Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 18 of 19 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
hood , and tvm of whom , the present and tho past Chaplains of tho Lodge , had promised to attend , made a few remarks upon the character of St . John , and its reflection of the principles of tlie Order , and explained how it was that the Evangelist and tha Baptist had both been considered the Patron Saints of Masonry . He then gave "The Blessed Memory of St . John , " which was drunk in solemn silence . The W . M ., with a suitable eulo ° ium upon their government of the Craft , proposed " The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . of England , and the Earl of Yarborough , M . W . D . G . M . "
The W . M . next gave " Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . P . G . M ., North Wa ' es and Shropshire , and Rev . E . Dymoke , R . W . D . P . G . M . " P . M . Pritchard , as a past grand officer of the province , responded , and urged that the Craft ought to feel deeply grateful that these and other distinguished personages cams forward to promote the interests of the Order , and their doing so ought to be considered a clear proof that there was nothing but good to be found in Masonry . He then expressed his regret that their example was not followed by the leading
gentry of our own nei ghbourhood , who , until they came amongst the brethren , could not , by possibility , know anything of the usefulness and excellence of the Craft . The W . M . gave " The Dukes of Leinster and Athol , M . W . G . M . of Ireland and Scotland . "
P . M . Pritchard drew attention to the bravery of Lord Combermere , and the literary and scientific accomplishments and liberal spirit of the Earl of BUesmere , and proposed "Lord Combermere , Lord Ellesmere , and Le Gendre N . Starkie , Esq ., Ji . W . P . G . M . Cheshire and Lancashire , and their deputies , John Finchett Maddock , Esq ., the Rev . Gihnour Robinson , and Stephen Blair ,. Esq . " P . M . Martin , as a past grand officer of West Lancashire , replied , and spoke warmly of the liberality of Br . Starkie , who had sent 51 . to the Bangor Naw Church ,
though he had no connection whatever with the neighbourhood , and . of the good qualities of Brs . Robinson and Maddock , with both of whom he had the honour of . having been long acquainted . He then referred to the anxiety evinced by the W . M . to improve the Lodge , and to the sterling straightforward honesty and liberality , the admirable social disposition , and the practical kindness ever shown by him as a citizen of the world , and proposed "The W . M . of the St . David ' s Lodge , Bangor . " ( Cheers . ) The W . M . replied , ami proposed "The Newly Initiated Brethren . " Brs . Dew and Williams expressed their satisfaction that they had been admitted into the Order .
P . M . Aronson proposed "The Segontium and the Hibemia Lodges , " and "The "Visiting Brethren . " Br . Jennings and Br . Pritchard returned thanks . The W . M . gave the "Army and Navy , " and "The Heroes of tho Crimean War , " calling upon Br . Captain Cummins , who acknowledged the toast in a very neat- speech . I ' -5 'LPritchard referred to the kindness to the Craft of Lady Combermere and
_ Lady Wynn , and proposed their healths , which were drunk , as were the other toasts of the evening , with Masonic honours . The W . M . then gave the last toast , "All Poor and Distressed Masons throughout , the globe , and speedy relief to them . " The Lod ge then resumed labour , and shortly afterwards closed about a quarter to ten o ' clock , in perfect harmony , all the brethren being delighted with tho proceedings of the evenimr .
SOUTH WALES . GLAMORGAN LODGE , CAHDIF ? ( N o . 43 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge have -voted ten pounds out , of the funds of the Lodge , to be placed in hands of the M . W . Grand Muster , the Earl of Zetland , towards the patriotic Fund . LODGE OI- SAINT PETER , CARMARTHEN - ( NO . 609 ) . —Wo are very glad to hare authority for reporting most favourabl y of the working of this Lodge , aud of its increasing prosperity . We remember the reports made of the success attending
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Masonic Intelligence.
hood , and tvm of whom , the present and tho past Chaplains of tho Lodge , had promised to attend , made a few remarks upon the character of St . John , and its reflection of the principles of tlie Order , and explained how it was that the Evangelist and tha Baptist had both been considered the Patron Saints of Masonry . He then gave "The Blessed Memory of St . John , " which was drunk in solemn silence . The W . M ., with a suitable eulo ° ium upon their government of the Craft , proposed " The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . of England , and the Earl of Yarborough , M . W . D . G . M . "
The W . M . next gave " Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . P . G . M ., North Wa ' es and Shropshire , and Rev . E . Dymoke , R . W . D . P . G . M . " P . M . Pritchard , as a past grand officer of the province , responded , and urged that the Craft ought to feel deeply grateful that these and other distinguished personages cams forward to promote the interests of the Order , and their doing so ought to be considered a clear proof that there was nothing but good to be found in Masonry . He then expressed his regret that their example was not followed by the leading
gentry of our own nei ghbourhood , who , until they came amongst the brethren , could not , by possibility , know anything of the usefulness and excellence of the Craft . The W . M . gave " The Dukes of Leinster and Athol , M . W . G . M . of Ireland and Scotland . "
P . M . Pritchard drew attention to the bravery of Lord Combermere , and the literary and scientific accomplishments and liberal spirit of the Earl of BUesmere , and proposed "Lord Combermere , Lord Ellesmere , and Le Gendre N . Starkie , Esq ., Ji . W . P . G . M . Cheshire and Lancashire , and their deputies , John Finchett Maddock , Esq ., the Rev . Gihnour Robinson , and Stephen Blair ,. Esq . " P . M . Martin , as a past grand officer of West Lancashire , replied , and spoke warmly of the liberality of Br . Starkie , who had sent 51 . to the Bangor Naw Church ,
though he had no connection whatever with the neighbourhood , and . of the good qualities of Brs . Robinson and Maddock , with both of whom he had the honour of . having been long acquainted . He then referred to the anxiety evinced by the W . M . to improve the Lodge , and to the sterling straightforward honesty and liberality , the admirable social disposition , and the practical kindness ever shown by him as a citizen of the world , and proposed "The W . M . of the St . David ' s Lodge , Bangor . " ( Cheers . ) The W . M . replied , ami proposed "The Newly Initiated Brethren . " Brs . Dew and Williams expressed their satisfaction that they had been admitted into the Order .
P . M . Aronson proposed "The Segontium and the Hibemia Lodges , " and "The "Visiting Brethren . " Br . Jennings and Br . Pritchard returned thanks . The W . M . gave the "Army and Navy , " and "The Heroes of tho Crimean War , " calling upon Br . Captain Cummins , who acknowledged the toast in a very neat- speech . I ' -5 'LPritchard referred to the kindness to the Craft of Lady Combermere and
_ Lady Wynn , and proposed their healths , which were drunk , as were the other toasts of the evening , with Masonic honours . The W . M . then gave the last toast , "All Poor and Distressed Masons throughout , the globe , and speedy relief to them . " The Lod ge then resumed labour , and shortly afterwards closed about a quarter to ten o ' clock , in perfect harmony , all the brethren being delighted with tho proceedings of the evenimr .
SOUTH WALES . GLAMORGAN LODGE , CAHDIF ? ( N o . 43 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge have -voted ten pounds out , of the funds of the Lodge , to be placed in hands of the M . W . Grand Muster , the Earl of Zetland , towards the patriotic Fund . LODGE OI- SAINT PETER , CARMARTHEN - ( NO . 609 ) . —Wo are very glad to hare authority for reporting most favourabl y of the working of this Lodge , aud of its increasing prosperity . We remember the reports made of the success attending