Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Power Of The Grip.
same . Then he sprang hack , took' out : a whistle and blew three blasts . All ibis was the work of a moment ; I looked around , and on my right saw Hutchinson bareheaded and bleeding from a cut in his forehead , but he had the look of grim determination on his face . Now , from above , stones and
any missle handy were showered down upon us from the top of the bank : indeed , we were surrounded . I felt the critical moment had come . Again the whistle sounded ; this time the whole of our assailants gathered round their leader , who again came over to me . Try to do what you can for Kelly , he said . I replied L would . He then motioned for us to go on . We
got ourselves together and marched off , but before doing so I released both Kelly and Shaw from the handcuffs , and allowed my prisoner to have bis hands free . I did this in recognition of bis conduct during those trying moments : as we passed our late assailants who had lined the road , this was noticed and applauded . We soon settled down after a few miles
march , and m the conversation our escape hilly discussed between us all . A few miles further on we noticed a party of soldiers approaching us , and from them a mounted officer galloped towards us . It was the adjutant : it appears that on the second day , and not till then , the color-sergeant had informed him that only two men had been sent with me as escort . The
commanding officer at once ordered out the party , who met us , and we quietly returned to barracks . I related the way we had been attacked , the way Kelly and the escort behaved , and it was attributed to the manner in which I had acted that saved us , yet in my mind I knew it was the " power of the grip . " T concluded . Did you reap any benefit , my nephew queried .
Yes , L replied . Kelly was tried by court-martial , but bis sentence was remitted . Both Shaw and Hutchinson were promoted corporals , and I was recommended , and within twelve months received my commission as ensign in your
regiment .
Order Of The Temple.
Order of the Temple .
Meeting of the Jiing Cdward VII . and Jnstallaiion Meeting of the Cmpress cPreceptories .
THE above well known pveceptories met at Mark Masons ' Hall on Thursday , October 27 th . The King Edward VII . Preceptory was opened under the command of the Eminent Preceptor , R . Clay Sudlow . The Knight Capt . Richard Rigg , M . P ., was , on the proposition of the Knight
Will . O . Welsford , seconded by the Knight R . Palmer-Thomas , elected as a joining member . The following candidates for admission into the Order were then elected , and those in attendance were duly installed Knights of the Order , the beautiful ceremony being conducted
in a most perfect and impressive manner by the E . Precepton R . Clay Sudlow . The E . Preceptor then said that the Very Eminent Knight Thomas Eraser , K . C . T ., G . M . B . B ., E . Preceptor elect , being abroad , had requested him to instal the officers at this
meeting , and that the V . E . Knight Frazer ' s own installation would take place at the next regular meeting of the preceptory . The following appointments were then made : —Knights Geo . Rankin , 1 st Constable ; W . Baddeley , 2 nd Constable ;
C . I . Kiralfy , Chaplain ; F . C . Van Duzer , Treasurer ; Will _ O . Welsford , Registrar ; W . R . Bennett , Marshal ; A . Cadbury Jones , Almoner ; F . R . Brough , 1 st Herald ; H . Thorpe , 2 nd Herald ; E . P . Fisher , 1 st Standard Bearer ; M . W . Blackden , 2 nd Standard Bearer ; J . O . Evans ,
Captain of Guards ; Herbert Hodge , Organist . The Past Eminent Preceptor , the V . E . Knight Imre Kiralfy , K . C . T ., then , in the name of the Preceptory , pre-
TATTOOING == ( Art Etching on the Human Skin ) by 22 , COCKSPUR Tattoo STREET Artist , , SOUTH , ALFRED Pall Mall , London , S . W . Patronised by Royalty , Officers of His Majesty ' s Services , and leading Members of Society . Masonic Jewels , Badges , and Kmblcmalie Designs artistically and accuraleb etched on the Skin . Spoiling Pictures , Studies of Animals , Dogs' and Horses' Heads reproduced in Tattoo from Sketches or Photographs . Coats of Arms , Crcnts , Monograms , Initials , and Inscriptions . Illustrated Arlicles and Press comments on Alfred Sonth ' s work appeared in all the leading Papers at home and abroad . ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS ( OWN PATENTA 'I i : u . \ is MODKKATK . Horns 10 a . m . to 7 p . m . Telephone : 3037 Central . Telegraphic Address : Tattooing , London .
35 , FINSBURY SQUARES , E . C . SOCIETY , TRUSS LONDON OP CITY I NSTIT UTED 1807 . Patron HIS MAJESTY THE KING . Yice-Patron—H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G . TKKASI-KKK—JOHN NORBCkY , Ksn . BASKKKS -LLOYDS' BANK , LIMITKD . 7 . 2 , Lombard Streel . The OHJKCT or THIS CIIANITY is to relieve such poor persons throughout the Kingdom as are afllictcd with rupture by providing them jjratuitouslv with Surgical advice , with Trusses for every kind of Rupture , with bandages and other instruments for all cases of prolapsus , and bv performing every necessary operation in connection with Hernia . Between <) , ooo and 10 . 000 Sufferers are annually supplied with the Instruments required for their relief . SINCE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOCIETY OVER HALF A MILLION PATIENTS ( 593 , 400 ) HAVE BEEN BENEFITED . Additional Funds arc gnuilly medal / . < meet the increasing demands on the Charity . Premises , recently enlarged , now provide a loug-uccded separate entrance and waiting-room for female paiicnls , and there is a female attendant far them . A . \ ANNIAI . SrHscHil'Tiox OK O . si- ; GIINKA entitles to Knur Letters of Keconimc-ndation . Donations , Subscriptions , and Bequests are eariiestlv solicited , and will he jiratcfully received bv the Bankcr > , Ll . civns' BASK , Limited , -2 , Lombard Street ; or by the Secretary , al the Offices of llie Society . JOHN WHITTINGTON , Secretary . FORM OF BEQUEST . "I jfive to Tin-: CITY OI- LONDON TRISS SOCIKTY , Kinsbury Square , London , the sum of free of Legacy Duty , to be paid out of such part of my Kstate as I may becjiicall ] to charitable uses , as soon as may be possible after my decease . " ^^ Bimmmmammmm ^^ mmmmma ^^ mmmK ^^ mmmmmmammm ^ mmm ^ mmmmmmKma ^^^ Kmmmmi ^ mmK
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Power Of The Grip.
same . Then he sprang hack , took' out : a whistle and blew three blasts . All ibis was the work of a moment ; I looked around , and on my right saw Hutchinson bareheaded and bleeding from a cut in his forehead , but he had the look of grim determination on his face . Now , from above , stones and
any missle handy were showered down upon us from the top of the bank : indeed , we were surrounded . I felt the critical moment had come . Again the whistle sounded ; this time the whole of our assailants gathered round their leader , who again came over to me . Try to do what you can for Kelly , he said . I replied L would . He then motioned for us to go on . We
got ourselves together and marched off , but before doing so I released both Kelly and Shaw from the handcuffs , and allowed my prisoner to have bis hands free . I did this in recognition of bis conduct during those trying moments : as we passed our late assailants who had lined the road , this was noticed and applauded . We soon settled down after a few miles
march , and m the conversation our escape hilly discussed between us all . A few miles further on we noticed a party of soldiers approaching us , and from them a mounted officer galloped towards us . It was the adjutant : it appears that on the second day , and not till then , the color-sergeant had informed him that only two men had been sent with me as escort . The
commanding officer at once ordered out the party , who met us , and we quietly returned to barracks . I related the way we had been attacked , the way Kelly and the escort behaved , and it was attributed to the manner in which I had acted that saved us , yet in my mind I knew it was the " power of the grip . " T concluded . Did you reap any benefit , my nephew queried .
Yes , L replied . Kelly was tried by court-martial , but bis sentence was remitted . Both Shaw and Hutchinson were promoted corporals , and I was recommended , and within twelve months received my commission as ensign in your
regiment .
Order Of The Temple.
Order of the Temple .
Meeting of the Jiing Cdward VII . and Jnstallaiion Meeting of the Cmpress cPreceptories .
THE above well known pveceptories met at Mark Masons ' Hall on Thursday , October 27 th . The King Edward VII . Preceptory was opened under the command of the Eminent Preceptor , R . Clay Sudlow . The Knight Capt . Richard Rigg , M . P ., was , on the proposition of the Knight
Will . O . Welsford , seconded by the Knight R . Palmer-Thomas , elected as a joining member . The following candidates for admission into the Order were then elected , and those in attendance were duly installed Knights of the Order , the beautiful ceremony being conducted
in a most perfect and impressive manner by the E . Precepton R . Clay Sudlow . The E . Preceptor then said that the Very Eminent Knight Thomas Eraser , K . C . T ., G . M . B . B ., E . Preceptor elect , being abroad , had requested him to instal the officers at this
meeting , and that the V . E . Knight Frazer ' s own installation would take place at the next regular meeting of the preceptory . The following appointments were then made : —Knights Geo . Rankin , 1 st Constable ; W . Baddeley , 2 nd Constable ;
C . I . Kiralfy , Chaplain ; F . C . Van Duzer , Treasurer ; Will _ O . Welsford , Registrar ; W . R . Bennett , Marshal ; A . Cadbury Jones , Almoner ; F . R . Brough , 1 st Herald ; H . Thorpe , 2 nd Herald ; E . P . Fisher , 1 st Standard Bearer ; M . W . Blackden , 2 nd Standard Bearer ; J . O . Evans ,
Captain of Guards ; Herbert Hodge , Organist . The Past Eminent Preceptor , the V . E . Knight Imre Kiralfy , K . C . T ., then , in the name of the Preceptory , pre-
TATTOOING == ( Art Etching on the Human Skin ) by 22 , COCKSPUR Tattoo STREET Artist , , SOUTH , ALFRED Pall Mall , London , S . W . Patronised by Royalty , Officers of His Majesty ' s Services , and leading Members of Society . Masonic Jewels , Badges , and Kmblcmalie Designs artistically and accuraleb etched on the Skin . Spoiling Pictures , Studies of Animals , Dogs' and Horses' Heads reproduced in Tattoo from Sketches or Photographs . Coats of Arms , Crcnts , Monograms , Initials , and Inscriptions . Illustrated Arlicles and Press comments on Alfred Sonth ' s work appeared in all the leading Papers at home and abroad . ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS ( OWN PATENTA 'I i : u . \ is MODKKATK . Horns 10 a . m . to 7 p . m . Telephone : 3037 Central . Telegraphic Address : Tattooing , London .
35 , FINSBURY SQUARES , E . C . SOCIETY , TRUSS LONDON OP CITY I NSTIT UTED 1807 . Patron HIS MAJESTY THE KING . Yice-Patron—H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G . TKKASI-KKK—JOHN NORBCkY , Ksn . BASKKKS -LLOYDS' BANK , LIMITKD . 7 . 2 , Lombard Streel . The OHJKCT or THIS CIIANITY is to relieve such poor persons throughout the Kingdom as are afllictcd with rupture by providing them jjratuitouslv with Surgical advice , with Trusses for every kind of Rupture , with bandages and other instruments for all cases of prolapsus , and bv performing every necessary operation in connection with Hernia . Between <) , ooo and 10 . 000 Sufferers are annually supplied with the Instruments required for their relief . SINCE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOCIETY OVER HALF A MILLION PATIENTS ( 593 , 400 ) HAVE BEEN BENEFITED . Additional Funds arc gnuilly medal / . < meet the increasing demands on the Charity . Premises , recently enlarged , now provide a loug-uccded separate entrance and waiting-room for female paiicnls , and there is a female attendant far them . A . \ ANNIAI . SrHscHil'Tiox OK O . si- ; GIINKA entitles to Knur Letters of Keconimc-ndation . Donations , Subscriptions , and Bequests are eariiestlv solicited , and will he jiratcfully received bv the Bankcr > , Ll . civns' BASK , Limited , -2 , Lombard Street ; or by the Secretary , al the Offices of llie Society . JOHN WHITTINGTON , Secretary . FORM OF BEQUEST . "I jfive to Tin-: CITY OI- LONDON TRISS SOCIKTY , Kinsbury Square , London , the sum of free of Legacy Duty , to be paid out of such part of my Kstate as I may becjiicall ] to charitable uses , as soon as may be possible after my decease . " ^^ Bimmmmammmm ^^ mmmmma ^^ mmmK ^^ mmmmmmammm ^ mmm ^ mmmmmmKma ^^^ Kmmmmi ^ mmK