Article Two Remarkable Patents. ← Page 3 of 3
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Two Remarkable Patents.
few years previously ) , and was composed of four Lodges at lirst ; Count Moussin—Pouschkin—Bruce being the Grand Master . The new organization was prosperous , and soon had twenty-four Lodges on its Roll , the dissenting " Swedish
Provincial Grand Lodge of Russia , " so Gould states , having only six subordinates on its Register . In 1822 , however the Czar issued a ukase dissolving these Lodges , and prohibiting Freemasonry in that country ; this most unfortunate rule being still in force .
PATENT OF 1818 . No . 1451 .
To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe . In the name and under the patronage of the Grand Lodge Astrea . To till regular Masons . Union—Strength—Safety .
We , ( he Gnind Master , Deputy Grand Master , Senior and junior Grand Wardens , and Grand Officers of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge Astrea , make known to till regular Masons , that having heard the report which has been made to us of the very important services rendered to our Sacred
Order by our very dear , very Worshipful , and very Eminent Brother and active member of the Worshipful Lodge of the Blazing Star , belonging to the Orient of St . Petersburg , Jean Jacques de Boebcr , who , during more than 40 years has never ceased to display the most ardent and the most
indomitable zeal for the Royal Art , and has long been at the head of Masonic affairs ; has been founder and , for four years , Grand Master of the old Directorial Grand Lodge of Vladimir of the Order , Master of the Worshipful Lodge Alexander of the crowned Pelican , etc ., eic , cic . We , in accordance with our Statutes ( 1 st Suppl . f ; 4 8 ) confer on him by these
presents , the rank , title , and privileges of Honorary Officer of the Grand Lodge Astrea , to be enjoyed by him so long as he shall be an active member of one of the Lodges of our Jurisdiction .
We pray till Right Worshipful Grand Orients , Grand Lodges , and subordinate Lodges scattered over the two Hemispheres to recognise our said very dear Brother Jean Jacques Boeber in this respect and to accord to him full confidence and fraternal friendship ;
ll'lm ' n El ill ' Purl mil C 11 . )
We lay the injunction on all Lodges of our Jurisdiction to render him all the honours which are due to him according to our Statutes . Given at the Orient of St . Petersburg , the 24 th day of
the IVth month of the year of the True Light , 5 818 . Basil , Count Moussen-Ponschkin-Bruce , Grand Master . /•' . J . Schubert , Senior Grand Warden . Aug . de Lerche , Grand Secretary .
C . ( 1 . Ritlcrs , Grand Treasurer . Clis . de Valz , Grand Almoner . Alexander P . Labanojf , Deputy Grand Master . Frederick dc Soholcr , Junior Grand Warden . Frederick I ' ollorlli , Grand Orator .
Count Theodore dc Tolstoy , for G . M . of Ceremonies , Bro . Helmerscn . Ed . Collins , Grand Secretary for Correspondce . [ All Ilic contractions , Masonic ami otherwise , have been written in full in the translation so kindly supplied by Dr . II ' . 7 ' .
Chetwode Crowley , K . C . T . ~] We have to thank the ever courteous Great Vice-Chancellor , Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier , G . C . T ., for the facilities he so fraternally afforded for securing complete reproductions of the two valuable originals . K . C . T .
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Two Remarkable Patents.
few years previously ) , and was composed of four Lodges at lirst ; Count Moussin—Pouschkin—Bruce being the Grand Master . The new organization was prosperous , and soon had twenty-four Lodges on its Roll , the dissenting " Swedish
Provincial Grand Lodge of Russia , " so Gould states , having only six subordinates on its Register . In 1822 , however the Czar issued a ukase dissolving these Lodges , and prohibiting Freemasonry in that country ; this most unfortunate rule being still in force .
PATENT OF 1818 . No . 1451 .
To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe . In the name and under the patronage of the Grand Lodge Astrea . To till regular Masons . Union—Strength—Safety .
We , ( he Gnind Master , Deputy Grand Master , Senior and junior Grand Wardens , and Grand Officers of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge Astrea , make known to till regular Masons , that having heard the report which has been made to us of the very important services rendered to our Sacred
Order by our very dear , very Worshipful , and very Eminent Brother and active member of the Worshipful Lodge of the Blazing Star , belonging to the Orient of St . Petersburg , Jean Jacques de Boebcr , who , during more than 40 years has never ceased to display the most ardent and the most
indomitable zeal for the Royal Art , and has long been at the head of Masonic affairs ; has been founder and , for four years , Grand Master of the old Directorial Grand Lodge of Vladimir of the Order , Master of the Worshipful Lodge Alexander of the crowned Pelican , etc ., eic , cic . We , in accordance with our Statutes ( 1 st Suppl . f ; 4 8 ) confer on him by these
presents , the rank , title , and privileges of Honorary Officer of the Grand Lodge Astrea , to be enjoyed by him so long as he shall be an active member of one of the Lodges of our Jurisdiction .
We pray till Right Worshipful Grand Orients , Grand Lodges , and subordinate Lodges scattered over the two Hemispheres to recognise our said very dear Brother Jean Jacques Boeber in this respect and to accord to him full confidence and fraternal friendship ;
ll'lm ' n El ill ' Purl mil C 11 . )
We lay the injunction on all Lodges of our Jurisdiction to render him all the honours which are due to him according to our Statutes . Given at the Orient of St . Petersburg , the 24 th day of
the IVth month of the year of the True Light , 5 818 . Basil , Count Moussen-Ponschkin-Bruce , Grand Master . /•' . J . Schubert , Senior Grand Warden . Aug . de Lerche , Grand Secretary .
C . ( 1 . Ritlcrs , Grand Treasurer . Clis . de Valz , Grand Almoner . Alexander P . Labanojf , Deputy Grand Master . Frederick dc Soholcr , Junior Grand Warden . Frederick I ' ollorlli , Grand Orator .
Count Theodore dc Tolstoy , for G . M . of Ceremonies , Bro . Helmerscn . Ed . Collins , Grand Secretary for Correspondce . [ All Ilic contractions , Masonic ami otherwise , have been written in full in the translation so kindly supplied by Dr . II ' . 7 ' .
Chetwode Crowley , K . C . T . ~] We have to thank the ever courteous Great Vice-Chancellor , Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier , G . C . T ., for the facilities he so fraternally afforded for securing complete reproductions of the two valuable originals . K . C . T .