Article Whittington Lodge, No. 862. Page 1 of 1 Article Whittington Lodge, No. 862. Page 1 of 1 Article Bro. John Jaylor, J.P. Page 1 of 1
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Whittington Lodge, No. 862.
Whittington Lodge , No . 862 .
THE installation meeting of the above lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Monday , November 16 th , when Bro . Percy J . Driver was installed as Master . After the appointment and investiture of officers , the W . M . proceeded to initiate three candidates .
BUO . PKRCY . 1 . DRIVKE . At the subsequent banquet , the usual loyal toasts were given and duly honoured . Replying to the toast of "The Grand Officers , " Bro . P . Colville Smith , P . G . D ., remarked that he had always found
this toast well received , and he believed , too , that the brethren were sincere in the good wishes they expressed for their Grand Officers . He desired to draw the attention of the brethren particularly to the Masonic Charities , of which the Craft was so justly proud .
The girls and boys were being educated in their schools in the best possible manner , and though some might say too much money had been spent in this direction , he was one of those who had yet to learn—and there were many others , too , he was glad to say—that the sons and daughters of
Masons were not to be trained in such a way as to fully equip them for life . He specially appealed on behalf of the Benevolent Institution for aged Masons and their widows , pointing out how' restricted the Institution was in its usefulness owing to its lack of the necessary funds . With the
great increase of lodges it was incumbent upon the brethren to provide more means whereby this Institution might be of still greater benelit . The toast of "The W . M . " was proposed by the I . P . M ., W . Bro . J . T . Southgate , who wished his successor much
enjoyment in his year of office . The W . M ., in reply , thanked the brethren for their kindly feeling , and stated that he relied upon their co-operation to maintain the dignity and tradition of their lodge . He then presented a P . M . jewel to the I . P . M ., who acknowledged with thanks the gift , which he said he should prize most
Whittington Lodge, No. 862.
lnglily as a token of their appreciation of his work among them . The toasts of "The Visitors and Officers" were given and well received , and the Tyler ' s toast brought an enjoyable evening to its close . On behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ,
the amount of £ 144 was promised by the members of the lodge for the 1904 Festival . The musical arrangements for the evening were under the direction of Mr . Frederick Williams .
Bro. John Jaylor, J.P.
Bro . John Jaylor , J . P .
THE indefatigable Craftsman , Bro . John Taylor , J . P ., F . C . S ., F . L . S ., & c . ( P . Prov . G . Reg . of Devon ) , has been re-elected Mayor of Torquay to the great satisfaction of the members of the Corporation , who unanimously desired him to accept that honourable , but onerous position , for the second year .
It is a marvel to many how Bro . Taylor manages to do so much and so well , Municipally , Masonically , and Ministerially ( for he frequently preaches on a Sunday ) , but somehow he succeeds most admirably . Though one of " Pharoah ' s lean kind , " and looking
far from robust , his day ' s work would surprise not a few stronger men . His Initiation dates from 188 5 in the " St . John ' s Lodge , " No . 328 , Torquay , where he came to reside in the " Queen
of the West , having purchased the well known Analytical Chemists and Dispensing Establishment in Lucus Street . Shortly afterwards he joined the " Jordan , " No . 1402 , of the same Town , and warmly co-operated with the late Bro . John Lane in having a noble Masonic Hall built for the accomodation of the latter Lodge , in which he became the
W . M . in 1890-1 , and subsequently its efficient Secretary . He is either the Presiding Officer or Secretary of the R . A . Chapter , the Mark Lodge , the Ark Mariner ' s , the K . T . Preceptory , assembling in the same Hall ; a P . M . W . S . of the old Rose Croix Chapter at Exeter , and 30 under the
Ancient and Accepted Rite , a member of the Royal Order , Allied Degree , & c , & c , besides holding oftice in the Prov . G . L ., the Prov . G . Chapter , the K . T . Priory , the Mark Grand Lodge , the Great Priory , & c , and has served several Stewardships for the Charities , Central and Local .
UltO . JOHN TAYI . OIl . He was invited to be a candidate for the office of Grand Treasurer this year , but declined , but possibly ere long he may be adopted by the West of England for that distinction .
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Whittington Lodge, No. 862.
Whittington Lodge , No . 862 .
THE installation meeting of the above lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Monday , November 16 th , when Bro . Percy J . Driver was installed as Master . After the appointment and investiture of officers , the W . M . proceeded to initiate three candidates .
BUO . PKRCY . 1 . DRIVKE . At the subsequent banquet , the usual loyal toasts were given and duly honoured . Replying to the toast of "The Grand Officers , " Bro . P . Colville Smith , P . G . D ., remarked that he had always found
this toast well received , and he believed , too , that the brethren were sincere in the good wishes they expressed for their Grand Officers . He desired to draw the attention of the brethren particularly to the Masonic Charities , of which the Craft was so justly proud .
The girls and boys were being educated in their schools in the best possible manner , and though some might say too much money had been spent in this direction , he was one of those who had yet to learn—and there were many others , too , he was glad to say—that the sons and daughters of
Masons were not to be trained in such a way as to fully equip them for life . He specially appealed on behalf of the Benevolent Institution for aged Masons and their widows , pointing out how' restricted the Institution was in its usefulness owing to its lack of the necessary funds . With the
great increase of lodges it was incumbent upon the brethren to provide more means whereby this Institution might be of still greater benelit . The toast of "The W . M . " was proposed by the I . P . M ., W . Bro . J . T . Southgate , who wished his successor much
enjoyment in his year of office . The W . M ., in reply , thanked the brethren for their kindly feeling , and stated that he relied upon their co-operation to maintain the dignity and tradition of their lodge . He then presented a P . M . jewel to the I . P . M ., who acknowledged with thanks the gift , which he said he should prize most
Whittington Lodge, No. 862.
lnglily as a token of their appreciation of his work among them . The toasts of "The Visitors and Officers" were given and well received , and the Tyler ' s toast brought an enjoyable evening to its close . On behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ,
the amount of £ 144 was promised by the members of the lodge for the 1904 Festival . The musical arrangements for the evening were under the direction of Mr . Frederick Williams .
Bro. John Jaylor, J.P.
Bro . John Jaylor , J . P .
THE indefatigable Craftsman , Bro . John Taylor , J . P ., F . C . S ., F . L . S ., & c . ( P . Prov . G . Reg . of Devon ) , has been re-elected Mayor of Torquay to the great satisfaction of the members of the Corporation , who unanimously desired him to accept that honourable , but onerous position , for the second year .
It is a marvel to many how Bro . Taylor manages to do so much and so well , Municipally , Masonically , and Ministerially ( for he frequently preaches on a Sunday ) , but somehow he succeeds most admirably . Though one of " Pharoah ' s lean kind , " and looking
far from robust , his day ' s work would surprise not a few stronger men . His Initiation dates from 188 5 in the " St . John ' s Lodge , " No . 328 , Torquay , where he came to reside in the " Queen
of the West , having purchased the well known Analytical Chemists and Dispensing Establishment in Lucus Street . Shortly afterwards he joined the " Jordan , " No . 1402 , of the same Town , and warmly co-operated with the late Bro . John Lane in having a noble Masonic Hall built for the accomodation of the latter Lodge , in which he became the
W . M . in 1890-1 , and subsequently its efficient Secretary . He is either the Presiding Officer or Secretary of the R . A . Chapter , the Mark Lodge , the Ark Mariner ' s , the K . T . Preceptory , assembling in the same Hall ; a P . M . W . S . of the old Rose Croix Chapter at Exeter , and 30 under the
Ancient and Accepted Rite , a member of the Royal Order , Allied Degree , & c , & c , besides holding oftice in the Prov . G . L ., the Prov . G . Chapter , the K . T . Priory , the Mark Grand Lodge , the Great Priory , & c , and has served several Stewardships for the Charities , Central and Local .
UltO . JOHN TAYI . OIl . He was invited to be a candidate for the office of Grand Treasurer this year , but declined , but possibly ere long he may be adopted by the West of England for that distinction .