Article The Somersetshire Lodge No. 2925. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Somersetshire Lodge No. 2925.
Newland , appointed and invested his officers as follows : — Bros . T . Whitemore Chant , I . P . AI . ; Dr . John Henry Bryant , S . W . ; F . Clifford Goodman , J . W . ; T . " Adoljihus Bullock , P . G . S . B ., Treasurer ; F . Trehawke Davie * , Secretary ; John Crouch , S . D . ; Chas . A . Rumboll , J . D . ; A . G . Wedmore , D . of C . ; H . A . Badman , I . G . ; and Edwin
Slojier and W . E . Sanger , Stewards . A Past Alaster ' s jewel with suitable inscription , in appreciation of his valuable services to the lodge , was
liltO . 11 KX 11 Y XKWI . AXI 1 . presented to the outgoing Alaster , Bro . T . Whitemore Chant , whose successful year of office had enhanced the esteem in which he has always been held by the brethren . W . Bro . Sholto Hare , P . P . G . D . Cornwall , presented a handsome banner to the lodge bearing its quaint and unique
(/ 'Wo Elite Portrait Co . ) Till'' . BANXBK . VKKKKN'l'KIl BY V . IIUO . S 1 UU . TO 11 AUB . badge , known as King Alfred's jewel , and with the arms of Lord Cork as first Worshipful Alaster . Being too ill to attend the presentation was made on his behalf by R . W . Bro . the Rt .
Hon . the Earl of Cork , and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded . . We give an illustration of the banner . At the banquet which followed the visitors and brethren numbered over ioo . The usual loyal toasts were received with enthusiasm . In proposing the toast of " The Provincial Grand
Alaster , the Dejiuty Provincial Grand Alaster , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , " the Worshipful Alaster expressed the ajijireciation of the brethren at the honour done to the lodge by the R . W . the Deputy Grand Alaster being jiresent at their ceremonies . He was also the Provincial
Grand Alaster of the jirovince in which the Gresham Lodge , which had recommended their jietition to Grand Lodge , was held , and the brethren were well aware of the satisfaction with which the Craft generally received the news of the ajijiointment of R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., to the office of
Dejiuty Grand Alaster . They had many distinguished Grand Officers present who had attained a jiosition that they might well be proud of , and for which they must have given uji a large amount of their time . R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , ALP ., replying , thanked the
brethren on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master , the other Grand Officers and himself , for the honour and welcome given to them on the present occasion . He also referred to the kindly personal remarks made by the Worshijiful Master , and was glad to hear that his appointment as Deputy Grand Alaster had given satisfaction . If it had given as much
Tin-: SILVER MOUXTKD i . ovixn err IMIKSKXTKII itv TIIK W . M . satisfaction lo the Craft as it had surprise to himself , the satisfaction must have been great indeed . The pleasure of his visit to the Somersetshire Lodge was increased by the
knowledge of the fraternal connection which had existed between his jirovince and Somersetshire , and he hoped that the fraternal feeling between east and west might long continue . Somersetshire brethren would always receive a hearty welcome in his province . In his own name and on behalf
of the other Grand Officers he returned hearty thanks , and congratulated them ujion their work , which was worthy of older lodges . The Deputy Grand Alaster then proposed the toast of " The Worshijiful Alaster , Bro Henry Newland . " He could
not jioint to a large number of his predecessors , but he could jioint to the excellent examjile of the two who had preceded him , which he would do well to follow , and from what he had seen of him that evening , and from what the brethren knew of his qualities , he believed he would well and worthily
maintain , and , were it jiossible , increase the rejiutation of that jirosjierous lodge . The Worshijiful Master , Bro . Henry Newland , replying , thanked them all for the very hearty reception they had given the toast . He sometimes thought that it would be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Somersetshire Lodge No. 2925.
Newland , appointed and invested his officers as follows : — Bros . T . Whitemore Chant , I . P . AI . ; Dr . John Henry Bryant , S . W . ; F . Clifford Goodman , J . W . ; T . " Adoljihus Bullock , P . G . S . B ., Treasurer ; F . Trehawke Davie * , Secretary ; John Crouch , S . D . ; Chas . A . Rumboll , J . D . ; A . G . Wedmore , D . of C . ; H . A . Badman , I . G . ; and Edwin
Slojier and W . E . Sanger , Stewards . A Past Alaster ' s jewel with suitable inscription , in appreciation of his valuable services to the lodge , was
liltO . 11 KX 11 Y XKWI . AXI 1 . presented to the outgoing Alaster , Bro . T . Whitemore Chant , whose successful year of office had enhanced the esteem in which he has always been held by the brethren . W . Bro . Sholto Hare , P . P . G . D . Cornwall , presented a handsome banner to the lodge bearing its quaint and unique
(/ 'Wo Elite Portrait Co . ) Till'' . BANXBK . VKKKKN'l'KIl BY V . IIUO . S 1 UU . TO 11 AUB . badge , known as King Alfred's jewel , and with the arms of Lord Cork as first Worshipful Alaster . Being too ill to attend the presentation was made on his behalf by R . W . Bro . the Rt .
Hon . the Earl of Cork , and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded . . We give an illustration of the banner . At the banquet which followed the visitors and brethren numbered over ioo . The usual loyal toasts were received with enthusiasm . In proposing the toast of " The Provincial Grand
Alaster , the Dejiuty Provincial Grand Alaster , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , " the Worshipful Alaster expressed the ajijireciation of the brethren at the honour done to the lodge by the R . W . the Deputy Grand Alaster being jiresent at their ceremonies . He was also the Provincial
Grand Alaster of the jirovince in which the Gresham Lodge , which had recommended their jietition to Grand Lodge , was held , and the brethren were well aware of the satisfaction with which the Craft generally received the news of the ajijiointment of R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., to the office of
Dejiuty Grand Alaster . They had many distinguished Grand Officers present who had attained a jiosition that they might well be proud of , and for which they must have given uji a large amount of their time . R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , ALP ., replying , thanked the
brethren on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master , the other Grand Officers and himself , for the honour and welcome given to them on the present occasion . He also referred to the kindly personal remarks made by the Worshijiful Master , and was glad to hear that his appointment as Deputy Grand Alaster had given satisfaction . If it had given as much
Tin-: SILVER MOUXTKD i . ovixn err IMIKSKXTKII itv TIIK W . M . satisfaction lo the Craft as it had surprise to himself , the satisfaction must have been great indeed . The pleasure of his visit to the Somersetshire Lodge was increased by the
knowledge of the fraternal connection which had existed between his jirovince and Somersetshire , and he hoped that the fraternal feeling between east and west might long continue . Somersetshire brethren would always receive a hearty welcome in his province . In his own name and on behalf
of the other Grand Officers he returned hearty thanks , and congratulated them ujion their work , which was worthy of older lodges . The Deputy Grand Alaster then proposed the toast of " The Worshijiful Alaster , Bro Henry Newland . " He could
not jioint to a large number of his predecessors , but he could jioint to the excellent examjile of the two who had preceded him , which he would do well to follow , and from what he had seen of him that evening , and from what the brethren knew of his qualities , he believed he would well and worthily
maintain , and , were it jiossible , increase the rejiutation of that jirosjierous lodge . The Worshijiful Master , Bro . Henry Newland , replying , thanked them all for the very hearty reception they had given the toast . He sometimes thought that it would be