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Godfroi De Bouillon Preceptory Of Knights Templar.
Godfroi de Bouillon Preceptory of Knights Templar .
A MEETING of the Godfroi de Bouillon Preceptory of Knights Templar was held at the North Stafford Hotel , Stoke-upon-Trent , on Wednesday , the 14 th October . The preceptor }* was opened in due form , and the great officers present were saluted with the honours due to their exalted rank .
The minutes of the last meeting having been read , the Eminent Preceptor then vacated the chair , which was taken by Eminent Bro . Knight Taylor as Installing Preceptor . Bro . Knight Arthur Boulton was then regularly installed as Eminent Preceptor according to ancient-custom .
The Eminent Preceptor , in acknowledging the salutations of the knights , expressed his obligations and appreciation of the honour conferred upon him . He then invested the Treasurer and appointed and invested his other officers as follows : —Bro . Knt . Arthur Baines ,
First Constable ; Bro . Knt . John Harding , Second Constable ; Bro . Knt . James Henry Walmsley , Chaplain ; Emt . Bro . Knt . Thomas Taylor , Treasurer ; Emt . Bro . Knt . George Charles Kent , Registrar ; Bro . Knt . Samuel Thomas Bott , Marshall ; Bro . Knt . John Owen Williams , Capt . of Guard ;
Bro . Knt . Alfred John Meakin , Herald ; Bro . Knts . James Thomas Meat * and Alfred Parkes , Banner Bearers ; Frater Thomas Warren , Guard .
The Registrar then read a review of the work and of the principal events which had occurred in connection with the preceptory during the fifty years which had elapsed since its consecration on the 14 th October , 1853 . The reading of the review , which took about forty minutes , was listened to by the members and visitors present with close attention , and at its conclusion received their unstinted applause and commendation .
A vote of thanks was accorded to the Registrar for his exhaustive review and for the labour and research exhibited in its compilation , which was carried with acclamation , and was suitably acknowledged by the Registrar . A further resolution was come to that the review be completed and printed .
A vote of sympathy with Emt . Bro . Knt . Walter in his affliction was passed , accompanied with the hope that he would be restored to health .
In recognition of the eminent services of Knight Kent , the Registrar in that capacity for the last ten years , and of the fact that his ( the Registrar ' s ) own jubilee was almost coincident with the jubilee of the preceptory , the Eminent Preceptor asked the Registrar to accept at his hands a solid silver cigar case and spirit flask , on each of which was
engraved a suitable inscription . The Registrar expressed his acknowledgments , and stated that he would ever treasure the beautiful presents as among his most cherished possessions , and assured the members that he valued them as an expression of their appreciation
of his services . The very Eminent Brother the Rev . C E . L . Wright , Past Grand Prelate of the Order , then addressed the meeting , and expressed the pleasure with which he had received the invitation to attend the jubilee meeting , and the greater
pleasure it had given him in attending and listening to the admirable review read by the Registrar . He congratulated the preceptory on the attainment of its jubilee , and upon its flourishing and prosperous condition . He also made some interesting remarks upon the ceremonies and the recent
changes therein recommended by the Great Priory . Emt . Bro . Kt . Tolladay also expressed his thanks for the invitation and the reception accorded him .
The preceptory was then closed and the Knights adjourned to a banquet , and a most enjoyable evening was spent , the proceeding being throughout a pleasant conclusion of the celebration of the preceptory ' s jubilee .
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Godfroi De Bouillon Preceptory Of Knights Templar.
Godfroi de Bouillon Preceptory of Knights Templar .
A MEETING of the Godfroi de Bouillon Preceptory of Knights Templar was held at the North Stafford Hotel , Stoke-upon-Trent , on Wednesday , the 14 th October . The preceptor }* was opened in due form , and the great officers present were saluted with the honours due to their exalted rank .
The minutes of the last meeting having been read , the Eminent Preceptor then vacated the chair , which was taken by Eminent Bro . Knight Taylor as Installing Preceptor . Bro . Knight Arthur Boulton was then regularly installed as Eminent Preceptor according to ancient-custom .
The Eminent Preceptor , in acknowledging the salutations of the knights , expressed his obligations and appreciation of the honour conferred upon him . He then invested the Treasurer and appointed and invested his other officers as follows : —Bro . Knt . Arthur Baines ,
First Constable ; Bro . Knt . John Harding , Second Constable ; Bro . Knt . James Henry Walmsley , Chaplain ; Emt . Bro . Knt . Thomas Taylor , Treasurer ; Emt . Bro . Knt . George Charles Kent , Registrar ; Bro . Knt . Samuel Thomas Bott , Marshall ; Bro . Knt . John Owen Williams , Capt . of Guard ;
Bro . Knt . Alfred John Meakin , Herald ; Bro . Knts . James Thomas Meat * and Alfred Parkes , Banner Bearers ; Frater Thomas Warren , Guard .
The Registrar then read a review of the work and of the principal events which had occurred in connection with the preceptory during the fifty years which had elapsed since its consecration on the 14 th October , 1853 . The reading of the review , which took about forty minutes , was listened to by the members and visitors present with close attention , and at its conclusion received their unstinted applause and commendation .
A vote of thanks was accorded to the Registrar for his exhaustive review and for the labour and research exhibited in its compilation , which was carried with acclamation , and was suitably acknowledged by the Registrar . A further resolution was come to that the review be completed and printed .
A vote of sympathy with Emt . Bro . Knt . Walter in his affliction was passed , accompanied with the hope that he would be restored to health .
In recognition of the eminent services of Knight Kent , the Registrar in that capacity for the last ten years , and of the fact that his ( the Registrar ' s ) own jubilee was almost coincident with the jubilee of the preceptory , the Eminent Preceptor asked the Registrar to accept at his hands a solid silver cigar case and spirit flask , on each of which was
engraved a suitable inscription . The Registrar expressed his acknowledgments , and stated that he would ever treasure the beautiful presents as among his most cherished possessions , and assured the members that he valued them as an expression of their appreciation
of his services . The very Eminent Brother the Rev . C E . L . Wright , Past Grand Prelate of the Order , then addressed the meeting , and expressed the pleasure with which he had received the invitation to attend the jubilee meeting , and the greater
pleasure it had given him in attending and listening to the admirable review read by the Registrar . He congratulated the preceptory on the attainment of its jubilee , and upon its flourishing and prosperous condition . He also made some interesting remarks upon the ceremonies and the recent
changes therein recommended by the Great Priory . Emt . Bro . Kt . Tolladay also expressed his thanks for the invitation and the reception accorded him .
The preceptory was then closed and the Knights adjourned to a banquet , and a most enjoyable evening was spent , the proceeding being throughout a pleasant conclusion of the celebration of the preceptory ' s jubilee .
THE -WORLD IKT 19 Q 3 . ATLASES ! ATLASES !! ATLASES !!! FOR THE LIBRARY . FOR THE DESK . FOR THE POCKET . 1 . —Large and Elaborate . Price 21 - net . THE 20 TH CENTURY CITIZEN'S ATLAS . Containing Kit ' , Maps and Plans , Index , etc ., etc . For n Complete Library -Atlas this is the Cheapest in England . 2 . —Medium but Complete . Price 6 - net . THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT'S ATLAS . Containing 10 . 1 Maps , with Index , etc ., etc . The most Comprehensive Educational Atlis in this Country . 3 . —Small and Compact . Price 1 / - net . THE HANDY SHILLING ATLAS . Containing 120 papres of Maps , with Gazetteer , etc . The Handiest , Neatest , and Cheapest of Atlases . These Atlases may be seen at most Booksellers . GEORGE NEWNES , Limited , 7-12 , Southampton St ., London , W . C .
Invaluable to Professional Gentlemen and others . Wonderful Value . ! keep an immense ) ver GossV , Chemists , mice corner Conduit St . ) W ' uwhuitwx ton / Shotrrtmum <—vt > t xhuptt .