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Order Of The Temple.
successful , I can best express my sense of the very real honour you have clone me in electing me Preceptor by , it possible , increasing those efforts in the future , continuing to work for , and with von , for the good of our beloved Order . "
In proposing the toast of "The Officers of the King Edward VII . Preceptory , " the E . Preceptor expressed confidence that they would all assist in maintaining the high standard of work , which is a main feature of this preceptory , and trusted that each would continue to perfect himself in accordance with By-Law XVI ., which makes such efficiency
a qualification for office . With this toast E . Knight Clay Sudlow coupled the name of the Registrar , Knight Will . O . Welsford , whose devotion to the Order was well known , and whose valuable services to both preceptories , and in connection with the Preceptory of Improvement , were so fully
appreciated by all . The Knight W . O . Welsford , Registrar of the King Edward VII ., and ist Constable of the Empress Preceptories , in replying , thanked the Eminent Preceptor of the King
Edward VII . Preceptory for the kind words he had spoken of the officers , both those who had served under him and those appointed that evening . They had but endeavoured to emulate the earnestness of their Preceptor , whose deep religious fervour in rendering the ceremony could not fail to impress them . It had that evening been a source of great
gratification and satisfaction to him to see his valued friend , the Knight R . Palmer-Thomas , who had worked zealously with him for the welfare of both preceptories , and whose zeal and enthusiasm were infectious , installed into the dignity of Eminent Preceptor of the Empress Preceptory . He was
proud to hold the post of ist Constable under him , and could promise him , on behalf of all his officers , their loyal support in realising his ideal , and making the Empress Preceptory valuable and indispensable to the parent
preceptory—the King Edward VII . —bv supplying a set of fully qualified workers to step into any breach which might occur . A most delightful evening was then brought to a close , and we must not omit hearty commendation of the excellent and charmingly rendered musical programme under the
direction of the Knight H . Hodge , Organist to the King Edward VII . Preceptory , and Great Organist to the Order of the Temple . W . Bro . R . Palmer-Thomas , whose portrait we have the pleasure of presenting , was initiated into Freemasonry in
1876 , in the Invicta Lodge , No . 709 , Ashford , Kent . He was exalted in 18 7 8 , in the Thanet Chapter , No . 429 , and advanced to the degree of Mark Master in 1882 , in the Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 199 . He was a founder , and is now senior subscribing Past Master of the Mozart Lodge , No . 1929 , a founder and P . Z . of the Mozart Chapter , and is Life Governor of the three Masonic Charities . He is MAV . S .
of the Orpheus Rose Croix Chapter , has taken the degrees conferred under the authority of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees , and is a member of the Soc . Ros . in Anglia . In Scotland he is an affiliated member of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary's Chapel ) , No . 1 , of S . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 83 , and has been received into the
Royal Order of Scotland , in the Grand Lodge of that Order in Edinburgh . He is , however , specially devoted to the Order of the Temple and its history . He is an original member of the King Edward VII . Preceptory , a founder of the Empress Preceptory , of which he is now Eminent
Preceptor , and a member of the Committee of Management of the King Edward VII . Preceptory of Improvement . Outbrother is also a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society , a Fellow of the Zoological Society , and a member of the Royal Institution .
The COMING OF WINTER means the COMING OF WANT to the DESERVING POOR ! HEARTED HEAVY ! HANDED EMPTY ( or rather it means the increase of want already existing ) . DINNERSCHRISTMASLast year the ST . GILE'S CHRISTIAN MISSION provided for considerably over 5 , 000 poor persons . FUNDS SOLICITED FOR THIS WINTER'S WORK . Bankers : Messrs . BARCLAY & Co , 5 f , Lombard Street , E . C . Superintendent : WM . WHEATLEY , 4 , Ampton . Street . Eesent Square , W . C .
^ THE CANCER HOSPITAL ( FREE ) ..FOUNDED 1851-BROMPTON , LONX > ONT , S IftT . \ special refuse for poor persons iiiilicicd witii this terrible disease who zxe admitted free without the trouble of procuring a Subscriber ' s Letter . A number of beds arc provided for Patients who may remain for life . All Aoplicants are seen each week-day 111 Tiro o ' clock . The Hospital lias been opened 53 years , and lias given relief to over 58 , 000 persons suffering under this terrible scourge to humanity . The Diet provided has to be of the most generous , and the Treatment of the most expensive kind . Annual Subscriptions and Donations are Urgently Solicited for General Purposes Secretary and —FRED for the . W Research . HOWELL Department . . New FORM OF BEQUEST OF A LEGACY . — 'I ' " those benevolent persons who kindly desire lo become benefactors by Will to this Institution , the following l ' orin of Legacy is respectfully recommended : — " I M ice and heijuealh until the Treasurer fur the lime heinif i , f X \\ V . C ' . \ N ( 'i : i ! I losl'ITAL ( FHKK ) , sihuile in the Fidhiim Himil , Slrom / i / ou , Sainton , Miilille . iex , lite sum of ' I free nf Lei / arii Dull /) , lo he tt / i / ilieil luiraril . i enrri / ini / oil the chiirilnljle tlexij / nx of l / ie suit / Inxlilitlion . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Order Of The Temple.
successful , I can best express my sense of the very real honour you have clone me in electing me Preceptor by , it possible , increasing those efforts in the future , continuing to work for , and with von , for the good of our beloved Order . "
In proposing the toast of "The Officers of the King Edward VII . Preceptory , " the E . Preceptor expressed confidence that they would all assist in maintaining the high standard of work , which is a main feature of this preceptory , and trusted that each would continue to perfect himself in accordance with By-Law XVI ., which makes such efficiency
a qualification for office . With this toast E . Knight Clay Sudlow coupled the name of the Registrar , Knight Will . O . Welsford , whose devotion to the Order was well known , and whose valuable services to both preceptories , and in connection with the Preceptory of Improvement , were so fully
appreciated by all . The Knight W . O . Welsford , Registrar of the King Edward VII ., and ist Constable of the Empress Preceptories , in replying , thanked the Eminent Preceptor of the King
Edward VII . Preceptory for the kind words he had spoken of the officers , both those who had served under him and those appointed that evening . They had but endeavoured to emulate the earnestness of their Preceptor , whose deep religious fervour in rendering the ceremony could not fail to impress them . It had that evening been a source of great
gratification and satisfaction to him to see his valued friend , the Knight R . Palmer-Thomas , who had worked zealously with him for the welfare of both preceptories , and whose zeal and enthusiasm were infectious , installed into the dignity of Eminent Preceptor of the Empress Preceptory . He was
proud to hold the post of ist Constable under him , and could promise him , on behalf of all his officers , their loyal support in realising his ideal , and making the Empress Preceptory valuable and indispensable to the parent
preceptory—the King Edward VII . —bv supplying a set of fully qualified workers to step into any breach which might occur . A most delightful evening was then brought to a close , and we must not omit hearty commendation of the excellent and charmingly rendered musical programme under the
direction of the Knight H . Hodge , Organist to the King Edward VII . Preceptory , and Great Organist to the Order of the Temple . W . Bro . R . Palmer-Thomas , whose portrait we have the pleasure of presenting , was initiated into Freemasonry in
1876 , in the Invicta Lodge , No . 709 , Ashford , Kent . He was exalted in 18 7 8 , in the Thanet Chapter , No . 429 , and advanced to the degree of Mark Master in 1882 , in the Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 199 . He was a founder , and is now senior subscribing Past Master of the Mozart Lodge , No . 1929 , a founder and P . Z . of the Mozart Chapter , and is Life Governor of the three Masonic Charities . He is MAV . S .
of the Orpheus Rose Croix Chapter , has taken the degrees conferred under the authority of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees , and is a member of the Soc . Ros . in Anglia . In Scotland he is an affiliated member of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary's Chapel ) , No . 1 , of S . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 83 , and has been received into the
Royal Order of Scotland , in the Grand Lodge of that Order in Edinburgh . He is , however , specially devoted to the Order of the Temple and its history . He is an original member of the King Edward VII . Preceptory , a founder of the Empress Preceptory , of which he is now Eminent
Preceptor , and a member of the Committee of Management of the King Edward VII . Preceptory of Improvement . Outbrother is also a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society , a Fellow of the Zoological Society , and a member of the Royal Institution .
The COMING OF WINTER means the COMING OF WANT to the DESERVING POOR ! HEARTED HEAVY ! HANDED EMPTY ( or rather it means the increase of want already existing ) . DINNERSCHRISTMASLast year the ST . GILE'S CHRISTIAN MISSION provided for considerably over 5 , 000 poor persons . FUNDS SOLICITED FOR THIS WINTER'S WORK . Bankers : Messrs . BARCLAY & Co , 5 f , Lombard Street , E . C . Superintendent : WM . WHEATLEY , 4 , Ampton . Street . Eesent Square , W . C .
^ THE CANCER HOSPITAL ( FREE ) ..FOUNDED 1851-BROMPTON , LONX > ONT , S IftT . \ special refuse for poor persons iiiilicicd witii this terrible disease who zxe admitted free without the trouble of procuring a Subscriber ' s Letter . A number of beds arc provided for Patients who may remain for life . All Aoplicants are seen each week-day 111 Tiro o ' clock . The Hospital lias been opened 53 years , and lias given relief to over 58 , 000 persons suffering under this terrible scourge to humanity . The Diet provided has to be of the most generous , and the Treatment of the most expensive kind . Annual Subscriptions and Donations are Urgently Solicited for General Purposes Secretary and —FRED for the . W Research . HOWELL Department . . New FORM OF BEQUEST OF A LEGACY . — 'I ' " those benevolent persons who kindly desire lo become benefactors by Will to this Institution , the following l ' orin of Legacy is respectfully recommended : — " I M ice and heijuealh until the Treasurer fur the lime heinif i , f X \\ V . C ' . \ N ( 'i : i ! I losl'ITAL ( FHKK ) , sihuile in the Fidhiim Himil , Slrom / i / ou , Sainton , Miilille . iex , lite sum of ' I free nf Lei / arii Dull /) , lo he tt / i / ilieil luiraril . i enrri / ini / oil the chiirilnljle tlexij / nx of l / ie suit / Inxlilitlion . "