Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 15 of 19 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
The business of the Lodge being completed , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banqnet , provided by Br . pursill , and presided over by Br . Ewitt . In the course of the evening , the newly-installed W . M . paid a well-merited compliment to Br . Marriott , for his kind , able , and indefatigable exertions in bringing this Loclge to its present state of efficiency , his extreme willingness at all times to give his valuable assistance , his courteous bearing and urbanity of manners , rendering his presence whenever he could make it convenient to attenda source of pleasure to every member of the Lodge .
, Br . Marriott also in feeling terms gave the health of tho immediate Past Master , Br . Eyton , alluding to his punctual attendance and anxious care for the general interests of the Lodge , as also the many acts of liberality which had marked his year of office ; and as a small token or tribute of respect , in which he was held by the brethren , begged his acceptance of a Past Master ' s Jewel , bearing an Inscription cxpresssive of the high regard they entertained for him , and their due appreciation of liis past services . After spending a most agreable evening , the brethren adjourned
at an early hour , to the first Friday in the present month . SHREWSBURY . —The Salopian Lodge , No . 382 , have contributed £ \ Q 10 s . to the Patriotic Fund ; and the Salopian Loclge of Charity , No . 135 , £ 3 3 s .
STAFFORDSHIRE . CHAPTER OF PERSEVERANCE , NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE ( No . 674 ) . —At the last meeting of this Chapter , it was proposed by P . Z . and D . P . G . M . Ward , that ten guineas should be handed over to the Patriotic Fund , which was seconded by Companion Dutton , and carried unanimously . KNIGHT TEMPLARS . —At an encampment of this Order lately held at the New
Inn , Handsworth , it was proposed by Lieut-Colonel Vernon , P . Z . ancl P . G . M . for the county of Stafford , that the sum of five guineas should be given to the Patriotic Fund . The motion was seconded and unanimously carried .
WEST YORKSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . —The D . P . G . M ., Br . Charles Lee , has convened a Grand Locl ge of the province of West Yorkshire , to be held in the Lodge-room of the Lodge of Probity No . 73 , Halifax , on Wednesday next , the 3 rd instant , when various subjects of importance are to be brought under consideration . On the subject of the Patriotic Fund , the P . G . Sec . thus addresses the brethren of the pro . vince . " Worthy brethrenwith commendable patriotic zealand in the irit of true
, , sp benevolence , having signified their intention to move that certain sums of money shall be granted from the Provincial Grand Lodge Fund , in aid of the noble and philanthropic purpose contemplated by the Royal Patriotic Fund , the D . P . G . M . bids me subjoin the following extract from the 17 th Provincial Grand Loclge By-law , for the information and guidance of the brethren : —
A 1 rovincial Grand lod ge Fund shall be established for the purposes of granting relief to brethren of this province who may have fallen into distress or difficulty , or who may have become disabled by accident , old age , or infirmities , and for granting relief to the indigent widows ov children of the brethren of this province , and for other charitable purposes , exclusively of a masonic constitution and character , and in order to maintain the honor and dignity of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire . " This by-law evidentl y was framed specially to guard against any appropriation of the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge , otherwise than for the purposes for which
they were instituted—Masonic Charities , and necessary machinery for the working of the Provincial Grand Lod ge—but this does not prevent the benevolent action of private lodges in the good cause , where there are funds , and which funds are not under special restraint by the By-laws of such Lodges , and already two noble examples have been set , namely , hy the Lodge of Probity , No . 73 , which hath voted ten guineas , and by the Lodge of Harmony , No . 342 , which hath voted twenty guineas , from the funds of their respective Lodges , to the Royal Patriotic Fund ; and I believe the Lodge of Hope , No . 379 , is taking steps for the same great and generous purpose ; but where the funds of the Lodge will not admit of tact in such wise , it
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Masonic Intelligence.
The business of the Lodge being completed , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banqnet , provided by Br . pursill , and presided over by Br . Ewitt . In the course of the evening , the newly-installed W . M . paid a well-merited compliment to Br . Marriott , for his kind , able , and indefatigable exertions in bringing this Loclge to its present state of efficiency , his extreme willingness at all times to give his valuable assistance , his courteous bearing and urbanity of manners , rendering his presence whenever he could make it convenient to attenda source of pleasure to every member of the Lodge .
, Br . Marriott also in feeling terms gave the health of tho immediate Past Master , Br . Eyton , alluding to his punctual attendance and anxious care for the general interests of the Lodge , as also the many acts of liberality which had marked his year of office ; and as a small token or tribute of respect , in which he was held by the brethren , begged his acceptance of a Past Master ' s Jewel , bearing an Inscription cxpresssive of the high regard they entertained for him , and their due appreciation of liis past services . After spending a most agreable evening , the brethren adjourned
at an early hour , to the first Friday in the present month . SHREWSBURY . —The Salopian Lodge , No . 382 , have contributed £ \ Q 10 s . to the Patriotic Fund ; and the Salopian Loclge of Charity , No . 135 , £ 3 3 s .
STAFFORDSHIRE . CHAPTER OF PERSEVERANCE , NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE ( No . 674 ) . —At the last meeting of this Chapter , it was proposed by P . Z . and D . P . G . M . Ward , that ten guineas should be handed over to the Patriotic Fund , which was seconded by Companion Dutton , and carried unanimously . KNIGHT TEMPLARS . —At an encampment of this Order lately held at the New
Inn , Handsworth , it was proposed by Lieut-Colonel Vernon , P . Z . ancl P . G . M . for the county of Stafford , that the sum of five guineas should be given to the Patriotic Fund . The motion was seconded and unanimously carried .
WEST YORKSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . —The D . P . G . M ., Br . Charles Lee , has convened a Grand Locl ge of the province of West Yorkshire , to be held in the Lodge-room of the Lodge of Probity No . 73 , Halifax , on Wednesday next , the 3 rd instant , when various subjects of importance are to be brought under consideration . On the subject of the Patriotic Fund , the P . G . Sec . thus addresses the brethren of the pro . vince . " Worthy brethrenwith commendable patriotic zealand in the irit of true
, , sp benevolence , having signified their intention to move that certain sums of money shall be granted from the Provincial Grand Lodge Fund , in aid of the noble and philanthropic purpose contemplated by the Royal Patriotic Fund , the D . P . G . M . bids me subjoin the following extract from the 17 th Provincial Grand Loclge By-law , for the information and guidance of the brethren : —
A 1 rovincial Grand lod ge Fund shall be established for the purposes of granting relief to brethren of this province who may have fallen into distress or difficulty , or who may have become disabled by accident , old age , or infirmities , and for granting relief to the indigent widows ov children of the brethren of this province , and for other charitable purposes , exclusively of a masonic constitution and character , and in order to maintain the honor and dignity of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire . " This by-law evidentl y was framed specially to guard against any appropriation of the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge , otherwise than for the purposes for which
they were instituted—Masonic Charities , and necessary machinery for the working of the Provincial Grand Lod ge—but this does not prevent the benevolent action of private lodges in the good cause , where there are funds , and which funds are not under special restraint by the By-laws of such Lodges , and already two noble examples have been set , namely , hy the Lodge of Probity , No . 73 , which hath voted ten guineas , and by the Lodge of Harmony , No . 342 , which hath voted twenty guineas , from the funds of their respective Lodges , to the Royal Patriotic Fund ; and I believe the Lodge of Hope , No . 379 , is taking steps for the same great and generous purpose ; but where the funds of the Lodge will not admit of tact in such wise , it