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Oration Delivered At The Consecration Of The Empress Preceptory
Oration Delivered at the Consecration of the Empress Preceptory
Sij V . S . JCnf . Jcev . Q . € . £ . Wright , M . di .. . £ . ^ relat
IN rising to address you this evening , I feel that I must in the first place offer my sincere congratulations to my brethren of the King Edward VII . Preceptory , that in the short space of a year they should have been so successful as to be able to form another one from its members . I understand that , like another highly distinguished London
Preceptory , it is the intention of the founders to maintain the two on parallel lines , and it is a system highly to be commended when brethren have joined in large numbers and are working together with perfect unanimity and concord . Not only is it a proof of the great efficiency which
has already been attained , but it also enables the enthusiastic brethren to gain experience and knowledge much more quickly than they otherwise could do . And I have no doubt that under such skilled leadership , the Empress Preceptory will prove worthy of its progenitor .
There are few more fascinating subjects than the history of " The Rise and Fall of the Ancient Order of the Temple . " From its inception under Geoffery de St . Aldeman and Hugo de Pavens , in 1118 , to its destruction brought about by the
unholy alliance between Clement 5 th and Philip The Fair , King of France , its annals are full of the deepest interest , but as I have dealt with it at length on previous occasions , I think it would be more interesting if I took a later period for our consideration this evening , and spoke to you about our modern Order of the Temple when it first became a
Sovereign Body . I say " MODERN * , " because though it would be very delightful if we could trace our succession accurately to the Sainted Jacques de Molai , the last of the Grand Masters , I fear that it is impossible . The persecution was so severe and relentless that from the clay when Clement
issued the bull dissolving the Order , it ceased as a BODY to exist . No doubt even in France some individual members would escape ; in fact , it is said that several took refuge in the Island of Mull , in Scotland , and there continued in a disguised form to celebrate their rites . In other parts of
Europe , too , they were much more leniently treated , and so unquestionably many Knights survived to hand on their traditions and customs , and thereby prepared the way for the resuscitation of the Order in a corporate capacity in outown country towards the latter end of the 18 th Century .
What happened during the intervening centuries it is difficult to tell . In France , secret societies of various kinds began to reappear during the reigns of the later French kings , and some of them apparently exhibit traces of Knight Templary in their rituals . They were , however , largely political in their ideas , and had considerable influence
on the Revolution . In England , I believe , the Baldwyn Preceptory at Bristol claims to have been established by the Templars who returned with Richard from the 3 rd Crusade , but if it was , its members must have been scattered when the persecution occurred , since Edward 2 nd was son-in-law
of Philip of France , and though not so brutal in his methods , was equally bent upon spoliation and extermination . During the 18 th Century many scions of Royalty were initiated into
Masonry , which gave a great impetus to the Craft , and it seems at that time to have been customary to confer the Order of the Temple under the tegis of the Royal Arch . Hence it is that though we have now definitely once more attained to the status of an Order of Chivalry , that we require all those who desire to join us to have previously
taken the Royal Arch . The place of meeting was then known as an encampment , and the bodies that met as Conclaves , and in 1790 there seems to have been three Conclaves holding regular meetings , the Baldwyn at Bristol , the Royal Cumberland at Bath , and the Redemption at Yorkwhich is now at
, Hull . Thomas Dunckerly was then at the zenith of his fame . It is not possible to say much about him on this occasion , but he was one of the most energetic of the Freemasons of the day . Besides being Prov . G . M . of some seven or eight counties , he held the office of Prov . G . Superintendent for a
great part of England . His services on behalf ol those Degrees were inestimable , but amongst his manifold activities he found time to re-establish the Order of the Temple , for which he always had the greatest affection , on a definite basis . In 179 1 , the three Conclaves I have mentioned , together with others from LondonColchester , Dorchester , and one
, attached to the 1 st Regiment of Dragoons , petitioned to be constituted into a Grand Conclave with Dunckerly as Grand Master . He accepted the post , and on 24 th June the Grand Conclave was solemly inaugurated . In 1792 , we hear of other Conclaves being revived , amongst others the Royal
Naval at Portsmouth , which was the first to receive a centenary warrant . Dunckerly at this time seems to have contemplated establishing the Order on a purely modern basis with a military equipment not unlike that which has been adopted by some foreign bodies . Writing to the Conclave at Redruth ,
in Cornwall , he tells them he h ; . s selected a suitable cloth and uniform buttons for a frock coat , and then goes into great detail as to how the buttons are to be arranged . He adds also that cocked hats and cockades were to be worn . I do not know if this costume was ever formally adopted , but
if it was , it was mercifully overruled in favour of the much more suitable one that we wear to-day . That , of course , was not evolved at once , but research has enabled us at last to attain to an attire as much like mediaeval times as modern conditions will permit , and to strive to maintain as perfectly as possible all the traditions and customs of our ancient predecessors , is , after all , the main justification of our existence .
Another scheme of Dunckerly ' s was to make his Knights Templars go into actual warfare under the name of " Prince Edward ' s Royal Volunteers . " Those were the clays when that long warfare was just beginning , which only finally terminated with the overthrow of Napoleon ; clays which will ever be immortal with the names of Nelson and
Wellington . England was in a ferment , and each county was enrolling volunteers for the defence of their native land . Dunckerly , in a letter to a Knt . Companion , written in 1794 , desires that the Knights shall volunteer , and orders them to wear the cross of a Knight Templar 'on a black riband ,
between two button-holes on the waistcoat of their uniform . He adds that he will himself , when the important moment arrives , offer his services in the navy or army , and concludes : " Let our prayers be addressed to the Throne of Grace , that as Christ ' s faithful soldiers and servants , we may be enabled
to defend the Christian Religion , our gracious Sovereign , our laws , liberties and properties against a rapacious enemy . " It is easy to understand his military ardour , apart from the wave of patriotism which was then sweeping over the land , for he had originally been in the Royal Navy and had served
with distinction at the siege of Quebec . The invasion of England , however , did not take place , so there was no occasion for the fulfillment of his pious intentions . Nor did he long survive , as he peacefully passed away on 23 rd November . 1795 , to the great grief of all who knew him .
When the Grand Conclave had first been formed in 1791 , some of the Knight Companions of the Antient York Conclave of Redemption had written to Dunckerly asking if there were any Hymns or Odes about the Order . He had replied that he knew of none , but would endeavour to compose one himself . He accordingly did so , and with one
verse from it I will conclude this short sketch of the lirst of our modern Grand Masters , who , though he only ruled for four years , did so much for the Order he loved so well . " Unite your hearts , unite each hand In friendship , harmony , and love ;
Connected thus Knights Templar stand Our Love and Charity to prove . Until that awful final day , When lire shall melt this earthly ball , Your courage and your faith display , Attend to Freedom ' s sacred call . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Oration Delivered At The Consecration Of The Empress Preceptory
Oration Delivered at the Consecration of the Empress Preceptory
Sij V . S . JCnf . Jcev . Q . € . £ . Wright , M . di .. . £ . ^ relat
IN rising to address you this evening , I feel that I must in the first place offer my sincere congratulations to my brethren of the King Edward VII . Preceptory , that in the short space of a year they should have been so successful as to be able to form another one from its members . I understand that , like another highly distinguished London
Preceptory , it is the intention of the founders to maintain the two on parallel lines , and it is a system highly to be commended when brethren have joined in large numbers and are working together with perfect unanimity and concord . Not only is it a proof of the great efficiency which
has already been attained , but it also enables the enthusiastic brethren to gain experience and knowledge much more quickly than they otherwise could do . And I have no doubt that under such skilled leadership , the Empress Preceptory will prove worthy of its progenitor .
There are few more fascinating subjects than the history of " The Rise and Fall of the Ancient Order of the Temple . " From its inception under Geoffery de St . Aldeman and Hugo de Pavens , in 1118 , to its destruction brought about by the
unholy alliance between Clement 5 th and Philip The Fair , King of France , its annals are full of the deepest interest , but as I have dealt with it at length on previous occasions , I think it would be more interesting if I took a later period for our consideration this evening , and spoke to you about our modern Order of the Temple when it first became a
Sovereign Body . I say " MODERN * , " because though it would be very delightful if we could trace our succession accurately to the Sainted Jacques de Molai , the last of the Grand Masters , I fear that it is impossible . The persecution was so severe and relentless that from the clay when Clement
issued the bull dissolving the Order , it ceased as a BODY to exist . No doubt even in France some individual members would escape ; in fact , it is said that several took refuge in the Island of Mull , in Scotland , and there continued in a disguised form to celebrate their rites . In other parts of
Europe , too , they were much more leniently treated , and so unquestionably many Knights survived to hand on their traditions and customs , and thereby prepared the way for the resuscitation of the Order in a corporate capacity in outown country towards the latter end of the 18 th Century .
What happened during the intervening centuries it is difficult to tell . In France , secret societies of various kinds began to reappear during the reigns of the later French kings , and some of them apparently exhibit traces of Knight Templary in their rituals . They were , however , largely political in their ideas , and had considerable influence
on the Revolution . In England , I believe , the Baldwyn Preceptory at Bristol claims to have been established by the Templars who returned with Richard from the 3 rd Crusade , but if it was , its members must have been scattered when the persecution occurred , since Edward 2 nd was son-in-law
of Philip of France , and though not so brutal in his methods , was equally bent upon spoliation and extermination . During the 18 th Century many scions of Royalty were initiated into
Masonry , which gave a great impetus to the Craft , and it seems at that time to have been customary to confer the Order of the Temple under the tegis of the Royal Arch . Hence it is that though we have now definitely once more attained to the status of an Order of Chivalry , that we require all those who desire to join us to have previously
taken the Royal Arch . The place of meeting was then known as an encampment , and the bodies that met as Conclaves , and in 1790 there seems to have been three Conclaves holding regular meetings , the Baldwyn at Bristol , the Royal Cumberland at Bath , and the Redemption at Yorkwhich is now at
, Hull . Thomas Dunckerly was then at the zenith of his fame . It is not possible to say much about him on this occasion , but he was one of the most energetic of the Freemasons of the day . Besides being Prov . G . M . of some seven or eight counties , he held the office of Prov . G . Superintendent for a
great part of England . His services on behalf ol those Degrees were inestimable , but amongst his manifold activities he found time to re-establish the Order of the Temple , for which he always had the greatest affection , on a definite basis . In 179 1 , the three Conclaves I have mentioned , together with others from LondonColchester , Dorchester , and one
, attached to the 1 st Regiment of Dragoons , petitioned to be constituted into a Grand Conclave with Dunckerly as Grand Master . He accepted the post , and on 24 th June the Grand Conclave was solemly inaugurated . In 1792 , we hear of other Conclaves being revived , amongst others the Royal
Naval at Portsmouth , which was the first to receive a centenary warrant . Dunckerly at this time seems to have contemplated establishing the Order on a purely modern basis with a military equipment not unlike that which has been adopted by some foreign bodies . Writing to the Conclave at Redruth ,
in Cornwall , he tells them he h ; . s selected a suitable cloth and uniform buttons for a frock coat , and then goes into great detail as to how the buttons are to be arranged . He adds also that cocked hats and cockades were to be worn . I do not know if this costume was ever formally adopted , but
if it was , it was mercifully overruled in favour of the much more suitable one that we wear to-day . That , of course , was not evolved at once , but research has enabled us at last to attain to an attire as much like mediaeval times as modern conditions will permit , and to strive to maintain as perfectly as possible all the traditions and customs of our ancient predecessors , is , after all , the main justification of our existence .
Another scheme of Dunckerly ' s was to make his Knights Templars go into actual warfare under the name of " Prince Edward ' s Royal Volunteers . " Those were the clays when that long warfare was just beginning , which only finally terminated with the overthrow of Napoleon ; clays which will ever be immortal with the names of Nelson and
Wellington . England was in a ferment , and each county was enrolling volunteers for the defence of their native land . Dunckerly , in a letter to a Knt . Companion , written in 1794 , desires that the Knights shall volunteer , and orders them to wear the cross of a Knight Templar 'on a black riband ,
between two button-holes on the waistcoat of their uniform . He adds that he will himself , when the important moment arrives , offer his services in the navy or army , and concludes : " Let our prayers be addressed to the Throne of Grace , that as Christ ' s faithful soldiers and servants , we may be enabled
to defend the Christian Religion , our gracious Sovereign , our laws , liberties and properties against a rapacious enemy . " It is easy to understand his military ardour , apart from the wave of patriotism which was then sweeping over the land , for he had originally been in the Royal Navy and had served
with distinction at the siege of Quebec . The invasion of England , however , did not take place , so there was no occasion for the fulfillment of his pious intentions . Nor did he long survive , as he peacefully passed away on 23 rd November . 1795 , to the great grief of all who knew him .
When the Grand Conclave had first been formed in 1791 , some of the Knight Companions of the Antient York Conclave of Redemption had written to Dunckerly asking if there were any Hymns or Odes about the Order . He had replied that he knew of none , but would endeavour to compose one himself . He accordingly did so , and with one
verse from it I will conclude this short sketch of the lirst of our modern Grand Masters , who , though he only ruled for four years , did so much for the Order he loved so well . " Unite your hearts , unite each hand In friendship , harmony , and love ;
Connected thus Knights Templar stand Our Love and Charity to prove . Until that awful final day , When lire shall melt this earthly ball , Your courage and your faith display , Attend to Freedom ' s sacred call . "