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OPERATIVE LODGE ( NO . 47 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . P . Straiten ; S . W . —Br . J . Z Kay ; J . W . —Br . John Geekie , junr . ; Treasurer—Br . James Bruce ; Secretary — Br . John M'Dougall . ANCIENT LODGE ( NO . 48 ) . — R . W . M . —Br . P . Gardiner ; S . W . ~ Br . David Dickson ; J . W . —Br . John Mitchell ; Treasurer—Br . James Gellatly ; Secretary-Br . James Smith , junr . ST . DAVID ' S LODGE ( NO . 78 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . Thomas Russel ; S . W . —Br . Wm .
Nicoll ; J . W . —Br . J . A . Hughes ; Treasurer—Br . William Mob- ; Secretary—Br . James Winter . THISTLE OPERATIVE LODGE ( No . 158 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . James Skene : S . W . — Br . John Allan ; J . W . —Br . Andrew Law ; Treasurer—Br . James Webster ; Secretary—Br . Thomas Anderson . FORFAR AND KINCARDINE LODGE ( No . 225 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . Fr . Dick , junr . ; S . W . —Br . K . W . Henderson ; J . W . —Br . George Fleming ; Treasurer—Br . John
Pride ; Secretary—Br . David Crabb . CALEDONIAN LODGE ( NO . 254 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . C . D . Chalmers ; S . W . —Br . J . E . Archer ; J . W . —Br . James Rattray ; Treasurer—Br . James Anderson ; Secretary - —Br . Andrew Greig , junr . CAMPERDOWN LODGE ( NO . 317 ) .-R . W . M . —Br . J . D . Wears : S . W . —Br . F . Whitton ; J . W . —Br . James Will ; Treasurer—Br . Charles Scott ; Secretary—Br . Joseph Fleming . At a Meeting of the members of St . David ' s Lodge , it was unanimously agreed to give 51 . 5 s . from the fund of the Lodge to the Patriotic Fund .
PERTH . THE SCONE AND PERTH LODGE . —This Lodge met on Thursday , November 30 , "being St . Andrew ' s Day , for the election of office-bearers , when the following brethren were elected for the ensuing year , viz .: —Matthew Gloag , R . W . M . ; Thomas Duncan , D . M . ; Alexander Robertson , S . D . M . ; John M'Kay , S . W . ; Wm . MillerJ . W . ; Robert PetersTreasurerJames GalletlClerkJames Thomon
, , ; y , ; , Bible-bearer ; Wm . Fyfe , right-hand Key-keeper ; James Fenton , left-hand Key-keeper ; John Murray , G . S . ; John Kennedy , A . G . S . ; RobertReid , Tyler ; Alexander Paterson , Esq ., Bivxy Master to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . « ,
NATIONAL MASONIC BANQUET . To the Editor of the "Masonic Mirror . " DEAR SIR AND BROTHEB , —Observing in the Times of last week , that it is the intention of the R . W . the G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , to propose that a grant of 1000 / . should be made by the Grand Lodge of England , towards the Patriotic Fund ; and that the
R . W . the G . M . expressed a hope that the example would bo followed by all the Lodges , I beg most humbly to suggest , that if the R . W . the G . M . should be pleased to call a Lodge of Emergency , at his earliest convenience on this occasion , and propose a Masonic National Banquet , at the Freemasons Tavern , to take place about the middle of February , causing a general invitation through all his P . G . M ., and appointing every W . M . P . G . Wardens , and P . G . Secretaries Stewards , in addition to his Grand Stewards . And that it be proposed that general subscrition be raised bthe PGMscalling
a p y .., Lodges of Emergency throughout England , and proposing a banquet ou the occasion ; and that the subscriptions be raised at the banquet by the W . Ms ., his Wardens , and the P . G . Stewards , and passed to the Grand Loclge Fund , and called the Freemasons bubscnptions of the United Grand and Provincial Lodges of England , on behalf of the Patriotic Fund .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
OPERATIVE LODGE ( NO . 47 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . P . Straiten ; S . W . —Br . J . Z Kay ; J . W . —Br . John Geekie , junr . ; Treasurer—Br . James Bruce ; Secretary — Br . John M'Dougall . ANCIENT LODGE ( NO . 48 ) . — R . W . M . —Br . P . Gardiner ; S . W . ~ Br . David Dickson ; J . W . —Br . John Mitchell ; Treasurer—Br . James Gellatly ; Secretary-Br . James Smith , junr . ST . DAVID ' S LODGE ( NO . 78 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . Thomas Russel ; S . W . —Br . Wm .
Nicoll ; J . W . —Br . J . A . Hughes ; Treasurer—Br . William Mob- ; Secretary—Br . James Winter . THISTLE OPERATIVE LODGE ( No . 158 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . James Skene : S . W . — Br . John Allan ; J . W . —Br . Andrew Law ; Treasurer—Br . James Webster ; Secretary—Br . Thomas Anderson . FORFAR AND KINCARDINE LODGE ( No . 225 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . Fr . Dick , junr . ; S . W . —Br . K . W . Henderson ; J . W . —Br . George Fleming ; Treasurer—Br . John
Pride ; Secretary—Br . David Crabb . CALEDONIAN LODGE ( NO . 254 ) . —R . W . M . —Br . C . D . Chalmers ; S . W . —Br . J . E . Archer ; J . W . —Br . James Rattray ; Treasurer—Br . James Anderson ; Secretary - —Br . Andrew Greig , junr . CAMPERDOWN LODGE ( NO . 317 ) .-R . W . M . —Br . J . D . Wears : S . W . —Br . F . Whitton ; J . W . —Br . James Will ; Treasurer—Br . Charles Scott ; Secretary—Br . Joseph Fleming . At a Meeting of the members of St . David ' s Lodge , it was unanimously agreed to give 51 . 5 s . from the fund of the Lodge to the Patriotic Fund .
PERTH . THE SCONE AND PERTH LODGE . —This Lodge met on Thursday , November 30 , "being St . Andrew ' s Day , for the election of office-bearers , when the following brethren were elected for the ensuing year , viz .: —Matthew Gloag , R . W . M . ; Thomas Duncan , D . M . ; Alexander Robertson , S . D . M . ; John M'Kay , S . W . ; Wm . MillerJ . W . ; Robert PetersTreasurerJames GalletlClerkJames Thomon
, , ; y , ; , Bible-bearer ; Wm . Fyfe , right-hand Key-keeper ; James Fenton , left-hand Key-keeper ; John Murray , G . S . ; John Kennedy , A . G . S . ; RobertReid , Tyler ; Alexander Paterson , Esq ., Bivxy Master to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . « ,
NATIONAL MASONIC BANQUET . To the Editor of the "Masonic Mirror . " DEAR SIR AND BROTHEB , —Observing in the Times of last week , that it is the intention of the R . W . the G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , to propose that a grant of 1000 / . should be made by the Grand Lodge of England , towards the Patriotic Fund ; and that the
R . W . the G . M . expressed a hope that the example would bo followed by all the Lodges , I beg most humbly to suggest , that if the R . W . the G . M . should be pleased to call a Lodge of Emergency , at his earliest convenience on this occasion , and propose a Masonic National Banquet , at the Freemasons Tavern , to take place about the middle of February , causing a general invitation through all his P . G . M ., and appointing every W . M . P . G . Wardens , and P . G . Secretaries Stewards , in addition to his Grand Stewards . And that it be proposed that general subscrition be raised bthe PGMscalling
a p y .., Lodges of Emergency throughout England , and proposing a banquet ou the occasion ; and that the subscriptions be raised at the banquet by the W . Ms ., his Wardens , and the P . G . Stewards , and passed to the Grand Loclge Fund , and called the Freemasons bubscnptions of the United Grand and Provincial Lodges of England , on behalf of the Patriotic Fund .