Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 5 of 19 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
LODGE OF FELICITY ( NO . GG ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at tho London Tavern , on Monday , Dec . IS , Br . Wm . Smith , W . M ., presiding , who , in a most masterly manner , initiated a gentleman into the Order . ROVAL NAVAL LODGE ( NO . 70 ) . —This highly respectable Lodge , which has been making great progress in the estimation of the Craft , and in numbers during tho past four years , met on Wednesday , Dec . 13 , at the Freemasons Tavern , to which house it has recently removed from Radley ' s Hotel , as more generally convenient to the
members . Br . Rogers , W . M ., who presided , initiated two gentleman into the Order , and passed and raised two duly qualified Brs . to their respective degrees . A ballot was taken for W . M . for the ensuing year , which was declared to be unanimously in favor of Br . Burden . ST . GEORGE ' LODGE ( NO . 1 G 4 ) . —At the monthly meeting- of this respectable and . rising Lodge , held at the Yacht Tavern Greenwich , on Wednesday , December 20 , Br . Booth , tho S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . The W . M .
elect , expressed his gratitude for the high honour conferred upon him , and sincerely hoped he might be found as efficient in the office as his predecessor—Br . Moor , to whom a vote of thanks was unanimously given by the brethren , for the able manner in which he presided over the Lodge during the past year . ST . LUKE ' LODGE , ( NO . 1 GS ) . —A numerous meeting of this Lodge assembled on tho 4 th Dec . at the Builders' Arms , Chelsea . The W . M . Br . Handover , ably passed a Br . to the degree of a F . C ., and Br . Killick , P . M . afterwards explained the
tracingboard with his usual ability , in a most distinct and impressive manner . Some private Lodge business having been transacted the Lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet liberally supplied for the occasion , and the evening was spent in truly Masonic enjoyment . Several visitors were present . LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 172 ) . —This Lodge met on Wednesday the 13 th Dec , at Br . Hall ' s , the Royal Albert , New-cross-road , Deptford , when a gentleman was initiated into Freemasonry , and a brother raised to the sublime degree of M . IvL Br . Davis was then installed ' W . M . for the ensuing year by Br . Crouch , P . M .
Br . Bolton was appointed S . W ., and Br . G . Hall , J . W . At the close of the Masonic business , the brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , and spent a very pleasant evening . CADOGAN LODGE ( No . 188 ) . —At the last monthly meeting of this Lodge , on Tuesday , December 19 , the W . M ., Br . Capt . Malkin , very impressively passed a brother to tho second degree . LODGE OF UNIONS ( No . 195 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the
London Tavern , on Friday , December 8 , under the presidency of Br . Duff , W . M ., when Br . Chas . Hill , the S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . OLD CONCORD LODGE ( No . 201 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , December the 5 th , under the presidency of our worthy Br . Kennedy , VV . M ., who brought his year of office to a most successful termination by the initiation of two gentlemen into the Order , and the passing of three brothers to the F . C . degree . On a ballot being takenBr . Gurton was unanimously
, elected as W . M . for the year just commencing . PHOSNIX LODGE ( NO . 202 ) . —The brethren of this now flourishing Lodge , met for tho second time this season , on the 9 th December , Br . Webber , W . M ., presiding when one brother was passed to the second degree , and two raised to the third . Br . Brooke , who was nominated J . W . at the installation , in May , having declined to act , Br . Burton was invested with the collar of the office ' , and Br . Barton , Sec , appointed S . D . At the close of the Masonic business the brethren retired to refreshment , the
toasts of the evening being interspersed with some excellent singing , for which the brethren were mainly indebted to Br . Genge , Br . Farquharson , who presided at the piano , and Br . Ford—certainl y the best comic singer , altogether free from vulgarity , — of the day . The Lodge stands adjourned until February . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO 200 ) . —On Monday evening , " 11 th December , a large muster of the brethren took place at the Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , to instal Br . Thomas A , Adams , as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being ably performed by Br , Joseph Smith , P . M ., assisted by a numerous board of P . M . ' s . The new W . M . then
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
LODGE OF FELICITY ( NO . GG ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at tho London Tavern , on Monday , Dec . IS , Br . Wm . Smith , W . M ., presiding , who , in a most masterly manner , initiated a gentleman into the Order . ROVAL NAVAL LODGE ( NO . 70 ) . —This highly respectable Lodge , which has been making great progress in the estimation of the Craft , and in numbers during tho past four years , met on Wednesday , Dec . 13 , at the Freemasons Tavern , to which house it has recently removed from Radley ' s Hotel , as more generally convenient to the
members . Br . Rogers , W . M ., who presided , initiated two gentleman into the Order , and passed and raised two duly qualified Brs . to their respective degrees . A ballot was taken for W . M . for the ensuing year , which was declared to be unanimously in favor of Br . Burden . ST . GEORGE ' LODGE ( NO . 1 G 4 ) . —At the monthly meeting- of this respectable and . rising Lodge , held at the Yacht Tavern Greenwich , on Wednesday , December 20 , Br . Booth , tho S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . The W . M .
elect , expressed his gratitude for the high honour conferred upon him , and sincerely hoped he might be found as efficient in the office as his predecessor—Br . Moor , to whom a vote of thanks was unanimously given by the brethren , for the able manner in which he presided over the Lodge during the past year . ST . LUKE ' LODGE , ( NO . 1 GS ) . —A numerous meeting of this Lodge assembled on tho 4 th Dec . at the Builders' Arms , Chelsea . The W . M . Br . Handover , ably passed a Br . to the degree of a F . C ., and Br . Killick , P . M . afterwards explained the
tracingboard with his usual ability , in a most distinct and impressive manner . Some private Lodge business having been transacted the Lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet liberally supplied for the occasion , and the evening was spent in truly Masonic enjoyment . Several visitors were present . LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 172 ) . —This Lodge met on Wednesday the 13 th Dec , at Br . Hall ' s , the Royal Albert , New-cross-road , Deptford , when a gentleman was initiated into Freemasonry , and a brother raised to the sublime degree of M . IvL Br . Davis was then installed ' W . M . for the ensuing year by Br . Crouch , P . M .
Br . Bolton was appointed S . W ., and Br . G . Hall , J . W . At the close of the Masonic business , the brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , and spent a very pleasant evening . CADOGAN LODGE ( No . 188 ) . —At the last monthly meeting of this Lodge , on Tuesday , December 19 , the W . M ., Br . Capt . Malkin , very impressively passed a brother to tho second degree . LODGE OF UNIONS ( No . 195 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the
London Tavern , on Friday , December 8 , under the presidency of Br . Duff , W . M ., when Br . Chas . Hill , the S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . OLD CONCORD LODGE ( No . 201 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , December the 5 th , under the presidency of our worthy Br . Kennedy , VV . M ., who brought his year of office to a most successful termination by the initiation of two gentlemen into the Order , and the passing of three brothers to the F . C . degree . On a ballot being takenBr . Gurton was unanimously
, elected as W . M . for the year just commencing . PHOSNIX LODGE ( NO . 202 ) . —The brethren of this now flourishing Lodge , met for tho second time this season , on the 9 th December , Br . Webber , W . M ., presiding when one brother was passed to the second degree , and two raised to the third . Br . Brooke , who was nominated J . W . at the installation , in May , having declined to act , Br . Burton was invested with the collar of the office ' , and Br . Barton , Sec , appointed S . D . At the close of the Masonic business the brethren retired to refreshment , the
toasts of the evening being interspersed with some excellent singing , for which the brethren were mainly indebted to Br . Genge , Br . Farquharson , who presided at the piano , and Br . Ford—certainl y the best comic singer , altogether free from vulgarity , — of the day . The Lodge stands adjourned until February . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO 200 ) . —On Monday evening , " 11 th December , a large muster of the brethren took place at the Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , to instal Br . Thomas A , Adams , as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being ably performed by Br , Joseph Smith , P . M ., assisted by a numerous board of P . M . ' s . The new W . M . then