Article Cornish Lodge, No. 2369. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch Masonry.––Province of Durham. Page 1 of 1
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Cornish Lodge, No. 2369.
Cornish Lodge , No . 2369 .
rpHE installation meeting of the Cornish Lodge , No . 2 , 369 , I held recently at the Holborn Restaurant , in consequence of the alterations going forward at the Freemasons ' Hall premises , was attended with its usual success , the visiting brethren from Cornwall being representative , and the
muster of members of unusual strength . The names included Bros . F . E . Grose , W . M . ; Richard Greenwood , I . P . M . ; A . H . Simons , S . W . ; Lewis Vague , JAY . ; W . Lake , Assistant Grand Secretary , Treasurer ; } . O . Widger , B . A ., Secretary ;
HIM ) . A . 11 . SIMONS , W . M . J . Leach Barrett , P . G . St . B . ; T . Hawken , S . Cope , and the Rev . E . Geard , P . M . ' s ; E . A . P . Broad , P . P . S . G . W .. Cornwall ; Dr . W . Hammond , P . P . S . G . W ., Cornwall ; the
W . M . of Lodge No . 75 , Falmouth ; and the W . M . and a P . M . of Lodge No . 9 67 . Penryn . Bro . Grose , the outgoing Master , performed the whole of the work of installing his successor , Bro . A . H . Simons , who invested his officers ; and the other business of the lodge
included the acceptance 01 " a portrait of the Provincial Grand Officers of Cornwall , as well as of the lodge balance-sheet . At the subsequent banquet West Country enthusiasm prevailed , and after ( he toast of "The King , " Bro . Leach Barrett , P . G . St . Br ., responded for the Grand Officers . He said that he always preferred to feel in that lodge thai he
was there rather as a member of it than in his capacity as a Grand Officer ; nevertheless , he could speak of the sterling abilities both of the Pro and the Deputy Grand Masters , and of their capacity for dealing with the various problems presented to Grand Lodge , as well as with the turbulent spirits
sometimes assembled there . Freemasonry was to him a very real thing indeed , and speaking amongst Cornislunen . who were divided into more sects than , perhaps , any community of a like number on earth , he might confidently say that he had derived more benefit from Freemasonry , and had been enabled to do more good by it , than by any other
organization . Bro . W . Lake , Asst Grand Secretary , also briefly replied . The toast that followed was probably more keenly greeted than any—that of " The Province of Cornwall . " It was answered by Bro . E . A . P . Broad , Charity Representative , who eloquently discoursed on the charitable work of the
province , and by Bro . Dr . Hammond , who spoke of oilier parts of Masonic work in Cornwall . Bro . Gundry , W . M ., 75 , as well as Bro . Hosken , 9 67 , were also listened to with gratification . Bro . Grose , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the
Worshipful Master , " Bro . Arthur Hendy Simons , and called on the lodge to drink to one who would not tail to do the work he had to do as well as it could possibly be done remarking that he hoped there might be plenty of new blood introduced during his year of office , and that at the same
lime the candidates would be of the kind they appreciated in the Cornish Lodge . Bro . Simons , W . M ., in response , said he should not have taken that office if he had not felt able to do what was
required of him in the lodge ; the proceedings after the lod ^ 'e were what disconcerted him . But , anyhow , he meant to do the best he could to give them , one and all , satisfaction . The toast of " The Visitors " followed , replied to by Bros . Chapman , Ross , Gilmer , and others . The newly-admitted brother , J . Manell , returned thanks ,
and the officers of the lodge were represented orall y by the Senior and Junior Wardens . The singing , under Bro . Vivian Bennett ' s direction , was wholly Cornish in character , and was much appreciated .
Royal Arch Masonry.––Province Of Durham.
Royal Arch Masonry . ––Province of Durham .
AT the annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the Province of Durham at Durham , on Saturday , October 21 st , the proceedings were rendered this year additionally interesting from the fact that Lord Barnard , who already holds the position of
Provincial Grand Master of Craft Masonry , was to be installed as Provincial Grand Superintendent in succession to Canon 1 ristram , who has felt compelled , in consequence of advancing years , to resign that position , which lie has filled with such conspicuous ability . The attendance of companions
was exceedingl y large . At the opening of the convocation , ( he retiring Grand Superintendent the M . E . Comp . the Rev . Canon Tristram , presided , and was supported by many prominent Royal Arch Masons . The Grand Chapter having been opened , Canon Tristram
announced his resignation as Provincial Grand Superintendent . Advancing years , Canon Tristram said , behoved him to resi gn some of the many offices he had held owing to the
goodwill of the brethren in connection with Masonry . He felt that it was quite impossible for him to pay that attention to the many departments of Masonry which he should like to do , and in his opinion there was nothing that looked more senile than in clinging to office when one was too old for it . On the motion of E . Comp . T . M . Barron , seconded by
E . Comp . Dr . Hill Drury , a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Canon Tristram . Canon Tristram , in acknowledging the compliment , said his consolation was that , although he was retiring from the chair , he was not retiring altogether from Royal Arch
Masonry . The ceremony of installing Lord Barnard as Grand Superintendent followed . The Grand Superintendent Designate was introduced by a deputation consisting of E . Comps . Dr . C . D . Hill Drury , R . Luck , F . H . Bennett , ] . I ) . Todd ,
H . | . Turnbull , Thos . Coulson , John Robinson , \ V . E . Moffat , C . F . De Pledge , and W . Gray .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cornish Lodge, No. 2369.
Cornish Lodge , No . 2369 .
rpHE installation meeting of the Cornish Lodge , No . 2 , 369 , I held recently at the Holborn Restaurant , in consequence of the alterations going forward at the Freemasons ' Hall premises , was attended with its usual success , the visiting brethren from Cornwall being representative , and the
muster of members of unusual strength . The names included Bros . F . E . Grose , W . M . ; Richard Greenwood , I . P . M . ; A . H . Simons , S . W . ; Lewis Vague , JAY . ; W . Lake , Assistant Grand Secretary , Treasurer ; } . O . Widger , B . A ., Secretary ;
HIM ) . A . 11 . SIMONS , W . M . J . Leach Barrett , P . G . St . B . ; T . Hawken , S . Cope , and the Rev . E . Geard , P . M . ' s ; E . A . P . Broad , P . P . S . G . W .. Cornwall ; Dr . W . Hammond , P . P . S . G . W ., Cornwall ; the
W . M . of Lodge No . 75 , Falmouth ; and the W . M . and a P . M . of Lodge No . 9 67 . Penryn . Bro . Grose , the outgoing Master , performed the whole of the work of installing his successor , Bro . A . H . Simons , who invested his officers ; and the other business of the lodge
included the acceptance 01 " a portrait of the Provincial Grand Officers of Cornwall , as well as of the lodge balance-sheet . At the subsequent banquet West Country enthusiasm prevailed , and after ( he toast of "The King , " Bro . Leach Barrett , P . G . St . Br ., responded for the Grand Officers . He said that he always preferred to feel in that lodge thai he
was there rather as a member of it than in his capacity as a Grand Officer ; nevertheless , he could speak of the sterling abilities both of the Pro and the Deputy Grand Masters , and of their capacity for dealing with the various problems presented to Grand Lodge , as well as with the turbulent spirits
sometimes assembled there . Freemasonry was to him a very real thing indeed , and speaking amongst Cornislunen . who were divided into more sects than , perhaps , any community of a like number on earth , he might confidently say that he had derived more benefit from Freemasonry , and had been enabled to do more good by it , than by any other
organization . Bro . W . Lake , Asst Grand Secretary , also briefly replied . The toast that followed was probably more keenly greeted than any—that of " The Province of Cornwall . " It was answered by Bro . E . A . P . Broad , Charity Representative , who eloquently discoursed on the charitable work of the
province , and by Bro . Dr . Hammond , who spoke of oilier parts of Masonic work in Cornwall . Bro . Gundry , W . M ., 75 , as well as Bro . Hosken , 9 67 , were also listened to with gratification . Bro . Grose , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the
Worshipful Master , " Bro . Arthur Hendy Simons , and called on the lodge to drink to one who would not tail to do the work he had to do as well as it could possibly be done remarking that he hoped there might be plenty of new blood introduced during his year of office , and that at the same
lime the candidates would be of the kind they appreciated in the Cornish Lodge . Bro . Simons , W . M ., in response , said he should not have taken that office if he had not felt able to do what was
required of him in the lodge ; the proceedings after the lod ^ 'e were what disconcerted him . But , anyhow , he meant to do the best he could to give them , one and all , satisfaction . The toast of " The Visitors " followed , replied to by Bros . Chapman , Ross , Gilmer , and others . The newly-admitted brother , J . Manell , returned thanks ,
and the officers of the lodge were represented orall y by the Senior and Junior Wardens . The singing , under Bro . Vivian Bennett ' s direction , was wholly Cornish in character , and was much appreciated .
Royal Arch Masonry.––Province Of Durham.
Royal Arch Masonry . ––Province of Durham .
AT the annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the Province of Durham at Durham , on Saturday , October 21 st , the proceedings were rendered this year additionally interesting from the fact that Lord Barnard , who already holds the position of
Provincial Grand Master of Craft Masonry , was to be installed as Provincial Grand Superintendent in succession to Canon 1 ristram , who has felt compelled , in consequence of advancing years , to resign that position , which lie has filled with such conspicuous ability . The attendance of companions
was exceedingl y large . At the opening of the convocation , ( he retiring Grand Superintendent the M . E . Comp . the Rev . Canon Tristram , presided , and was supported by many prominent Royal Arch Masons . The Grand Chapter having been opened , Canon Tristram
announced his resignation as Provincial Grand Superintendent . Advancing years , Canon Tristram said , behoved him to resi gn some of the many offices he had held owing to the
goodwill of the brethren in connection with Masonry . He felt that it was quite impossible for him to pay that attention to the many departments of Masonry which he should like to do , and in his opinion there was nothing that looked more senile than in clinging to office when one was too old for it . On the motion of E . Comp . T . M . Barron , seconded by
E . Comp . Dr . Hill Drury , a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Canon Tristram . Canon Tristram , in acknowledging the compliment , said his consolation was that , although he was retiring from the chair , he was not retiring altogether from Royal Arch
Masonry . The ceremony of installing Lord Barnard as Grand Superintendent followed . The Grand Superintendent Designate was introduced by a deputation consisting of E . Comps . Dr . C . D . Hill Drury , R . Luck , F . H . Bennett , ] . I ) . Todd ,
H . | . Turnbull , Thos . Coulson , John Robinson , \ V . E . Moffat , C . F . De Pledge , and W . Gray .