour has been His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , and not the Prince of Wales , for the very good reason that the heir to the throne is not a member of the Order . & $ » t < S >
The Viator Lodge , No . 2308 , had a busy night at the last meeting on the 20 th September , at Anderton ' s Hotel . The business included the working of the Second and Third Degrees by the outgoing Master , the initiation of three candidates , and the installation of Bro . E . Wallace Carnon as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The latter ceremony was ably performed by Bro . T . H . Hobbs , P . M .,
BRO . E . W . CADXOX . —( . Photo Elite Portrait Co . ) P . Prov . J . G . D . Bucks , and Secretary of the lodge . The newly installed Worshipful Master , although seriously indisposed , gave an excellent example of his ability in the perfect manner in which he appointed and invested his
officers and afterwards initiated three candidates . Before the lodge was closed a Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Charles F . W . Crowther as a souvenir of his year of office .
O © « 5 * Freemasons from all parts of the counties of Durham and Northumberland assembled in large numbers in the Freemasons' Hall , South Shields , on the 16 th October , to take part in the consecration ceremony of a new lodge , which is named after the Right Hon . Lord Barnard , Provincial
Grand Master of Durham , the Lord Barnard Lodge . It is intended to acquire a suitable building in the neighbourhood of Tyne Dock at an early date , where the meetings of the new lodge will be held , the majority of the gentlemen associated with its inauguration being resident in the west
end of South Shields . The ceremony of consecration was performed by Lord Barnard , assisted by his Provincial Grand Officers .
_> '<_?> <_» Mr . Speaker Gully is amongst the eminent figures in the political world who are members of the Craft . The popular Speaker of the House of Commons , whose occupancy of that position dates , it will be remembered , from the time of the resignation of Mr . Speaker Peel ( now Viscount Peel ) , was
initiated in the Northern Bar Lodge , No . 1610 , so long ago as 1880 , since when he has continued a subscribing member of that lodge . It is but a few months ago that he became a founder of the Seaford Lodge , No . 2907 , which is to meet at Seaford , where Bro . Gully has his country seat . Our distinguished brother , who attained his 67 th birthday on the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The resignation of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach of the cares of official life in the world of politics , as he confessed at Cheltenham recently , will give him a larger opportunity for the cultivation of what may be termed " social interludes . " That Masonry may be counted as an important item in the future social life of the ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer is
pretty obvious from the tone of his remarks at a recent meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire , when he was the recipient of a gratifying testimonial in recognition of the valuable services to the Craft during the twenty years of his Grand Mastership of
the province , services rendered with much zeal and regularity , despite the fact that his term of office has run concurrently with the most strenuous and most important period of his distinguished public career . Not only Gloucestershire Freemasons , but the Craft in general will welcome his
appearance at the gatherings of the Order , and will one and all join in the wish that he may long be spared in the enjoyment of full physical and mental vigour to render good " suit and service " for many years to come .
© © © The Leamington Spa Courier in a recent article very happily institutes a comparison between the careers of the venerable Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master for Warwickshire , and the veteran Sir Michael Hicks-Beach—a parallel and a contrast—the one distinguished in the field of
social reform by efforts steady and persistent , the other universally recognised as a tough lighter , bluff and outspoken , the " Black Michael " of the House of Commons . Yet easy as it would be to detect differences , it would be easier still to discover resemblances .
< S > © ' 9 As landlords they enjoy equal popularity ; in agriculture and the development of their county industries they are both greatly concerned ; and in their personal tastes and habits they have the simplicity which belongs to the old school . But in neither of these points of similitude do we to-day
seek a link wherewith to bind the two men . It is as Freemasons we would connect them . By a singular coincidence marked recognition has , within one week , been made by the Craft of the long and honourable connection of both with the noble and ancient Order .
€ » © © At a time when sectarian bitterness in England has reached an active stage , Sir Michael's tribute to the value of Freemasonry is peculiarly pleasing . " I look , " he said , " on Freemasonry in its social aspects as of great importance to the community . It softens their asperities , it soothes away
differences of opinion , and even at times of political controversy like the present I can conceive a High Church clergyman and a Nonconformist minister meeting in fraternal and friendly intercourse as brothers of the same lodge . Though not a Christian order , it is based on those principles of brotherly love and charity which are , perhaps , the main foundation of the Christian religion . "
<© «_> < a > At the Provincial Grand Lodge of Berkshire , held recently at Newbury , Bro . Charles E . Keyser , P . G . D ., Treasurer of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Boys , said that next year he hoped to serve his fiftieth Stewardship for the three great Masonic Charitable Institutions . He had had the privilege
of defraying the cost of erecting the chapel at the new Masonic School for Boys , and he was desirous , in the name of the Province of Berkshire , of giving 500 guineas , which would be sufficient to keep the chapel in proper repair in perpetuity . The announcement was received with applause , and Bro . Ke \ -ser was warmly thanked for his generous gift .
The Kimberley correspondent of the Daily AVics can hardly be considered up-to-date when he reports to that journal , in its issue of the 23 rd September , that " The Prince of Wales as Grand Master of English Freemasons has signified his intention of appointing Bro . D . J . Haarhoff , of the Diamond City District , Grand Master of Central South
Africa . " Such an appointment has certainly been made , but the fount of honour has been His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , and not the Prince of Wales , for the very good reason that the heir to the throne is not a member of the Order . & $ » t < S >
The Viator Lodge , No . 2308 , had a busy night at the last meeting on the 20 th September , at Anderton ' s Hotel . The business included the working of the Second and Third Degrees by the outgoing Master , the initiation of three candidates , and the installation of Bro . E . Wallace Carnon as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The latter ceremony was ably performed by Bro . T . H . Hobbs , P . M .,
BRO . E . W . CADXOX . —( . Photo Elite Portrait Co . ) P . Prov . J . G . D . Bucks , and Secretary of the lodge . The newly installed Worshipful Master , although seriously indisposed , gave an excellent example of his ability in the perfect manner in which he appointed and invested his
officers and afterwards initiated three candidates . Before the lodge was closed a Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Charles F . W . Crowther as a souvenir of his year of office .
O © « 5 * Freemasons from all parts of the counties of Durham and Northumberland assembled in large numbers in the Freemasons' Hall , South Shields , on the 16 th October , to take part in the consecration ceremony of a new lodge , which is named after the Right Hon . Lord Barnard , Provincial
Grand Master of Durham , the Lord Barnard Lodge . It is intended to acquire a suitable building in the neighbourhood of Tyne Dock at an early date , where the meetings of the new lodge will be held , the majority of the gentlemen associated with its inauguration being resident in the west
end of South Shields . The ceremony of consecration was performed by Lord Barnard , assisted by his Provincial Grand Officers .
_> '<_?> <_» Mr . Speaker Gully is amongst the eminent figures in the political world who are members of the Craft . The popular Speaker of the House of Commons , whose occupancy of that position dates , it will be remembered , from the time of the resignation of Mr . Speaker Peel ( now Viscount Peel ) , was
initiated in the Northern Bar Lodge , No . 1610 , so long ago as 1880 , since when he has continued a subscribing member of that lodge . It is but a few months ago that he became a founder of the Seaford Lodge , No . 2907 , which is to meet at Seaford , where Bro . Gully has his country seat . Our distinguished brother , who attained his 67 th birthday on the