Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 16 of 19 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
is in tho power of every Lodge to contribute by voluntary subscription among its members , according to their relative condition and inclination , and the D . P . G . M . being aware that the by-laws of some Lodges require a certain time to be given , he hereby gives dispensation to all W . Masters of Lodges throughout tho province to convene Lodges of emergency for the purpose of affording every Lodge , and every brother of a Lodge , the opportunity of casting in a contribution , be the same small or large , as a Patriotic Benevolent Offering . The D . P . G . M . considers that , as the
Annual Masonic Festival of St . John the Evangelist is nigh at hand , when in every Lodge throughout the land brother greets brother , and friendship and fraternity , in . festive joy , come forth , it will be a fit season to place before the assembled brethren severally , the claims of the widows and the orphans of our gallant soldiers ancl sailors who have fallen—nobl y fallen—fighting bravely for Britain ' s honour ; and the D . P . G . M . requests that every Worshipful Master of the several Lodges in this province will come prepared to the Provincial Grand Loclge , with a statement , shewing the amount of money subscribed by the brethren of the Lodge over which
Jie presides ; and if it could be easily ascertained , a separate list of contributions otherwise made to the Royal Patriotic Fund , by the brethren—for the D . P . G . M . wishes to have it recorded in the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , that the brethren of West Yorkshire are ever loyal ancl true—faithful , to then- country , and ready to sympathise with , and relieve all , who are in suffering and sorrow . " LODGE OF PROBITY , HALIFAX ( No . 73 ) The brethren of this Lodge , with hearty Masonic acclamations , have voted i £ lO 10 * . from their Lodge funds , as a
subscription to the Royal Patriotic Fund ; and the brethren expressed a hope that the example set by this , the oldest Lodge in the province , would be followed by all the Masonic Lodges in the kingdom . ALFRED LODGE , LEEDS ( No . 384 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on Friday , the 1 st of December , for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Br . Thos . Dixon . The ceremony of installation was admirably performed by Br . P . M . J . HargreavesProv . G . S . of West Yorkshire . The W . M .
ap-, pointed the following brethren as his officers .- —Brs . W . Chadwick , S . W . ; Dr . Hulme , J . W . ; G . PuUan , S . D . ; Dr . Knight , J . D . ; C . Sharp , I . G . ; W . H . Butterworth , Sec . Tliis Lodge will celebrate the festival of St . John ' s at the Griffin Hotel , Leeds , on the 5 th insfc , when a numerous gathering of the provincial brethren is expected . The Alfred holds a Lodge of Instruction every Friday evening at seven o ' clock , which is extremely well attended .
WORCESTERSHIRE , HARMONIC LODGE , DUDLEY ( No . 313 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th of December , under the presidency of Br . Cook , W . M . It is customary in Dudley for the W . M . of each of the Lodges ( of which there are three ) , once during his year of office , to give a special invitation to the officers and past officers of the other Lodges to attend the Lodge ancl banquet , which arrangement has a very great tendency to promote that brotherly love ancl
liarmony which should at all times characterise Freemasons . The above being Br . Cook ' s invitation night , was marked by the attendance of a goodly number of visiting brethren . The bill of fare , both for labour and refreshment , was good . One brother was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M ., and two gentlemen were initiated into the first degree by the R . W . Br . Mansfield , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . of Worcestershire . This being the night for the election of the W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year , Br . Bristow , S . W ., was elected W . M ., and Br . Light was re-elected
Treasurer , he having ably discharged the duties of that office for the last three years . At the conclusion of Lodge business the brethren sat down in number about thirty to an excellent banquet , which reflected great credit on host Br . Roberts , and the evening was passed as usual in great harmony . WORCESTER LODGE ( NO . 349 ) . —The members of this Lodge have re-elected their esteemed Br . P . Nill , as W . M . for the ensuing year , and he was accordingly duly installed into the chair for the second time , at a meeting on Thursday , Dec . 7 . The Lodge is hi ghly prosperous , and under such abb management there is no doubt , it
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Masonic Intelligence.
is in tho power of every Lodge to contribute by voluntary subscription among its members , according to their relative condition and inclination , and the D . P . G . M . being aware that the by-laws of some Lodges require a certain time to be given , he hereby gives dispensation to all W . Masters of Lodges throughout tho province to convene Lodges of emergency for the purpose of affording every Lodge , and every brother of a Lodge , the opportunity of casting in a contribution , be the same small or large , as a Patriotic Benevolent Offering . The D . P . G . M . considers that , as the
Annual Masonic Festival of St . John the Evangelist is nigh at hand , when in every Lodge throughout the land brother greets brother , and friendship and fraternity , in . festive joy , come forth , it will be a fit season to place before the assembled brethren severally , the claims of the widows and the orphans of our gallant soldiers ancl sailors who have fallen—nobl y fallen—fighting bravely for Britain ' s honour ; and the D . P . G . M . requests that every Worshipful Master of the several Lodges in this province will come prepared to the Provincial Grand Loclge , with a statement , shewing the amount of money subscribed by the brethren of the Lodge over which
Jie presides ; and if it could be easily ascertained , a separate list of contributions otherwise made to the Royal Patriotic Fund , by the brethren—for the D . P . G . M . wishes to have it recorded in the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , that the brethren of West Yorkshire are ever loyal ancl true—faithful , to then- country , and ready to sympathise with , and relieve all , who are in suffering and sorrow . " LODGE OF PROBITY , HALIFAX ( No . 73 ) The brethren of this Lodge , with hearty Masonic acclamations , have voted i £ lO 10 * . from their Lodge funds , as a
subscription to the Royal Patriotic Fund ; and the brethren expressed a hope that the example set by this , the oldest Lodge in the province , would be followed by all the Masonic Lodges in the kingdom . ALFRED LODGE , LEEDS ( No . 384 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on Friday , the 1 st of December , for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Br . Thos . Dixon . The ceremony of installation was admirably performed by Br . P . M . J . HargreavesProv . G . S . of West Yorkshire . The W . M .
ap-, pointed the following brethren as his officers .- —Brs . W . Chadwick , S . W . ; Dr . Hulme , J . W . ; G . PuUan , S . D . ; Dr . Knight , J . D . ; C . Sharp , I . G . ; W . H . Butterworth , Sec . Tliis Lodge will celebrate the festival of St . John ' s at the Griffin Hotel , Leeds , on the 5 th insfc , when a numerous gathering of the provincial brethren is expected . The Alfred holds a Lodge of Instruction every Friday evening at seven o ' clock , which is extremely well attended .
WORCESTERSHIRE , HARMONIC LODGE , DUDLEY ( No . 313 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th of December , under the presidency of Br . Cook , W . M . It is customary in Dudley for the W . M . of each of the Lodges ( of which there are three ) , once during his year of office , to give a special invitation to the officers and past officers of the other Lodges to attend the Lodge ancl banquet , which arrangement has a very great tendency to promote that brotherly love ancl
liarmony which should at all times characterise Freemasons . The above being Br . Cook ' s invitation night , was marked by the attendance of a goodly number of visiting brethren . The bill of fare , both for labour and refreshment , was good . One brother was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M ., and two gentlemen were initiated into the first degree by the R . W . Br . Mansfield , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . of Worcestershire . This being the night for the election of the W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year , Br . Bristow , S . W ., was elected W . M ., and Br . Light was re-elected
Treasurer , he having ably discharged the duties of that office for the last three years . At the conclusion of Lodge business the brethren sat down in number about thirty to an excellent banquet , which reflected great credit on host Br . Roberts , and the evening was passed as usual in great harmony . WORCESTER LODGE ( NO . 349 ) . —The members of this Lodge have re-elected their esteemed Br . P . Nill , as W . M . for the ensuing year , and he was accordingly duly installed into the chair for the second time , at a meeting on Thursday , Dec . 7 . The Lodge is hi ghly prosperous , and under such abb management there is no doubt , it