Article OBITUARY. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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BR . GEORGE Moonn . —Il is with feelings of the deepest regret that we have lo announce the death of this worthy Brother , who was murdered at his own house on the 8 th ult . Br . Moore was initiated in the Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 72 ) , in November , 1834 , and has ever since continued a subscribing member . He had attained all the honours the Lodge could bestow upon him , having long since passed the chair , and served the office of Grand Steward at the last Anniversary Festival . At the time of his death , Br . Moore held the important and responsible office of
Treasurer of the Lodge . Br . Moore was likewise a member of the Grand Stewards ' lodge , and a P . Z . of the Robert Burns Chapter ( No . 25 ) . The death of Br . Moore will long be regretted by the numerous Brethren who had the pleasure of his acquaintance . Bit . CHARLES SAMUEL IIEYWOOD . —This Brother died on the 29 th of November , at the Castle Hotel , Merthyr Tydvil , South Wales , in the 39 th year of his age . He left his residence ( Sheffield ) on a journey for his employers ( Messrs . Hoole and Co ., Minerva Works ) , and on his route stayed at the Castle Hotel , where he died before his
friends could reach Iiirn . Ti . ey found he had met from the host , as a fellow-Mason , and his amiable family , that genuine kindness appreciated by the craft . He was well respected by his employers and a large circle of acquaintance ; was a kind husband , a generous friend , and a good Mason .
To Correspondents.
Henri . —The mark degree , not being- English , the Jewel cannot be worn in Grand or Provincial Grand Lodge . It is tolerated in some Private Lodges , though not recognised . There is no rule thai we ever heard of , that upon an officer of the Grand Lodge visiting a -private Lodge , all the brethren < ir « to rise to Iionor him , t / iougli it is very common to pay him that mark of respect—and ice think , properly so . The visitor could have no right , however , to claim the immediate P . M . ' s , chair . The G . M . or Prov . G . M . in his own Province , or his Deputy , would have a right to take the chair at a private Lodge , and also to his Wardens into their chairs if he
put respective thought fit to do so—but it is a privilege very rarely if ever exercised . We should think a Br . who claimed so much respect and honor , us the visitor to ihe Lodge of our Correspondent appears to have done , entitled to vety little of either , as he evidently does not understand ihe meaning , of the words " equality , " " brotherly low , " or " humility . " £ *** _—j , j 7 jun , e 7 Wt foeen ve ,. y succesjjfui jn our inquiries , but we have reason to believe , that the reference is to "Justice , Uprightness , and Righteousness . " The reference in Culmet ' s dictionary , is clearly only to the articles under the respective headings of the personages alluded to : The reviser certainly did not perform his duty in the last number , suggestions shall be attended to as soon as present arrangements will -permit .
X . Y . Z . —The Masonic Mirror has , upon each occasion of its publication , been ready for delivery on the 1 st of the month . A slight delay occurred in posting the first number , owing to our -not having received the formal assent of the Post Office , to our doing so , but alt copies applied for at the office were duly supplied on the 1 st . We do not publish before the time we profess , being anxious to give the Masonic news up to the latest possible date . The W . M , is not entitled to wear a P . M . ' s jetoi-l until ihe close of his year of office . Tlie Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 61 ) , has just been resuscitated , and now meets at Br .
Amery ' s Commercial Hotel , High-street , Bath . We hope soon to have some good reports to make of its working and - progress . An Occasional Traveller . —The use of Br . Beckett ' s frames for certificates does not pi event the latter being readily carried about whilst travelling—as by an ingenious contrivance , they can be removed from the frame and replaced in a moment . We have great pleasure in calling ihe attention of the brethren to Brother Genge ' s . Concert mid Ball , which takes place on the 9 th inst . No brother is more ready lo oblige the members of the Orderand he well deserves their support on ihe only occasion in the
, year on which he appeals to his friends . We hear the United Masonic Ball on the SOlh , will be upon a scale of grandeur never surpassed by any similar meeting of the Order ; the excellence of the list of Stewards ensures success . We have received several communications too lute for notice in our present number . Ws cannot undertake to return rejected manuscripts .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BR . GEORGE Moonn . —Il is with feelings of the deepest regret that we have lo announce the death of this worthy Brother , who was murdered at his own house on the 8 th ult . Br . Moore was initiated in the Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 72 ) , in November , 1834 , and has ever since continued a subscribing member . He had attained all the honours the Lodge could bestow upon him , having long since passed the chair , and served the office of Grand Steward at the last Anniversary Festival . At the time of his death , Br . Moore held the important and responsible office of
Treasurer of the Lodge . Br . Moore was likewise a member of the Grand Stewards ' lodge , and a P . Z . of the Robert Burns Chapter ( No . 25 ) . The death of Br . Moore will long be regretted by the numerous Brethren who had the pleasure of his acquaintance . Bit . CHARLES SAMUEL IIEYWOOD . —This Brother died on the 29 th of November , at the Castle Hotel , Merthyr Tydvil , South Wales , in the 39 th year of his age . He left his residence ( Sheffield ) on a journey for his employers ( Messrs . Hoole and Co ., Minerva Works ) , and on his route stayed at the Castle Hotel , where he died before his
friends could reach Iiirn . Ti . ey found he had met from the host , as a fellow-Mason , and his amiable family , that genuine kindness appreciated by the craft . He was well respected by his employers and a large circle of acquaintance ; was a kind husband , a generous friend , and a good Mason .
To Correspondents.
Henri . —The mark degree , not being- English , the Jewel cannot be worn in Grand or Provincial Grand Lodge . It is tolerated in some Private Lodges , though not recognised . There is no rule thai we ever heard of , that upon an officer of the Grand Lodge visiting a -private Lodge , all the brethren < ir « to rise to Iionor him , t / iougli it is very common to pay him that mark of respect—and ice think , properly so . The visitor could have no right , however , to claim the immediate P . M . ' s , chair . The G . M . or Prov . G . M . in his own Province , or his Deputy , would have a right to take the chair at a private Lodge , and also to his Wardens into their chairs if he
put respective thought fit to do so—but it is a privilege very rarely if ever exercised . We should think a Br . who claimed so much respect and honor , us the visitor to ihe Lodge of our Correspondent appears to have done , entitled to vety little of either , as he evidently does not understand ihe meaning , of the words " equality , " " brotherly low , " or " humility . " £ *** _—j , j 7 jun , e 7 Wt foeen ve ,. y succesjjfui jn our inquiries , but we have reason to believe , that the reference is to "Justice , Uprightness , and Righteousness . " The reference in Culmet ' s dictionary , is clearly only to the articles under the respective headings of the personages alluded to : The reviser certainly did not perform his duty in the last number , suggestions shall be attended to as soon as present arrangements will -permit .
X . Y . Z . —The Masonic Mirror has , upon each occasion of its publication , been ready for delivery on the 1 st of the month . A slight delay occurred in posting the first number , owing to our -not having received the formal assent of the Post Office , to our doing so , but alt copies applied for at the office were duly supplied on the 1 st . We do not publish before the time we profess , being anxious to give the Masonic news up to the latest possible date . The W . M , is not entitled to wear a P . M . ' s jetoi-l until ihe close of his year of office . Tlie Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 61 ) , has just been resuscitated , and now meets at Br .
Amery ' s Commercial Hotel , High-street , Bath . We hope soon to have some good reports to make of its working and - progress . An Occasional Traveller . —The use of Br . Beckett ' s frames for certificates does not pi event the latter being readily carried about whilst travelling—as by an ingenious contrivance , they can be removed from the frame and replaced in a moment . We have great pleasure in calling ihe attention of the brethren to Brother Genge ' s . Concert mid Ball , which takes place on the 9 th inst . No brother is more ready lo oblige the members of the Orderand he well deserves their support on ihe only occasion in the
, year on which he appeals to his friends . We hear the United Masonic Ball on the SOlh , will be upon a scale of grandeur never surpassed by any similar meeting of the Order ; the excellence of the list of Stewards ensures success . We have received several communications too lute for notice in our present number . Ws cannot undertake to return rejected manuscripts .