Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. Page 1 of 3 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar .
In accordance with general anticipation , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , M . W . Grand Master , has been pleased to appoint Major George Christopher Davie , J . P ., Past G . D . of England , to the important office of Provincial Grand Master of Devon , in succession to Lord Northcote , who has resigned the position on his appointment as
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia . © «& © There have been six Provincial Grand Masters in all for the county—Sir Charles W . Bampfylde , Bart ., 1775 ; Earl Fortescue , 1820 ; the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., 1866 ; Lord Ebrington , 1879 , who preceded Lord Northcote , and now Major Davie .
HltO . IfA . IOli ({ . C . I 1 AVIK . Majo :. * Davie is one of the oldest Freemasons in the county , having been initiated so far back as 1861 , in the Adams Lodge , No . 158 , Sheerness , and he also joined a lodge in Quebec . In 1874 lie became a subscribing member
to the Loyal Lodge , No . 251 , Barnstaple , and was elected as its W . M . in 1883—its centenary year . As a Prov . Grand Warden of Devon in 188 3 , Prov . G . Secretary from 1887 , and Deputy Prov . G . M . from 18 9 6 , under Lord Northcote , Bro . Davie has seen much Masonic service , and is highly
esteemed . He has rendered valuable service as Acting Provincial Grand Master of Devon during the absence of Lord Northcote in Bombay , and all the brethren who have had the pleasure of seeing on many occasions how well he has presided over ( he deliberations of the province will cordially
welcome his appointment to the Provincial Grand Mastership . The office of Grand Superintendent of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons has also been
conferred on Major Davie . ® < £ » o The appointment of his Honor Judge Philbrick as Grand J . of Supreme Grand Chapter , vacant b y the succession of Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., to the chair of H ., is personally
a popular one , and is officially a deserved recognition of the services of Comp . Philbrick as Grand Superintendent ol Essex , a position he has occupied with much credit since 1883 . " 5 " " ?• '
The installation ceremony of the Hon . A . Stanley , M . P ., as the new Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Man , in place of the late Lord Henniker , took place on Monday , October 19 th , at Douglas , in the presence of a large and distinguished assembly of English and Manx brethren . The installation was performed b y the Earl of Lathom , Provincial
Grand Master of West Lancashire , who , accompanied by Lord Stanley , M . P ., the Postmaster-General , crossed with other Freemasons to the island in the afternoon , and the distinguished visitors were accorded a hearty and respectful welcome .
<&> < 3 > <*¦ ' After the new Provincial Grand Master had been proclaimed and saluted , he re-appointed Bro . J . A . Brown to the office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the remainder of the Provincial Grand Officers were then invested . The
appointment of the Hon . A . Stanley as Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Man is regarded as peculiarly lifting , inasmuch as his ancestors were Sovereign Lords of the Isle of Man from the 15 th to the early part of the 19 th century . Ere the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed the Earl of Lathom unveiled a handsome framed portrait of the King ,
which had been obtained for the Provincial Grand Lodge . Subsequently a banquet , presided over by the Provincial Grand Master , was held in the Villiers Hotel .
© & ®< R . W . Bro . Sir Edward Clarke , K . C , P . G . W ., and the other Masonic members of Lord Lyveden ' s party recently touring in Canada , were given a reception at Toronto on the 10 th September by the Ionic Lodge . There were over 150
prominent Masons present , including the Grand Master , Judge Harding . In responding to the toast of the Grand Lodge of England , Sir Edward Clarke remarked that the present was the lirst occasion on which he had worn the insignia of Past Junior Grand Warden , an honour which had been
conferred upon him but recently by the Grand Master , the Duke of Connaught . Many years ago he had worked hard in the Craft , and had had the honor of a post as aide-de-camp in the installation of King Edward , then Prince of Wales , as Grand Master . His Majesty had exercised an influence for good as a Mason , and this he continued to exert as King , as he went from court to court , creating fellowship and friendship among nations .
o <*> At the recent annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire , the Provincial Grand Master presented veteran Secretary Bro . Richard Newhouse , P . D . G . S . B ., with an illuminated address , together with a cheque for / . " 450 , in recognition of his long and valued services .
« s > <*> * The question raised by the Grand Registrar at the hist meeting of Grand Lodge as to the advisability of extending the privilege of nominating a Grand Steward for the year to an increased number of lodges , is still being discussed in
Masonic circles with much interest , and in some instances with considerable warmth . We are taught that Masonry is a progressive science , but we are old-fashioned enough to believe that unless urgent necessity can be shown , the less we tamper with the Constitutions the better . On the face of
it there is nothing very revolutionary in the proposition , and something may reasonably be said in favour of an enlarged representation of lodges on the Board of Grand Stewards , in view of the fact that the number of lodges has multiplied almost ten-fold since the Board w ; : s lirst formed . But the
selection of lodges for that honour must always be an arbitrary one , and seeing there is no one lodge that can claim the position , and that the lodges at present fullilling the duties have never failed in their obligations , it appears to be one of those questions for "letting well alone . "
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar .
In accordance with general anticipation , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , M . W . Grand Master , has been pleased to appoint Major George Christopher Davie , J . P ., Past G . D . of England , to the important office of Provincial Grand Master of Devon , in succession to Lord Northcote , who has resigned the position on his appointment as
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia . © «& © There have been six Provincial Grand Masters in all for the county—Sir Charles W . Bampfylde , Bart ., 1775 ; Earl Fortescue , 1820 ; the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., 1866 ; Lord Ebrington , 1879 , who preceded Lord Northcote , and now Major Davie .
HltO . IfA . IOli ({ . C . I 1 AVIK . Majo :. * Davie is one of the oldest Freemasons in the county , having been initiated so far back as 1861 , in the Adams Lodge , No . 158 , Sheerness , and he also joined a lodge in Quebec . In 1874 lie became a subscribing member
to the Loyal Lodge , No . 251 , Barnstaple , and was elected as its W . M . in 1883—its centenary year . As a Prov . Grand Warden of Devon in 188 3 , Prov . G . Secretary from 1887 , and Deputy Prov . G . M . from 18 9 6 , under Lord Northcote , Bro . Davie has seen much Masonic service , and is highly
esteemed . He has rendered valuable service as Acting Provincial Grand Master of Devon during the absence of Lord Northcote in Bombay , and all the brethren who have had the pleasure of seeing on many occasions how well he has presided over ( he deliberations of the province will cordially
welcome his appointment to the Provincial Grand Mastership . The office of Grand Superintendent of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons has also been
conferred on Major Davie . ® < £ » o The appointment of his Honor Judge Philbrick as Grand J . of Supreme Grand Chapter , vacant b y the succession of Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., to the chair of H ., is personally
a popular one , and is officially a deserved recognition of the services of Comp . Philbrick as Grand Superintendent ol Essex , a position he has occupied with much credit since 1883 . " 5 " " ?• '
The installation ceremony of the Hon . A . Stanley , M . P ., as the new Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Man , in place of the late Lord Henniker , took place on Monday , October 19 th , at Douglas , in the presence of a large and distinguished assembly of English and Manx brethren . The installation was performed b y the Earl of Lathom , Provincial
Grand Master of West Lancashire , who , accompanied by Lord Stanley , M . P ., the Postmaster-General , crossed with other Freemasons to the island in the afternoon , and the distinguished visitors were accorded a hearty and respectful welcome .
<&> < 3 > <*¦ ' After the new Provincial Grand Master had been proclaimed and saluted , he re-appointed Bro . J . A . Brown to the office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the remainder of the Provincial Grand Officers were then invested . The
appointment of the Hon . A . Stanley as Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Man is regarded as peculiarly lifting , inasmuch as his ancestors were Sovereign Lords of the Isle of Man from the 15 th to the early part of the 19 th century . Ere the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed the Earl of Lathom unveiled a handsome framed portrait of the King ,
which had been obtained for the Provincial Grand Lodge . Subsequently a banquet , presided over by the Provincial Grand Master , was held in the Villiers Hotel .
© & ®< R . W . Bro . Sir Edward Clarke , K . C , P . G . W ., and the other Masonic members of Lord Lyveden ' s party recently touring in Canada , were given a reception at Toronto on the 10 th September by the Ionic Lodge . There were over 150
prominent Masons present , including the Grand Master , Judge Harding . In responding to the toast of the Grand Lodge of England , Sir Edward Clarke remarked that the present was the lirst occasion on which he had worn the insignia of Past Junior Grand Warden , an honour which had been
conferred upon him but recently by the Grand Master , the Duke of Connaught . Many years ago he had worked hard in the Craft , and had had the honor of a post as aide-de-camp in the installation of King Edward , then Prince of Wales , as Grand Master . His Majesty had exercised an influence for good as a Mason , and this he continued to exert as King , as he went from court to court , creating fellowship and friendship among nations .
o <*> At the recent annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire , the Provincial Grand Master presented veteran Secretary Bro . Richard Newhouse , P . D . G . S . B ., with an illuminated address , together with a cheque for / . " 450 , in recognition of his long and valued services .
« s > <*> * The question raised by the Grand Registrar at the hist meeting of Grand Lodge as to the advisability of extending the privilege of nominating a Grand Steward for the year to an increased number of lodges , is still being discussed in
Masonic circles with much interest , and in some instances with considerable warmth . We are taught that Masonry is a progressive science , but we are old-fashioned enough to believe that unless urgent necessity can be shown , the less we tamper with the Constitutions the better . On the face of
it there is nothing very revolutionary in the proposition , and something may reasonably be said in favour of an enlarged representation of lodges on the Board of Grand Stewards , in view of the fact that the number of lodges has multiplied almost ten-fold since the Board w ; : s lirst formed . But the
selection of lodges for that honour must always be an arbitrary one , and seeing there is no one lodge that can claim the position , and that the lodges at present fullilling the duties have never failed in their obligations , it appears to be one of those questions for "letting well alone . "