Article Consecration of the Gordon Langton Lodge, No. 3069. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Gordon Langton Lodge, No. 3069.
Consecration of the Gordon Langton Lodge , No . 3069 .
r PHE consecration of the above , the latest addition to the I roll of lodges in the Middlesex Province , took place at the " Abercorn Arms Hotel , ' Great Stanmore , Middlesex , on Tuesday , November 15 th , in the presence of a large and distinguished assembly of brethren of the province and from London . The idea of founding this lodge
originated with \ V . Bro . Wm . W . Mansfield , and such was his zeal , that in a little over two months from the time of the first meeting of the founders , the consecration of the lodge was an accomplished fact . The ceremony was performed by the Provincial Grand
Master , the RAY . Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord George Hamilton , M . P ., who was assisted by V . W . Bro . Alderman W . Yaughan Morgan , P . G . Treas ., as S . W . ; \ V . Bros . C . E . Keyser , P . G . D ., as J . W . ; A . R . T . Eales , Prov . Grand Chaplain , as Chaplain ; A . Burnett Brown , Grand Steward , Prov .
Grand Secretary , as Secretary ; J . D . Langton , D . P . G . M . Surrey , as Director of Ceremonies ; and J . W . Martin , D . P . G . M . Berks ., as I . G . ; and was worked in a thoroughly impressive manner , beautified also by the perfect renderings of the various musical portions .
The Chaplain ' s oration on the nature and principles of the Institution , in which he traced Freemasonry from the earliest times to the present , being exceedingly interesting .
I he consecration ceremony ended , W . Bro . J . Gordon Langton , P . Prov . S . G . W . Middlesex , was installed into the chair by W . Bro . Yice-Admiral W . H . C . St . Clair , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Middlesex , who performed the duty in a faultless manner , and was most ably assisted by W . Bro . J . D . Langton . After the appointment and investiture of the officers , the
consecrating officers were elected honorary members and presented with a founder ' s jewel , followed by the announcement of presentations of various requisites to the lodge Ineach of the seventeen founders . The lodge being closed the brethren adjourned to a banquet presided over by the Worshipful Master .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts , including those of " The Grand Officers , the Provincial and Deputy Provincial Grand Masters of the Province , " having been duly honoured , the Provincial Grand Master , Lord George Hamilton , said it was his pleasing duty to propose " The Gordon Langton
Lodge , " coupled with the name of their Worshipful Master , after whom the lodge was named . Bro . Gordon Langton was a thorough Middlesex Mason , being a P . M . of a Middlesex lodge , a Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden , a Past Provincial Grand Treasurer , and a Past Provincial Grand
Secretary , and in this latter capacity he was of the greatest help to him ( the Provincial Grand Master . ) He wished the lodge so happily inaugurated that clay every prosperity , and to the Worshipful Master a successful year of office . The other regular toasts followed , and "The Tyler ' s
toast" brought the proceedings to a conclusion . The roll of the Middlesex lodges is thus increased to forty-six , and Great Stanmore , with a population under 3000 , claims three of them , viz ., the Abercorn , the Collindalc , and the Gordon Langton .
During the evening the Worshipful Master announced his intention of going up as Steward for the "Girls , " and his list already amounted to eighty guineas .
SPECIAL APPEAL St Bartholomew ' s Iboepital . A Special Appeal is being made for the rebuilding of St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital , the oldest Hospital in the Country , and the only one in the City of London . Grand Lodge has generously voted to the rebuilding of this Institution the sum of 500 guineas , and Grand Chapter the sum of 100 guineas . We are now anxious to enlist the sympathy of the Brethren of the Craft in the same good cause . St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital has never appealed for public aid for upwards of 150 years , nor does it participate in the benefits of King Edward ' s Hospital Fund , or the Metropolitan Hospital Saturday or Sunday Fund . Last year 6 , 890 In-patients passed through the Wards , and 130 , 000 of the Sick Poor were treated in the Out-patients' Department . In half-a-century over 300 . 000 In-patients and six-and-a-half million Out-patients have received treatment within its walls . No part of the endowment is available for the purposes of rebuilding , and the reconstruction of the Hospital to meet modern requirements being inevitable , the Governors have no resource but to appeal to the generosity of the public . We feel sure that such an Appeal to the Brethren of the Craft , endorsed as it has been by the response of Grand Lodge , will - not be made in vain . We are . faithfully and fraternally . REGINALD HANSON , T . G . A . BURNS . ; ROUERT GREY , ALI ; COOPER , Past Grand Warden . Past Grand Deacon . Past Grand Warden . Past Grand Deacon . BORRADAILE SAVORY , ERNEST FLOWER , ; iyARrv POU-I-R Past Grand Chaplain . Past Grand Deacon . \ W . V . UJGIIAN MORGAN . » ,, // . . „ , // ,., ' 10 Past Grand Treasurer . Past Grand Deacon . HORATIO DAVIES , JOHN SMITIIERS . ; Past Grand Deacon . Past Assistant Gram ! ' V . P . Al . LISTON . \ , ,.,, „ ,. \ WTO \ - Director of Ceremonies . j FDWARD LETCHWORTH , Past Gram ! Deacon . . \ l . l-M . u i \ i . \\ iu . \ . J Grand Secretary . PastGrami Deacon . JoSI-I'IJ C . DlMSDALE . ! H . L . FLORENCE . CLEMENT GODSON . Past Grand Warden . I J . C . PARKINSON . j Grand Superintendent Past Grand Dcavon . Past Grand Treasurer . Vast Grand Deacon . of Works . Subscriptions should be sent to Bro . Sir ERNEST FLOWER , M . P ., at St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital , Smithfield , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Gordon Langton Lodge, No. 3069.
Consecration of the Gordon Langton Lodge , No . 3069 .
r PHE consecration of the above , the latest addition to the I roll of lodges in the Middlesex Province , took place at the " Abercorn Arms Hotel , ' Great Stanmore , Middlesex , on Tuesday , November 15 th , in the presence of a large and distinguished assembly of brethren of the province and from London . The idea of founding this lodge
originated with \ V . Bro . Wm . W . Mansfield , and such was his zeal , that in a little over two months from the time of the first meeting of the founders , the consecration of the lodge was an accomplished fact . The ceremony was performed by the Provincial Grand
Master , the RAY . Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord George Hamilton , M . P ., who was assisted by V . W . Bro . Alderman W . Yaughan Morgan , P . G . Treas ., as S . W . ; \ V . Bros . C . E . Keyser , P . G . D ., as J . W . ; A . R . T . Eales , Prov . Grand Chaplain , as Chaplain ; A . Burnett Brown , Grand Steward , Prov .
Grand Secretary , as Secretary ; J . D . Langton , D . P . G . M . Surrey , as Director of Ceremonies ; and J . W . Martin , D . P . G . M . Berks ., as I . G . ; and was worked in a thoroughly impressive manner , beautified also by the perfect renderings of the various musical portions .
The Chaplain ' s oration on the nature and principles of the Institution , in which he traced Freemasonry from the earliest times to the present , being exceedingly interesting .
I he consecration ceremony ended , W . Bro . J . Gordon Langton , P . Prov . S . G . W . Middlesex , was installed into the chair by W . Bro . Yice-Admiral W . H . C . St . Clair , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Middlesex , who performed the duty in a faultless manner , and was most ably assisted by W . Bro . J . D . Langton . After the appointment and investiture of the officers , the
consecrating officers were elected honorary members and presented with a founder ' s jewel , followed by the announcement of presentations of various requisites to the lodge Ineach of the seventeen founders . The lodge being closed the brethren adjourned to a banquet presided over by the Worshipful Master .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts , including those of " The Grand Officers , the Provincial and Deputy Provincial Grand Masters of the Province , " having been duly honoured , the Provincial Grand Master , Lord George Hamilton , said it was his pleasing duty to propose " The Gordon Langton
Lodge , " coupled with the name of their Worshipful Master , after whom the lodge was named . Bro . Gordon Langton was a thorough Middlesex Mason , being a P . M . of a Middlesex lodge , a Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden , a Past Provincial Grand Treasurer , and a Past Provincial Grand
Secretary , and in this latter capacity he was of the greatest help to him ( the Provincial Grand Master . ) He wished the lodge so happily inaugurated that clay every prosperity , and to the Worshipful Master a successful year of office . The other regular toasts followed , and "The Tyler ' s
toast" brought the proceedings to a conclusion . The roll of the Middlesex lodges is thus increased to forty-six , and Great Stanmore , with a population under 3000 , claims three of them , viz ., the Abercorn , the Collindalc , and the Gordon Langton .
During the evening the Worshipful Master announced his intention of going up as Steward for the "Girls , " and his list already amounted to eighty guineas .
SPECIAL APPEAL St Bartholomew ' s Iboepital . A Special Appeal is being made for the rebuilding of St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital , the oldest Hospital in the Country , and the only one in the City of London . Grand Lodge has generously voted to the rebuilding of this Institution the sum of 500 guineas , and Grand Chapter the sum of 100 guineas . We are now anxious to enlist the sympathy of the Brethren of the Craft in the same good cause . St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital has never appealed for public aid for upwards of 150 years , nor does it participate in the benefits of King Edward ' s Hospital Fund , or the Metropolitan Hospital Saturday or Sunday Fund . Last year 6 , 890 In-patients passed through the Wards , and 130 , 000 of the Sick Poor were treated in the Out-patients' Department . In half-a-century over 300 . 000 In-patients and six-and-a-half million Out-patients have received treatment within its walls . No part of the endowment is available for the purposes of rebuilding , and the reconstruction of the Hospital to meet modern requirements being inevitable , the Governors have no resource but to appeal to the generosity of the public . We feel sure that such an Appeal to the Brethren of the Craft , endorsed as it has been by the response of Grand Lodge , will - not be made in vain . We are . faithfully and fraternally . REGINALD HANSON , T . G . A . BURNS . ; ROUERT GREY , ALI ; COOPER , Past Grand Warden . Past Grand Deacon . Past Grand Warden . Past Grand Deacon . BORRADAILE SAVORY , ERNEST FLOWER , ; iyARrv POU-I-R Past Grand Chaplain . Past Grand Deacon . \ W . V . UJGIIAN MORGAN . » ,, // . . „ , // ,., ' 10 Past Grand Treasurer . Past Grand Deacon . HORATIO DAVIES , JOHN SMITIIERS . ; Past Grand Deacon . Past Assistant Gram ! ' V . P . Al . LISTON . \ , ,.,, „ ,. \ WTO \ - Director of Ceremonies . j FDWARD LETCHWORTH , Past Gram ! Deacon . . \ l . l-M . u i \ i . \\ iu . \ . J Grand Secretary . PastGrami Deacon . JoSI-I'IJ C . DlMSDALE . ! H . L . FLORENCE . CLEMENT GODSON . Past Grand Warden . I J . C . PARKINSON . j Grand Superintendent Past Grand Dcavon . Past Grand Treasurer . Vast Grand Deacon . of Works . Subscriptions should be sent to Bro . Sir ERNEST FLOWER , M . P ., at St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital , Smithfield , London .