Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 12 of 19 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
His Lordship next proposed " The City of Chester and its Trade , " after which the noble Lord bade good night to the Brethren in his usual affectionate and friendly way . Previous to the Lodge being closed , Br . S . Brown proposed the health of Br Twiss , P . G ., Organist , and the Vocalists : in doing which he mentioned the fact that Br . Twiss had come a long distance to afford them the benefit of his valuable services gratuitously . The Lodge was then closed .
We ought not to omit mentioning the fact that each toast was followed by appropriate music , all the glees exciting the wannest enthusiasm , and some of them being encored . The following were the performers : —Br . Twiss , P . G . O ., Br . Edwardson , of the Manchester Concerts , Brs . Sandy , Prickley , and Cureon , Vicars of Chester Cathedral , and Br . Safino , whose effective manner of singing "Solomon Log , " merited high eulogy . On the following evening a magnificent ball took place in the Royal Assembly Rooms , attended by most of the leading families in the county . The profits are to be devoted to the Patriotic Fund .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . SCIENTIFIC LODGE , CAMBRIDGE ( NO . 105 ) . —The monthly meeting of the members of this Loclge was held on Monday , Dec . 11 , and most numerously attended . Several young noblemen and other members of the University , and one resident in the county , were introduced and passed through several degrees ; after which the Lodge proceeded to the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , when Br . A . R . Ward ,
whose ability and zealous exertions have been most successfully displayed during the past twelvemonths , was re-elected in a highly flattering manner . A proposition to subscribe the liberal sum of , £ 10 10 s . to the Patriotic Fund , was unanimously carried . LODGE OF THREE GRAND PRINCIPLES , CAMBRIDGE ( NO . 645 ) . —The members of this Lodge held a meeting on Thursday , Dec . 14 , at their Lodge-rooms , in Trumpington-street , Cambridge , for the purpose of electing a W . M . for the ensuing year , when Br . G . Massey , P . M ., was unanimously elected Master , for the third time .
DERBYSHIRE . ROYAL SUSSEX LODGE , REPTON ( No . 446 ) . —The annual festival of this Loclge was celebrated on Wednesday , Dec . 6 . The Ri ght W . D . P . G . M ., C R . Colville , Esq ., M . P ., held a Provincial Grand Lodge on this occasion , and from the reports of the Worshipful Masters of the Lodges , it appears that Freemasonry is steadily progressing in Derbyshire . Br . George Mason has been re-elected W . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge . Upwards of thirty brethren partook of an excellent banquetprovided bBr . W .
, y Somers , of the Masonic Tavern , which comprised every delicacy in season . The brethren spent several hours in the interchange of those Masonic courtesies for which the craft is pre-eminent . Among the visitors were brethren from the Abbey Lodge , No . 907 , Burton ; the Devonshire Lodge , No . 908 , Glossop ; and the Tyriau Lodge , No . 315 , Derby .
DURHAM . ST . HELENS LODGE , HARTLEPOOL ( NO . 774 ) . —The members of this Lodge , at their last regular meeting on the 1 st Dec , voted the sum of five guineas to the Patriotic Fund . They also intend presenting a P . M ' s . Jewel , to their worthy Br . W . J . Hodgson , W . M ., on his retiring from the chair , on the festival and installation of his successor , Br . Ii . A . Hammarborn . ST . JOHN ' LODGE , SUNDERLAND ( NO . 95 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge held on
Thursday , Dec . 14 , at Br . Jeffrey ' s Bath Hotel , the following brethren were installed officers for the ensuing year : —Brs . M . Douglass , W . M . ; P . Ditchburn , P . M . ; S . Jacobs , S . W . ; W . II . Crooks , J . W . ; G . Watson , Treasurer ; T . Godferson , Secretary : R . Hodgson , I . G . ; Wilson and Bailey , Deacons ; Tyson and Hallard , Stewards ; W . Young , Standard Bearer .
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Masonic Intelligence.
His Lordship next proposed " The City of Chester and its Trade , " after which the noble Lord bade good night to the Brethren in his usual affectionate and friendly way . Previous to the Lodge being closed , Br . S . Brown proposed the health of Br Twiss , P . G ., Organist , and the Vocalists : in doing which he mentioned the fact that Br . Twiss had come a long distance to afford them the benefit of his valuable services gratuitously . The Lodge was then closed .
We ought not to omit mentioning the fact that each toast was followed by appropriate music , all the glees exciting the wannest enthusiasm , and some of them being encored . The following were the performers : —Br . Twiss , P . G . O ., Br . Edwardson , of the Manchester Concerts , Brs . Sandy , Prickley , and Cureon , Vicars of Chester Cathedral , and Br . Safino , whose effective manner of singing "Solomon Log , " merited high eulogy . On the following evening a magnificent ball took place in the Royal Assembly Rooms , attended by most of the leading families in the county . The profits are to be devoted to the Patriotic Fund .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . SCIENTIFIC LODGE , CAMBRIDGE ( NO . 105 ) . —The monthly meeting of the members of this Loclge was held on Monday , Dec . 11 , and most numerously attended . Several young noblemen and other members of the University , and one resident in the county , were introduced and passed through several degrees ; after which the Lodge proceeded to the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , when Br . A . R . Ward ,
whose ability and zealous exertions have been most successfully displayed during the past twelvemonths , was re-elected in a highly flattering manner . A proposition to subscribe the liberal sum of , £ 10 10 s . to the Patriotic Fund , was unanimously carried . LODGE OF THREE GRAND PRINCIPLES , CAMBRIDGE ( NO . 645 ) . —The members of this Lodge held a meeting on Thursday , Dec . 14 , at their Lodge-rooms , in Trumpington-street , Cambridge , for the purpose of electing a W . M . for the ensuing year , when Br . G . Massey , P . M ., was unanimously elected Master , for the third time .
DERBYSHIRE . ROYAL SUSSEX LODGE , REPTON ( No . 446 ) . —The annual festival of this Loclge was celebrated on Wednesday , Dec . 6 . The Ri ght W . D . P . G . M ., C R . Colville , Esq ., M . P ., held a Provincial Grand Lodge on this occasion , and from the reports of the Worshipful Masters of the Lodges , it appears that Freemasonry is steadily progressing in Derbyshire . Br . George Mason has been re-elected W . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge . Upwards of thirty brethren partook of an excellent banquetprovided bBr . W .
, y Somers , of the Masonic Tavern , which comprised every delicacy in season . The brethren spent several hours in the interchange of those Masonic courtesies for which the craft is pre-eminent . Among the visitors were brethren from the Abbey Lodge , No . 907 , Burton ; the Devonshire Lodge , No . 908 , Glossop ; and the Tyriau Lodge , No . 315 , Derby .
DURHAM . ST . HELENS LODGE , HARTLEPOOL ( NO . 774 ) . —The members of this Lodge , at their last regular meeting on the 1 st Dec , voted the sum of five guineas to the Patriotic Fund . They also intend presenting a P . M ' s . Jewel , to their worthy Br . W . J . Hodgson , W . M ., on his retiring from the chair , on the festival and installation of his successor , Br . Ii . A . Hammarborn . ST . JOHN ' LODGE , SUNDERLAND ( NO . 95 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge held on
Thursday , Dec . 14 , at Br . Jeffrey ' s Bath Hotel , the following brethren were installed officers for the ensuing year : —Brs . M . Douglass , W . M . ; P . Ditchburn , P . M . ; S . Jacobs , S . W . ; W . II . Crooks , J . W . ; G . Watson , Treasurer ; T . Godferson , Secretary : R . Hodgson , I . G . ; Wilson and Bailey , Deacons ; Tyson and Hallard , Stewards ; W . Young , Standard Bearer .