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Order Of The Temple.
and enthusiastically received , suitable response being made by the Knights Henwood and Brandon . The E . Preceptor then proposed the toast of " The V . E . Knight Imre Kiralfy , K . C . T ., and the E . Knight R . Palmer-Thomas , " the newly-installed Eminent Preceptor of the Empress Preceptory , in the following terms : — " There is one
toast without which we feel that no meeting of the King Edward VII . Preceptorv would be complete—that of our first Preceptor , the V . E . Knight Kiralfy . What he litis done for us is well known and appreciated by you , and the affectionate regard in which we all hold him is , I am assured , equally well known
and believed by him . To recapitulate those services and to repeat the assurance of our feelings towards him would be unnecessary , this being one of those toasts which carry their own commendation with them . With regard to the second
name mentioned in the toast that I ask you to honour , I would like to say that the Empress Preceptor } - is most heartily to be congratulated upon having Eminent Knight Palmer-Thomas as its Preceptor . To have the advantage of communion with Bro . Palmer-Thomas is to increase one's enthusiasm for Knight Templary to the highest possible pitch .
It has seemed to me in my conversations with him on the subject , that there is nothing in the history of Knight Templary that he does not know , and I owe , I believe , in no small measure , my own enthusiasm in the Order to my valued intimacy with him . Moreover , in the actual work that has
to be done in connection with the preceptories , you know that he is on the Committee of the Preceptory of Instruction , and he has worked as hard as anyone to assist Eminent Knight Kiralfy in instructing the knights attending said preceptory in the knowledge of the ritual . "
The V . E . Knight Imre Kiralfy replied , thanking Eminent Preceptor Sudlow for the manner in which he had spoken of him , and the knights for the cordiality of their reception
of the toast . He did not propose to speak at any length as the hour was rather late , and he wished to hear what the new-installed Preceptor of the Empress Preceptory had to say to them , on this his first opportunity of addressing them in that capacity . Responding to his share of the toast , the E . Knight R .
Palmer-Thomas said : — " Eminent Brother Preceptor , very eminent and eminent knights and brethren of the Temple , I greatly appreciate the honour you have just done me ; but , in thanking the E . Preceptor of the King Edward VII . Preceptory for the terms in which he has proposed my health , I cannot help thinking that I owe much of what he has said , more to the kindness of the valued friend of mine that he is
than to the unbiassed judgment ot the excellent critic ol Masonic competence that we all know him to be . The heartiness of your response , my brethren , is only one more instance of the kindness that I have always received at your hands , and which has enabled me , thus early in my career , as a Templarto realize an ambition I have entertained ever
, since I was admitted into an Order to which I am entirely devoted . We of this preceptory are , I believe , sometimes spoken of as enthusiasts ; but which of the Orders , more or less connected with Masonry , is more calculated to inspire and maintain enthusiasm than that of the Temple ? I will
not enlarge on my own views as to the history of our Order for they are pretty well known to you already ; but , whether I am right or wrong in my opinion , that links really do exist , connecting us with an older association , I think you will all agree with me that the Order of the Temple is at least a
worthy attempt to preserve in these prosaic times the noble ideal of that chivalry which was the light of the dark ages . Brethren , let me assure you that no endeavour shall be wanting on my part to justify your trust in me , and if my past efforts to be of service have been in any measure
THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN , Great Ormond Street , London , W . C . ESTABLISHED 1852 , Convalescent Branch -CROMWELL HOUSE , HIGHGATE , N . Patrons : THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN . VlCK-l ' ATKOXS : THH 1 U KOYA 1 , HKillNKSSKS THE . PHlNCli AND PKIXCKSS OK WALKS . IIKK KOYAK HIGHXKSS THK OKCHKSS OK K 1 KK . IIKK KOYAL HIGHXKSS THE I'KINCKSS CHRISTIAN ' . I'KKsiDiixr—THK DKICE OK KIKK , K . T . TKKASCKKK— J . K . W . DKACOX , Ksq . CllAiini . w ARTHKR I . I'CAS , Ksq . VICK-CIIAIKMAX — JOHN" MURRAY , Ksq . THE FIRST CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL m THE UNITED KINGDOM . 200 BEDS AT GREAT ORMOND STREET , 50 BEDS AT HIGHGATE , This Hospital treats only the sick and deformed Children of the Poor . Last year 2403 cases passed through the Wards , while no less than 117 , 263 attendances were made in the Out-patient Department . The Committee have to face every year , between assured income and expenditure , Will you please help to relieve the sick and suffering Children £ of 5000 the Poor by - sending either—OF DEFICIT A 2 s . Od . the cost of treating a new Out-patient . 4 s . 8 d . the cost per day of treating a Child in the Wards . £ 1 12 s . 9 d . the cost per week of treating a Child in the Wards . or £ 5 13 s . 2 d . the average cost of treating a Child until it is cured . All Donations will bs gratefully acknowledged by E . STEWART JOHNSON , Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Order Of The Temple.
and enthusiastically received , suitable response being made by the Knights Henwood and Brandon . The E . Preceptor then proposed the toast of " The V . E . Knight Imre Kiralfy , K . C . T ., and the E . Knight R . Palmer-Thomas , " the newly-installed Eminent Preceptor of the Empress Preceptory , in the following terms : — " There is one
toast without which we feel that no meeting of the King Edward VII . Preceptorv would be complete—that of our first Preceptor , the V . E . Knight Kiralfy . What he litis done for us is well known and appreciated by you , and the affectionate regard in which we all hold him is , I am assured , equally well known
and believed by him . To recapitulate those services and to repeat the assurance of our feelings towards him would be unnecessary , this being one of those toasts which carry their own commendation with them . With regard to the second
name mentioned in the toast that I ask you to honour , I would like to say that the Empress Preceptor } - is most heartily to be congratulated upon having Eminent Knight Palmer-Thomas as its Preceptor . To have the advantage of communion with Bro . Palmer-Thomas is to increase one's enthusiasm for Knight Templary to the highest possible pitch .
It has seemed to me in my conversations with him on the subject , that there is nothing in the history of Knight Templary that he does not know , and I owe , I believe , in no small measure , my own enthusiasm in the Order to my valued intimacy with him . Moreover , in the actual work that has
to be done in connection with the preceptories , you know that he is on the Committee of the Preceptory of Instruction , and he has worked as hard as anyone to assist Eminent Knight Kiralfy in instructing the knights attending said preceptory in the knowledge of the ritual . "
The V . E . Knight Imre Kiralfy replied , thanking Eminent Preceptor Sudlow for the manner in which he had spoken of him , and the knights for the cordiality of their reception
of the toast . He did not propose to speak at any length as the hour was rather late , and he wished to hear what the new-installed Preceptor of the Empress Preceptory had to say to them , on this his first opportunity of addressing them in that capacity . Responding to his share of the toast , the E . Knight R .
Palmer-Thomas said : — " Eminent Brother Preceptor , very eminent and eminent knights and brethren of the Temple , I greatly appreciate the honour you have just done me ; but , in thanking the E . Preceptor of the King Edward VII . Preceptory for the terms in which he has proposed my health , I cannot help thinking that I owe much of what he has said , more to the kindness of the valued friend of mine that he is
than to the unbiassed judgment ot the excellent critic ol Masonic competence that we all know him to be . The heartiness of your response , my brethren , is only one more instance of the kindness that I have always received at your hands , and which has enabled me , thus early in my career , as a Templarto realize an ambition I have entertained ever
, since I was admitted into an Order to which I am entirely devoted . We of this preceptory are , I believe , sometimes spoken of as enthusiasts ; but which of the Orders , more or less connected with Masonry , is more calculated to inspire and maintain enthusiasm than that of the Temple ? I will
not enlarge on my own views as to the history of our Order for they are pretty well known to you already ; but , whether I am right or wrong in my opinion , that links really do exist , connecting us with an older association , I think you will all agree with me that the Order of the Temple is at least a
worthy attempt to preserve in these prosaic times the noble ideal of that chivalry which was the light of the dark ages . Brethren , let me assure you that no endeavour shall be wanting on my part to justify your trust in me , and if my past efforts to be of service have been in any measure
THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN , Great Ormond Street , London , W . C . ESTABLISHED 1852 , Convalescent Branch -CROMWELL HOUSE , HIGHGATE , N . Patrons : THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN . VlCK-l ' ATKOXS : THH 1 U KOYA 1 , HKillNKSSKS THE . PHlNCli AND PKIXCKSS OK WALKS . IIKK KOYAK HIGHXKSS THK OKCHKSS OK K 1 KK . IIKK KOYAL HIGHXKSS THE I'KINCKSS CHRISTIAN ' . I'KKsiDiixr—THK DKICE OK KIKK , K . T . TKKASCKKK— J . K . W . DKACOX , Ksq . CllAiini . w ARTHKR I . I'CAS , Ksq . VICK-CIIAIKMAX — JOHN" MURRAY , Ksq . THE FIRST CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL m THE UNITED KINGDOM . 200 BEDS AT GREAT ORMOND STREET , 50 BEDS AT HIGHGATE , This Hospital treats only the sick and deformed Children of the Poor . Last year 2403 cases passed through the Wards , while no less than 117 , 263 attendances were made in the Out-patient Department . The Committee have to face every year , between assured income and expenditure , Will you please help to relieve the sick and suffering Children £ of 5000 the Poor by - sending either—OF DEFICIT A 2 s . Od . the cost of treating a new Out-patient . 4 s . 8 d . the cost per day of treating a Child in the Wards . £ 1 12 s . 9 d . the cost per week of treating a Child in the Wards . or £ 5 13 s . 2 d . the average cost of treating a Child until it is cured . All Donations will bs gratefully acknowledged by E . STEWART JOHNSON , Secretary .