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New Century Lodge, No. 2860.
given the charge afterwards , that he was well versed in the ritual . Pie sincerely hoped that the Worshipful Master would have as happy and prosperous a year as he had enjoyed , and that his officers would be as loyal and punctual in their attendance as ( hey had been during ( he past year .
The Worshipful Master replied , and then proposed "The Health of the Installing Master , " and congratulated him on his very successful year of office , and also on the very kindly feelings which were entertained towards him by every member of the lodge , as evidenced by the presentation of the
Past Master's jewel , and also by the fact of his being unanimously elected Treasurer of the lodge . The Installing Master replied , and stated that the past year haddieen one of the happiest he had ever enjoyed , as he had had the good fortune to initiate into Freemasonry in that
lodge some gentlemen who were nearer and dearer to him than any others ; and he could assure the brethren that he would do everything he could to promote the welfare of the New Century Lodge . The toast of " The Initiates " followed , and was replied to by Bro . Skews ( a native of the Gold Coast ) , who expressed his gratitude for the honour they had conferred on him .
The toast of " The Visitors" was replied to by Bro . Cannon , of ( he Wandsworth Lodge ; Bro . Wheeler , Guildhall School of Music Lodge ; and Bro . Pobee , Gold Coast Lodge , No . 773 , who said it had afforded him very much pleasure in being present and seeing his friend Bro . Skews made a Mason in an English lodge . It might perhaps interest the brethren
to hear that Masonry was first introduced in the Gold Coast about fifty years ago , and the members of the lodge for about thirty years were Europeans . About twenty years ago some of the natives were initiated , but man } ' of them held back through the missionaries representing that no man who
became a Mason could possibly enter the Kingdom of Heaven . He was pleased to say that in his native country there were now two lodges—the Gold Coast Lodge and the Victoria Lodge—and there were others at Sierra Leone and Lagos , which , he trusted , would do good to the natives .
Personally , he felt sure that one became a better man when he became a Mason ; that he was better in his morals , better towards his people , and better in every way . The toast of " The Officers " and the Tyler's toast brought a very enjoyable evening to a close .
Consecration Of The Coronation Lodge, No. 934 (S.C.) At Tangier.
Consecration of the Coronation Lodge , No . 934 ( S . C . ) at Tangier .
ON Saturday , 23 rd September , the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Roberts , accompanied by the Provincial Grand Officers of Gibraltar and many other brethren , visited Tangier for the purpose of consecrating the new Coronation Lodge , No . 934 ( S . C . ) , and installing the Master designate at the lodge premises at the Cecil Hotel .
liHO . C'AI'TAIN HU SSI-XL KI 1 YK . The consecration ceremony was performed by the Provincial Grand Master , assisted by Bros . J . Lyons , P
. P . G . S . M . ; P . Lyons , P . S G . W . ; J . Munro , P . S . J . W . ; A . Setford , S . G . I . G . ; H . J . Norton , " P . G . Sec . ; and J . Sterne , P . G . D . C . The Installing Officer was Bro . J . de Soto Lyons , P . P . G . S . M .
Bro . H . J . Norton , P . M ., P . G . Secretary , acted pro lent as Secretary for the new lodge , which entailed much work , and which Bro . Norton performed with his usual ability . After the consecration ceremony was completed the lodge was opened under the banner of the Al-Moghreb Al-Aksa ,
No . 670 , and the Installing Officer commenced his duties . Bro . Captain Russell Edye was installed as Master , and invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . Munro , P . M ., as W . Dep . Master ; P . Lyons , R . W . M . 670 , ' as W . Sub . Master ; R . Lyons as W . S . W . ; E .
Hathaway as W . J . W . ; David Price as Acting Secretary ; John Kirby Green as Inner Guard ; and Abda R . Bongeman as Tyler . At the conclusion of the several ceremonies a banquet was held at the Cecil Hotel , which was well attended .
After the usual toasts had been honoured , Bro . Roberts , in replying for the Provincial Grand Lodge , drew attention to the fact that this was the first Scotch Lodge in Morocco , and said that he was particularly proud that it should fall to his lot to consecrate it , and that the consecration day should
happily fall on his 64 th birthday . He hoped that the establishment of this lodge would lead to others being founded in different parts of Morocco , and he congratulated the Masons in Tangier on their success .
The speech of the Provincial Grand Master was , needless to say , well received , particularly the reference to his birthday , which was afterwards referred to , and upon which he was heartily congratulated by the new R . W . M . of the Coronation Lodge . "The health of the R . W . M . " was proposed by the
Installing Officer , and that of " The Installing Officer , Bro . J . Lyons , " by the R . W . M . The usual toasts were severally proposed and responded to with feeling , especially that of "The Visitors , " which was proposed by the Worshipful Senior Warden , Bro .
R . Lyons . The proceedings were brought to a close at a somewhat late hour , and the Gibraltar brethren returned On Sunday afternoon by a special boat .
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New Century Lodge, No. 2860.
given the charge afterwards , that he was well versed in the ritual . Pie sincerely hoped that the Worshipful Master would have as happy and prosperous a year as he had enjoyed , and that his officers would be as loyal and punctual in their attendance as ( hey had been during ( he past year .
The Worshipful Master replied , and then proposed "The Health of the Installing Master , " and congratulated him on his very successful year of office , and also on the very kindly feelings which were entertained towards him by every member of the lodge , as evidenced by the presentation of the
Past Master's jewel , and also by the fact of his being unanimously elected Treasurer of the lodge . The Installing Master replied , and stated that the past year haddieen one of the happiest he had ever enjoyed , as he had had the good fortune to initiate into Freemasonry in that
lodge some gentlemen who were nearer and dearer to him than any others ; and he could assure the brethren that he would do everything he could to promote the welfare of the New Century Lodge . The toast of " The Initiates " followed , and was replied to by Bro . Skews ( a native of the Gold Coast ) , who expressed his gratitude for the honour they had conferred on him .
The toast of " The Visitors" was replied to by Bro . Cannon , of ( he Wandsworth Lodge ; Bro . Wheeler , Guildhall School of Music Lodge ; and Bro . Pobee , Gold Coast Lodge , No . 773 , who said it had afforded him very much pleasure in being present and seeing his friend Bro . Skews made a Mason in an English lodge . It might perhaps interest the brethren
to hear that Masonry was first introduced in the Gold Coast about fifty years ago , and the members of the lodge for about thirty years were Europeans . About twenty years ago some of the natives were initiated , but man } ' of them held back through the missionaries representing that no man who
became a Mason could possibly enter the Kingdom of Heaven . He was pleased to say that in his native country there were now two lodges—the Gold Coast Lodge and the Victoria Lodge—and there were others at Sierra Leone and Lagos , which , he trusted , would do good to the natives .
Personally , he felt sure that one became a better man when he became a Mason ; that he was better in his morals , better towards his people , and better in every way . The toast of " The Officers " and the Tyler's toast brought a very enjoyable evening to a close .
Consecration Of The Coronation Lodge, No. 934 (S.C.) At Tangier.
Consecration of the Coronation Lodge , No . 934 ( S . C . ) at Tangier .
ON Saturday , 23 rd September , the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Roberts , accompanied by the Provincial Grand Officers of Gibraltar and many other brethren , visited Tangier for the purpose of consecrating the new Coronation Lodge , No . 934 ( S . C . ) , and installing the Master designate at the lodge premises at the Cecil Hotel .
liHO . C'AI'TAIN HU SSI-XL KI 1 YK . The consecration ceremony was performed by the Provincial Grand Master , assisted by Bros . J . Lyons , P
. P . G . S . M . ; P . Lyons , P . S G . W . ; J . Munro , P . S . J . W . ; A . Setford , S . G . I . G . ; H . J . Norton , " P . G . Sec . ; and J . Sterne , P . G . D . C . The Installing Officer was Bro . J . de Soto Lyons , P . P . G . S . M .
Bro . H . J . Norton , P . M ., P . G . Secretary , acted pro lent as Secretary for the new lodge , which entailed much work , and which Bro . Norton performed with his usual ability . After the consecration ceremony was completed the lodge was opened under the banner of the Al-Moghreb Al-Aksa ,
No . 670 , and the Installing Officer commenced his duties . Bro . Captain Russell Edye was installed as Master , and invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . Munro , P . M ., as W . Dep . Master ; P . Lyons , R . W . M . 670 , ' as W . Sub . Master ; R . Lyons as W . S . W . ; E .
Hathaway as W . J . W . ; David Price as Acting Secretary ; John Kirby Green as Inner Guard ; and Abda R . Bongeman as Tyler . At the conclusion of the several ceremonies a banquet was held at the Cecil Hotel , which was well attended .
After the usual toasts had been honoured , Bro . Roberts , in replying for the Provincial Grand Lodge , drew attention to the fact that this was the first Scotch Lodge in Morocco , and said that he was particularly proud that it should fall to his lot to consecrate it , and that the consecration day should
happily fall on his 64 th birthday . He hoped that the establishment of this lodge would lead to others being founded in different parts of Morocco , and he congratulated the Masons in Tangier on their success .
The speech of the Provincial Grand Master was , needless to say , well received , particularly the reference to his birthday , which was afterwards referred to , and upon which he was heartily congratulated by the new R . W . M . of the Coronation Lodge . "The health of the R . W . M . " was proposed by the
Installing Officer , and that of " The Installing Officer , Bro . J . Lyons , " by the R . W . M . The usual toasts were severally proposed and responded to with feeling , especially that of "The Visitors , " which was proposed by the Worshipful Senior Warden , Bro .
R . Lyons . The proceedings were brought to a close at a somewhat late hour , and the Gibraltar brethren returned On Sunday afternoon by a special boat .