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Order Of The Temple.
his absence in America , had been unable to be present for installation that evening . The E . Preceptor expressed confidence that the good work of the King Edward VII . Preceptory would be continued under the command of so eminent and enthusiastic
a knight . The I . P . P ., the V . E . Knight Imre Kiralfy , proposed the toast of "The Eminent Preceptor , R . Clay Sudlow , " and paid a well deserved tribute to the enthusiasm and devotion he had thrown into the work of the preceptory during his
highly successful year of office , and also to his invaluable work in the Preceptory of Improvement . In replying , the Eminent Preceptor said : — " I not onlv desire to thank you for the cordial way in which you have received the toast of my health , proposed in such generous
terms by our illustrious Bro . Kiralfy , but I particularly desire to add the expression of my appreciation of vour goodness in presenting me with the beautiful jewel I am now privileged to wear as your Past Eminent Preceptor . You all know that I am but young in the Order of the Temple , but on the
occasion of my first appearing in Great Priory , I noticed that some of the eminent knights present were distinguished by a special and a very artistic jewel , and I confess I was immediately fired with the ambition one day to possess it . That ambition , by your kindness , is to-day satislied , and
since I have so far taken you into my confidence , I am sure no further words of mine are necessary to assure you of the pleasure you have given me in this presentation . I saw , of course , on the occasion I have referred to , other orders and distinctions , but as I consider that for me they are
unattainable , I do not allow my memory to dwell upon them . To-night , brethren , is quite an important one in my Masonic career , inasmuch as , so far as I can see , it is the last time that I shall occupy the position of head of a Masonic body . Bearing this in mind , I was naturally anxious that the year
of my government of King Edward VII . Preceptory should be not only successful , speaking generally in the interests of the preceptory , but agreeable to all the members , and I am deeply grateful to the Eminent Knight Kiralfy for the
BUO . l'AL . MKIi-THO . MASj , K . T . expressions he has used in connection with my year of office , and to each and all of you for the cordial support you have given me during that period . " The toast of " The new Companions in Arms " was given
NATIONAL TRUSS SOCIETY , j / , Arthur Street West , London Bridge , E . C . I Patron : HIS GRACE THK ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY . Treasurer : XORBFRY POTT , Esq ., Fwell , Surrey . I Bankers : Messrs . BARCLAY & CO ., Ll . MiTKi ) , Lombard Street . E . C . Q Honorary Surgeon : LOI'IS ALBERT DFXN , Esq ., M . S ., F . R . C . S ., Guv ' s Hospital Soutlnvark . Established in 1786 for the Relief of the Ruptured Poor of both sexes throughout the Kingdom . THIS SOCIETY ( the oldest of its kind ) supplies gratuitously Trusses , Abdominal Belts , Bandages , Elastic Stockings , Knee Caps , Anklets , Crutches , and other necessary Surgical Appliances . A SIUSCKIUKK ' LKTTKK procures for the patient advice under a skilful surgeon and an instrument gratis . Line DONOKS of Ten Guineas , or Annual Subscribers of One Guinea , are entitled to Four Letters yearly . A Donation of Five Guineas , or an Annual Subscription of Half-a-Guinea , entitles to Two Letters yearly . Fui . l . Rici'OKT on application . Increased Funds greatly needed . Sr-uscRil'TioNs and DONATIONS are earnestly solicited , and will be greatfully received by the Bankers , by the Treasurer , or at the Office , I , Arthur Street , West , London Bridge , E . C , bv JAMES SWIFT , Hon . Secretary . ^^¦¦¦ nHHHni ^ BaHHi ^ MHBH ^ HBH ^ MnHiHHniHHnHHHHHBHinMl
KING'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL , PORTUGAL STREET , L I N C O L N ' S - I N N - F I E L D S , W . C . patron . — HIS MAJESTY THE KING . prestoent . — H . R . H . THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT , K . G . An appeal is made for , £ 300 , 000 for the erection of new Hospital buildings at Denmark Hill , whither the Hospital will be removed as soon as circumstances permit . The project has been warmly supported by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons , who have made a substantial grant towards the Building Fund . Further , donations to this Fund are earnestly requested , and will be thankfully received by A . MACLKOD FOKKST , Esq ., Secretary , King ' s College Hospital Removal Fund , ' -. King ' s College , London . ,., ¦ ; . . Funds for the current expenses of the Hospital are also most urgently needed , new Annual Subscriptions being especially welcome . Contributions will be thankfully received by the Treasurer , CUAULKS AWDKY , Esq , or by H . S . TUNNARD , Secretary . ^ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmamimmMK ^ mi ^ mmmam ^ mm ^ mmmmmmnmKmmmBammmmmmmmmmmammmammm
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Order Of The Temple.
his absence in America , had been unable to be present for installation that evening . The E . Preceptor expressed confidence that the good work of the King Edward VII . Preceptory would be continued under the command of so eminent and enthusiastic
a knight . The I . P . P ., the V . E . Knight Imre Kiralfy , proposed the toast of "The Eminent Preceptor , R . Clay Sudlow , " and paid a well deserved tribute to the enthusiasm and devotion he had thrown into the work of the preceptory during his
highly successful year of office , and also to his invaluable work in the Preceptory of Improvement . In replying , the Eminent Preceptor said : — " I not onlv desire to thank you for the cordial way in which you have received the toast of my health , proposed in such generous
terms by our illustrious Bro . Kiralfy , but I particularly desire to add the expression of my appreciation of vour goodness in presenting me with the beautiful jewel I am now privileged to wear as your Past Eminent Preceptor . You all know that I am but young in the Order of the Temple , but on the
occasion of my first appearing in Great Priory , I noticed that some of the eminent knights present were distinguished by a special and a very artistic jewel , and I confess I was immediately fired with the ambition one day to possess it . That ambition , by your kindness , is to-day satislied , and
since I have so far taken you into my confidence , I am sure no further words of mine are necessary to assure you of the pleasure you have given me in this presentation . I saw , of course , on the occasion I have referred to , other orders and distinctions , but as I consider that for me they are
unattainable , I do not allow my memory to dwell upon them . To-night , brethren , is quite an important one in my Masonic career , inasmuch as , so far as I can see , it is the last time that I shall occupy the position of head of a Masonic body . Bearing this in mind , I was naturally anxious that the year
of my government of King Edward VII . Preceptory should be not only successful , speaking generally in the interests of the preceptory , but agreeable to all the members , and I am deeply grateful to the Eminent Knight Kiralfy for the
BUO . l'AL . MKIi-THO . MASj , K . T . expressions he has used in connection with my year of office , and to each and all of you for the cordial support you have given me during that period . " The toast of " The new Companions in Arms " was given
NATIONAL TRUSS SOCIETY , j / , Arthur Street West , London Bridge , E . C . I Patron : HIS GRACE THK ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY . Treasurer : XORBFRY POTT , Esq ., Fwell , Surrey . I Bankers : Messrs . BARCLAY & CO ., Ll . MiTKi ) , Lombard Street . E . C . Q Honorary Surgeon : LOI'IS ALBERT DFXN , Esq ., M . S ., F . R . C . S ., Guv ' s Hospital Soutlnvark . Established in 1786 for the Relief of the Ruptured Poor of both sexes throughout the Kingdom . THIS SOCIETY ( the oldest of its kind ) supplies gratuitously Trusses , Abdominal Belts , Bandages , Elastic Stockings , Knee Caps , Anklets , Crutches , and other necessary Surgical Appliances . A SIUSCKIUKK ' LKTTKK procures for the patient advice under a skilful surgeon and an instrument gratis . Line DONOKS of Ten Guineas , or Annual Subscribers of One Guinea , are entitled to Four Letters yearly . A Donation of Five Guineas , or an Annual Subscription of Half-a-Guinea , entitles to Two Letters yearly . Fui . l . Rici'OKT on application . Increased Funds greatly needed . Sr-uscRil'TioNs and DONATIONS are earnestly solicited , and will be greatfully received by the Bankers , by the Treasurer , or at the Office , I , Arthur Street , West , London Bridge , E . C , bv JAMES SWIFT , Hon . Secretary . ^^¦¦¦ nHHHni ^ BaHHi ^ MHBH ^ HBH ^ MnHiHHniHHnHHHHHBHinMl
KING'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL , PORTUGAL STREET , L I N C O L N ' S - I N N - F I E L D S , W . C . patron . — HIS MAJESTY THE KING . prestoent . — H . R . H . THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT , K . G . An appeal is made for , £ 300 , 000 for the erection of new Hospital buildings at Denmark Hill , whither the Hospital will be removed as soon as circumstances permit . The project has been warmly supported by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons , who have made a substantial grant towards the Building Fund . Further , donations to this Fund are earnestly requested , and will be thankfully received by A . MACLKOD FOKKST , Esq ., Secretary , King ' s College Hospital Removal Fund , ' -. King ' s College , London . ,., ¦ ; . . Funds for the current expenses of the Hospital are also most urgently needed , new Annual Subscriptions being especially welcome . Contributions will be thankfully received by the Treasurer , CUAULKS AWDKY , Esq , or by H . S . TUNNARD , Secretary . ^ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmamimmMK ^ mi ^ mmmam ^ mm ^ mmmmmmnmKmmmBammmmmmmmmmmammmammm