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History Of The Emulation Lod Ge Of Improvement, No . 256.——(Continued).
History of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , No . 256 . ——( Continued ) .
( By Bro . HEXKY SADLER , Sub-Librarian to the Grand Lodge of England ) .
HOWEVER , as the vote of thanks had been passed and entered on the minutes , it was deemed advisable not to re-open the matter . We have since learned that this Lodge of Instruction was meeting in December , 1824 , on Tuesday evenings , at the Two Chairmen , Davies Street , Berkeley Square , whither it had removed from the Swan ,
Mount Street , in 1821 , when at the same time the " Emulation" was holding its meetings on Friday evenings , at the Red Lion , Old Cavendish Street .
/ £ t ^/^? 7 ^ yjy ^~
LORD TEXTERDKX , PROV . G . M . KSSEX , Chairman of lhe I ' extiral in 1872 . We have reason for thinking that the United Lodge of Perseverance ceased working shortly after 1824 . Although
unable to accept the statement that this old book is a portion of the lost records of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , the writer attaches considerable importance to it from the fact of some of the Founders and other brethren mentioned therein , who subsequently joined the lodge , including the
celebrated Peter Gilkes , also became Founders or joining members of the " Emulation , " thus leading to the natural conclusion that the system of work in both lodges was probably identical , and thereby reducing the gap from the ending of the labours of the Lodge of Reconciliationin June
, , 1816 , to the opening of the " Emulation " by five years and a half , or leaving only eighteen months between the two events . On the 9 th of July , " Bro . Fenn , after a feeling allusion to the death of our respected Treasurer , Bro . Hervey , moved the following resolution , which was seconded by Bro . C . A .
Murton , and carried unanimous ] )' " : — " The members of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement have heard with sincere regret of the death of their Treasurer , Bro . John Hervey , and they desire to record in their minutes their deep sense of the loss they have thereby substained ,
and their grateful acknowledgement of the services he has rendered to the Lodge as its Treasurer for nearly thirty three years , and by his earnest endeavours during that long period to maintain its efficiency and promote its prosperity . They desire likewise to express their high appreciation of his amiable disposition and uniformly courteous manner , and of
his efforts , at all times , to maintain harmony and good fellowship amongst all members of the Craft . " On the 24 th of September , Bros . C . A . Murton , P . G . D ., A . A . Richards , and Robert Grey , P . G . D ., were elected members of the Committee of General Purposes , and at the following meeting Bro . Fenn was elected Treasurer .
At the Festival on the 26 th of November Bro . Fenn presided as W . M . The second Section of the First Lecture was worked by Bro . C . Lowther Kemp , and the third by Bro . R . C . Sudlow . The First Treeing Board was ably explained by Bro . Fenn , the Illustrations being given by
G . W . Armstrong , H . Bue , J . F . Hoddinott , and W . H . Johnston ; 13 8 members and 126 visitors were present . Forty-four propositions for joining were received at the conclusion of the work . Sir Walter W . Burrell , Bart ., Prov . Grand Master for Sussex , presided at the banquet and
subsequent proceedings . 1881 . At the meeting of the Lodge on the nth of February it was resolved " That the sum of Twenty Guineas be given from the funds of the Lodge to the Hervey Memorial Fund , " and at the next meeting on the 18 th Bro .
Fenn proposed that the above named sum should be paid when the subscription amounted to £ 1000 , which proposition was carried unanimously , but at a subsequent meeting the restriction as to the time of payment was rescinded , it being in contemplation to publish a list of the subscriptions , and itwas
deemed desirable that the Emulation Lodge of Improvement should head that list ; the money was therefore ordered to be paid immediately .
" The John Hervey Memorial Fund " was originated by the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 ( Bro . Hervey ' s Mother Lodge ) , the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 , which he joined soon after his initiation in 18 44 , and the Emulation Lodge of Improvement ( the last named being the largest contributor ) , with the object of giving consolatory gratuities
to the two highest on the poll of the unsuccessful candidates , both male and female , at each annual election of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The amount collected was
duty invested in Government Stock and the dividends utilized in accordance with the wishes and intentions of the promoters . At the annual election of Officers , Bro . William A . Dawson was elected on the Committee of General Purposes in the room of Bro . Robert Grey , the remaining Officers being
reelected for another year . The Festival was held on the 25 th of November , Bro . Thomas Fenn in the chair . The Second Lecture was worked by the W . Master , assisted by Bros . J . W . Jones , J . D . No . 5 ; J . Truman Tanqueray , No 1768 ; J . H . DavidsonNo . 1820 ; C . Lowther Kemp , No . 6 3 ; and S . W .
, Shaw , S . D . No . 709 . About 130 members and 9 6 visitors attended , 42 of the latter being proposed for ballot , and dul y elected at the following meeting . The Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , Sir J . Whitaker Ellis , Bart ., Junior Grand Warden , presided at the banquet .
1882 . On the 3 rd of February was announced the death of Bro . Montague Gosset , P . M . of 66 , a much respected member , who had been most constant in his attendance for nearly fifteen years , and the usual vote of sympathy and condolence with his family together with the repl y thereto
were ordered to be recorded on the minutes . Nothing else of sufficient importance to merit reproduction appears in the records of this year prior to the festival , unless we mention that the Lodge was honoured (?) by the visit of a certain William R . Davis , a half-caste brother from India , who subsequently masqueraded at Masonic
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Emulation Lod Ge Of Improvement, No . 256.——(Continued).
History of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , No . 256 . ——( Continued ) .
( By Bro . HEXKY SADLER , Sub-Librarian to the Grand Lodge of England ) .
HOWEVER , as the vote of thanks had been passed and entered on the minutes , it was deemed advisable not to re-open the matter . We have since learned that this Lodge of Instruction was meeting in December , 1824 , on Tuesday evenings , at the Two Chairmen , Davies Street , Berkeley Square , whither it had removed from the Swan ,
Mount Street , in 1821 , when at the same time the " Emulation" was holding its meetings on Friday evenings , at the Red Lion , Old Cavendish Street .
/ £ t ^/^? 7 ^ yjy ^~
LORD TEXTERDKX , PROV . G . M . KSSEX , Chairman of lhe I ' extiral in 1872 . We have reason for thinking that the United Lodge of Perseverance ceased working shortly after 1824 . Although
unable to accept the statement that this old book is a portion of the lost records of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , the writer attaches considerable importance to it from the fact of some of the Founders and other brethren mentioned therein , who subsequently joined the lodge , including the
celebrated Peter Gilkes , also became Founders or joining members of the " Emulation , " thus leading to the natural conclusion that the system of work in both lodges was probably identical , and thereby reducing the gap from the ending of the labours of the Lodge of Reconciliationin June
, , 1816 , to the opening of the " Emulation " by five years and a half , or leaving only eighteen months between the two events . On the 9 th of July , " Bro . Fenn , after a feeling allusion to the death of our respected Treasurer , Bro . Hervey , moved the following resolution , which was seconded by Bro . C . A .
Murton , and carried unanimous ] )' " : — " The members of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement have heard with sincere regret of the death of their Treasurer , Bro . John Hervey , and they desire to record in their minutes their deep sense of the loss they have thereby substained ,
and their grateful acknowledgement of the services he has rendered to the Lodge as its Treasurer for nearly thirty three years , and by his earnest endeavours during that long period to maintain its efficiency and promote its prosperity . They desire likewise to express their high appreciation of his amiable disposition and uniformly courteous manner , and of
his efforts , at all times , to maintain harmony and good fellowship amongst all members of the Craft . " On the 24 th of September , Bros . C . A . Murton , P . G . D ., A . A . Richards , and Robert Grey , P . G . D ., were elected members of the Committee of General Purposes , and at the following meeting Bro . Fenn was elected Treasurer .
At the Festival on the 26 th of November Bro . Fenn presided as W . M . The second Section of the First Lecture was worked by Bro . C . Lowther Kemp , and the third by Bro . R . C . Sudlow . The First Treeing Board was ably explained by Bro . Fenn , the Illustrations being given by
G . W . Armstrong , H . Bue , J . F . Hoddinott , and W . H . Johnston ; 13 8 members and 126 visitors were present . Forty-four propositions for joining were received at the conclusion of the work . Sir Walter W . Burrell , Bart ., Prov . Grand Master for Sussex , presided at the banquet and
subsequent proceedings . 1881 . At the meeting of the Lodge on the nth of February it was resolved " That the sum of Twenty Guineas be given from the funds of the Lodge to the Hervey Memorial Fund , " and at the next meeting on the 18 th Bro .
Fenn proposed that the above named sum should be paid when the subscription amounted to £ 1000 , which proposition was carried unanimously , but at a subsequent meeting the restriction as to the time of payment was rescinded , it being in contemplation to publish a list of the subscriptions , and itwas
deemed desirable that the Emulation Lodge of Improvement should head that list ; the money was therefore ordered to be paid immediately .
" The John Hervey Memorial Fund " was originated by the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 ( Bro . Hervey ' s Mother Lodge ) , the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 , which he joined soon after his initiation in 18 44 , and the Emulation Lodge of Improvement ( the last named being the largest contributor ) , with the object of giving consolatory gratuities
to the two highest on the poll of the unsuccessful candidates , both male and female , at each annual election of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The amount collected was
duty invested in Government Stock and the dividends utilized in accordance with the wishes and intentions of the promoters . At the annual election of Officers , Bro . William A . Dawson was elected on the Committee of General Purposes in the room of Bro . Robert Grey , the remaining Officers being
reelected for another year . The Festival was held on the 25 th of November , Bro . Thomas Fenn in the chair . The Second Lecture was worked by the W . Master , assisted by Bros . J . W . Jones , J . D . No . 5 ; J . Truman Tanqueray , No 1768 ; J . H . DavidsonNo . 1820 ; C . Lowther Kemp , No . 6 3 ; and S . W .
, Shaw , S . D . No . 709 . About 130 members and 9 6 visitors attended , 42 of the latter being proposed for ballot , and dul y elected at the following meeting . The Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , Sir J . Whitaker Ellis , Bart ., Junior Grand Warden , presided at the banquet .
1882 . On the 3 rd of February was announced the death of Bro . Montague Gosset , P . M . of 66 , a much respected member , who had been most constant in his attendance for nearly fifteen years , and the usual vote of sympathy and condolence with his family together with the repl y thereto
were ordered to be recorded on the minutes . Nothing else of sufficient importance to merit reproduction appears in the records of this year prior to the festival , unless we mention that the Lodge was honoured (?) by the visit of a certain William R . Davis , a half-caste brother from India , who subsequently masqueraded at Masonic