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Freemasonry In Dorsetshire.——History Of The Province.
existed m Lyme previous to the opening of Lodge ' Montagu , ' by the founder of that name in 18 5 6 , " is obviously an error . Its history may be rather inglorious , but it has a history . In 1 778 , the Grand Secretary informed Grand Lodge that a complaint had been received from Bro . Dunckerley that " Royal Edwin" LodgeLyme Regis
, ( vide Sadler ' s " Dunckerley " ) , had in a contemptuous manner neglected to answer his letters . For the said contempt , and the lodge remaining contumacious , it was struck off the rolls in 1780 . Since 1856 , Masonry has done better here , despite the inaccessibility of the place , and the members are still
inspired by the memory of that good man , Bro . Montagu . Bridport ' s warrant is dated 1 857 , but there was an old lodge of which little is known , and the ok ! Bible is witness to the fact . Its old title was " Royal George , " and its constitution was dated 1804 . Beaminster , the third of the trio of West
Dorset lodges , is a young lodge ( 1871 ) , but considering the smallness of the place , Masonry is vigorous there . In East Dorset , besides Poole ( already alluded to ) , there , are several strong lodges . The old town of Wimborne has an admirable lodge , "St . Cuthberga , " and under the shadow
of the fine old minster Masonry thrives . The first minutes in existence are dated 18 53 . The present Provincial Grand Master , W . Bro . Montague John Guest , was initiated in this lodge in 1867 , and filled the office of Worshipful Master in 1874 . Several old engravings were presented to his mother lodge by him , amongst them one of the three extant of a Masonic procession in London . This is of great value , being
an original of the many copies seen in modern lodge s The lodge has had a successful career , and on more than one occasion the members have done useful work in connection with their neighbouring lodges . This has been especially the case in respect to the Wareham lodge , the chair of which several of the Wimborne brethren have filled from
time to time . " Unity" Lodge , Wareham , has however an older warrant , 1827 , and an interesting history , though it is difficult to ascertain the facts . " De Moulham " ( Swanage ) , is a young lodge , with some good and hard-working Masons on its roll .
The other East Dorset lodge is at Branksome ( " St . Aidhelm ' s" ) , formed in 18 95 under good auspices . We are able to give with this article , portraits of the Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Whadcoat , Past Provincial Senior Grand
Warden , and the Provincial Grand Secretary . It is worthy of special note that W . Bro . Case , who for so many years has been the trusted Prov . Grand Secretary , wears the Past rank collar of Grand Sword Bearer of England , which he received from the Grand Master at the Diamond Jubilee meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in 18 97 in recognition of his
conspicuous and zealous services . The year previously he received Past rank honours as P . S . G . W . The other Dorset brethren now living who have attained to Grand Lodge rank ( besides the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ) are Lord Stalbn'd ge , Rev . W . M . Heath , Sir R . N . Howard , and Colonel Chaloner .
Installation Meeting Of The Royal Warrant Holders Lodge, No. 2789.
Installation Meeting of the Royal Warrant Holders Lodge , No . 2789 .
'"PHE third installation of this highly prosperous lodge I took place at the Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W ., on October 24 th , when W . Bro . Thos . Blewett Tipton , P . M . 2550 , was installed as Worshipful Master in a very
dignified and impressive manner by W . Bro . Daniel Mayer , Past Grand Deacon , who was the first Master of the lodge , in the presence of a number of Grand Officers and
distinguished brethren . The addresses were delivered by Bro . Heming , P . M . At the banquet which followed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Reply ing to the toast of "The Grand Officers , " the Rev . Canon Brownrigg said that he had the full weight of this
important toast upon his shoulders as his brother Grand Officers had deserted their posts , but as it happened , it was a particularly pleasing duty , as he took a special and serious interest in the Royal Warrant Holders Lodge , because at the consecration he had foretold a glowing future , and had not proved a false prophet so far . He felt strongly that such a
lodge would become a factor for extending the high prestige and dignity of the Craft , and a pattern for other lodges by preserving its high tone and all that is sacred in Masonry . It was in such attributes that the lodge did and would hold its own . The toast of " The Worshipful Master " was proposed by
Bro . W . M . Wilson , P . M ., D . C . He expressed his confidence that Bro . Tipton would prove a worthy successor to those good Masons who had preceded him . He had a good record as a boon comrade and excellent officer .
The Worshipful Master , in reply , said he was much gratified at having arrived at the high position of Master of a lodge so clear to his heart , and which had grown out of that important body , the Royal Warrant Holders Association . He felt sure all the members of the lodge would rally round him , and for his part he would endeavour
to become worthy of the flattering things which had been said of him . The other usual toasts followed , and the whole of the proceedings , as well as the excellently rendered programme of songs , sketches , and recitations , left no doubt in the
minds of the visitors that the management of the lodge is in good hands , and that energy is one of their particular characteristics .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In Dorsetshire.——History Of The Province.
existed m Lyme previous to the opening of Lodge ' Montagu , ' by the founder of that name in 18 5 6 , " is obviously an error . Its history may be rather inglorious , but it has a history . In 1 778 , the Grand Secretary informed Grand Lodge that a complaint had been received from Bro . Dunckerley that " Royal Edwin" LodgeLyme Regis
, ( vide Sadler ' s " Dunckerley " ) , had in a contemptuous manner neglected to answer his letters . For the said contempt , and the lodge remaining contumacious , it was struck off the rolls in 1780 . Since 1856 , Masonry has done better here , despite the inaccessibility of the place , and the members are still
inspired by the memory of that good man , Bro . Montagu . Bridport ' s warrant is dated 1 857 , but there was an old lodge of which little is known , and the ok ! Bible is witness to the fact . Its old title was " Royal George , " and its constitution was dated 1804 . Beaminster , the third of the trio of West
Dorset lodges , is a young lodge ( 1871 ) , but considering the smallness of the place , Masonry is vigorous there . In East Dorset , besides Poole ( already alluded to ) , there , are several strong lodges . The old town of Wimborne has an admirable lodge , "St . Cuthberga , " and under the shadow
of the fine old minster Masonry thrives . The first minutes in existence are dated 18 53 . The present Provincial Grand Master , W . Bro . Montague John Guest , was initiated in this lodge in 1867 , and filled the office of Worshipful Master in 1874 . Several old engravings were presented to his mother lodge by him , amongst them one of the three extant of a Masonic procession in London . This is of great value , being
an original of the many copies seen in modern lodge s The lodge has had a successful career , and on more than one occasion the members have done useful work in connection with their neighbouring lodges . This has been especially the case in respect to the Wareham lodge , the chair of which several of the Wimborne brethren have filled from
time to time . " Unity" Lodge , Wareham , has however an older warrant , 1827 , and an interesting history , though it is difficult to ascertain the facts . " De Moulham " ( Swanage ) , is a young lodge , with some good and hard-working Masons on its roll .
The other East Dorset lodge is at Branksome ( " St . Aidhelm ' s" ) , formed in 18 95 under good auspices . We are able to give with this article , portraits of the Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Whadcoat , Past Provincial Senior Grand
Warden , and the Provincial Grand Secretary . It is worthy of special note that W . Bro . Case , who for so many years has been the trusted Prov . Grand Secretary , wears the Past rank collar of Grand Sword Bearer of England , which he received from the Grand Master at the Diamond Jubilee meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in 18 97 in recognition of his
conspicuous and zealous services . The year previously he received Past rank honours as P . S . G . W . The other Dorset brethren now living who have attained to Grand Lodge rank ( besides the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ) are Lord Stalbn'd ge , Rev . W . M . Heath , Sir R . N . Howard , and Colonel Chaloner .
Installation Meeting Of The Royal Warrant Holders Lodge, No. 2789.
Installation Meeting of the Royal Warrant Holders Lodge , No . 2789 .
'"PHE third installation of this highly prosperous lodge I took place at the Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W ., on October 24 th , when W . Bro . Thos . Blewett Tipton , P . M . 2550 , was installed as Worshipful Master in a very
dignified and impressive manner by W . Bro . Daniel Mayer , Past Grand Deacon , who was the first Master of the lodge , in the presence of a number of Grand Officers and
distinguished brethren . The addresses were delivered by Bro . Heming , P . M . At the banquet which followed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Reply ing to the toast of "The Grand Officers , " the Rev . Canon Brownrigg said that he had the full weight of this
important toast upon his shoulders as his brother Grand Officers had deserted their posts , but as it happened , it was a particularly pleasing duty , as he took a special and serious interest in the Royal Warrant Holders Lodge , because at the consecration he had foretold a glowing future , and had not proved a false prophet so far . He felt strongly that such a
lodge would become a factor for extending the high prestige and dignity of the Craft , and a pattern for other lodges by preserving its high tone and all that is sacred in Masonry . It was in such attributes that the lodge did and would hold its own . The toast of " The Worshipful Master " was proposed by
Bro . W . M . Wilson , P . M ., D . C . He expressed his confidence that Bro . Tipton would prove a worthy successor to those good Masons who had preceded him . He had a good record as a boon comrade and excellent officer .
The Worshipful Master , in reply , said he was much gratified at having arrived at the high position of Master of a lodge so clear to his heart , and which had grown out of that important body , the Royal Warrant Holders Association . He felt sure all the members of the lodge would rally round him , and for his part he would endeavour
to become worthy of the flattering things which had been said of him . The other usual toasts followed , and the whole of the proceedings , as well as the excellently rendered programme of songs , sketches , and recitations , left no doubt in the
minds of the visitors that the management of the lodge is in good hands , and that energy is one of their particular characteristics .