Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
The annual festival of the West Lancashire Alpass Benevolent Institution was held at Southport , on Wednesday , the 30 th October , the Lord Mayor of Liverpool , W . Bro . Watson Rutherford , M . P ., P . G . S . W ., presiding . There were about 130 members , including the ladies , present . The institution was formed about 17 years ago for the purpose of
aiding widows of deceased Masons . The amount paid in annuities and grants during that time was about £ 1 : 0 , 500 , the annual grant being about £ 1200 . As the last year finished with a deficit of about . £ 200 , a special appeal was made to lodges and members . The Hon . Secretary , W . Bro . Philip
Lloyd , P . M ., announced in the course of the after-dinner speeches , that the amount received had been £ 1506 , the second largest sum they had ever received .
_> « ¦* > < j > Sit * Edward Letchworth was the subject of the Winily Fair cartoon in the issue of the 22 nd October . Our cynical contemporary is not given to ( lattery , and would on occasion not hesitate to " speak disrespectably of the equator , " but its satire is always genial , and its pourtrayal of the Grand
Secretary , both by pen and brush , is in its most kindly vein . As a characteristic portrait , although somewhat exaggerated in lloridity of complexion and rotundity of ligure , it is excellent .
®> <© e > Sir Edward , it says , '' was born seventy years ago , and he is still a hale and hearty young fellow , who plunged into matrimony last year with a lady who preferred his picture to diamonds as a wedding present , so that his portrait has helped to adorn the walls of the Royal Academy , " and
concludes by describing him as " an exceedingly able Freemason with a really great presence and a very line method of elocution . He is also an exceedingly agreeable fellow , who is very generally and very much liked . " To these sentiments we , in common with all Masons who have the pleasure of his friendship or acquaintance , most heartily subscribe .
: & ' £ » < 5 > On behalf of the members of King Edward VII . Preceptory , the newly-installed E . Preceptor has presented his predecesor , the E . Knight Imre Kiralfy , K . C . T ., with a richly embroidered Preceptor ' s banner bearing his heraldic arms , for which the E . Knight , at the meeting , returned his warmest thanks and appreciation of the kindness he had received from every member of the Preceptory .
The New Era Lodge of M . M . M ., No . 176 , met at Mark Masons' Hall on Saturday , 17 th inst . There was a good muster of members and many visitors . The installation of W . Bro . Blanchette was very ably performed by W . Bro . H . Thomson Lyon , P . G . D . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Freemasons'Tavern , where an excellent repast
was served , followed by a musical entertainment , which brought a very pleasant and enjoyable evening to a close . «& •&
Upwards of eighty Canadian brethren , accompanied in many instances by their wives and daughters , arrived at Boston , U . S . A ., during the visit of the Hon . Artillery Company to that city , the purpose of the excursion being to meet the members of the Fitzroy Lodge , which , as our readers tire aware , is attached to that ancient and distinguished corps , the Honorable Artillery * Company of London . < ¦& < 2 >
The installation meeting -of the Royal Edward Lodge , No . 148 9 , took place at the Holborn Restaurant , on Friday , the 2 nd October , when Bro . A . Hammond was installed , and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . J . Symmons , S . W . ; E . H . Raynham , J . W . ; Rev . S . J . Detttsberger , Chaplain ; J . E . Walford , P . M ., Treasurer ; Edwin George , P . M .,
Secretary ; W . Gooderidge , S . D . ; G . W . Manning , J . D . ; F . E . George , I . G . ; F . Maskrey , D . C . ; John Brittan , Organist ; W . Downs , W . S ; upon the conclusion of which a P . M . jewel was presented to the outgoing Master , Bro . W . J . Scrivener . Some 80 brethren , members and visitorsnartook of the bantiuet which followed . The usual
loyal and Masonic toasts having been heartily received , that of " The Grand Officers , " proposed by the W . M ., was responded to by . W . Bro . Baddely , P . A . G . D . C . The I . P . M ., Bro . W . J . Scrivener , proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and congratulated the brethren upon their excellent choice . In reply , Bro . Hammond , who was most
heartily received , said he trusted he would justify the flattering things they had said of him , and he would endeavour to do his work in as thorough a manner as his predecessors . The toast of "The Visitors" followed , which was replied to by several of the prominent visiting brethren present .
. # ¦ " 3 * The W . M . next gave the toast of " The I . P . M ., " and complimented him upon the way the work of the past year had been performed . To his reputation as a worker of the ceremonies he was sure they owed the large number ol" initiates
they had had . The I . P . M . thanked the brethren and the W . M . for the very kind things they had said of him , and if he had come somewhere up to the mark it was entirely owing to the grand tuition he had had at their lodge of instruction , which is so ably presided over by the Secretary , W . Bro . E .
George , and the excellent help he had received from his officers . The toasts of "The Past Master" and " The Treasurer and Secretary " next followed , and in responding to the latter , W . Bro . E . George mentioned that it was 24 years since he was appointed Secretary , and he remembered when the
lodge was by no means in the affluent position it now occupied . The customary toasts of " The Officers" and Tyler concluded a very pleasant evening .
< fr < 3 ) « j > On Monday , 5 th October , the installation meeting of the William Hesketh Lever Lodge , No . 2916 , was held at the schools , Park Road , when Bro . Edmund V . Salaman was duly installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . Col . C . S . Dean ,
P . G . D . After the appointment and investiture of the officers , the retiring W . M ., W . Bro . James T . Thomson , was presented with a handsome silver and glass fruit service of three pieces , which he suitably acknowledged .
MHO . KDMUXI ) V . SALAMAN . A committee was next formed to carry out the arrangements for the second Annual Grand Masonic Ball , the proceeds of which are to be devoted to Masonic Charities .
Bro . W . H . Lever has again placed Thornton Manor at the disposal of the committee for the purpose , and the ball is lixed to take place on December 17 th , when it is hoped that it will far eclipse the brilliant success which attended the last .
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
The annual festival of the West Lancashire Alpass Benevolent Institution was held at Southport , on Wednesday , the 30 th October , the Lord Mayor of Liverpool , W . Bro . Watson Rutherford , M . P ., P . G . S . W ., presiding . There were about 130 members , including the ladies , present . The institution was formed about 17 years ago for the purpose of
aiding widows of deceased Masons . The amount paid in annuities and grants during that time was about £ 1 : 0 , 500 , the annual grant being about £ 1200 . As the last year finished with a deficit of about . £ 200 , a special appeal was made to lodges and members . The Hon . Secretary , W . Bro . Philip
Lloyd , P . M ., announced in the course of the after-dinner speeches , that the amount received had been £ 1506 , the second largest sum they had ever received .
_> « ¦* > < j > Sit * Edward Letchworth was the subject of the Winily Fair cartoon in the issue of the 22 nd October . Our cynical contemporary is not given to ( lattery , and would on occasion not hesitate to " speak disrespectably of the equator , " but its satire is always genial , and its pourtrayal of the Grand
Secretary , both by pen and brush , is in its most kindly vein . As a characteristic portrait , although somewhat exaggerated in lloridity of complexion and rotundity of ligure , it is excellent .
®> <© e > Sir Edward , it says , '' was born seventy years ago , and he is still a hale and hearty young fellow , who plunged into matrimony last year with a lady who preferred his picture to diamonds as a wedding present , so that his portrait has helped to adorn the walls of the Royal Academy , " and
concludes by describing him as " an exceedingly able Freemason with a really great presence and a very line method of elocution . He is also an exceedingly agreeable fellow , who is very generally and very much liked . " To these sentiments we , in common with all Masons who have the pleasure of his friendship or acquaintance , most heartily subscribe .
: & ' £ » < 5 > On behalf of the members of King Edward VII . Preceptory , the newly-installed E . Preceptor has presented his predecesor , the E . Knight Imre Kiralfy , K . C . T ., with a richly embroidered Preceptor ' s banner bearing his heraldic arms , for which the E . Knight , at the meeting , returned his warmest thanks and appreciation of the kindness he had received from every member of the Preceptory .
The New Era Lodge of M . M . M ., No . 176 , met at Mark Masons' Hall on Saturday , 17 th inst . There was a good muster of members and many visitors . The installation of W . Bro . Blanchette was very ably performed by W . Bro . H . Thomson Lyon , P . G . D . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Freemasons'Tavern , where an excellent repast
was served , followed by a musical entertainment , which brought a very pleasant and enjoyable evening to a close . «& •&
Upwards of eighty Canadian brethren , accompanied in many instances by their wives and daughters , arrived at Boston , U . S . A ., during the visit of the Hon . Artillery Company to that city , the purpose of the excursion being to meet the members of the Fitzroy Lodge , which , as our readers tire aware , is attached to that ancient and distinguished corps , the Honorable Artillery * Company of London . < ¦& < 2 >
The installation meeting -of the Royal Edward Lodge , No . 148 9 , took place at the Holborn Restaurant , on Friday , the 2 nd October , when Bro . A . Hammond was installed , and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . J . Symmons , S . W . ; E . H . Raynham , J . W . ; Rev . S . J . Detttsberger , Chaplain ; J . E . Walford , P . M ., Treasurer ; Edwin George , P . M .,
Secretary ; W . Gooderidge , S . D . ; G . W . Manning , J . D . ; F . E . George , I . G . ; F . Maskrey , D . C . ; John Brittan , Organist ; W . Downs , W . S ; upon the conclusion of which a P . M . jewel was presented to the outgoing Master , Bro . W . J . Scrivener . Some 80 brethren , members and visitorsnartook of the bantiuet which followed . The usual
loyal and Masonic toasts having been heartily received , that of " The Grand Officers , " proposed by the W . M ., was responded to by . W . Bro . Baddely , P . A . G . D . C . The I . P . M ., Bro . W . J . Scrivener , proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and congratulated the brethren upon their excellent choice . In reply , Bro . Hammond , who was most
heartily received , said he trusted he would justify the flattering things they had said of him , and he would endeavour to do his work in as thorough a manner as his predecessors . The toast of "The Visitors" followed , which was replied to by several of the prominent visiting brethren present .
. # ¦ " 3 * The W . M . next gave the toast of " The I . P . M ., " and complimented him upon the way the work of the past year had been performed . To his reputation as a worker of the ceremonies he was sure they owed the large number ol" initiates
they had had . The I . P . M . thanked the brethren and the W . M . for the very kind things they had said of him , and if he had come somewhere up to the mark it was entirely owing to the grand tuition he had had at their lodge of instruction , which is so ably presided over by the Secretary , W . Bro . E .
George , and the excellent help he had received from his officers . The toasts of "The Past Master" and " The Treasurer and Secretary " next followed , and in responding to the latter , W . Bro . E . George mentioned that it was 24 years since he was appointed Secretary , and he remembered when the
lodge was by no means in the affluent position it now occupied . The customary toasts of " The Officers" and Tyler concluded a very pleasant evening .
< fr < 3 ) « j > On Monday , 5 th October , the installation meeting of the William Hesketh Lever Lodge , No . 2916 , was held at the schools , Park Road , when Bro . Edmund V . Salaman was duly installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . Col . C . S . Dean ,
P . G . D . After the appointment and investiture of the officers , the retiring W . M ., W . Bro . James T . Thomson , was presented with a handsome silver and glass fruit service of three pieces , which he suitably acknowledged .
MHO . KDMUXI ) V . SALAMAN . A committee was next formed to carry out the arrangements for the second Annual Grand Masonic Ball , the proceeds of which are to be devoted to Masonic Charities .
Bro . W . H . Lever has again placed Thornton Manor at the disposal of the committee for the purpose , and the ball is lixed to take place on December 17 th , when it is hoped that it will far eclipse the brilliant success which attended the last .