Article The Somersetshire Lodge No. 2925. ← Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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The Somersetshire Lodge No. 2925.
jierhaps advisable to hold the toast of the Worshijiful Master over until the close of his year of office , when the }" would have more material to work ujion , but he would do his best to make his year of office a thorough success . He thanked those brethren who had sujijiorted him so freely with subscriptions for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys
at the forthcoming festival , of which their first Worshipful Alaster , the R . W . Bro . the Earl of Cork , would preside . He concluded his thanks by presenting the lodge with a loving cuji , a jihotograjih of which we rejiroduce . The loving cup jireseuted by the Worshijiful Alaster was
a quaint jiiece of rare Somersetshire ware with three handles , a view of the tower of the St . Mary Magdalen Church , Taunton , and a view of Taunton from a field ojijiosite Play Street House . It had been recently mounted and strength en ed with silver , and bore the inscrijition : — " Presented to the Somersetshire Lodge , No . 2933 , by Wor . Bro . Henry Newland , W . AI ., October 10 th , 1904 . "
1 he Worshijiful Alaster gave the toast of " The Installing Alaster , the Earl of Cork , " who was so well known as an active Alason that he felt it almost an act of jiresumjition for him to sing his praises , but although he held such an exalted jiosition , he was never above doing work in a private lodge . When they ajijiroached him to become a founder
of the lodge they did so with fear and trejiidation , but that soon jiassed as they saw in him only a thorough Alason , whose heart and wishes were directed towards promoting the interests of Freemasonry , and he had entered into it heart and sou ) , realizing that it would form a stronger bond
between Somersetshire Freemasons in London . They all knew their I . P . M ., W . Bro . T . Whitemore Chant , as a lively , generous man , always frying to do a kind action to a friend or brother , but who was not afraid to exjiress his opinion when he thought things were not as they should be . It had afforded him great jileasure to jiresent the Past Alaster's jewel that evening .
R . W . Bro . the Earl of Cork , responded briefly , thanking the Worshijiful Alaster for his kind words . The founders could congratulate themselves upon the great jirogress they had made , and he trusted that the jiresence of the Dejiuty Grand Alaster there that evening would cement the fraternal feelings now existing between the Somersetshire lodge and
the Province of Hertfordshire . He thanked the Worshipful Alaster for the loving cuji he had jireseuted , and expressed the pleasure it had afforded him in acting as installing Alaster . The I . P . AL , W . Bro . T . Whitemore Chant , rejilying , expressed his ajijireciation of the kind references the Worshipful Alaster had made to himself , and of the jewel
they had jireseuted to him , which he hojied to wear for many years as a token of the kindness and courtesy and brotherly love that he had always received from the members , and which he trusted would now be transferred to his successor .
The toast of " The Visitors " followed , and was replied to by Bro . French , W . Af . 261 , Taunton , and other brethren . The toast of " The Alasonic Charities " was jirojiosed by W . Bro . T . Whitemore Chant , a member of the Board of Management of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Boys , who urged the brethren to sujiport that Institution at the
forthcoming Festival , at which their first Worshijiful Alaster , R . W . Bro . the Earl of Cork , would jireside . W . Bro . J . Af . AIcLeod , P . G . Swd . Br ., replying , made his usual eloquent ajijieal . The Worshipful Alaster , in jiroposing the toast of " The
Treasurer and Secretary , " remarked that they were fortunate in having the services of so exjierienced a Treasurer and Alason as W . Bro . T . Adolphus Bullock , P . G . Swd . Br ., who always managed to achieve what might be described as the " jierfection " of Treasurershiji , viz ., the bringing out the
balance on the right side . Their Secretary , W . Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , had won the esteem of the brethren and the rejiutation of being one of the most admirable Secretaries . The thanks of the lodge were clue to him for his arduous and successful labours , and to his daughter , Aliss Davies , who
had selected the admirable and ajiprojiriate quotations ujion the menu cards and jirogrammes , which undoubtedly jiointed to the fact that she must not only have taken infinite jiains , but must be an exjierienced Shakesjiearean student . W . Bro . Bullock , rejilying , thanked the Alaster for his
flattering testimonial to him as Treasure ] -, and hojied that the jierusal of the next balance would not disajijioint them . W . Bro . F . Trehawke Davies said he rejoiced to be linked with his friend , W . Bro . Bullock , both working for the advantage of the lodge .
MASONIC == GREETING = CARDS . peady . Beautifully Executed Designs Sample - _ Set of 12 noux . Pfiee { j / O Post F ^ ee . WARRINGTON & CO ., 56 , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . ADJOINING FREEMASONS' HALL .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Somersetshire Lodge No. 2925.
jierhaps advisable to hold the toast of the Worshijiful Master over until the close of his year of office , when the }" would have more material to work ujion , but he would do his best to make his year of office a thorough success . He thanked those brethren who had sujijiorted him so freely with subscriptions for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys
at the forthcoming festival , of which their first Worshipful Alaster , the R . W . Bro . the Earl of Cork , would preside . He concluded his thanks by presenting the lodge with a loving cuji , a jihotograjih of which we rejiroduce . The loving cup jireseuted by the Worshijiful Alaster was
a quaint jiiece of rare Somersetshire ware with three handles , a view of the tower of the St . Mary Magdalen Church , Taunton , and a view of Taunton from a field ojijiosite Play Street House . It had been recently mounted and strength en ed with silver , and bore the inscrijition : — " Presented to the Somersetshire Lodge , No . 2933 , by Wor . Bro . Henry Newland , W . AI ., October 10 th , 1904 . "
1 he Worshijiful Alaster gave the toast of " The Installing Alaster , the Earl of Cork , " who was so well known as an active Alason that he felt it almost an act of jiresumjition for him to sing his praises , but although he held such an exalted jiosition , he was never above doing work in a private lodge . When they ajijiroached him to become a founder
of the lodge they did so with fear and trejiidation , but that soon jiassed as they saw in him only a thorough Alason , whose heart and wishes were directed towards promoting the interests of Freemasonry , and he had entered into it heart and sou ) , realizing that it would form a stronger bond
between Somersetshire Freemasons in London . They all knew their I . P . M ., W . Bro . T . Whitemore Chant , as a lively , generous man , always frying to do a kind action to a friend or brother , but who was not afraid to exjiress his opinion when he thought things were not as they should be . It had afforded him great jileasure to jiresent the Past Alaster's jewel that evening .
R . W . Bro . the Earl of Cork , responded briefly , thanking the Worshijiful Alaster for his kind words . The founders could congratulate themselves upon the great jirogress they had made , and he trusted that the jiresence of the Dejiuty Grand Alaster there that evening would cement the fraternal feelings now existing between the Somersetshire lodge and
the Province of Hertfordshire . He thanked the Worshipful Alaster for the loving cuji he had jireseuted , and expressed the pleasure it had afforded him in acting as installing Alaster . The I . P . AL , W . Bro . T . Whitemore Chant , rejilying , expressed his ajijireciation of the kind references the Worshipful Alaster had made to himself , and of the jewel
they had jireseuted to him , which he hojied to wear for many years as a token of the kindness and courtesy and brotherly love that he had always received from the members , and which he trusted would now be transferred to his successor .
The toast of " The Visitors " followed , and was replied to by Bro . French , W . Af . 261 , Taunton , and other brethren . The toast of " The Alasonic Charities " was jirojiosed by W . Bro . T . Whitemore Chant , a member of the Board of Management of the Royal Alasonic Institution for Boys , who urged the brethren to sujiport that Institution at the
forthcoming Festival , at which their first Worshijiful Alaster , R . W . Bro . the Earl of Cork , would jireside . W . Bro . J . Af . AIcLeod , P . G . Swd . Br ., replying , made his usual eloquent ajijieal . The Worshipful Alaster , in jiroposing the toast of " The
Treasurer and Secretary , " remarked that they were fortunate in having the services of so exjierienced a Treasurer and Alason as W . Bro . T . Adolphus Bullock , P . G . Swd . Br ., who always managed to achieve what might be described as the " jierfection " of Treasurershiji , viz ., the bringing out the
balance on the right side . Their Secretary , W . Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , had won the esteem of the brethren and the rejiutation of being one of the most admirable Secretaries . The thanks of the lodge were clue to him for his arduous and successful labours , and to his daughter , Aliss Davies , who
had selected the admirable and ajiprojiriate quotations ujion the menu cards and jirogrammes , which undoubtedly jiointed to the fact that she must not only have taken infinite jiains , but must be an exjierienced Shakesjiearean student . W . Bro . Bullock , rejilying , thanked the Alaster for his
flattering testimonial to him as Treasure ] -, and hojied that the jierusal of the next balance would not disajijioint them . W . Bro . F . Trehawke Davies said he rejoiced to be linked with his friend , W . Bro . Bullock , both working for the advantage of the lodge .
MASONIC == GREETING = CARDS . peady . Beautifully Executed Designs Sample - _ Set of 12 noux . Pfiee { j / O Post F ^ ee . WARRINGTON & CO ., 56 , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . ADJOINING FREEMASONS' HALL .