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Consecration Of The Berries L Odge, No . 2928.
Consecration of the Berries Lodge , No . 2928 .
ANOTHER lodge has been added to the seventeen already existing in the Province of Berkshire , and judging from the success of the inaugural ceremony , it bids fair to occupy a prominent and useful position in that
important province . A large and representative gathering of brethren assembled at the Crown Hotel , Cookham-on-Thames , on the 7 th of October , for the consecration of the Berries Lodge , No . 2928 , in the Province of Berkshire . The
ceremony was most ably performed by Bro . J . Thornhill Moriano , M . A ., P . G . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( in charge ) , assisted by other Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Charles William Cox , P . M . 15 66 , Prov . S . G . W ., was installed as Worshipful Master , Bro . Edward Lukey , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D .
Kent , P . M ., acting as Installing Master . The following - brethren were then invested as officers for the ensuing - year : —Bros . D . Wilton , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br ., Senior Warden ; W . Thomas Parker , W . M . 3- / S 3 , Junior Warden ; E . Hewitt , P . M ., P . P . G . Pursuivant , Treasurer ; T . Laurens , Secretary ; E . Butler , Senior Deacon ; J . Deacon , Junior
DUO . ClIAULKS VT . CO . ' ., \ V 0 I 1 S 1 HPF 1 : L MAltTKJl . Deacon ; ] . Pain , Director of Ceremonies ; A . E . Isaac , Inner Guard ; J . Kirk , W . M . 15 66 , P . P . G . Org ., Organist ; and H . W . Sherington and A . Aldridge , Stewards .
Between fifty and sixty brethren afterwards dined , and the usual lovai toasts were given and duly honoured , Bro . J . Thornhill Morland , D . P . G . M ., reply ing 011 behalf of the Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Martin , Provincial Grand Secreiarv , in responding to the toast of "The Consecrating Officers , " expressed fervent
wishes for the welfare of the lodge , and alluded to the beautiful founder ' s jewel ( depicting the Cookham old Church ) that had been presented to himself and brother Consecrating Officers . Bro . Gardiner , by the request of the I . P . M ., proposed the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " and stated that the advent
of the Berries Lodge in the Masonic familv , under so veteran and devoted a Mason as the brother wiio occupied the chair , assured its success . The Worshipful Master , on rising to respond , was received with loud applause . He stated that if ever a lodge had had
a good send-off the Berries Lodge had , and he was most satisfied with his officers , who , he was assured , would do
11110 . DAVID WI . L _ TON , SENIOR VAHDBX . their work well . He also mentioned that to the Secretary was due the honour of the foundation of the lodge , and that the _ v would do their very utmost for the Masonic Charities .
11 HO . WILLIAM THOMAS I'O . tTKIt , . 11 'NIOR -WATUVEN . " The Visitors " toast was ably responded to b y Bro . Gray and others . The toast of " The Officers " and the T yler ' s
toast then brought a most successful and enjoyable evening to a close .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Berries L Odge, No . 2928.
Consecration of the Berries Lodge , No . 2928 .
ANOTHER lodge has been added to the seventeen already existing in the Province of Berkshire , and judging from the success of the inaugural ceremony , it bids fair to occupy a prominent and useful position in that
important province . A large and representative gathering of brethren assembled at the Crown Hotel , Cookham-on-Thames , on the 7 th of October , for the consecration of the Berries Lodge , No . 2928 , in the Province of Berkshire . The
ceremony was most ably performed by Bro . J . Thornhill Moriano , M . A ., P . G . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( in charge ) , assisted by other Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Charles William Cox , P . M . 15 66 , Prov . S . G . W ., was installed as Worshipful Master , Bro . Edward Lukey , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D .
Kent , P . M ., acting as Installing Master . The following - brethren were then invested as officers for the ensuing - year : —Bros . D . Wilton , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br ., Senior Warden ; W . Thomas Parker , W . M . 3- / S 3 , Junior Warden ; E . Hewitt , P . M ., P . P . G . Pursuivant , Treasurer ; T . Laurens , Secretary ; E . Butler , Senior Deacon ; J . Deacon , Junior
DUO . ClIAULKS VT . CO . ' ., \ V 0 I 1 S 1 HPF 1 : L MAltTKJl . Deacon ; ] . Pain , Director of Ceremonies ; A . E . Isaac , Inner Guard ; J . Kirk , W . M . 15 66 , P . P . G . Org ., Organist ; and H . W . Sherington and A . Aldridge , Stewards .
Between fifty and sixty brethren afterwards dined , and the usual lovai toasts were given and duly honoured , Bro . J . Thornhill Morland , D . P . G . M ., reply ing 011 behalf of the Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Martin , Provincial Grand Secreiarv , in responding to the toast of "The Consecrating Officers , " expressed fervent
wishes for the welfare of the lodge , and alluded to the beautiful founder ' s jewel ( depicting the Cookham old Church ) that had been presented to himself and brother Consecrating Officers . Bro . Gardiner , by the request of the I . P . M ., proposed the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " and stated that the advent
of the Berries Lodge in the Masonic familv , under so veteran and devoted a Mason as the brother wiio occupied the chair , assured its success . The Worshipful Master , on rising to respond , was received with loud applause . He stated that if ever a lodge had had
a good send-off the Berries Lodge had , and he was most satisfied with his officers , who , he was assured , would do
11110 . DAVID WI . L _ TON , SENIOR VAHDBX . their work well . He also mentioned that to the Secretary was due the honour of the foundation of the lodge , and that the _ v would do their very utmost for the Masonic Charities .
11 HO . WILLIAM THOMAS I'O . tTKIt , . 11 'NIOR -WATUVEN . " The Visitors " toast was ably responded to b y Bro . Gray and others . The toast of " The Officers " and the T yler ' s
toast then brought a most successful and enjoyable evening to a close .