Article Consecration of the Devonian Lodge, No. 2834. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Supreme Grand Chapter. Page 1 of 1 Article Grand Lodge of Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Grand Lodge of Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Order of the Secret Monitor. Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Devonian Lodge, No. 2834.
for he was Lord Chancellor in 1885-86 , in 1886-92 , and has occupied that high post since 1895 . His interests are wide and numerous , for , in addition to his legal work , and the duties of the great posts which he holds , he is President of the Royal Society of Literature , and has been High Steward of the University of Oxford since 18 9 6 .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
Supreme Grand Chapter .
The quarterly convocation ol Grand Chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 7 th November . The presiding Principals were Comps . the Right Hon . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Col . Townley Caldwell , M . A ., and Lieut .-Gen . C . W . Randolph . A letter was read from Sir F . Knollvs , acknowledging on
behalf of the Prince of Wales , First Grand Principal , the address of condolence and sympathy with His Royal Highness voted by Grand Chapter at its meeting on August 1 st . Charters were afterwards granted for new chapters at Ambleside , Walmer , and Watford .
The agenda was a very light one , the business consisting only of the reading of the minutes , the granting of petitions for three new chapters , and of permission for the removal of ; t chapter to another place of meeting . Comp . Henry A . Tobias , P . G . Standard Bearer , was elected a member of the Committee of General Purposes in place of the fate Comp . George Gravely .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
Grand Lodge of Scotland .
A quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on the 1 st of November . There were about 300 brethren in attendance . The Grand Master , Bro . the Hon . James Hozier , M . P ., occupied the chair . Bro . Major F . W . Allan acted as Senior , and Bro . A . A . Speirs of Elderslie as Junior Grand
Warden . In opening the proceedings , the Grand Master made a touching reference to the death of Bro . the Rev . John A . Clark , Brechin , whom the ) - met at the placing of the memorial stone of the restoration of the Cathedral only a
short month ago , and who was then full of life , strength , and energy , and had since passed away at the age of forty-two . On the motion of the Grand Master , a resolution of condolence was directed to be transmitted to the widow of the deceased brother .
The Grand Master next referred to the resignation by Bro . D . Murray Lyon of his office of Grand Secretary . Bro . Lyon had found his resignation to be necessary on account of a stroke of paralysis . If there was a man who deserved well of the Masons of Scotland and all the worldit was Bro .
, Murray Lyon , and lie could not tell them how he felt that , at the close of his first year of office , the Grand Secretary ' s tenure of his position had come to an end ; but he was glad to think that they would still retain the benefit of his valuable experience . He moved the adoption of the report of Grand
Committee to the effect that the resignation be accepted with the deepest regret , and that in recognition of his most distinguished and faithful services to Grand Lodge , he be , during the remainder of his life , paid his full official salary of £ " 6 oo a year .
Bro . Orr Sinclair , Glasgow , moved an amendment to the effect that the retiring allowance should lie onl y £ " 300 a year . On a division the original motion was carried by a majority of 18 3 against 89 . The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the nomination of officers for the next yearand Bro . the Hon . James Hozier
, , M . P ., w ; ts unanimously nominated for re-election as Grand Master . Bro . Charles E . Rosenbaum was appointed Grand Representative from the Grand Lodge of Scotland to the Grand Lodge of Arkansas . The Past Grand Master , Bro .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
Adolphus Leigh Fitzgerald , was appointed Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Nevada . A charter was presented to the new Lodge Cathcart , Gokak Falls , Belgaum , India . It was reported that the income of the Gntnd Lodge for
the first eleven months of the year had been £ 5 , 719 , against £ 5 , 888 for the corresponding period of hist year—a decrease of £ 169 . During the past three months grants had been made from the benevolent fund to distressed Masons and widows to the amount of . £ 104 . The other business was routine .
Order Of The Secret Monitor.
Order of the Secret Monitor .
The Conclave of Mourning in memory of the late Issachar Zacharie , M . D ., held in the Masonic Temple at the Hotel Cecil on Monday , 21 st October , proved to be a very interesting ceremony . Some sixty of the members of the Order , and friends of the late Dr . Zacharie . and family ,
joined with the Grand Officers of the year in paying this , their tribute of affection to the memory of the departed . The Right Hon . the Earl of Warwick , Grand Supreme Ruler , was unable to be present , but sent a telegram of sympathy and regret . In his absence , Bro . Colonel H . W . Kiallmark ,
Assistant Deputy Grand Ruler of the Order , presided , and the ceremony was carried out by Bro . W . J . Spratling , B . So ., the Grand Recorder , assisted by Bros . W . J . Songhurst , J . M . Bastone , J . Stiven ( of Madras ) , John Kay , Frank E . Lemon , M . A ., and H . Tipper . No Masonic clothing or jewels were worn .
THE LATE DH . ISSACIIAIi / . ACIIAKI K . — ( Plwtu Jlarraml . (¦ Jrmtril )
Bro . C . S . Jekyll , late Organist of the Chapel Royal , presided at the organ , and the vocal music included "O rest in the Lord , " " Be thou faithful unto death , " " Happy and blest are they , " " I know that my Redeemer liveth , " and " Blest are the departed , " sung by professional vocalists ,
under the direction of Bro . John Read , P . G . C . A funeral oration was pronounced by the Rev . C . E . Roberts , and then Hymn 235 , A . and M ., was sung . The playing of the " Dead March in Saul " completed the ceremony .
A ceremony of this kind is almost unique in this country , although by no means uncommon on the other side ol the Atlantic .
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Consecration Of The Devonian Lodge, No. 2834.
for he was Lord Chancellor in 1885-86 , in 1886-92 , and has occupied that high post since 1895 . His interests are wide and numerous , for , in addition to his legal work , and the duties of the great posts which he holds , he is President of the Royal Society of Literature , and has been High Steward of the University of Oxford since 18 9 6 .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
Supreme Grand Chapter .
The quarterly convocation ol Grand Chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 7 th November . The presiding Principals were Comps . the Right Hon . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Col . Townley Caldwell , M . A ., and Lieut .-Gen . C . W . Randolph . A letter was read from Sir F . Knollvs , acknowledging on
behalf of the Prince of Wales , First Grand Principal , the address of condolence and sympathy with His Royal Highness voted by Grand Chapter at its meeting on August 1 st . Charters were afterwards granted for new chapters at Ambleside , Walmer , and Watford .
The agenda was a very light one , the business consisting only of the reading of the minutes , the granting of petitions for three new chapters , and of permission for the removal of ; t chapter to another place of meeting . Comp . Henry A . Tobias , P . G . Standard Bearer , was elected a member of the Committee of General Purposes in place of the fate Comp . George Gravely .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
Grand Lodge of Scotland .
A quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on the 1 st of November . There were about 300 brethren in attendance . The Grand Master , Bro . the Hon . James Hozier , M . P ., occupied the chair . Bro . Major F . W . Allan acted as Senior , and Bro . A . A . Speirs of Elderslie as Junior Grand
Warden . In opening the proceedings , the Grand Master made a touching reference to the death of Bro . the Rev . John A . Clark , Brechin , whom the ) - met at the placing of the memorial stone of the restoration of the Cathedral only a
short month ago , and who was then full of life , strength , and energy , and had since passed away at the age of forty-two . On the motion of the Grand Master , a resolution of condolence was directed to be transmitted to the widow of the deceased brother .
The Grand Master next referred to the resignation by Bro . D . Murray Lyon of his office of Grand Secretary . Bro . Lyon had found his resignation to be necessary on account of a stroke of paralysis . If there was a man who deserved well of the Masons of Scotland and all the worldit was Bro .
, Murray Lyon , and lie could not tell them how he felt that , at the close of his first year of office , the Grand Secretary ' s tenure of his position had come to an end ; but he was glad to think that they would still retain the benefit of his valuable experience . He moved the adoption of the report of Grand
Committee to the effect that the resignation be accepted with the deepest regret , and that in recognition of his most distinguished and faithful services to Grand Lodge , he be , during the remainder of his life , paid his full official salary of £ " 6 oo a year .
Bro . Orr Sinclair , Glasgow , moved an amendment to the effect that the retiring allowance should lie onl y £ " 300 a year . On a division the original motion was carried by a majority of 18 3 against 89 . The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the nomination of officers for the next yearand Bro . the Hon . James Hozier
, , M . P ., w ; ts unanimously nominated for re-election as Grand Master . Bro . Charles E . Rosenbaum was appointed Grand Representative from the Grand Lodge of Scotland to the Grand Lodge of Arkansas . The Past Grand Master , Bro .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
Adolphus Leigh Fitzgerald , was appointed Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Nevada . A charter was presented to the new Lodge Cathcart , Gokak Falls , Belgaum , India . It was reported that the income of the Gntnd Lodge for
the first eleven months of the year had been £ 5 , 719 , against £ 5 , 888 for the corresponding period of hist year—a decrease of £ 169 . During the past three months grants had been made from the benevolent fund to distressed Masons and widows to the amount of . £ 104 . The other business was routine .
Order Of The Secret Monitor.
Order of the Secret Monitor .
The Conclave of Mourning in memory of the late Issachar Zacharie , M . D ., held in the Masonic Temple at the Hotel Cecil on Monday , 21 st October , proved to be a very interesting ceremony . Some sixty of the members of the Order , and friends of the late Dr . Zacharie . and family ,
joined with the Grand Officers of the year in paying this , their tribute of affection to the memory of the departed . The Right Hon . the Earl of Warwick , Grand Supreme Ruler , was unable to be present , but sent a telegram of sympathy and regret . In his absence , Bro . Colonel H . W . Kiallmark ,
Assistant Deputy Grand Ruler of the Order , presided , and the ceremony was carried out by Bro . W . J . Spratling , B . So ., the Grand Recorder , assisted by Bros . W . J . Songhurst , J . M . Bastone , J . Stiven ( of Madras ) , John Kay , Frank E . Lemon , M . A ., and H . Tipper . No Masonic clothing or jewels were worn .
THE LATE DH . ISSACIIAIi / . ACIIAKI K . — ( Plwtu Jlarraml . (¦ Jrmtril )
Bro . C . S . Jekyll , late Organist of the Chapel Royal , presided at the organ , and the vocal music included "O rest in the Lord , " " Be thou faithful unto death , " " Happy and blest are they , " " I know that my Redeemer liveth , " and " Blest are the departed , " sung by professional vocalists ,
under the direction of Bro . John Read , P . G . C . A funeral oration was pronounced by the Rev . C . E . Roberts , and then Hymn 235 , A . and M ., was sung . The playing of the " Dead March in Saul " completed the ceremony .
A ceremony of this kind is almost unique in this country , although by no means uncommon on the other side ol the Atlantic .