Article Masonic Bazaar at Glasgow. ← Page 2 of 2
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Masonic Bazaar At Glasgow.
the moment they were useful and helpful , are of no lasting or permanent benefit to the recipients . The money came and went , and things were in most cases exactly where they were . Very different was it in the case of the annuities which by the successful issue of this great undertaking they Avould be enabled to create . By them a permanent and
lasting means of solace and comfort will reach many a desolate home , and cheer many a sorrowing heart . In the course of his speech the Grand Master said he hoped that all the provinces in Scotland had already or soon would have a really efficient annuity fund . Glasgow was
determined to lead the Avay by having a fund which , to put it mildly , should be second to none in the kingdom . For this purpose the province of GlasgOAY Avished to raise a further sum of - £ 10 , 000 , and with that view this bazaar was being held . He had just , as they had heard , recovered from a serious illness ; and on recovery one learned two lessons . In the first place one appreciated more than ever the
inestimable , the priceless blessing of health . But sickness taught one much more , it taught one to approach nearer and near to the vitals of Freemasonry . It taught one to sympathise even more fully than before with those Avho suffered , and who often suffered Avithout a murmur , The two keynotes of Freemasonry Avere sympathy and charity—two notes that
Avere sounded on the same string . It was in the interests of charity that they were present to-day , not superficial sympathy , but full and thorough sympathy , Avhich enabled one to realise and enter into the difficulties of others , to do unto others as they would that they should do to them . And charity , not
merely that form of charity which consisted in their giving goods to the poor , but that form of charity of Avhich it Avas said in the best of books— " Faith , hope , charity ; but the greatest of these is charity . " Bro . Hozier concluded by declaring the bazaar open , and expressing a wish that it might prove an unbounded success .
In connection Avith the appointment of Bro . the Hon . Charles Maule Ramsay as Grand Master of Scotland , and the ceremony of installation , which will take place in Freemasons ' Hall , Edinburgh , it may be of interest to reproduce a description of that building which appeared in an illustrated paper of that period , together Avith an engraving of a Masonic ball
Avhich took place on the evening following the opening of the hall on the 24 th March , 1859 , by his Grace the Duke of Athol , the then Grand Master , Avho was supported by the Grand Officers and upwards of three hundred brethren of the mystic
tie . The hall is described as spacious , lofty , and richly ornamented , eighty feet long , thirty-eight feet Avide , and thirty-six feet high from the floor to the centre of the arched ceiling ; the entablature , which is very beautiful , is supported by handsome ( luted Ionic pilasters . In the space over the tablature at the south end is placed a very fine allegorical group
representing St . Andrew , supported on either side by Faith , Hope and Charity . The figures are life size . The three large Avindows at the south end are of stained glass of artistic design .
1 'IIK MASONIC HALL , EnlNllUVUill .- -Frm „ „ i , Ein / mriiiii in" Tin- lll „* l ml , , 1 X , ,,-t „ f lh ,- Wo .-hl , " . VI , M „ , ; l ,, /« . ' /
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Bazaar At Glasgow.
the moment they were useful and helpful , are of no lasting or permanent benefit to the recipients . The money came and went , and things were in most cases exactly where they were . Very different was it in the case of the annuities which by the successful issue of this great undertaking they Avould be enabled to create . By them a permanent and
lasting means of solace and comfort will reach many a desolate home , and cheer many a sorrowing heart . In the course of his speech the Grand Master said he hoped that all the provinces in Scotland had already or soon would have a really efficient annuity fund . Glasgow was
determined to lead the Avay by having a fund which , to put it mildly , should be second to none in the kingdom . For this purpose the province of GlasgOAY Avished to raise a further sum of - £ 10 , 000 , and with that view this bazaar was being held . He had just , as they had heard , recovered from a serious illness ; and on recovery one learned two lessons . In the first place one appreciated more than ever the
inestimable , the priceless blessing of health . But sickness taught one much more , it taught one to approach nearer and near to the vitals of Freemasonry . It taught one to sympathise even more fully than before with those Avho suffered , and who often suffered Avithout a murmur , The two keynotes of Freemasonry Avere sympathy and charity—two notes that
Avere sounded on the same string . It was in the interests of charity that they were present to-day , not superficial sympathy , but full and thorough sympathy , Avhich enabled one to realise and enter into the difficulties of others , to do unto others as they would that they should do to them . And charity , not
merely that form of charity which consisted in their giving goods to the poor , but that form of charity of Avhich it Avas said in the best of books— " Faith , hope , charity ; but the greatest of these is charity . " Bro . Hozier concluded by declaring the bazaar open , and expressing a wish that it might prove an unbounded success .
In connection Avith the appointment of Bro . the Hon . Charles Maule Ramsay as Grand Master of Scotland , and the ceremony of installation , which will take place in Freemasons ' Hall , Edinburgh , it may be of interest to reproduce a description of that building which appeared in an illustrated paper of that period , together Avith an engraving of a Masonic ball
Avhich took place on the evening following the opening of the hall on the 24 th March , 1859 , by his Grace the Duke of Athol , the then Grand Master , Avho was supported by the Grand Officers and upwards of three hundred brethren of the mystic
tie . The hall is described as spacious , lofty , and richly ornamented , eighty feet long , thirty-eight feet Avide , and thirty-six feet high from the floor to the centre of the arched ceiling ; the entablature , which is very beautiful , is supported by handsome ( luted Ionic pilasters . In the space over the tablature at the south end is placed a very fine allegorical group
representing St . Andrew , supported on either side by Faith , Hope and Charity . The figures are life size . The three large Avindows at the south end are of stained glass of artistic design .
1 'IIK MASONIC HALL , EnlNllUVUill .- -Frm „ „ i , Ein / mriiiii in" Tin- lll „* l ml , , 1 X , ,,-t „ f lh ,- Wo .-hl , " . VI , M „ , ; l ,, /« . ' /