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THE QUEEN , The Lady's Newspaper & Court Chronicle . PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK , PRICE 6 D ., BY POST 6 \ d . Sl'KCIAl . Dol / IU . K XlMISKRS : Spring l- ' ashion Xnmbcr , is . ; Autumn Fashion Xumlier , is . ; and Xmas Xnmbcr , is . r pHli ( HTEEX is the Oldest Established Lady ' s Xewspaper , and the I Great Orijan of the Upper Classes . "The Queen" contains the latest and best P . ARIS and other FASHIONS , with Descriptions of the XKWKST WORK ; il circulates all over the World , and is patronised by the KOYAI . FAMILY , XOIUI . ITY . and GKXTKY . " The Cjucen " is unrivalled in its attractions as a record of that which is fashionable , elegant , and ornamental , and is useful as a j < uidc and companion in the household and domestic ciicle . "The Queen" is therefore the most valuable medium for advertising either SITIWTIONS WAXTKII or VACANT . £ onfenfs : I . K . \ I ) KKSiMlhltm'Slhl «\ L'iirmltl < ipii > . WORK TAIil . K . 1 IAZAAKS . N : SAI . KS . l-ASIIIDNAUI . K ARRANT , KM KXTS . CHARITY . HXTHNTAIXMKXTS . HAI . I . S . & i \ CflSIXK . I'ASUIONAUl . K MAUH 1 ACKS . KKCU'KS OV Al . l . KINDS . I'l'IMCR TKX THOrSAXI ) . I'ASTIMKS . XOTKS OX MCSIC AXI ) MfSICIAXS . Till-: LIBRARY : oiniprWrn ; Rivi-.-ws of DRAMA . : ill llu- X ' . w Xnvi-ls and ullu-r limiks TOl'RIST . liki-lv to inUii-M l . ; ulk-s . sTl-DIO . COl'K ' T XKWS | - | iIlv , > tpriiniptlvri'pipi'U'cl . KI-KH-KTTK . IJIOCRAI'H IKS ai ' itl l' ( IRTRAITS ol WOMEN'S KMI'I . OYMKNT . l'KI < S () XStlistin . i ; ui > lK-cl | - tirlln . 'irt .-ili'iils WOMKX . tir Ihtir social position : comprising COl . OVUKl ) SHKKTS OK THK Aii \ li . in > M > . Artisls . Actress . l .: idii's . it I . ATKST I'AK'IS l- 'ASIIIOXS , l- 'ilst Riinl ; . . Vc . Weil ; in rach Month . IIOMK l ) KC ( IR'A TlOX : tin .- Art .. I I'llOTOCRAI'HY . iMiriiisliiiiti . nil-: COI . I . I'XTOR , ct-RIOS . XC . TIIK KXCIIAXGK . . VOTES ; UK 1 orKRIKS , ; IIK 1 AXSWKRSlo XOTKS unci OI'KKIKS . : nv insi-rucl under inch ili-p ; irlllli-nl of tin- p ; ipi-r . thus ojx-nins , ' lo ri'iuli'is : i niiiliuni nl' iiit-.-ii-oinnniiiii-iitioii ; uul iiil ' orniiilion 1 : 11 i-ach ; md every of I IK snbiccls tri' ; ili-d of in ' ¦ Till-. nl'KKX . " * * * Lady Readers are invited to communicate freely to the Editress their suggestions , hints , experiences and observations All will have a fair hearing in the columns of "THE QUEEN " )' carlv Subscription , Foreign Countries , post free , £ 2 ' . is . ( id .: Si . v Mouths . Ci Is . Ud . ; Three Months . Vis . Yearly Subscription , Great Britain , post free , £ 1 10 s ; Six Months , 15 s . ; Three Months . 7 s 6 d . OKI-ICES : WIXDSOR HOUSE . BREAM ' UUI . IIIXCS . LOXDOX , E . C ^¦¦¦¦¦¦¦^¦¦^^¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ili ^ HMHHHMMBHiMi ^ BHMHl ¦
Messrs . A . J . HOWARD & Co ., Estate Htjents , Surveyors , 'Xicenscb IDaluers , 36 rcwcr \? Hgcnts , an & XiccnseD property Bjpcrts , 25 , KENNINGTON PARK ROAD , S . E . £ 0 flfln CASH —For disposal , Free Lease , very desirable Tavern in cliUjUUU jjood main road , and surrounded by choice neighbourhood , jjross prolits £ 2 , ( mo per annum . Excellent Milliard Saloon ( 2 Tallies ) and specially built Masonic Hall ground lloor . Howlinj ; Green . Splendid Home . Gentleman ' s properly . Parties wishing lo dispose of or purchase Public Houses , Hotels , Taverns . Heer Houses , and Off Licences , and all kinds of Licensed properties will find this an excellent medium . NO CHARGE FOR ENTERING PROPERTIES ON OUR REGISTER . Cash Advanced to enable Purchasprs to Complete , and on all kinds of Security , £ 25 upwards . ^ MHHMHHHI ^ HHMIHHHHHHMI ^^ HI ^ MMHH ^^^ HHM ^^^ H
^ jEKESEmrr gs - UMBRELLAS AND STICKS FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PRESENTATION . An immense assortment in all the latest up-to-date styles and patterns at 2 Q per cent , under usual prices . N . B . Umbrellas re-covered in 15 minutes from 2 s . 6 d . W . A . GRIFFIN , —^ . . Manufacturer , SALISBURY HOUSE , LONDON WALL , E . C , 3 , MONUMENT STATION BUILDINGS , E . C , 104 , LEADENHALL STBEET , E . C . MMaHl ^
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE QUEEN , The Lady's Newspaper & Court Chronicle . PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK , PRICE 6 D ., BY POST 6 \ d . Sl'KCIAl . Dol / IU . K XlMISKRS : Spring l- ' ashion Xnmbcr , is . ; Autumn Fashion Xumlier , is . ; and Xmas Xnmbcr , is . r pHli ( HTEEX is the Oldest Established Lady ' s Xewspaper , and the I Great Orijan of the Upper Classes . "The Queen" contains the latest and best P . ARIS and other FASHIONS , with Descriptions of the XKWKST WORK ; il circulates all over the World , and is patronised by the KOYAI . FAMILY , XOIUI . ITY . and GKXTKY . " The Cjucen " is unrivalled in its attractions as a record of that which is fashionable , elegant , and ornamental , and is useful as a j < uidc and companion in the household and domestic ciicle . "The Queen" is therefore the most valuable medium for advertising either SITIWTIONS WAXTKII or VACANT . £ onfenfs : I . K . \ I ) KKSiMlhltm'Slhl «\ L'iirmltl < ipii > . WORK TAIil . K . 1 IAZAAKS . N : SAI . KS . l-ASIIIDNAUI . K ARRANT , KM KXTS . CHARITY . HXTHNTAIXMKXTS . HAI . I . S . & i \ CflSIXK . I'ASUIONAUl . K MAUH 1 ACKS . KKCU'KS OV Al . l . KINDS . I'l'IMCR TKX THOrSAXI ) . I'ASTIMKS . XOTKS OX MCSIC AXI ) MfSICIAXS . Till-: LIBRARY : oiniprWrn ; Rivi-.-ws of DRAMA . : ill llu- X ' . w Xnvi-ls and ullu-r limiks TOl'RIST . liki-lv to inUii-M l . ; ulk-s . sTl-DIO . COl'K ' T XKWS | - | iIlv , > tpriiniptlvri'pipi'U'cl . KI-KH-KTTK . IJIOCRAI'H IKS ai ' itl l' ( IRTRAITS ol WOMEN'S KMI'I . OYMKNT . l'KI < S () XStlistin . i ; ui > lK-cl | - tirlln . 'irt .-ili'iils WOMKX . tir Ihtir social position : comprising COl . OVUKl ) SHKKTS OK THK Aii \ li . in > M > . Artisls . Actress . l .: idii's . it I . ATKST I'AK'IS l- 'ASIIIOXS , l- 'ilst Riinl ; . . Vc . Weil ; in rach Month . IIOMK l ) KC ( IR'A TlOX : tin .- Art .. I I'llOTOCRAI'HY . iMiriiisliiiiti . nil-: COI . I . I'XTOR , ct-RIOS . XC . TIIK KXCIIAXGK . . VOTES ; UK 1 orKRIKS , ; IIK 1 AXSWKRSlo XOTKS unci OI'KKIKS . : nv insi-rucl under inch ili-p ; irlllli-nl of tin- p ; ipi-r . thus ojx-nins , ' lo ri'iuli'is : i niiiliuni nl' iiit-.-ii-oinnniiiii-iitioii ; uul iiil ' orniiilion 1 : 11 i-ach ; md every of I IK snbiccls tri' ; ili-d of in ' ¦ Till-. nl'KKX . " * * * Lady Readers are invited to communicate freely to the Editress their suggestions , hints , experiences and observations All will have a fair hearing in the columns of "THE QUEEN " )' carlv Subscription , Foreign Countries , post free , £ 2 ' . is . ( id .: Si . v Mouths . Ci Is . Ud . ; Three Months . Vis . Yearly Subscription , Great Britain , post free , £ 1 10 s ; Six Months , 15 s . ; Three Months . 7 s 6 d . OKI-ICES : WIXDSOR HOUSE . BREAM ' UUI . IIIXCS . LOXDOX , E . C ^¦¦¦¦¦¦¦^¦¦^^¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ili ^ HMHHHMMBHiMi ^ BHMHl ¦
Messrs . A . J . HOWARD & Co ., Estate Htjents , Surveyors , 'Xicenscb IDaluers , 36 rcwcr \? Hgcnts , an & XiccnseD property Bjpcrts , 25 , KENNINGTON PARK ROAD , S . E . £ 0 flfln CASH —For disposal , Free Lease , very desirable Tavern in cliUjUUU jjood main road , and surrounded by choice neighbourhood , jjross prolits £ 2 , ( mo per annum . Excellent Milliard Saloon ( 2 Tallies ) and specially built Masonic Hall ground lloor . Howlinj ; Green . Splendid Home . Gentleman ' s properly . Parties wishing lo dispose of or purchase Public Houses , Hotels , Taverns . Heer Houses , and Off Licences , and all kinds of Licensed properties will find this an excellent medium . NO CHARGE FOR ENTERING PROPERTIES ON OUR REGISTER . Cash Advanced to enable Purchasprs to Complete , and on all kinds of Security , £ 25 upwards . ^ MHHMHHHI ^ HHMIHHHHHHMI ^^ HI ^ MMHH ^^^ HHM ^^^ H
^ jEKESEmrr gs - UMBRELLAS AND STICKS FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PRESENTATION . An immense assortment in all the latest up-to-date styles and patterns at 2 Q per cent , under usual prices . N . B . Umbrellas re-covered in 15 minutes from 2 s . 6 d . W . A . GRIFFIN , —^ . . Manufacturer , SALISBURY HOUSE , LONDON WALL , E . C , 3 , MONUMENT STATION BUILDINGS , E . C , 104 , LEADENHALL STBEET , E . C . MMaHl ^
^^^^ k ^^ ' ^ y ^^^^ i ' ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ s ^ ^ ^ gR ' !** £ - .,, •> ratef ^ i ^ i'l ^^^ ^ SSj p ^ y ^ . f ^ . ^ - ^ ^^ ^^ ...--gpg u ^ . , ¦^ f ^ m m tev : / feJT ^ l ^ AJliStl § . i &^ % rW ^ S ^& ' i ' M " '' ^^^ s ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ * 1 £ \ i .- ^^^^^^ mmM ^ mw ^^^ iM J ^^ ^& i ^ ' * r . ilipfeiiwPL ^^ _ *; ' - - > $ ™^ j ^ m & £% & $ ' ¦ - ¦ t ^^ MM ^^^» 4 i »^^^^^^^ tt ^ . ' ¦ ' . ¦; f' ^^^ jM ^^^^^^ .-f A , ' mm ^ t ^ ^ /' ^ c \ t ^ siS ^ r- ^ ' ^ i 7 ' ^^' ' y ^ ir / H , V >*^} 1 -Oi 5 > t ??* S ? r - "' "•'•¦ ' ' -. s ' : . " '• ""**?¦> . " . I'f " r r ' 2- ' - y . ff' * - ¦ Pi i , ^ T \ . \ J . \^ ' / i ^ i ^& £ ^«^^^ - - -:. ¦ ¦ .- v '' : ^ ..,. - . ,, .. ' ft A . , -t / MTT " - — , { . j : •; . ir > rs ' , V 7 " 7 " * ' Jp-T ^ "'J 7 i ' . " - : ' X ? W < xn >? " »~ ' - ^ r ^ ' ^ . l 'r ^ - 'V . " * " , - '• . ¦ —* ' \* j - . - rfl