Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 6 of 19 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
initiated three gentlemen into the mysteries of the order , and displayed his usual abilities in the proceeding . Among the visitors we noticed : —Br . Winron , P . G . S . W ., Sussex ; Br . Adlard , P . M . ( 7 ); Br . Rackstraw , P . M . ( 9 ); Br . Lee , P . M . ( 9 ); Br . Henry Potter , P . M . ( 11 ); Br . Prince , P . M .- ( 15 ); Br . Whitehonse , P . M . ( 15 ) Br . Mortimer , P . P . S . G . D ,, Surrey ; Br . T . Anslow , P . M . ( 105 ); Br . Thomas Bohn , P . M . ( 201 ); Br . Thompson , W . M . ( 196 ); Br . Heywood , J . W . ( 752 ); Br . Hurry , ( 33 ); & c .
At the conclusion of Masonic business , the brethren adjourned to an elegant repast , provided by Br . Ireland , with his accustomed care . Br . Carpenter , P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M ., said he felt considerable embarrassment in the performance of theduty ho had taken , inasmuch as he found a younger Mason than himself , arriving , by industry and perseverance , to a much higher position and to a larger participation of the honours in the craft , than he himself had attained ; still he hoped that the example set by the W . M ., would act as an inducement to younger brethren to exert themselves
in the Masonic race , as he assured them , that similar honours could be obtained by a , strict adherence to a like zeal and assiduity that Br . Adams was so preeminently admired for . lie proposed the W . M ' s health , with much pleasure and satisfaction , and he was sure that , under his able guidance the Lodge must continue to prosper . The VOL , in a very neat address returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , and assured the brethren that nothing should be wanting on his part , to increase the prosperity of the Lodancl the comforts of the brethren . Several other toasts
ge were then proposed , that of the visitors being responded to by Br . Rackstraw , P . M . ( 9 J ; and the brethren separated shortly before 12 o ' clock , highly gratified with the proceedings of the evening . We may add , that 51 . was voted during the evening to r . he Widows Fund , and hi . to the Patriotic Fund , thus carrying out the excellent recommendation of the M . W . G . M ., at the last meeting of the Grand Lodge . UNIVERSAL LODGE ( NO . 212 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at
the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , December the 22 nd , Br . Patrick , W . M ., presiding . The business consisted of a raising , passing , and two initiations , the whole of which ceremonies were extremely well performed by the W . M ., assisted by Br . P . M . Beale . Br . Law , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Br . P . M . Algernon Attwood , was re-elected Treasurer . A proposition beingmade that twenty guineas should be voted to the Patriotic Fund , it was seconded , put , and carried , without a dissentient voice . It was also resolved to vote one
guinea towards a fund for supplying the inmates of the Royal Freemasons' Asylum for aged Freemasons and their widows , at Croydon , with a Christmas dinner , worthy of the craft and the season . About thirty of the brethren afterwards partook of a sumptuous banquet , and the proceedings of the evening were enlivened by tha excellent singing of Brs . Banks , C ' oggin , & c . LODGE OF JOVPA . ( NO . 223 ) . —The brethren of this extremely numerous Lodge met together at the White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate-street , on Monday , December the 4 th , Br . A . J . Jones W . M . presiding . Three gentlemen were initiated into the order , and various brethren passed to the second , and received into the third degrees , the whole of the ceremonies beimr most efficiently performed . A brother from Lodsre
247 ( Israel ) , was admitted as a joining member . Br . Henry Lyons was elected W . M . or the ensuing year . The Treasurer was re-elected for the forty-fifth time , and the -Tyler for the thirty-sixth time . In accordance with the bye-Jaws , the annual election of the Committee and Trustees of the benevolent fund of the Lodge , was then proceeded with ; after which , various modifications and alterations in the bye-laws relative to the fees , & c , were confirmed . The whole of the business being ended , nearly 100 of the brethren sat down to an excellent supper , and passed the evening in the
utmost harmony . We would suggest that a little more attention to tho Master ' s gavel , especially in so numerous a Lodge , would considerably add to the comfort of ihe brethren . JERUSALEM LODGE ( NO . 233 ) . —At the annual meeting of this Lodge , held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Wednesday , December 6 , Br . L . Crombie , W . M . elect , was most impressively installed into tho chair , as W . M . for the next twelve months . The other business having been disposed of , the brethren , to the number of 25 , dined
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Masonic Intelligence.
initiated three gentlemen into the mysteries of the order , and displayed his usual abilities in the proceeding . Among the visitors we noticed : —Br . Winron , P . G . S . W ., Sussex ; Br . Adlard , P . M . ( 7 ); Br . Rackstraw , P . M . ( 9 ); Br . Lee , P . M . ( 9 ); Br . Henry Potter , P . M . ( 11 ); Br . Prince , P . M .- ( 15 ); Br . Whitehonse , P . M . ( 15 ) Br . Mortimer , P . P . S . G . D ,, Surrey ; Br . T . Anslow , P . M . ( 105 ); Br . Thomas Bohn , P . M . ( 201 ); Br . Thompson , W . M . ( 196 ); Br . Heywood , J . W . ( 752 ); Br . Hurry , ( 33 ); & c .
At the conclusion of Masonic business , the brethren adjourned to an elegant repast , provided by Br . Ireland , with his accustomed care . Br . Carpenter , P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M ., said he felt considerable embarrassment in the performance of theduty ho had taken , inasmuch as he found a younger Mason than himself , arriving , by industry and perseverance , to a much higher position and to a larger participation of the honours in the craft , than he himself had attained ; still he hoped that the example set by the W . M ., would act as an inducement to younger brethren to exert themselves
in the Masonic race , as he assured them , that similar honours could be obtained by a , strict adherence to a like zeal and assiduity that Br . Adams was so preeminently admired for . lie proposed the W . M ' s health , with much pleasure and satisfaction , and he was sure that , under his able guidance the Lodge must continue to prosper . The VOL , in a very neat address returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , and assured the brethren that nothing should be wanting on his part , to increase the prosperity of the Lodancl the comforts of the brethren . Several other toasts
ge were then proposed , that of the visitors being responded to by Br . Rackstraw , P . M . ( 9 J ; and the brethren separated shortly before 12 o ' clock , highly gratified with the proceedings of the evening . We may add , that 51 . was voted during the evening to r . he Widows Fund , and hi . to the Patriotic Fund , thus carrying out the excellent recommendation of the M . W . G . M ., at the last meeting of the Grand Lodge . UNIVERSAL LODGE ( NO . 212 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at
the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , December the 22 nd , Br . Patrick , W . M ., presiding . The business consisted of a raising , passing , and two initiations , the whole of which ceremonies were extremely well performed by the W . M ., assisted by Br . P . M . Beale . Br . Law , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Br . P . M . Algernon Attwood , was re-elected Treasurer . A proposition beingmade that twenty guineas should be voted to the Patriotic Fund , it was seconded , put , and carried , without a dissentient voice . It was also resolved to vote one
guinea towards a fund for supplying the inmates of the Royal Freemasons' Asylum for aged Freemasons and their widows , at Croydon , with a Christmas dinner , worthy of the craft and the season . About thirty of the brethren afterwards partook of a sumptuous banquet , and the proceedings of the evening were enlivened by tha excellent singing of Brs . Banks , C ' oggin , & c . LODGE OF JOVPA . ( NO . 223 ) . —The brethren of this extremely numerous Lodge met together at the White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate-street , on Monday , December the 4 th , Br . A . J . Jones W . M . presiding . Three gentlemen were initiated into the order , and various brethren passed to the second , and received into the third degrees , the whole of the ceremonies beimr most efficiently performed . A brother from Lodsre
247 ( Israel ) , was admitted as a joining member . Br . Henry Lyons was elected W . M . or the ensuing year . The Treasurer was re-elected for the forty-fifth time , and the -Tyler for the thirty-sixth time . In accordance with the bye-Jaws , the annual election of the Committee and Trustees of the benevolent fund of the Lodge , was then proceeded with ; after which , various modifications and alterations in the bye-laws relative to the fees , & c , were confirmed . The whole of the business being ended , nearly 100 of the brethren sat down to an excellent supper , and passed the evening in the
utmost harmony . We would suggest that a little more attention to tho Master ' s gavel , especially in so numerous a Lodge , would considerably add to the comfort of ihe brethren . JERUSALEM LODGE ( NO . 233 ) . —At the annual meeting of this Lodge , held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Wednesday , December 6 , Br . L . Crombie , W . M . elect , was most impressively installed into tho chair , as W . M . for the next twelve months . The other business having been disposed of , the brethren , to the number of 25 , dined