Article Freemasonry in Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Bazaar at Glasgow. Page 1 of 2 →
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Freemasonry In Scotland.
Freemasonry in Scotland .
Bus Jteticf m the inferior of ihc Ifusoiiic Hall , ntl ' uthnrijlt .
FREEMASONRY in Scotland has never been more prosperous , purer , or more earnest in carrying out the purposes and principles of the Institution than at the present time . Reforms arc obserA'ed all over the Scottish system . LaAvs have been , and are being , framed by the Grand Lodge for the betterment of the Craft . Lodges are raising
their fees , thus gradually removing the reproach Avhich is often hurled at them by their brethren of other Constitutions of "Cheap Masonry in Scotland . " Social evenings are being curtailed in number and duration , and , above all , Benevolence is being cultured ; funds are being built up and strengthened
in all branches of Masonry from the Grand Lodge doAvnwards . The last official year closed Avith the unprecedented number of 11495 new members as com pared with 9320 in 1901 and 7608 in 1 9 00 , then the highest point ever reached in the annals of Grand Lodge . The income during the year
amounted to ^ 10107 , an increase of . £ 166 9 on the previous year . During the same period benevolent and annuity grants from Grand Lodge amounted to . £ 2479 . At present there is paid in annuities , in sums of ^" ro to £ 20 , the total of ; £ i 66 o . For the up-keep of this fund the half of the free income to Grand Lodge is paid over , special collections are
made at the annual installation meetings m all lodges holding under the Scottish Constitution and the interest from investments of the capital fund instituted in 1889 . The Hon . Jas . Hozier , ALP ., is just about to close a very successful reign of four years as Grand Master Mason of Scotland , and as his successor , Bro . the Hon . Charles Maule
Ramsay , has been unanimously nominated and recommended by the Grand Committee . The Grand Master nominate is the son of George , 12 th Earl of Dalhousie , brother to the Earl and uncle to the present Earl . He holds a commission as major in the Forfar and Kincardine Militia Artillery . He
is an initiate in Masonry of the St . James' Lodge , No . 123 , Brechin , and a Past Master of the same lodge . He has filled the Wardens' chairs in Grand Lodge , and has served under the present Grand Master as substitute and depute , and in all the offices he has jiroved himself eminently capable . Bro .
Ramsay succeeded Bro . Jas . Berry as Prov . Grand Master of Forfarshire IAVO years ago . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Ramsay is a Past First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland , and presently holds the office of Grand Superintendent in Forfarshire .
Masonic Bazaar At Glasgow.
Masonic Bazaar at Glasgow .
THE efforts made during the past few years by the Masonic fraternity of Scotland to establish annuity and other benevolent funds , both in connection with Grand Lodge and provincial bodies , have been attended with marked success , and the latest movement in that direction has taken
the shape of a bazaar on a large scale , which was held at St . Andrew ' s Hall , GlasgOAv , on the four clays commencing October 21 st . The object Avas to raise the sum of ^ 10 , 000 in aid of the Annuity Fund , and on Saturday night the promoters were
able to announce that complete success had been the result of their labours . The total sum realised was , £ 10 , 500 , and there is a quantity of goods left over such as Avill , Avhen realised , bring in sufficient , along with the proceeds of other ventures , to ensure the total aimed at being handed over
clear of any deduction for expenses , and this anticipation will , doubtless , be realised . The bazaar was opened by the Hon . James Hozier , M . P ., M . W . Grand Master . There was a great gathering of ladies and gentlemen from all parts ol" the country . Bro . Hozier was accompanied on the platform by Lord BlythsAVood , Past Grand Master of
Scotland ; Bros . J . A . D . Dalrymple of Woodhead , Deputy Grand Master ; F . W . Allan , Provincial Grand Master of East Renfrewshire ; Speirs of Elderslie , Deputy Grand Master of Glasgow Province ; and other members of the Grand Lodge .
The proceedings Avere opened with the playing on the organ of the National Anthem , and thereafter the Hundredth Psalm was sung , and the Grand Chaplain offered prayer . The Deputy Grand Master , in introducing the name of the M . W . Grand Master , said that during Bro . Hosier ' s
Grand Mastership , the funds of benevolence under the direct control of the Grand Lodge have made remarkable progress , and attained proportions hitherto unknown , and it was appropriate JIOAV that his reign Avas drawing to a close that he should crown it by instituting this great effort by the brethren
of the Province of Glasgow to put their benevolent fund on a sound and satisfactory basis . For none of them would deny that the present condition of things was not satisfactory . He had known the province for nearly ; a quarter of a century , and he knew also the invaluable work which had been done by the fund as at present constituted . But they were Avell aware these temporary and occasional grants , though for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In Scotland.
Freemasonry in Scotland .
Bus Jteticf m the inferior of ihc Ifusoiiic Hall , ntl ' uthnrijlt .
FREEMASONRY in Scotland has never been more prosperous , purer , or more earnest in carrying out the purposes and principles of the Institution than at the present time . Reforms arc obserA'ed all over the Scottish system . LaAvs have been , and are being , framed by the Grand Lodge for the betterment of the Craft . Lodges are raising
their fees , thus gradually removing the reproach Avhich is often hurled at them by their brethren of other Constitutions of "Cheap Masonry in Scotland . " Social evenings are being curtailed in number and duration , and , above all , Benevolence is being cultured ; funds are being built up and strengthened
in all branches of Masonry from the Grand Lodge doAvnwards . The last official year closed Avith the unprecedented number of 11495 new members as com pared with 9320 in 1901 and 7608 in 1 9 00 , then the highest point ever reached in the annals of Grand Lodge . The income during the year
amounted to ^ 10107 , an increase of . £ 166 9 on the previous year . During the same period benevolent and annuity grants from Grand Lodge amounted to . £ 2479 . At present there is paid in annuities , in sums of ^" ro to £ 20 , the total of ; £ i 66 o . For the up-keep of this fund the half of the free income to Grand Lodge is paid over , special collections are
made at the annual installation meetings m all lodges holding under the Scottish Constitution and the interest from investments of the capital fund instituted in 1889 . The Hon . Jas . Hozier , ALP ., is just about to close a very successful reign of four years as Grand Master Mason of Scotland , and as his successor , Bro . the Hon . Charles Maule
Ramsay , has been unanimously nominated and recommended by the Grand Committee . The Grand Master nominate is the son of George , 12 th Earl of Dalhousie , brother to the Earl and uncle to the present Earl . He holds a commission as major in the Forfar and Kincardine Militia Artillery . He
is an initiate in Masonry of the St . James' Lodge , No . 123 , Brechin , and a Past Master of the same lodge . He has filled the Wardens' chairs in Grand Lodge , and has served under the present Grand Master as substitute and depute , and in all the offices he has jiroved himself eminently capable . Bro .
Ramsay succeeded Bro . Jas . Berry as Prov . Grand Master of Forfarshire IAVO years ago . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Ramsay is a Past First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland , and presently holds the office of Grand Superintendent in Forfarshire .
Masonic Bazaar At Glasgow.
Masonic Bazaar at Glasgow .
THE efforts made during the past few years by the Masonic fraternity of Scotland to establish annuity and other benevolent funds , both in connection with Grand Lodge and provincial bodies , have been attended with marked success , and the latest movement in that direction has taken
the shape of a bazaar on a large scale , which was held at St . Andrew ' s Hall , GlasgOAv , on the four clays commencing October 21 st . The object Avas to raise the sum of ^ 10 , 000 in aid of the Annuity Fund , and on Saturday night the promoters were
able to announce that complete success had been the result of their labours . The total sum realised was , £ 10 , 500 , and there is a quantity of goods left over such as Avill , Avhen realised , bring in sufficient , along with the proceeds of other ventures , to ensure the total aimed at being handed over
clear of any deduction for expenses , and this anticipation will , doubtless , be realised . The bazaar was opened by the Hon . James Hozier , M . P ., M . W . Grand Master . There was a great gathering of ladies and gentlemen from all parts ol" the country . Bro . Hozier was accompanied on the platform by Lord BlythsAVood , Past Grand Master of
Scotland ; Bros . J . A . D . Dalrymple of Woodhead , Deputy Grand Master ; F . W . Allan , Provincial Grand Master of East Renfrewshire ; Speirs of Elderslie , Deputy Grand Master of Glasgow Province ; and other members of the Grand Lodge .
The proceedings Avere opened with the playing on the organ of the National Anthem , and thereafter the Hundredth Psalm was sung , and the Grand Chaplain offered prayer . The Deputy Grand Master , in introducing the name of the M . W . Grand Master , said that during Bro . Hosier ' s
Grand Mastership , the funds of benevolence under the direct control of the Grand Lodge have made remarkable progress , and attained proportions hitherto unknown , and it was appropriate JIOAV that his reign Avas drawing to a close that he should crown it by instituting this great effort by the brethren
of the Province of Glasgow to put their benevolent fund on a sound and satisfactory basis . For none of them would deny that the present condition of things was not satisfactory . He had known the province for nearly ; a quarter of a century , and he knew also the invaluable work which had been done by the fund as at present constituted . But they were Avell aware these temporary and occasional grants , though for