Article St. Bride Lodge, No. 2817. Page 1 of 1 Article The London Welsh Lodge, No. 2807. Page 1 of 2 →
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St. Bride Lodge, No. 2817.
St . Bride Lodge , No . 2817 .
HHHE third festival and installation of Worshipful Master I of the above lodge took place at the Hotel Cecil , Strand , on Monday , October 6 th , when a large number of brethren attended . Bro . A . W . Letts was installed by Bro . Sir Frank Green , Bart ., P . G . W ., W . M . Bro . Green
has the great advantage of slow and deliberate speech , which enables him to bring out the beauties of the ceremony in a manner seldom heard , and the brethren expressed their appreciation in no half-hearted manner .
11110 . A . w . LKTTS . The Worshipful Master invested the following officers for
the year : —Bros . G . R . Warde , S . W . ; Alick Marshall , J . W . ; the Rev . W . C . Heaton , M . A ., Chaplain ; G . R . Blades , Treasurer ; W . Heaton , Secretary ; Alderman and Sheriff Truscctt , S . D . ; J . R . Hosker , J . D . ; F . Griffith , D . C . : A . F .
Blades , I . G . ; G . W . Jones , A . D . C . ; W . H . Burchell and A . Bennett , Stewards ; G . C . Burry , P . P . G . Organist Surrey , Organist ; and R . Potter , Tyler . The Worshipful Master then presented the I . P . M . with a Past Master's jewel . Bro . Green briefly thanked the brethren , saying he should wear it with pleasure to remind him of a very happy year as
Worshipful Master of the lodge . On the motion of Bro . Blades , Treasurer , and seconded by Bro . A . Bennett , it was proposed and carried unanimously " That a sum of nioiiey be voted from the lodge funds , sufficient , if added to the amount individually subscribed by the brethren of the lodge ,
to make up one hundred guineas to complete the qualification of Bro . C . J . Diummond , P . M ., as a Vice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , in recognition of his important services in founding the lodge . The surplus , if
any , to be devoted as Bro . Drummond may select . " Bro . Drummond briefly thanked the brethren . A banquet afterwards took place . The Worshipful Master proposed the usual toasts , the replies to which were commendably brief and to the point . In proposing "The Most Worshipful Grand Master , " he said
that no better man could have been chosen than H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , and he did not believe a more enthusiastic Mason had held the position before him . In proposing " The Grand Officers , " the Worshipful Master heartily congratulated Bro . the Earl of Stradbroke on his
appointment as Provincial Grand Master of Suffolk and first Worshipful Master of the East Anglian Lodge . Bros , the Earl of Stradbroke and Frank Richardson
responded . The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " had a personal pleasure in doing so , and desired to thank him for acting as Senior Warden for two years to enable him to act as Worshipful Master . The Worshipful Master , in thanking the brethren for
electing him to the chair , said the only return he could make would be to do his best to deserve the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Green , in reply to the toast of " The I . P . M ., " assured the brethren he had had great pleasure in installing his
successor , and should not fail to visit the lodge as often as possible . A musical programme was carried out under the direction of Bros . Burry and Schartau .
The London Welsh Lodge, No. 2807.
The London Welsh Lodge , No . 2807 .
THE installation of the second Master of this important national lodge , which was consecrated in London a year ago , took place on October 3 rd at the Criterion , Piccadilly , in the presence of a large concourse of brethren , many of whom had travelled up from the Principality for
the express purpose of being present . A very gratifying record showing the progress of the lodge during the past year was presented as well as a most satisfactory balance-sheet . The Master elect , Bro . E . R . Cleaton , P . S . G . D . Essex , was installed into the chair by Bro . W . W . Woosnam , who had
acted as I . P . M . to the first Master , Bro . Sir John Puleston , in a very impressive manner , assisted by Bro . W . O . Welsford , P . M . 1321 , who delivered the addresses in the regretable absence , through illness , of Bro . Alderman Vaughan Morgan , P . G . T ., who , by request , had arranged to work this part of the ceremony .
The Worshipful Master appointed Bros . John Hinds , as S . W . ; D . H . Treharne , as J . W . ; and Foulkes-Jones , as Secretary , and invested them , witli Bro . T . Davies , the re-elected Treasurer , and the remainder of his officers , in a manner which gave great promise of good ceremonial work
of the lodge during the ensuing year . The Worshipful Master , on behalf of the lodge , in well-chosen words , presented the I . P . M ., Bro . Sir John Puleston , with a valuable and handsome Past Master ' s jewel , specially designed , containing easily recognised symbols of Wales . He also
presented a similar jewel to Bro . W . W . Woosnam for the valuable assistance he had rendered their first Master during the year . The lodge was then closed , and the brethern adjourned to a banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured ,
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St. Bride Lodge, No. 2817.
St . Bride Lodge , No . 2817 .
HHHE third festival and installation of Worshipful Master I of the above lodge took place at the Hotel Cecil , Strand , on Monday , October 6 th , when a large number of brethren attended . Bro . A . W . Letts was installed by Bro . Sir Frank Green , Bart ., P . G . W ., W . M . Bro . Green
has the great advantage of slow and deliberate speech , which enables him to bring out the beauties of the ceremony in a manner seldom heard , and the brethren expressed their appreciation in no half-hearted manner .
11110 . A . w . LKTTS . The Worshipful Master invested the following officers for
the year : —Bros . G . R . Warde , S . W . ; Alick Marshall , J . W . ; the Rev . W . C . Heaton , M . A ., Chaplain ; G . R . Blades , Treasurer ; W . Heaton , Secretary ; Alderman and Sheriff Truscctt , S . D . ; J . R . Hosker , J . D . ; F . Griffith , D . C . : A . F .
Blades , I . G . ; G . W . Jones , A . D . C . ; W . H . Burchell and A . Bennett , Stewards ; G . C . Burry , P . P . G . Organist Surrey , Organist ; and R . Potter , Tyler . The Worshipful Master then presented the I . P . M . with a Past Master's jewel . Bro . Green briefly thanked the brethren , saying he should wear it with pleasure to remind him of a very happy year as
Worshipful Master of the lodge . On the motion of Bro . Blades , Treasurer , and seconded by Bro . A . Bennett , it was proposed and carried unanimously " That a sum of nioiiey be voted from the lodge funds , sufficient , if added to the amount individually subscribed by the brethren of the lodge ,
to make up one hundred guineas to complete the qualification of Bro . C . J . Diummond , P . M ., as a Vice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , in recognition of his important services in founding the lodge . The surplus , if
any , to be devoted as Bro . Drummond may select . " Bro . Drummond briefly thanked the brethren . A banquet afterwards took place . The Worshipful Master proposed the usual toasts , the replies to which were commendably brief and to the point . In proposing "The Most Worshipful Grand Master , " he said
that no better man could have been chosen than H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , and he did not believe a more enthusiastic Mason had held the position before him . In proposing " The Grand Officers , " the Worshipful Master heartily congratulated Bro . the Earl of Stradbroke on his
appointment as Provincial Grand Master of Suffolk and first Worshipful Master of the East Anglian Lodge . Bros , the Earl of Stradbroke and Frank Richardson
responded . The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " had a personal pleasure in doing so , and desired to thank him for acting as Senior Warden for two years to enable him to act as Worshipful Master . The Worshipful Master , in thanking the brethren for
electing him to the chair , said the only return he could make would be to do his best to deserve the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Green , in reply to the toast of " The I . P . M ., " assured the brethren he had had great pleasure in installing his
successor , and should not fail to visit the lodge as often as possible . A musical programme was carried out under the direction of Bros . Burry and Schartau .
The London Welsh Lodge, No. 2807.
The London Welsh Lodge , No . 2807 .
THE installation of the second Master of this important national lodge , which was consecrated in London a year ago , took place on October 3 rd at the Criterion , Piccadilly , in the presence of a large concourse of brethren , many of whom had travelled up from the Principality for
the express purpose of being present . A very gratifying record showing the progress of the lodge during the past year was presented as well as a most satisfactory balance-sheet . The Master elect , Bro . E . R . Cleaton , P . S . G . D . Essex , was installed into the chair by Bro . W . W . Woosnam , who had
acted as I . P . M . to the first Master , Bro . Sir John Puleston , in a very impressive manner , assisted by Bro . W . O . Welsford , P . M . 1321 , who delivered the addresses in the regretable absence , through illness , of Bro . Alderman Vaughan Morgan , P . G . T ., who , by request , had arranged to work this part of the ceremony .
The Worshipful Master appointed Bros . John Hinds , as S . W . ; D . H . Treharne , as J . W . ; and Foulkes-Jones , as Secretary , and invested them , witli Bro . T . Davies , the re-elected Treasurer , and the remainder of his officers , in a manner which gave great promise of good ceremonial work
of the lodge during the ensuing year . The Worshipful Master , on behalf of the lodge , in well-chosen words , presented the I . P . M ., Bro . Sir John Puleston , with a valuable and handsome Past Master ' s jewel , specially designed , containing easily recognised symbols of Wales . He also
presented a similar jewel to Bro . W . W . Woosnam for the valuable assistance he had rendered their first Master during the year . The lodge was then closed , and the brethern adjourned to a banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured ,