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Somersetshire Lodge, No. 2925.
men together and uniting them together in one magnificent lodge . The Worshipful Master , replying , thanked Lord Dungarvan for his kind words , and said he felt the honour of being the second Master of the "Somersetshire Lodge " enhanced by having been installed by the Provincial Grand Master of the
old county . All the founders had been unitedly animated by one idea , to meet as brethren in love and harmony . He Avould endeavour to carry out his duties so as to merit their esteem . He had but three watch Avoids , efficiency , love and harmony . If every Mason kept those three , the best objects
of Masonry would be realized . In proposing the toast of " The Installing I . P . M ., " the Worshipful Master said that the brethren realized that they had much to thank R . W . Bro . Lord Dungarvan for , as his puntuality and kindness had conduced largely to their success . When recently reading the history of Freemasonry in
Somersetshire , he had noticed that he was called " Outbeloved brother , " and that just expressed their OAYH feelings towards him . Freemasonry Avas nourishing under his rule in the province as it had in the lodge , and it gave him pleasure to pin upon his breast a P . M . ieAvel as a token of the members ' affection and esteem .
The Right Worshipful Brother , repl ying , assured the brethren that anything he had done Avas an absolute pleasure . This lodge had a great claim upon him . He had been ably supported by his officers , Avho had proved themselves thoroughly up to their duties , and had not been backward in charity , in fact their W . M . Avas closely connected Avith one
of the Charities . He Avas proud to present Wor . Bro . Bullock , on behalf of the lodge , Avith a jewel for his services as acting I . P . M ., and to add his personal thanks for his competent work and assistance . W . Bro . Bullock , replying , felt that his office had almost
been a sinecure , as his lordship had been assiduous in till his Avork . He would treasure the token to his latest hour , and accepted it in the spirit in which it Avas offered .
Wor . Bro . Bullock proposed the toast of "The Visitors , " among whom he had just discovered IAVO , whose first and last meeting until then had been upon the field of battle 18 months ago . The lodge was pleased to welcome them , and particularly the colonial visitor , Bro . Muirhead , and to SIIOAV that we appreciated our connection Avith the colonies .
Bro . Sir Somers Vigne , in reply , said he Avas pleased to respond to " The Visitors" toast in a lodge which AA * as associated Avith his earliest memories . He had responded to this toast in Kimberley and many other places in South Africa , in Japan , and as far back as 1885 in Iceland , in 1887
in the Falkland Islands ; in fact , in every part of the globe , including the Rocky Mountains with Sitting Bull in the chair . It Avas always an agreeable task , and he hoped to again be able to respond in the " Somersetshire Lodge . " Bro . J . M . P . Muirhead , P . B . G . P ., South Africa ( W . D . ) , as a colonial , appreciated the warm Masonic welcome he always received in the mother country . The system of Freemasonry
in South Africa was slightly different , they Avere at Avork the whole year through , one lodge alone in his District having initiated fifty-six candidates . They did not dine after the lodges , being content with light refreshment . He advised English brethren visiting South Africa not to wait for formal invitations , but to present themselves at the lodge , where
they would receive a Avelcome , the warmth of Avhich would not disappoint them . Bros . L . J . Powter , P . M . 86 9 ; Dr . W . C . S . Burney , P . M . tqo ; and W . B . Hextall , also responded . The toast of the Masonic Charities Avas proposed by Bro .
J . Harris Stone , AVIIO pointed out that whatever remarks hostile to Masonry were made by the outside world , no one had ever disputed their charity . The toast Avas replied to by Bro . J . M . McLeod , Sec . to the R . M . I . Boys , on behalf of the three Institutions .
Speaking in particular for his own Institution , he remarked that it money had been spent freely they could show good results . If brethren Avould investigate , and every assistance would be rendered them in that investigation , they Avould be satisfied that there was a perfect answer to all criticism . The Board of Management Avere quite cognizant of the criticisms , also of the entire lack of foundation for statements that had
been made . In proposing the toast of " The Treasurer and Secretary , " the W . M . said they had a Treasurer in Bro . Bullock Avho had a happy nack of always sliOAving the balance on the right side . They were also very fortunate in their Secretary , and felt the honour of having Bro . TrehaAvke Dayies , W . M .
of the " Yorick Lodge , " in that position . He AYas indefatigable , nothing was too hard for him , and his work Avas most perfectly performed . He also had to thank Bro . Trehawke Davies' talented daughter for selecting such appropriate Shakespearian quotations for the menu cards . Bro . Bullock , Treasurer , replying , said he had no doubt
the brethren Avould uphold the optimist remarks made by the Worshipful Master , and they Avould say the expectations of such a Treasurer shall not be disappointed . He hoped to show them a good balance . Wor . Bro . F . TrehaAvke Davies said that during the past year he had practically filled the combined position of
Treasurer and Secretary , and if his arrangements had met Avith the approval of the brethren he Avas quite satisfied . The Secretarial duties reminded him of some remarks made upon statesmen , Avhich might also apply to Secretaries . "Other men have many faults—statesmen have but IAVOthere's nothing right they say , nothing right they do . " He
would do his utmost to see the Worshipful Master through Avhat he hoped , and believed , would be a successful year of office .
The toast of "The Officers" was responded to by W . Bro . Hy . NeAvland , S . W ., who expressed the honour they all felt at having served under Lord Dungarvan , Avhom they respected and esteemed , and they would give the same loyal and cordial support to their present Master .
( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , . £ 512 , 475 . Liabilities , . £ 209 , 475 . Reserve , . £ 303 . 000
Loans of £ " M to io , ( 11 ) 11 made on any eluss of security . Two and u-lialf per cent , interest allowed on Current . Accounts . Deposits of X IU Mini upwards received as under : - " > per cent , per .-iiiniim , suliject to : ! months' notice of withdrawal . « •• .- ,. « ' . " .. \ i Special terms for longer periods . ] nterest paid ( . luarlerly . The Terminahle Deposit Houds pay nearly ' . ) per cent ., and are a sale investment . Write or call for . Prospectus .
- '""" " »«
a : r- - .
'.. THE .. , . . tiir ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦
^ uttoap
Cimesu( KsT . Mil . ISIIKI ) | S 22 . )
46 , Fleet Street , E . G
Most Authoritative City Articles
All Saturdays News and Latest Sporting Intelligence
"A Daily Paper published once a Week" I ' m * O / iiuion
O IF ALL J > J" IE W S . A . G- BZ 1 ST T S
. , . , . .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Somersetshire Lodge, No. 2925.
men together and uniting them together in one magnificent lodge . The Worshipful Master , replying , thanked Lord Dungarvan for his kind words , and said he felt the honour of being the second Master of the "Somersetshire Lodge " enhanced by having been installed by the Provincial Grand Master of the
old county . All the founders had been unitedly animated by one idea , to meet as brethren in love and harmony . He Avould endeavour to carry out his duties so as to merit their esteem . He had but three watch Avoids , efficiency , love and harmony . If every Mason kept those three , the best objects
of Masonry would be realized . In proposing the toast of " The Installing I . P . M ., " the Worshipful Master said that the brethren realized that they had much to thank R . W . Bro . Lord Dungarvan for , as his puntuality and kindness had conduced largely to their success . When recently reading the history of Freemasonry in
Somersetshire , he had noticed that he was called " Outbeloved brother , " and that just expressed their OAYH feelings towards him . Freemasonry Avas nourishing under his rule in the province as it had in the lodge , and it gave him pleasure to pin upon his breast a P . M . ieAvel as a token of the members ' affection and esteem .
The Right Worshipful Brother , repl ying , assured the brethren that anything he had done Avas an absolute pleasure . This lodge had a great claim upon him . He had been ably supported by his officers , Avho had proved themselves thoroughly up to their duties , and had not been backward in charity , in fact their W . M . Avas closely connected Avith one
of the Charities . He Avas proud to present Wor . Bro . Bullock , on behalf of the lodge , Avith a jewel for his services as acting I . P . M ., and to add his personal thanks for his competent work and assistance . W . Bro . Bullock , replying , felt that his office had almost
been a sinecure , as his lordship had been assiduous in till his Avork . He would treasure the token to his latest hour , and accepted it in the spirit in which it Avas offered .
Wor . Bro . Bullock proposed the toast of "The Visitors , " among whom he had just discovered IAVO , whose first and last meeting until then had been upon the field of battle 18 months ago . The lodge was pleased to welcome them , and particularly the colonial visitor , Bro . Muirhead , and to SIIOAV that we appreciated our connection Avith the colonies .
Bro . Sir Somers Vigne , in reply , said he Avas pleased to respond to " The Visitors" toast in a lodge which AA * as associated Avith his earliest memories . He had responded to this toast in Kimberley and many other places in South Africa , in Japan , and as far back as 1885 in Iceland , in 1887
in the Falkland Islands ; in fact , in every part of the globe , including the Rocky Mountains with Sitting Bull in the chair . It Avas always an agreeable task , and he hoped to again be able to respond in the " Somersetshire Lodge . " Bro . J . M . P . Muirhead , P . B . G . P ., South Africa ( W . D . ) , as a colonial , appreciated the warm Masonic welcome he always received in the mother country . The system of Freemasonry
in South Africa was slightly different , they Avere at Avork the whole year through , one lodge alone in his District having initiated fifty-six candidates . They did not dine after the lodges , being content with light refreshment . He advised English brethren visiting South Africa not to wait for formal invitations , but to present themselves at the lodge , where
they would receive a Avelcome , the warmth of Avhich would not disappoint them . Bros . L . J . Powter , P . M . 86 9 ; Dr . W . C . S . Burney , P . M . tqo ; and W . B . Hextall , also responded . The toast of the Masonic Charities Avas proposed by Bro .
J . Harris Stone , AVIIO pointed out that whatever remarks hostile to Masonry were made by the outside world , no one had ever disputed their charity . The toast Avas replied to by Bro . J . M . McLeod , Sec . to the R . M . I . Boys , on behalf of the three Institutions .
Speaking in particular for his own Institution , he remarked that it money had been spent freely they could show good results . If brethren Avould investigate , and every assistance would be rendered them in that investigation , they Avould be satisfied that there was a perfect answer to all criticism . The Board of Management Avere quite cognizant of the criticisms , also of the entire lack of foundation for statements that had
been made . In proposing the toast of " The Treasurer and Secretary , " the W . M . said they had a Treasurer in Bro . Bullock Avho had a happy nack of always sliOAving the balance on the right side . They were also very fortunate in their Secretary , and felt the honour of having Bro . TrehaAvke Dayies , W . M .
of the " Yorick Lodge , " in that position . He AYas indefatigable , nothing was too hard for him , and his work Avas most perfectly performed . He also had to thank Bro . Trehawke Davies' talented daughter for selecting such appropriate Shakespearian quotations for the menu cards . Bro . Bullock , Treasurer , replying , said he had no doubt
the brethren Avould uphold the optimist remarks made by the Worshipful Master , and they Avould say the expectations of such a Treasurer shall not be disappointed . He hoped to show them a good balance . Wor . Bro . F . TrehaAvke Davies said that during the past year he had practically filled the combined position of
Treasurer and Secretary , and if his arrangements had met Avith the approval of the brethren he Avas quite satisfied . The Secretarial duties reminded him of some remarks made upon statesmen , Avhich might also apply to Secretaries . "Other men have many faults—statesmen have but IAVOthere's nothing right they say , nothing right they do . " He
would do his utmost to see the Worshipful Master through Avhat he hoped , and believed , would be a successful year of office .
The toast of "The Officers" was responded to by W . Bro . Hy . NeAvland , S . W ., who expressed the honour they all felt at having served under Lord Dungarvan , Avhom they respected and esteemed , and they would give the same loyal and cordial support to their present Master .
( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , . £ 512 , 475 . Liabilities , . £ 209 , 475 . Reserve , . £ 303 . 000
Loans of £ " M to io , ( 11 ) 11 made on any eluss of security . Two and u-lialf per cent , interest allowed on Current . Accounts . Deposits of X IU Mini upwards received as under : - " > per cent , per .-iiiniim , suliject to : ! months' notice of withdrawal . « •• .- ,. « ' . " .. \ i Special terms for longer periods . ] nterest paid ( . luarlerly . The Terminahle Deposit Houds pay nearly ' . ) per cent ., and are a sale investment . Write or call for . Prospectus .
- '""" " »«
a : r- - .
'.. THE .. , . . tiir ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦
^ uttoap
Cimesu( KsT . Mil . ISIIKI ) | S 22 . )
46 , Fleet Street , E . G
Most Authoritative City Articles
All Saturdays News and Latest Sporting Intelligence
"A Daily Paper published once a Week" I ' m * O / iiuion
O IF ALL J > J" IE W S . A . G- BZ 1 ST T S
. , . , . .