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i ~ j TIKIS LADY'S GAZETTE The Best Home and Fashion Paper Published . PRICE ONE PENNY ™ IS £ « . CONTAINS : NOTES ON CUREENT EVENTS , SHORT STORIES , HIGH-CLASS SERIAL , PRACTICAL NEEDLEWORK , COOKERY , THE DRAMA , HOUSEHOLD HINTS , FACTS ABOUT FASHIONS . PAPER PATTERNS , Speciallv designed by a West End Court Dressmaker , FREE to subscribers . Special Articles mi LOCAL INDUSTRIES , ART , COLLECTING , DECORATION , And other subjects inlerestinj , ' to ladies . SALE & . EXCHANGE , EMPLOYMENT BUREAU , 4 c . Prepaid Subscriptions . 6 S . 6 d . P- 'r >' - •" . I'Milli'S snl'scribcrs lo the " I . AIiv ' s ( i . x / . KTI K , " l > osl fvee-lo anv addves ^ in llu- VniK-d Kinj 4 doni . for 52 weeks , including all Special and I limbic Xlliubcis . and also specially designed Paper PaUerns , post free monthly in advance ( 5- in alb . If pieleni' : ! . snbsciipli , ms may be paid hall-yearly al 3 s . 4 tt ., quarterly al Is . 8 d . Specimen number , post iree ij , d . HORACE COX , j Windsor House , Bream ' s Buildings , LONDON , E . C . ^^¦ I ^^ H ^^^ HI ^^ HI ^ HM ^ HMHHMBI ^ BHBiBHMH ^^^^ HI ^ Hi ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦
i "' " ~ " : ~" .. ~ 7 """~"" . "" ] Sherlock Holmes ' Last Farewell ! Few indeed will read the above without regret . But to all things comes an end , and Sir A . Conan Dovle has at hist decided that the story he has written for the GRAND XHAS DOUBLE NUMBER ov Tine Strand Magazine I will positively be the last '' Sherlock Holmes " Story he will ever write . It is entitled " 'The Adventure of the Second Stain . " Besides Sir A . Conan Doyle ' s great attraction , many other writers of distinction have contributed delightful stories to this Double i Number , prominent among whom are the i following :---I E . W . HORNUNG . HORLEY ROBERTS , ; W . W . JACOBS , WINIFRED GRAHAM , MAX PEflBERTON , J . J . BELL , and ROBERT BARR , SARAH BERNHARDT . Price One Shilling . Now on Sale .
Ilv KCIVAI . WAKUANT in ^ V ^^ 'litlrcOv ^ " ls Alv" -- ™ ' ' Kisc . WARRINGTON & GO ., ESTABLISHED 1783 , PRINTERS TO UNITED GRAND LODGE , SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER , SUPREME COUNCIL , 33 ° , AX !» A I . AKCK NT . UKKK of PRIVATE LODGES AND CHAPTERS . For UK- convenkuce <» i" M ; is »» nic CusUmK-vs , : \ Hnnieh KsV ; iWisVmiciil li ; is luxn oju'iit-tl ; il—56 , GREAT QUEEN STREET iAdjoiiiin ^ Freemasons' Until . WARRINGTON . (• CO . ARE SPECIALISTS IN MASONIC PRINTING , AND WILL BE PLEASED TO FORWARD SAMPLES AND ESTIMATES BY RETURN OF POST . Head Office and Works : —23 , Garrick Street , London , W . C . ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ HH
DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT . Persons suffering from Defective Vision should consult MESSRS . MOONEY & KLOEPFFER , Opthalmic Opticians and Spectacle Specialists . 12 , CULLUH STREET , FENCHURCH ST ., LONDON , E . C . Spectacle's and Ivye-jllasscs of the lincst quality ; il 25 per cent , cheaper than any other house in the City . The eyes scientifically tested free of charge .
Thus spake the Great Millionaire ' s Ghostly Visitor , Professor Goblin , of Hell ' s United Empire Club : — "Oh , Beelzebub , MeNason , I was once a Churchwarden !" " HOO-ROO ! HOO-ROO !! HOO-ROO !!!" , > READ THE . •• Christmas Ghost Story , BY MARIE CORELLI , ENTITLED : " TKe Strange Visitation of Josiah . McNason /' Published as a companion to the CHRISTMAS STRAND MAGAZINE . This is a separate publication , and the price is i HH ^^ SHILLING , mmmma—m .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
i ~ j TIKIS LADY'S GAZETTE The Best Home and Fashion Paper Published . PRICE ONE PENNY ™ IS £ « . CONTAINS : NOTES ON CUREENT EVENTS , SHORT STORIES , HIGH-CLASS SERIAL , PRACTICAL NEEDLEWORK , COOKERY , THE DRAMA , HOUSEHOLD HINTS , FACTS ABOUT FASHIONS . PAPER PATTERNS , Speciallv designed by a West End Court Dressmaker , FREE to subscribers . Special Articles mi LOCAL INDUSTRIES , ART , COLLECTING , DECORATION , And other subjects inlerestinj , ' to ladies . SALE & . EXCHANGE , EMPLOYMENT BUREAU , 4 c . Prepaid Subscriptions . 6 S . 6 d . P- 'r >' - •" . I'Milli'S snl'scribcrs lo the " I . AIiv ' s ( i . x / . KTI K , " l > osl fvee-lo anv addves ^ in llu- VniK-d Kinj 4 doni . for 52 weeks , including all Special and I limbic Xlliubcis . and also specially designed Paper PaUerns , post free monthly in advance ( 5- in alb . If pieleni' : ! . snbsciipli , ms may be paid hall-yearly al 3 s . 4 tt ., quarterly al Is . 8 d . Specimen number , post iree ij , d . HORACE COX , j Windsor House , Bream ' s Buildings , LONDON , E . C . ^^¦ I ^^ H ^^^ HI ^^ HI ^ HM ^ HMHHMBI ^ BHBiBHMH ^^^^ HI ^ Hi ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦
i "' " ~ " : ~" .. ~ 7 """~"" . "" ] Sherlock Holmes ' Last Farewell ! Few indeed will read the above without regret . But to all things comes an end , and Sir A . Conan Dovle has at hist decided that the story he has written for the GRAND XHAS DOUBLE NUMBER ov Tine Strand Magazine I will positively be the last '' Sherlock Holmes " Story he will ever write . It is entitled " 'The Adventure of the Second Stain . " Besides Sir A . Conan Doyle ' s great attraction , many other writers of distinction have contributed delightful stories to this Double i Number , prominent among whom are the i following :---I E . W . HORNUNG . HORLEY ROBERTS , ; W . W . JACOBS , WINIFRED GRAHAM , MAX PEflBERTON , J . J . BELL , and ROBERT BARR , SARAH BERNHARDT . Price One Shilling . Now on Sale .
Ilv KCIVAI . WAKUANT in ^ V ^^ 'litlrcOv ^ " ls Alv" -- ™ ' ' Kisc . WARRINGTON & GO ., ESTABLISHED 1783 , PRINTERS TO UNITED GRAND LODGE , SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER , SUPREME COUNCIL , 33 ° , AX !» A I . AKCK NT . UKKK of PRIVATE LODGES AND CHAPTERS . For UK- convenkuce <» i" M ; is »» nic CusUmK-vs , : \ Hnnieh KsV ; iWisVmiciil li ; is luxn oju'iit-tl ; il—56 , GREAT QUEEN STREET iAdjoiiiin ^ Freemasons' Until . WARRINGTON . (• CO . ARE SPECIALISTS IN MASONIC PRINTING , AND WILL BE PLEASED TO FORWARD SAMPLES AND ESTIMATES BY RETURN OF POST . Head Office and Works : —23 , Garrick Street , London , W . C . ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ HH
DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT . Persons suffering from Defective Vision should consult MESSRS . MOONEY & KLOEPFFER , Opthalmic Opticians and Spectacle Specialists . 12 , CULLUH STREET , FENCHURCH ST ., LONDON , E . C . Spectacle's and Ivye-jllasscs of the lincst quality ; il 25 per cent , cheaper than any other house in the City . The eyes scientifically tested free of charge .
Thus spake the Great Millionaire ' s Ghostly Visitor , Professor Goblin , of Hell ' s United Empire Club : — "Oh , Beelzebub , MeNason , I was once a Churchwarden !" " HOO-ROO ! HOO-ROO !! HOO-ROO !!!" , > READ THE . •• Christmas Ghost Story , BY MARIE CORELLI , ENTITLED : " TKe Strange Visitation of Josiah . McNason /' Published as a companion to the CHRISTMAS STRAND MAGAZINE . This is a separate publication , and the price is i HH ^^ SHILLING , mmmma—m .