Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 7 of 19 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
together , and tho harmony of the evening was much enhanced by the singing of Br . P . M . Crew , tho indefatigable secretary of the Freemasons Girls School . JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 237 ) . —The last meeting of this Lodge , for tho present year , was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Friday , December 3 . 5 . Br . Spooner , W . M ., presided , and after having initiated a gentleman into tho Order , passed two brethren to" the second degree . Br . Stewart , S . W ., was then elected W . M . for 1355 . Br . Scambler , was re-elected Treasurer , and Br . E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B ., Secretary
Amongst the visitors on tiiis occasion were Br . Dr . King , P . M ., 196 , and Br . F . Crew P . M ., 1 ; and , as usual , the latter worthy brother contributed , by his vocal abilities much to the pleasures of that portion of the evening devoted to refreshment . LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( NO . 276 ) . —This Loclge held its usual monthly meeting at the Gun Tavern , Pimlieo , on Tuesday , tho 12 th December when the election for W . M . for the ensuing year fell upon Br . P . M . Cooper . After the business of the Loclge , the brethren adjourned to a banquet served in Br . Rackstraw ' s
usual liberal manual ' . Amongst the visitors wore Brs . Newton , P . M ., No . 23 and 25 ; J W . Adams , No . 1 G 9 ; Br . Caldwell , No . 25 , & c In the course of the evening the retiring W . M . ' s ( Alfred Tilt ) health was drunk with that sincerity and enthusiasm which evinced how well his efforts for the benefit of the Loclge are appreciated by the brethren ; and we trust his successor , as we have no doubt he will , maybe fortunate enough to maintain for tho Lodge that reputation for excellent workmanship and good fellowship which it has so long enjoyed .
ST . ANDREW ' LODGE ( NO . 231 ) . —The members of this Lodge hold their monthly meeting , at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on Thursday , the 7 th December , when Br . Mills , W . M ., very ably initiated two gentlemen into the mysteries of the craft . The brethren then retired to refreshment , and the evening was spent in perfect harmony . LODGE OF NINE MUSES ( No . 286 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemasons Tavern , on Tuesday , December 12 , when Br . Chapman , W . M ., very ably initiated a gentleman into our ancient order . This being election night a ballot was taken for W . M ., for the ensuing 3 car , and declared to have unammougly fallen on Br .
Warner , S . W . There wore several visitors present , including Brs . Crew , Coghlan , & c , & c . LODGE OF U & ZOXS ( NO . 318 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , held a the Freemasons Tavern , on Monday , December 4 , two gentlemen were duly initiated into Freemasonry , by P . M . John Hervey , with his accustomed ability . LODGE OF UNITED PILGHIMS ( No . 745 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , on Wednesday , Dec . 27 , Br . Stroud , W . M ; most
admira-My initiated a gentleman into the Order , and raised a Br . to the third degree . POLISH NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 778 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was liekl at the Freemasons Tavern , on Thursday , December 17 , when the brethren appeared in Masonic mourning , as a mark of respect to their late distinguished brother and member of the Lodge , P . M . Lord Dudley Stuart . In the absence of the W . M . from indisposition , Br . Lemanski , P . M ., presided , and initiated two gentlemen into the Order , in addition to passing two brethren to the F . C . degree . Br .
Goodison , of No . 201 , was elected a joining member . At the conclusion of the business nearly forty of the brethren supped together , and before proceeding with tho customary toasts , Br . Lemanski proposed the " p ious memory of Br . Lord Dudley Stuart , PM . of the Polish National Lodge . " In doing so , he stated , he felt a great weight upon his heart , for not only that Lodge , but Poland had lost a dear and devoted friend . The heart of the noble lord was ever ready to respond to the cry of the distressed , aud tho fervency with which their departed brother had even advocated tho cause of
Poland , had endeared him to every friend of liberty and every true son of that unfortunate nation . He felt they had indeed cause to grieve at tho untimely loss of their dear friend and brother , as it would bo very long before Poland could hope to see his place worthily filled amongst the advocates of their rights . The toast was drunk in solemn silence , every brother appearing deeply impressed by the loss which the Lodge has sustained . The customary toasts followed , and Br . Massey Dawson , W . M . of No . S , in returning thanks for the visitors ( himself , Br . Tiley , S . W . 902 , and Br . Carter , 23 ) , also took occasion to bear testimony to the great worth andcharit-
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Masonic Intelligence.
together , and tho harmony of the evening was much enhanced by the singing of Br . P . M . Crew , tho indefatigable secretary of the Freemasons Girls School . JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 237 ) . —The last meeting of this Lodge , for tho present year , was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Friday , December 3 . 5 . Br . Spooner , W . M ., presided , and after having initiated a gentleman into tho Order , passed two brethren to" the second degree . Br . Stewart , S . W ., was then elected W . M . for 1355 . Br . Scambler , was re-elected Treasurer , and Br . E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B ., Secretary
Amongst the visitors on tiiis occasion were Br . Dr . King , P . M ., 196 , and Br . F . Crew P . M ., 1 ; and , as usual , the latter worthy brother contributed , by his vocal abilities much to the pleasures of that portion of the evening devoted to refreshment . LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( NO . 276 ) . —This Loclge held its usual monthly meeting at the Gun Tavern , Pimlieo , on Tuesday , tho 12 th December when the election for W . M . for the ensuing year fell upon Br . P . M . Cooper . After the business of the Loclge , the brethren adjourned to a banquet served in Br . Rackstraw ' s
usual liberal manual ' . Amongst the visitors wore Brs . Newton , P . M ., No . 23 and 25 ; J W . Adams , No . 1 G 9 ; Br . Caldwell , No . 25 , & c In the course of the evening the retiring W . M . ' s ( Alfred Tilt ) health was drunk with that sincerity and enthusiasm which evinced how well his efforts for the benefit of the Loclge are appreciated by the brethren ; and we trust his successor , as we have no doubt he will , maybe fortunate enough to maintain for tho Lodge that reputation for excellent workmanship and good fellowship which it has so long enjoyed .
ST . ANDREW ' LODGE ( NO . 231 ) . —The members of this Lodge hold their monthly meeting , at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on Thursday , the 7 th December , when Br . Mills , W . M ., very ably initiated two gentlemen into the mysteries of the craft . The brethren then retired to refreshment , and the evening was spent in perfect harmony . LODGE OF NINE MUSES ( No . 286 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemasons Tavern , on Tuesday , December 12 , when Br . Chapman , W . M ., very ably initiated a gentleman into our ancient order . This being election night a ballot was taken for W . M ., for the ensuing 3 car , and declared to have unammougly fallen on Br .
Warner , S . W . There wore several visitors present , including Brs . Crew , Coghlan , & c , & c . LODGE OF U & ZOXS ( NO . 318 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , held a the Freemasons Tavern , on Monday , December 4 , two gentlemen were duly initiated into Freemasonry , by P . M . John Hervey , with his accustomed ability . LODGE OF UNITED PILGHIMS ( No . 745 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , on Wednesday , Dec . 27 , Br . Stroud , W . M ; most
admira-My initiated a gentleman into the Order , and raised a Br . to the third degree . POLISH NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 778 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was liekl at the Freemasons Tavern , on Thursday , December 17 , when the brethren appeared in Masonic mourning , as a mark of respect to their late distinguished brother and member of the Lodge , P . M . Lord Dudley Stuart . In the absence of the W . M . from indisposition , Br . Lemanski , P . M ., presided , and initiated two gentlemen into the Order , in addition to passing two brethren to the F . C . degree . Br .
Goodison , of No . 201 , was elected a joining member . At the conclusion of the business nearly forty of the brethren supped together , and before proceeding with tho customary toasts , Br . Lemanski proposed the " p ious memory of Br . Lord Dudley Stuart , PM . of the Polish National Lodge . " In doing so , he stated , he felt a great weight upon his heart , for not only that Lodge , but Poland had lost a dear and devoted friend . The heart of the noble lord was ever ready to respond to the cry of the distressed , aud tho fervency with which their departed brother had even advocated tho cause of
Poland , had endeared him to every friend of liberty and every true son of that unfortunate nation . He felt they had indeed cause to grieve at tho untimely loss of their dear friend and brother , as it would bo very long before Poland could hope to see his place worthily filled amongst the advocates of their rights . The toast was drunk in solemn silence , every brother appearing deeply impressed by the loss which the Lodge has sustained . The customary toasts followed , and Br . Massey Dawson , W . M . of No . S , in returning thanks for the visitors ( himself , Br . Tiley , S . W . 902 , and Br . Carter , 23 ) , also took occasion to bear testimony to the great worth andcharit-