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Rulers In The Craft.
Crystal Palace Lodge , No . 1541 , of which he became Worshipful Master in 1888 . He Avas a founder of Justinian Lodge , No . 26 94 , and Avas its second Master in 18 99 . Owing to the death of Bro . W . M . Briggs , a feAV Aveeks after his installation , Bro . Snelling continues , until the
election and installation of a successor , to act as Master . He is also a member of the Correspondence Circle of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge . In Royal Arch Masonry he is a P . Z . of the Stanhope Chapter , No . 1269 , as Avell as a member of the Mark Degree , the Ark Mariners , the
Rosicrucian Society , and of the Cryptic Order . It should be added that Bro . Snelling has rendered excellent service to the Craft for the past sixteen years as Hon . Sec . of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , and in that capacity has collected no less a sum than ^ 2 , 500 in aid of the three
Masonic Charities—being himself a Vice-Patron of the Boys ' School and a Life Governor of both the Boys' School and the Benevolent Institution . Musters iclio desire to be included in this scries should communicate , with lhe Editor , 75 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
F EW would recognise the beautiful Masonic Temple , which was the subject of an illustration in our last number , as the old Hall at the " Ship and Turtle " in Leadenhall Street , in which Masonic meetings have been
held for many years , for , indeed , the hand of the builder , artist , and decorator , have wrought a veritable transformation , and the new proprietors , Messrs . Pimms & Co . have given the City of London another Temple worthy of the name . Our illustration will convey a good idea of its imposing appearance , but a brief description will be of interest .
The ceiling has been painted in oils to represent a starry firmament . The walls are of marble , but the object which catches the eye is the beautiful cornice of carved figures with paintings interspersed . In the east are the arms of Grand Lodge , which embodies
the ancient arms of the Operative Masons' Company . In the west are the arms of the Most Worshipful Grand Master . In panels around are the Signs of the Zodiac , with many well-known Masonic symbols , and the Hall being spacious and lofty , the number of these in no way interfere with the
artistic design . The furniture , which is of rich dark oak , upholstered in red morocco , has been specially designed and richly carved . The pedestals are octagonal with square bases and tops , with columns and brass capitals at each corner , on the front panels ,
carved and gilt are various emblems . The Master ' s Chair stands upon a platform of three steps , with a canopy of royal blue silk and golden damask , the Senior Warden has a platform of two steps , and the Junior Warden , one step . The temple is brilliantly lighted by electric lamps around
the cornice , as are also the polished suite of ante-rooms . The decorations and electric installation have been executed by Messrs . Colls & Sons , and the Masonic furniture and liftings by Messrs . Spencer & Co ., the whole of the work having been carried out under the personal superintendence of one of the principals of Messrs . Pimms & Co ., W . Bro . J . W : Tyler , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Essex , and Bro . O . L . Meadows , the Manager .
? It must be a matter of general satisfaction to the Craft that the subject of a suitable memorial is under careful consideration to perpetuate the memory of the late V . W . Bro . Richard Eve , as Chairman of the Board of Management of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and no doubt by the time this is in print a decision will have been arrived at .
This Hotel possesses one of the most charming suites of Masonic Rooms to be found anywhere in the Metropolis . Dates can now be booked on Application to Proprietors , Messrs . BAKER & Co
Can only be obtained from Geo . W . SMITH , 59 , MARK LANE , LONDON , E . C . ORIGINAL CASES OF 12 Bottles - 66 - per case I 24 Imp . Pints 104 / - per ease 24 i „ - 71 - „ I 6 Magnums - 66 / - ,, CARRIAGE PAID .
,AS SUPPLIED TO ROYALTY . Orders accompanied by remittance should be sent direct to Geo . W . SMITH , 59 , Mark Lane , London , E . C Telegraphic Address "VERZENAY , London . "
.268 , 270 , \ v ~ OXFORD STREET , \ \\ LOKDON . W C ^
Made to f \ j Measure ?* \\ j \ ^
* " Under
I > i iced Catalogues seal on
application . y ~ Finest Texture \\ V s ~ W vi ¦ . T •/ i \\ blurt tailors , n ' Hosiers and Glovers
> \ % # - jec- i # ... / 357 F ~ % ^ y \) - MlW ' UlW ^) clothing of the - M 0 iM \ J JlfeJt * ¥ . r vfflfeBpjagfi 4 y ft ¥ - \ W r * * v >" g # * * ji : ' . . * f % Ff
High-class ; with or without -Mouthpieces
Sample Boxes of 10 , 1 / 9 , 1 / 3 , 9 d ., 6 d ., post free
Write for our Illuslruled Catalogue Depot for KoushnarefT ' s
Cigarettessi , IM ^ - IR-I : : ii _ _ £ _ . __> r : E . - ZE . C
. . . . K .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Rulers In The Craft.
Crystal Palace Lodge , No . 1541 , of which he became Worshipful Master in 1888 . He Avas a founder of Justinian Lodge , No . 26 94 , and Avas its second Master in 18 99 . Owing to the death of Bro . W . M . Briggs , a feAV Aveeks after his installation , Bro . Snelling continues , until the
election and installation of a successor , to act as Master . He is also a member of the Correspondence Circle of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge . In Royal Arch Masonry he is a P . Z . of the Stanhope Chapter , No . 1269 , as Avell as a member of the Mark Degree , the Ark Mariners , the
Rosicrucian Society , and of the Cryptic Order . It should be added that Bro . Snelling has rendered excellent service to the Craft for the past sixteen years as Hon . Sec . of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , and in that capacity has collected no less a sum than ^ 2 , 500 in aid of the three
Masonic Charities—being himself a Vice-Patron of the Boys ' School and a Life Governor of both the Boys' School and the Benevolent Institution . Musters iclio desire to be included in this scries should communicate , with lhe Editor , 75 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
F EW would recognise the beautiful Masonic Temple , which was the subject of an illustration in our last number , as the old Hall at the " Ship and Turtle " in Leadenhall Street , in which Masonic meetings have been
held for many years , for , indeed , the hand of the builder , artist , and decorator , have wrought a veritable transformation , and the new proprietors , Messrs . Pimms & Co . have given the City of London another Temple worthy of the name . Our illustration will convey a good idea of its imposing appearance , but a brief description will be of interest .
The ceiling has been painted in oils to represent a starry firmament . The walls are of marble , but the object which catches the eye is the beautiful cornice of carved figures with paintings interspersed . In the east are the arms of Grand Lodge , which embodies
the ancient arms of the Operative Masons' Company . In the west are the arms of the Most Worshipful Grand Master . In panels around are the Signs of the Zodiac , with many well-known Masonic symbols , and the Hall being spacious and lofty , the number of these in no way interfere with the
artistic design . The furniture , which is of rich dark oak , upholstered in red morocco , has been specially designed and richly carved . The pedestals are octagonal with square bases and tops , with columns and brass capitals at each corner , on the front panels ,
carved and gilt are various emblems . The Master ' s Chair stands upon a platform of three steps , with a canopy of royal blue silk and golden damask , the Senior Warden has a platform of two steps , and the Junior Warden , one step . The temple is brilliantly lighted by electric lamps around
the cornice , as are also the polished suite of ante-rooms . The decorations and electric installation have been executed by Messrs . Colls & Sons , and the Masonic furniture and liftings by Messrs . Spencer & Co ., the whole of the work having been carried out under the personal superintendence of one of the principals of Messrs . Pimms & Co ., W . Bro . J . W : Tyler , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Essex , and Bro . O . L . Meadows , the Manager .
? It must be a matter of general satisfaction to the Craft that the subject of a suitable memorial is under careful consideration to perpetuate the memory of the late V . W . Bro . Richard Eve , as Chairman of the Board of Management of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and no doubt by the time this is in print a decision will have been arrived at .
This Hotel possesses one of the most charming suites of Masonic Rooms to be found anywhere in the Metropolis . Dates can now be booked on Application to Proprietors , Messrs . BAKER & Co
Can only be obtained from Geo . W . SMITH , 59 , MARK LANE , LONDON , E . C . ORIGINAL CASES OF 12 Bottles - 66 - per case I 24 Imp . Pints 104 / - per ease 24 i „ - 71 - „ I 6 Magnums - 66 / - ,, CARRIAGE PAID .
,AS SUPPLIED TO ROYALTY . Orders accompanied by remittance should be sent direct to Geo . W . SMITH , 59 , Mark Lane , London , E . C Telegraphic Address "VERZENAY , London . "
.268 , 270 , \ v ~ OXFORD STREET , \ \\ LOKDON . W C ^
Made to f \ j Measure ?* \\ j \ ^
* " Under
I > i iced Catalogues seal on
application . y ~ Finest Texture \\ V s ~ W vi ¦ . T •/ i \\ blurt tailors , n ' Hosiers and Glovers
> \ % # - jec- i # ... / 357 F ~ % ^ y \) - MlW ' UlW ^) clothing of the - M 0 iM \ J JlfeJt * ¥ . r vfflfeBpjagfi 4 y ft ¥ - \ W r * * v >" g # * * ji : ' . . * f % Ff
High-class ; with or without -Mouthpieces
Sample Boxes of 10 , 1 / 9 , 1 / 3 , 9 d ., 6 d ., post free
Write for our Illuslruled Catalogue Depot for KoushnarefT ' s
Cigarettessi , IM ^ - IR-I : : ii _ _ £ _ . __> r : E . - ZE . C
. . . . K .