Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 11 of 19 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
J . D . ; and Dickson , I . G . The Right Hon . Viscount Combermere , R . W . P . G . M ., of Cheshire , occupied the throne on the occasion , ancl the ceremony was performed most admirably by Br . Lewis , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D . The banquet was served at four o'clock , when the Right Worshipful P . G . M . presided , supported on his right by Sir Watkin W . Wynn , R . W . P . G . M . of Shropshire and North Wales , the Hon . Wellington Cotton , V . N . P . J . G . W . ; Brs . Herbert Henry Wynn , the Hon . Major Rowlev , tho Hon . Br . Kenyon , Dr . Gumming , P . M . ; S .
Moss , V . W . P . P . J . G . W . ; Billinge , P . G . D . of C . for West Lancashire : and on his left by Br . the Rev . J . Folliott , P . P . G . C . ; Br . J . H . Leeche , of Garden , the W . M . of the Lodge , Br . Dixon , P . M . and V . W . P . G . J . D ., & c , & c . On the removal of the cloth , the R . W . P . G . M . gave , in succession , the healths of her Majesty the Queen , Prince Albert , the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , all of which were drank , with enthusiasm . . The noble Lord in proposing tho last-named toast observedthat he trusted yet to see the Prince of Wales a Masonand
, , if it should please God to spare him he hoped to see his friend on his right hand ( Sir Watkin Wynn ) , perform the ceremony of initiation ; for he could not think any one so fit to perform it as the P . G . M . of North Wales—( Loud cheers ) . His lordship next gave tlie Navy aud Army —( Three times three ) . The Hon . Wellington Cotton being loudly called for responded to the toast . He need not say anything respecting the army as facts known to all spoke for that body . He felt confident that as hitherto the would continue to merit the confidence of
army the country . Then followed the healths of the M . W . G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland , and his Deputy , the Earl of Yarborough , which were drank with masonic honours . Br . Horatio Lloyd , in eloquent terms , proposed the health of the R . W . P . G . M ., wdiich was received with the utmost enthusiasm , ancl drank with masonic honours . The noble Lord , in responding , said , he became every year more attached to Masonry and should do everything in his to promote the interests of the craft in
power the province over which he had the honour to preside —( Loud cheers ) . After alluding tothe fact that since the Hon . Baronet on his right had become G . M . of North Wales , Masonry had revived to a very considerable extent in the principality ; the noble Lord concluded by proposing the health of Br . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , P . G . M . of North Wales ancl Shropshire , which was enthusiastically received ancl drank with masonic honours .
Br . Sir Watkin Wynn returned thanks , expressing his determination to follow the good example set him by the noble Lord who presided over that province . His Lordship then proposed the health of Br . J . F . Maddock , W . D . P . G . M ., of Cheshire , expressing his regret that indispositon prevented his attendance that evening . Tho toast was drunk with all tho honours and responded to by Br . Thomas F . Maddock , on behalf of his father . His Lordship gave the health of the Earl of Ellesmere , R . W . P . G . M ., of East
Lancashire —( Masonic honours ) . Br . W . Dixon , in a complimentary speech , proposed the health of Lady Combermere , eulogising her for promoting the interests of Masonry generally , but particularly for her support of the Ball . His Lordship responded to the toast , and in complimentary terms proposed the health of Be . Lloyd , the newly installed W . M ., to which that brother responded in eloquent terms .
Then followed the toast of the Provincial Grand Officers , which was responded to by the Rev . J . Folliott , P . P . G . C . His Lordship next gave "The Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to hy Br . Moss , P . P . J . G . W ., of Gloucestershire , in a most excellent and truly Masonic speech . Br . Thomas Finchett Maddock next gave the health of the Marquis of Downshire , P . G . Mof Berkshireto which his Lordshirespondedancl proposed Le-Gendre
,, , p , Nicholas Sfarkie , R . W . P . G . M ., of West Lancashire , which was responded to by Br . Billinge , and , in the course of some excellent remarks , he observed that Masonry ought not to bo confined to the Lodge-room . They ought always to remember that wherever they wore they were still Masons —( Applause ) .
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Masonic Intelligence.
J . D . ; and Dickson , I . G . The Right Hon . Viscount Combermere , R . W . P . G . M ., of Cheshire , occupied the throne on the occasion , ancl the ceremony was performed most admirably by Br . Lewis , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D . The banquet was served at four o'clock , when the Right Worshipful P . G . M . presided , supported on his right by Sir Watkin W . Wynn , R . W . P . G . M . of Shropshire and North Wales , the Hon . Wellington Cotton , V . N . P . J . G . W . ; Brs . Herbert Henry Wynn , the Hon . Major Rowlev , tho Hon . Br . Kenyon , Dr . Gumming , P . M . ; S .
Moss , V . W . P . P . J . G . W . ; Billinge , P . G . D . of C . for West Lancashire : and on his left by Br . the Rev . J . Folliott , P . P . G . C . ; Br . J . H . Leeche , of Garden , the W . M . of the Lodge , Br . Dixon , P . M . and V . W . P . G . J . D ., & c , & c . On the removal of the cloth , the R . W . P . G . M . gave , in succession , the healths of her Majesty the Queen , Prince Albert , the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , all of which were drank , with enthusiasm . . The noble Lord in proposing tho last-named toast observedthat he trusted yet to see the Prince of Wales a Masonand
, , if it should please God to spare him he hoped to see his friend on his right hand ( Sir Watkin Wynn ) , perform the ceremony of initiation ; for he could not think any one so fit to perform it as the P . G . M . of North Wales—( Loud cheers ) . His lordship next gave tlie Navy aud Army —( Three times three ) . The Hon . Wellington Cotton being loudly called for responded to the toast . He need not say anything respecting the army as facts known to all spoke for that body . He felt confident that as hitherto the would continue to merit the confidence of
army the country . Then followed the healths of the M . W . G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland , and his Deputy , the Earl of Yarborough , which were drank with masonic honours . Br . Horatio Lloyd , in eloquent terms , proposed the health of the R . W . P . G . M ., wdiich was received with the utmost enthusiasm , ancl drank with masonic honours . The noble Lord , in responding , said , he became every year more attached to Masonry and should do everything in his to promote the interests of the craft in
power the province over which he had the honour to preside —( Loud cheers ) . After alluding tothe fact that since the Hon . Baronet on his right had become G . M . of North Wales , Masonry had revived to a very considerable extent in the principality ; the noble Lord concluded by proposing the health of Br . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , P . G . M . of North Wales ancl Shropshire , which was enthusiastically received ancl drank with masonic honours .
Br . Sir Watkin Wynn returned thanks , expressing his determination to follow the good example set him by the noble Lord who presided over that province . His Lordship then proposed the health of Br . J . F . Maddock , W . D . P . G . M ., of Cheshire , expressing his regret that indispositon prevented his attendance that evening . Tho toast was drunk with all tho honours and responded to by Br . Thomas F . Maddock , on behalf of his father . His Lordship gave the health of the Earl of Ellesmere , R . W . P . G . M ., of East
Lancashire —( Masonic honours ) . Br . W . Dixon , in a complimentary speech , proposed the health of Lady Combermere , eulogising her for promoting the interests of Masonry generally , but particularly for her support of the Ball . His Lordship responded to the toast , and in complimentary terms proposed the health of Be . Lloyd , the newly installed W . M ., to which that brother responded in eloquent terms .
Then followed the toast of the Provincial Grand Officers , which was responded to by the Rev . J . Folliott , P . P . G . C . His Lordship next gave "The Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to hy Br . Moss , P . P . J . G . W ., of Gloucestershire , in a most excellent and truly Masonic speech . Br . Thomas Finchett Maddock next gave the health of the Marquis of Downshire , P . G . Mof Berkshireto which his Lordshirespondedancl proposed Le-Gendre
,, , p , Nicholas Sfarkie , R . W . P . G . M ., of West Lancashire , which was responded to by Br . Billinge , and , in the course of some excellent remarks , he observed that Masonry ought not to bo confined to the Lodge-room . They ought always to remember that wherever they wore they were still Masons —( Applause ) .