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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys . A Visit To The New Schools At Bushey.
facings forms a delightfully restful and welcome contrast to the red brick of the surrounding buildings . Bro . E . Doran Webb , F . S . A ., is responsible for the design , which consists of a long nave with a low bell turret at the south-west angle , and a vestry and tribune on either side of the east end , with
a small chancel or sanctuary which terminates in a semioctagonal apse . The internal measurement is 135 feet long by 28 feet broad . The style is the 15 th century perpendicular . It has three windows at the eastern apse , three 011 either side of the nave and one at the west end , all being of three lights
and with four central arches . The floor of the main part of the nave is of stone , and that of the east bay and chancel of marble . The roof as well as the seating , the gallery , the fronts of the tribunes , and the communion table are entirely of English oak . The three east windows are filled with
beautiful stained windows from the design of Bro . P . H . Newman , representing the Nativity , the Crucifixion , and the Resurrection . The decoration of the walls has also been carried out under the direction of Bro . Newman . The foundation-stone let into the exterior face of the
east wall bears the following inscription : — " This stone was laid by the M . W . Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn , K . G ., & c , & c , Past Grand Master of England , May i 2 th , 1900 . "
Since the opening of the original premises atW ood Green in 1859 , the school has gone through many vicissitudes and varying periods of prosperity and depression , but the Institution at the present moment stands out as one of the most successful centres of education in the United Kingdom , while the moral tone and the physical training of the boys
leaves nothing to be desired . No little credit for this happy state of affairs in due to the Secretary and a Vice-President of the Institution , W . Bro . J . Morrison McLeod , and the headmaster , Rev . H . A . Hebb , and his staff , whose exertions since assuming the reins of govern men t have been indefatigable .
From year to year under their direction , sanctioned by the Board of Management , the subjects embraced in the school curriculum have increased very materially , while the successes in public and other examinations have been phenomenal . This is demonstrated beyond doubt as each annual
distribution of prizes takes place , and the confidence reposed in the Board of Management is accordingly increased at each of such functions . It is announced that Bro . the Right Hon . Viscount Ridley , Provincial Grand Master for Northumberland , will take the
chair at the 105 th Festival to be held in June next , and with so popular a Chairman , supported as he will undoubtedly be by a loyal province , a successful Festival is beyond doubt .
The Restoration Of Tewkesbury Abbey.
The Restoration of Tewkesbury Abbey .
AT the recent meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire , on the 30 th September , the Treasurer reported a balance in hand of . £ 172 , a surplus which the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , said the Treasurer had , by his wise administration , produced without extra taxation .
Bro . Baker reported that the work of the restoration of Tewkesbury Abbey had proceeded satisfactorily , and was nearly completed . No old stone that was fit to remain had been removed . It had been most carefully restored , and all the types of the ancient work were still there . The estimated
cost was ^ 540 , towards which the St . George Lodge ( Tewkesbury ) had contributed ^ 200 . The Provincial Grand Master said that bearing in mind that the Provincial Grand Lodge had done much to preserve the architectural monuments of the county—Gloucester Cathedral and Tewkesbury Abbey—he thought they ; might
liberally deplete the Treasurer's balance . He proposed that they should vote ^ 150 towards the deficit of £ 340 of the restoration fund . This was seconded by the » Deputy Provincial Grand Master and unanimously adopted .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys . A Visit To The New Schools At Bushey.
facings forms a delightfully restful and welcome contrast to the red brick of the surrounding buildings . Bro . E . Doran Webb , F . S . A ., is responsible for the design , which consists of a long nave with a low bell turret at the south-west angle , and a vestry and tribune on either side of the east end , with
a small chancel or sanctuary which terminates in a semioctagonal apse . The internal measurement is 135 feet long by 28 feet broad . The style is the 15 th century perpendicular . It has three windows at the eastern apse , three 011 either side of the nave and one at the west end , all being of three lights
and with four central arches . The floor of the main part of the nave is of stone , and that of the east bay and chancel of marble . The roof as well as the seating , the gallery , the fronts of the tribunes , and the communion table are entirely of English oak . The three east windows are filled with
beautiful stained windows from the design of Bro . P . H . Newman , representing the Nativity , the Crucifixion , and the Resurrection . The decoration of the walls has also been carried out under the direction of Bro . Newman . The foundation-stone let into the exterior face of the
east wall bears the following inscription : — " This stone was laid by the M . W . Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn , K . G ., & c , & c , Past Grand Master of England , May i 2 th , 1900 . "
Since the opening of the original premises atW ood Green in 1859 , the school has gone through many vicissitudes and varying periods of prosperity and depression , but the Institution at the present moment stands out as one of the most successful centres of education in the United Kingdom , while the moral tone and the physical training of the boys
leaves nothing to be desired . No little credit for this happy state of affairs in due to the Secretary and a Vice-President of the Institution , W . Bro . J . Morrison McLeod , and the headmaster , Rev . H . A . Hebb , and his staff , whose exertions since assuming the reins of govern men t have been indefatigable .
From year to year under their direction , sanctioned by the Board of Management , the subjects embraced in the school curriculum have increased very materially , while the successes in public and other examinations have been phenomenal . This is demonstrated beyond doubt as each annual
distribution of prizes takes place , and the confidence reposed in the Board of Management is accordingly increased at each of such functions . It is announced that Bro . the Right Hon . Viscount Ridley , Provincial Grand Master for Northumberland , will take the
chair at the 105 th Festival to be held in June next , and with so popular a Chairman , supported as he will undoubtedly be by a loyal province , a successful Festival is beyond doubt .
The Restoration Of Tewkesbury Abbey.
The Restoration of Tewkesbury Abbey .
AT the recent meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire , on the 30 th September , the Treasurer reported a balance in hand of . £ 172 , a surplus which the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , said the Treasurer had , by his wise administration , produced without extra taxation .
Bro . Baker reported that the work of the restoration of Tewkesbury Abbey had proceeded satisfactorily , and was nearly completed . No old stone that was fit to remain had been removed . It had been most carefully restored , and all the types of the ancient work were still there . The estimated
cost was ^ 540 , towards which the St . George Lodge ( Tewkesbury ) had contributed ^ 200 . The Provincial Grand Master said that bearing in mind that the Provincial Grand Lodge had done much to preserve the architectural monuments of the county—Gloucester Cathedral and Tewkesbury Abbey—he thought they ; might
liberally deplete the Treasurer's balance . He proposed that they should vote ^ 150 towards the deficit of £ 340 of the restoration fund . This was seconded by the » Deputy Provincial Grand Master and unanimously adopted .