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Twelfth Annual Festival Of The Kirby Lodge Of Instruction , No. 263.
Twelfth Annual Festival of the Kirby Lodge of Instruction , No . 263 .
THE Kirby Lodge of Instruction held its Twelfth Festival on Tuesday , November 17 th , at the Midland Grand Hotel , St . Pancras , the V . W . Bro . the Right Reverend the Bishop of Barking , P . G . Chap ., presiding . There was a large attendance of brethren , the Grand Officers present being Bros . Imre Kiralfy , P . A . G . D . C . ;
J . M . McLeod , P . G . Swd . Br . ; Dr . A . G . Sandberg , P . A . G . D . C . ; T . C . Van Duzer , P . A . G . D . C . ; Captain Money ; J . M . Coffin , P . A . G . D . C . The Preceptor , Bro . G . J . Rankin , P . M . 2818 , acted as W . M ., and the various ceremonies were worked ' by Bros .
S . W . Heaton , L . H . Dear , W . H . Holdaway , S . Hicks and H . C . Dodson , and elicited the warm applause of the brethren for the excellence of the working . After dinner the toasts of " The King " and " The M . W . Grand Master , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , " were given
by the President and duly honoured . Bro . R . Newton Crane proposed the toast of " The Grand Officers , " remarking that it augured well for the future of Grand Lodge to have a Lodge of Instruction in which so many young Masons were able to take their part with such
credit to their Preceptor . W . Bro . F . C . Van Duzer , P . A . G . D . C , gave the toast of the evening— " The President , " who , in reply , said that when iirst asked by the W . G . M . to assume office , he did so with the full determination to do his duty in that office , and he counselled all the brethren present to do the same . Uniting in his speech the toast of " The Kirby Lodge of Instruction , "
the President went on to remark that every Mason had his work to do in a lodge however small and insignificant it might appear to him . All could not be W . M . ' s , but all could aspire to that office . Each could do his share , and so good work might be accomplished . In such a lodge of instruction lessons were learned of splendid value to a man ,
and in endeavouring to do one's very best , one grasped the real spirit of Freemasonry . In concluding , the President quoted a little rhyme which contained a lesson for all Masons" Do what you can , be what you are ,
Shine like a glowworm , if not like a star , Work like a pulley if you cannot be a crane , And learn to grease a cogwheel if you cannot drive the train . " The Preceptor , in acknowledging the toast , desired to
tliank the President for his presence that evening , remarking how much added respect and power for good the lodge gained by his coming there . He regretted the absence of Bro . R . C . Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C , through illness at home , this being the iirst Festival he had missed since the
foundation of the lodge . A silent toast to the memory of the first Preceptor , William Henry Kirby , and the toast of "The Bank of England Lodge , No . 26 3 , " under whose sanction the Kirby Lodge of Instruction meets , brought an interesting evening to its close .
Empty Handed !! Heavy Hearted
!!The COMING OF WINTER means the COMING OF WANT to the DESERVING POOR ( or rather it means the increase of want already existing . )
For considerably over 5 , 000 poor persons
3 _ 3 anl-ClS : Messrs . BARCLAY & CO ., 54 , Lombard Street , E . C . Superintendent : WM . WHEATLEY , 4 , Ampton Street , Regent Square , W . C
, . . .
^prestDent : ZCbe IRigbt Ifocm . tbe Earl of Cbesterfielo
It is erroneous to say all skin disease is caused by fast living . It is caused in the majority of cases by poor living . St . John ' s Hospital was founded in 186 3 to cure diseases of the skin of the unfortunate people who , of a necessity , live on bad food and cannot afford to pay for a cure , and whose lives are rendered a burden to them . This Hospital is in need of funds for the relief of thousands oi deserving cases . There are so many applications ( ever on the increase ) that it has become an imperative necessity to rebuild , for which ^ 15 , 000 is needed . ^ " 600 are required before the end of this year to clear off existing liabilities . CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! NEW YEAR'S GIFTS !! and ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS !!!
Further information will be gladly given by the Secretary , G . A . Arnaudin , St . John ' s Hospital , Leicester Square , London , W
, y . . .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Twelfth Annual Festival Of The Kirby Lodge Of Instruction , No. 263.
Twelfth Annual Festival of the Kirby Lodge of Instruction , No . 263 .
THE Kirby Lodge of Instruction held its Twelfth Festival on Tuesday , November 17 th , at the Midland Grand Hotel , St . Pancras , the V . W . Bro . the Right Reverend the Bishop of Barking , P . G . Chap ., presiding . There was a large attendance of brethren , the Grand Officers present being Bros . Imre Kiralfy , P . A . G . D . C . ;
J . M . McLeod , P . G . Swd . Br . ; Dr . A . G . Sandberg , P . A . G . D . C . ; T . C . Van Duzer , P . A . G . D . C . ; Captain Money ; J . M . Coffin , P . A . G . D . C . The Preceptor , Bro . G . J . Rankin , P . M . 2818 , acted as W . M ., and the various ceremonies were worked ' by Bros .
S . W . Heaton , L . H . Dear , W . H . Holdaway , S . Hicks and H . C . Dodson , and elicited the warm applause of the brethren for the excellence of the working . After dinner the toasts of " The King " and " The M . W . Grand Master , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , " were given
by the President and duly honoured . Bro . R . Newton Crane proposed the toast of " The Grand Officers , " remarking that it augured well for the future of Grand Lodge to have a Lodge of Instruction in which so many young Masons were able to take their part with such
credit to their Preceptor . W . Bro . F . C . Van Duzer , P . A . G . D . C , gave the toast of the evening— " The President , " who , in reply , said that when iirst asked by the W . G . M . to assume office , he did so with the full determination to do his duty in that office , and he counselled all the brethren present to do the same . Uniting in his speech the toast of " The Kirby Lodge of Instruction , "
the President went on to remark that every Mason had his work to do in a lodge however small and insignificant it might appear to him . All could not be W . M . ' s , but all could aspire to that office . Each could do his share , and so good work might be accomplished . In such a lodge of instruction lessons were learned of splendid value to a man ,
and in endeavouring to do one's very best , one grasped the real spirit of Freemasonry . In concluding , the President quoted a little rhyme which contained a lesson for all Masons" Do what you can , be what you are ,
Shine like a glowworm , if not like a star , Work like a pulley if you cannot be a crane , And learn to grease a cogwheel if you cannot drive the train . " The Preceptor , in acknowledging the toast , desired to
tliank the President for his presence that evening , remarking how much added respect and power for good the lodge gained by his coming there . He regretted the absence of Bro . R . C . Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C , through illness at home , this being the iirst Festival he had missed since the
foundation of the lodge . A silent toast to the memory of the first Preceptor , William Henry Kirby , and the toast of "The Bank of England Lodge , No . 26 3 , " under whose sanction the Kirby Lodge of Instruction meets , brought an interesting evening to its close .
Empty Handed !! Heavy Hearted
!!The COMING OF WINTER means the COMING OF WANT to the DESERVING POOR ( or rather it means the increase of want already existing . )
For considerably over 5 , 000 poor persons
3 _ 3 anl-ClS : Messrs . BARCLAY & CO ., 54 , Lombard Street , E . C . Superintendent : WM . WHEATLEY , 4 , Ampton Street , Regent Square , W . C
, . . .
^prestDent : ZCbe IRigbt Ifocm . tbe Earl of Cbesterfielo
It is erroneous to say all skin disease is caused by fast living . It is caused in the majority of cases by poor living . St . John ' s Hospital was founded in 186 3 to cure diseases of the skin of the unfortunate people who , of a necessity , live on bad food and cannot afford to pay for a cure , and whose lives are rendered a burden to them . This Hospital is in need of funds for the relief of thousands oi deserving cases . There are so many applications ( ever on the increase ) that it has become an imperative necessity to rebuild , for which ^ 15 , 000 is needed . ^ " 600 are required before the end of this year to clear off existing liabilities . CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! NEW YEAR'S GIFTS !! and ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS !!!
Further information will be gladly given by the Secretary , G . A . Arnaudin , St . John ' s Hospital , Leicester Square , London , W
, y . . .