Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"THE QUEEN , " J ftbe 3 LaD »' s IRewspapev a » 5 Court Chronicle . PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK , PRICE 6 D ., BY POST 6 SD . ' Sl'KCl . vt , DOUUI . K NUMlll . UK : , Sjiriiitf Faxhimi Sitwln'r , / . v . ; . tuliimti Fashion Number , ... ; and Xilins . jYitmbpr , lit . rpiIK ylJKEN is llie Oldest Kstablislitnl Lady ' s Newspaper , and the 1 ^ ( Jre . it <> rt >; ii _ of the Upper Classes . "The Queen" eontains the ' latest , and best PAKIS and other KASMIOXS , with Descriptions of the XI : \ V .: ST WOIIK ; il circulates all over the World , and is patronised ! by the RIIVAI . FAMILY , NOIIIUTY , and ( 1 .: XTI . Y . " TI IP Queen " is unrivalled in its attvaetums as a reeord of that which is fashionable , elegant , and ornament ;)) , . ... < . is u . seJ ' nl as : > i > i-iiJe and t' 0 .. _ p . ) j .. o » in the household and domestic circle . "The Queen" is therefore the most valuable medium for advertising either Snr . vnoxs WASTED or VACANT . < £ o > . fenf _ s : LKABEliS on interesting mid Ciirrcnt THE COLLECTOR , CURIOS , Ac . ' FlsmONAliLK ARRANGEMENTS , . "Y AU ^ " ™ ' MA ! 5 AAR 8 ' AXD ENTERTAINMENTS , BALLS , & c . J (' . TARTTV FASHIONABLB "MAUUIAGES . s rnTST \ F " UPPER TEN THOUSAND . ; „ iip U ' ni' ui Fi \ 'n « NOTES OX MUSIC & MUSICIANS . 5 ™ " ™ 0 t ALL KIJ , DSDRAMA . } IAS 1 IMES . TOURIST ^ THE LIBRARY : Comprising Reviews i cTiTTirri ' i ° f "" " ^ Novels and other biumo . \ Books likely to interest Laities . V SI " EMPLOYMENT . C ?" one , l NEWS ^ " , " 1 " " WOMEN > ^ nrnrriiVn Q ..,- _ " n ,. -, W _ . T . . MIOGTIAPH . TES AND PORTRAITS ' ivTFS ? PVlfls "' FVSHroVS W 0 F - ™«* ° ™ dis . h ^ . isl . ed for LAIESt I ARTS _• ASHION . S , Inst I their talents or their social position ; Week m each Month . < comprising Anthovesses , Artists , PHOTOGRAPHY . > Actresses , ' Ladies of Rank , He . NOTES and QUERIES , and ANSWERS to NOTES and QUERIES , are inserted under eacli department of the paper , thus opening to readers a medium of intercommunication and mformt . tiua ou each and every of the subieets treated of in "THE QUEEN . " ! * * * Lady Headers are invited to communicate freely to the Editress their suggestions , hints , experiences and observations . All will have a fair hearing in the columns of "THE QUEEN- " Yearly Subscription , Foreign Countries , post free , £ 2 3 s . (>_ .., Six Mouttis , £ 1 Is . ' . hi . ; Three Months , Us . Yearly Subscription , Great Britain , post free , £ 1 10 s . ; Six Months , 15 s . ; Three Months , 7 s . 6 d . OFFICES : WINDSOR HOUSE , BREAM'S BUILDINGS , LONDON , K . C . *^^ MB _____ Bi ^ M __ ^^ M ^^^_ i ^^ ____ - ______________________________________________ _ IIMB | IMB
^ H ^^ k _> ' has a world-wide ' Km ^ X- ^ ""Sl ^ k reputation for _______________________________________________^_^^___^_________ . W ___________________________________________ fl _____ K ^ ^ 4 ______ Kl ________________ H _________ H _ ___ _ I . ' ' iVw ' __________________ H _______^_________ i _ iA ^_____ l ___________________________________ K __________________^_____________^^_________ rr ^ ____________________________________________^ A ^_ B ^ *^^^^^^^ H |^^^^^^^ H ^ Hn ^^^^ Maroa ^^ Htt ^ Re-^^^^^^ Hp ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RsBbi ^^ HL ' * ' ^^^^^^^ E 1 ^________________________________ HI- ___________^________ P ' ' ^ a ^^^^^^^ Hf .- '' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^^ R fl ^^^ K ^^^^^^^ H ^ " ^^^^^^^^^ H ^^ H ^^^^_ i ^^^ B ^^^^^^^^ K - ^ . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^^^^ m the ^^^^^^^^ T <*_! " ^^_________________________________________ H ______ P ____________________ r ^^_______________________________________ H ______ R ______________________ ^^ t ^____________________________________________ - ^^ H ^__ LV ^ ^^^ H ^ H ^ HHa ^^^^ Hl' "" JH ^^^^ H ^^ BHKf ^^^^^^ ^^ ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MSP * ^_^_________________ Bfll ____ H ^ . _^__________^___________ HI ^__^__ l ^___ H ^___________^_ H ^ r ^^^ H |^ H ^^^^ H ^^^^^ HDH ^ S |^ HKflB [^^ 8 { ^^^^¦ raHBH ^_______ HK ]_ B _ H _ HH [^__ Rfln ^^^^ H & j |^ B | B ^ Hfl |^^^ HB || HBflHy 8 BA ^^^ flH ^ Nn ^ S ^ H |^^^^^^^ 9 |^ H |^^ G ^ Hft ^^^ H ^^^ HHH ^ HB ^^^^ R ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ R ^^^^^^^^ HBB ^^^^^ B HH [^^^^ HBSB 8 ^^^ S ^^^^^^^ H ^^^^ HP |^^^^ HH ^ H ^ S ^ 9 HB ^^^ B ^^^ H ^^^{ H ^|^ HJ ^^^ HBHHHB v ^^^^^^^^^ K' \ 'j Wt ^ H ^^^ fl ^^^ v ^^ r ^^^ HH ^^^^ BK £ B £ ^^^^ HlHfl ^_^___________ K i j M ^ B ^ K ^ KtBI ^^ EB ^ BM ^ nk / THE ^ H ^^ HH ^^ HH \ OXFORD ST ., W . ^^ ________^_ H _____________ - _________ - __^____________________________ t \ t Cross ^ fl __________________________ B- _ - ___________________________ R j ^^^^ WHIlMfflfflaiijWB ^^ 54 , BAKER ST ., W ., ^ P ^ gBfcg Jffl flP " , 1 S BWg LONDON . ^ H ______ BHHHHK ^^^ B ^ H ^ B ^ B _ HHnM ^ HH !^ B _ IHI ^ H ^ H ^^ HBHi
THE FIELD , THE FATtWL , THE GARDEN . The Country Gentleman ' s Newspaper . PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY , PRICE SIXPENCE , BY POST 6-id . ''PHIS paper is devoted entirely to thc interests of Country J [ Gentlemen , and , next to the Times , is thc Largest and most Influential Paper in Great Britain . The subjects arc treated in the fullest manner by thc first writers of the day , and comprise : — SKOOTixn GAHDKX . I Tn . vKi .. CIIICKKT . WHIST . | ( . OUIISIXO . Vu . E . i : lN .. l ( Y . Poi' 1 / ni . v . ROWING . I <\\ UM . PlSClCUl . Tl-III .. KKNNK 1 .. P . VSI'IMKS . llU . VI'ISti . AT 1 I 1 . KT 1 C Sl'OltTS . IlKK-KI - Bl'IVR . Y . U' . IT .. \< -. DltlVIKR . ACCI . IMATISAl'ION . S'l'Ain . tCS . NATUKAI . -l . K . OIlY . FlKKIXR . UoUX'TIIV llOUSB , F / AWX TK . N ' NIB . RACING . I CHKSS . ( JVCLING AND MOTOKING . WILD SI'OKTS . J ' IGKO . VS . I Ac , Ac , & c . All the Subjects are , where thought advisable , carefully Illustrated in the best manner possible . " THE FIELD" gives an additional interest to Country Gentlemen , Sportsmen , Naturalists , and others , as it is the Established Medium for ADVERTISEMENTS of the following matters : — Shooting , Fishing , and Hunting Quarters . Estates and Farms for Sale or to Let . Poultry and Pigeons . Gamekeepers , Bailiffs , Gardeners and other Servants . Yachts for Sale and to Let . Horses and Carriages for Sale . Dogs , Stud Horses , Stud Dogs , Farm Implements , Farm Seeds , Garden Seeds , New Books , Hotels , House-keeping , and Miscellaneous Articles . Subscription to Foreign Countries : Yearly , £ 1 19 s , 6 d , : Six Months , 19 s . 9 d .: Three Months 9 s . 10 d . PUBLISHED BY HORACE COX , WINDSOR HOUSE , BREAM'S BUILDINGS , LONDON , E . C . ^ ___ - _ - _ -----M ^ - _ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _ ^ H ^ M ____ ---- _______ J
When arranging your MUSICAL PROGRAMME you should consult GAMAGE'S of Holborn , who supply high-class entertainments of every description for MASONIC BANQUETS , Evening Parties , Balls , Concerts , Bazaars , At Homes , Literary Society Soirees , School Festivals , & c ., & c . THE "GAMAGE" BUTTERFLIES . Terms strictly moderate I ^ w ^ ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"THE QUEEN , " J ftbe 3 LaD »' s IRewspapev a » 5 Court Chronicle . PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK , PRICE 6 D ., BY POST 6 SD . ' Sl'KCl . vt , DOUUI . K NUMlll . UK : , Sjiriiitf Faxhimi Sitwln'r , / . v . ; . tuliimti Fashion Number , ... ; and Xilins . jYitmbpr , lit . rpiIK ylJKEN is llie Oldest Kstablislitnl Lady ' s Newspaper , and the 1 ^ ( Jre . it <> rt >; ii _ of the Upper Classes . "The Queen" eontains the ' latest , and best PAKIS and other KASMIOXS , with Descriptions of the XI : \ V .: ST WOIIK ; il circulates all over the World , and is patronised ! by the RIIVAI . FAMILY , NOIIIUTY , and ( 1 .: XTI . Y . " TI IP Queen " is unrivalled in its attvaetums as a reeord of that which is fashionable , elegant , and ornament ;)) , . ... < . is u . seJ ' nl as : > i > i-iiJe and t' 0 .. _ p . ) j .. o » in the household and domestic circle . "The Queen" is therefore the most valuable medium for advertising either Snr . vnoxs WASTED or VACANT . < £ o > . fenf _ s : LKABEliS on interesting mid Ciirrcnt THE COLLECTOR , CURIOS , Ac . ' FlsmONAliLK ARRANGEMENTS , . "Y AU ^ " ™ ' MA ! 5 AAR 8 ' AXD ENTERTAINMENTS , BALLS , & c . J (' . TARTTV FASHIONABLB "MAUUIAGES . s rnTST \ F " UPPER TEN THOUSAND . ; „ iip U ' ni' ui Fi \ 'n « NOTES OX MUSIC & MUSICIANS . 5 ™ " ™ 0 t ALL KIJ , DSDRAMA . } IAS 1 IMES . TOURIST ^ THE LIBRARY : Comprising Reviews i cTiTTirri ' i ° f "" " ^ Novels and other biumo . \ Books likely to interest Laities . V SI " EMPLOYMENT . C ?" one , l NEWS ^ " , " 1 " " WOMEN > ^ nrnrriiVn Q ..,- _ " n ,. -, W _ . T . . MIOGTIAPH . TES AND PORTRAITS ' ivTFS ? PVlfls "' FVSHroVS W 0 F - ™«* ° ™ dis . h ^ . isl . ed for LAIESt I ARTS _• ASHION . S , Inst I their talents or their social position ; Week m each Month . < comprising Anthovesses , Artists , PHOTOGRAPHY . > Actresses , ' Ladies of Rank , He . NOTES and QUERIES , and ANSWERS to NOTES and QUERIES , are inserted under eacli department of the paper , thus opening to readers a medium of intercommunication and mformt . tiua ou each and every of the subieets treated of in "THE QUEEN . " ! * * * Lady Headers are invited to communicate freely to the Editress their suggestions , hints , experiences and observations . All will have a fair hearing in the columns of "THE QUEEN- " Yearly Subscription , Foreign Countries , post free , £ 2 3 s . (>_ .., Six Mouttis , £ 1 Is . ' . hi . ; Three Months , Us . Yearly Subscription , Great Britain , post free , £ 1 10 s . ; Six Months , 15 s . ; Three Months , 7 s . 6 d . OFFICES : WINDSOR HOUSE , BREAM'S BUILDINGS , LONDON , K . C . *^^ MB _____ Bi ^ M __ ^^ M ^^^_ i ^^ ____ - ______________________________________________ _ IIMB | IMB
^ H ^^ k _> ' has a world-wide ' Km ^ X- ^ ""Sl ^ k reputation for _______________________________________________^_^^___^_________ . W ___________________________________________ fl _____ K ^ ^ 4 ______ Kl ________________ H _________ H _ ___ _ I . ' ' iVw ' __________________ H _______^_________ i _ iA ^_____ l ___________________________________ K __________________^_____________^^_________ rr ^ ____________________________________________^ A ^_ B ^ *^^^^^^^ H |^^^^^^^ H ^ Hn ^^^^ Maroa ^^ Htt ^ Re-^^^^^^ Hp ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RsBbi ^^ HL ' * ' ^^^^^^^ E 1 ^________________________________ HI- ___________^________ P ' ' ^ a ^^^^^^^ Hf .- '' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^^ R fl ^^^ K ^^^^^^^ H ^ " ^^^^^^^^^ H ^^ H ^^^^_ i ^^^ B ^^^^^^^^ K - ^ . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^^^^ m the ^^^^^^^^ T <*_! " ^^_________________________________________ H ______ P ____________________ r ^^_______________________________________ H ______ R ______________________ ^^ t ^____________________________________________ - ^^ H ^__ LV ^ ^^^ H ^ H ^ HHa ^^^^ Hl' "" JH ^^^^ H ^^ BHKf ^^^^^^ ^^ ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MSP * ^_^_________________ Bfll ____ H ^ . _^__________^___________ HI ^__^__ l ^___ H ^___________^_ H ^ r ^^^ H |^ H ^^^^ H ^^^^^ HDH ^ S |^ HKflB [^^ 8 { ^^^^¦ raHBH ^_______ HK ]_ B _ H _ HH [^__ Rfln ^^^^ H & j |^ B | B ^ Hfl |^^^ HB || HBflHy 8 BA ^^^ flH ^ Nn ^ S ^ H |^^^^^^^ 9 |^ H |^^ G ^ Hft ^^^ H ^^^ HHH ^ HB ^^^^ R ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ R ^^^^^^^^ HBB ^^^^^ B HH [^^^^ HBSB 8 ^^^ S ^^^^^^^ H ^^^^ HP |^^^^ HH ^ H ^ S ^ 9 HB ^^^ B ^^^ H ^^^{ H ^|^ HJ ^^^ HBHHHB v ^^^^^^^^^ K' \ 'j Wt ^ H ^^^ fl ^^^ v ^^ r ^^^ HH ^^^^ BK £ B £ ^^^^ HlHfl ^_^___________ K i j M ^ B ^ K ^ KtBI ^^ EB ^ BM ^ nk / THE ^ H ^^ HH ^^ HH \ OXFORD ST ., W . ^^ ________^_ H _____________ - _________ - __^____________________________ t \ t Cross ^ fl __________________________ B- _ - ___________________________ R j ^^^^ WHIlMfflfflaiijWB ^^ 54 , BAKER ST ., W ., ^ P ^ gBfcg Jffl flP " , 1 S BWg LONDON . ^ H ______ BHHHHK ^^^ B ^ H ^ B ^ B _ HHnM ^ HH !^ B _ IHI ^ H ^ H ^^ HBHi
THE FIELD , THE FATtWL , THE GARDEN . The Country Gentleman ' s Newspaper . PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY , PRICE SIXPENCE , BY POST 6-id . ''PHIS paper is devoted entirely to thc interests of Country J [ Gentlemen , and , next to the Times , is thc Largest and most Influential Paper in Great Britain . The subjects arc treated in the fullest manner by thc first writers of the day , and comprise : — SKOOTixn GAHDKX . I Tn . vKi .. CIIICKKT . WHIST . | ( . OUIISIXO . Vu . E . i : lN .. l ( Y . Poi' 1 / ni . v . ROWING . I <\\ UM . PlSClCUl . Tl-III .. KKNNK 1 .. P . VSI'IMKS . llU . VI'ISti . AT 1 I 1 . KT 1 C Sl'OltTS . IlKK-KI - Bl'IVR . Y . U' . IT .. \< -. DltlVIKR . ACCI . IMATISAl'ION . S'l'Ain . tCS . NATUKAI . -l . K . OIlY . FlKKIXR . UoUX'TIIV llOUSB , F / AWX TK . N ' NIB . RACING . I CHKSS . ( JVCLING AND MOTOKING . WILD SI'OKTS . J ' IGKO . VS . I Ac , Ac , & c . All the Subjects are , where thought advisable , carefully Illustrated in the best manner possible . " THE FIELD" gives an additional interest to Country Gentlemen , Sportsmen , Naturalists , and others , as it is the Established Medium for ADVERTISEMENTS of the following matters : — Shooting , Fishing , and Hunting Quarters . Estates and Farms for Sale or to Let . Poultry and Pigeons . Gamekeepers , Bailiffs , Gardeners and other Servants . Yachts for Sale and to Let . Horses and Carriages for Sale . Dogs , Stud Horses , Stud Dogs , Farm Implements , Farm Seeds , Garden Seeds , New Books , Hotels , House-keeping , and Miscellaneous Articles . Subscription to Foreign Countries : Yearly , £ 1 19 s , 6 d , : Six Months , 19 s . 9 d .: Three Months 9 s . 10 d . PUBLISHED BY HORACE COX , WINDSOR HOUSE , BREAM'S BUILDINGS , LONDON , E . C . ^ ___ - _ - _ -----M ^ - _ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _ ^ H ^ M ____ ---- _______ J
When arranging your MUSICAL PROGRAMME you should consult GAMAGE'S of Holborn , who supply high-class entertainments of every description for MASONIC BANQUETS , Evening Parties , Balls , Concerts , Bazaars , At Homes , Literary Society Soirees , School Festivals , & c ., & c . THE "GAMAGE" BUTTERFLIES . Terms strictly moderate I ^ w ^ ^